
I drew the line! And got FIRED for it!


Actually, katze, you were entirely correct the first time. Einstein didn’t write the letters (there were 2, the first in august of 1939)- a Hungarian expatriate theoretical physicist by the name of leo szilard did. He (correctly) believed the Nazis had embarked on an a-bomb building program and wanted to warn the US, but realized he wouldn’t be taken seriously. He enlisted the aid of his friend Einstein to sign first one letter to warn fdr, and a second several months later after the military establishment initially balked. This letter directly precipitated the Manhattan project.

Nov 22, 06 10:40 pm  · 

phillip johnson designed a christian church in the

Nov 22, 06 11:04 pm  · 

Thank you for the affirmation nixietube :)

Nov 22, 06 11:08 pm  · 

my gandpa helped build that complex in boston... way to go granpa tK!

but was he a christian scientist? not that I know of (neither was mr. Ieoh Ming).

So do architects need be practisioners of a faith to build religious edifices?

I would have a hard time working for any faith based organization, bc I think all religions are full of bs and exist only to keep themselves in power and in the $$$. too many examples of the latter, too few mother teresa to prove otherwise.

Nov 23, 06 10:38 am  · 

Mormon's aren't Christians by the way...they'll say they are but in fact their belief system is riddled and based on many many things that are in direct contridiction to the Bible.

Nov 23, 06 11:38 am  · 

mormons arent christiany, byrle.. and you kinda sound like a big asshole.

Nov 23, 06 3:50 pm  · 

mormonism isn't a christian denomination, isn't it? next y'all are gonna say scientologism is christian.

Nov 24, 06 5:58 am  · 
Rogue Agent

Hrmm, assuming this story isn't made up, I think you are a moron. I'll take money from mormons or any other religion. Despite what you might think, religious organizations have lots of politcal pull and burning bridges to them might prevent you from getting other, non-religious, commissions in the future.

Nov 27, 06 6:10 pm  · 

First of all, thank you everyone for the very insightful and clever commentary. Some of you made some great remarks! I appreciate that very much. But now there is an important matter to discuss regarding me. Here it is: Those Mormon buggers are after me!

That’s right! Word must have spread throughout their damn religious community that I would not design any damn DUNGEON. And so what do they do? Here’s what: they send a couple of those white shirt teenage preachers over to my PRIVATE HOME to try to convert me! Or CAPTURE me!

I saw those two buggers riding up my driveway on bicycles. At first I tried to do what everyone does when the see those L.D.S. guys, I tried to hide. I was really clumsy about it, though. I tried squeezing into this real tight spot between the front door and this sort of entry table thing I have. I was all crunched up under there when those bastards rang the doorbell. Then they knocked on the door super loud and it sort of startled the hell out of me. I hit my head on the underside of the table and all the crap up there (flower vase, some tabletop sculpture thing, etc.) crashed to the floor. Damn! I had no choice then but to confront those bastards.

I opened the door and told them I wasn’t interested in their crap religion, or any religion, for that matter. Do you think that stopped them? No Chance! They went into their whole proselytizing thing. All the nonsense about stones in the HAT and secret crap REVEALED. The whole nonsense. While they were going on and on about this stuff, I started to feel sorry for those two bastards. Here they are just parroting all this crap that their ignorant parents probably told them. I mean, they were just these kids, practically. You could tell that it would take them awhile, maybe years, to sort of think their way out of all that junk, if ever.
When they were finished, I asked them if they had any PROOF for any of the junky ideas they were trying to sell me. They didn’t. I then told them that I wasn’t picking on them, in particular, I think ALL religions are a bunch of crap; a lot of BRONZE-AGE and IRON-AGE stories. Their particular junk was no different than ZEUS or THOR or any of those old style gods that hardly anybody believes nowadays. Eventually they realized that they weren’t going to convert me so they rode away all indignant.

That’s what I don’t get. People always say you should respect people’s religious beliefs and all that crap. They get real mad and offended when you say any negative or mocking things about it. But why the hell should I respect all that nonsense? All those religious ideas are just as kooky as someone telling me that Elvis is Alive. I mean, there’s no proof AT ALL.

Anyway, so now I’m sort of worried about the Mormons retaliating in a Second Wave. The Second Coming, if you will. I feel like I’ve got two strikes against me with those buggers. I really hope they don’t do it. But if they do then what the hell should I do?

Nov 27, 06 10:17 pm  · 

if you're going to TRY to offend at least be funny...

Nov 27, 06 10:32 pm  · 

Beta – I couldn't agree with you more; although I thought the part about Byrle hiding when the doorbell rang and him hitting his head on the table was pretty funny...ha!

Now I am not getting into the religious debate – but Byrle, that comment you made about "...they were just these kids, practically. You could tell that it would take them awhile, maybe years, to sort of think their way out of all that junk, if ever." Obviously, you don't know anything about their religion (and I am not expecting you to, and to be quite honest I know very little myself) but young Mormon men are required to complete a (2 or 3 year?) mission; they are essentially paired up with another man and the church instructs them on where to go to preach the Mormon word for a period of time. It's something they are required to do for their church, and I don't think this is a period where they use that time to "test the waters" – they are pretty much committed to their beliefs at this point (well, one would assume).

What should you do? No one is forcing you to talk to them. If you don't want to talk to them, don't answer the door next time – try not to make noise the second time around:) But please don't bash something you know nothing about. No, I am not Mormon. I just believe you need to do a little more research on the subject before lashing out. And research doesn't mean you have to believe in it – just be accepting and open-minded and go on with your own business. Seriously, they are not out to "get you".

Nov 27, 06 11:08 pm  · 

the funny thing is that while i am not a mormon, my father and his side of the family are and were sponsored to america after the war, and that was when they left holland. i don't prefer the religion, but hey to each his/her own, i am just not a fan of proselytizing. i did however see the book in my grandmothers basement titled something like this; The Mormon Church and The Negro, if that changes anything...

Nov 28, 06 5:27 am  · 

mormons have horns. I've seen them!

Nov 28, 06 8:58 am  · 

where did mormonism originate?

Jan 14, 07 2:29 am  · 

Dude. You are full of shit. Your story is full of holes. Come up with a better one...

Jan 14, 07 2:43 am  · 

The nuke debate here was more fun..can we continue that ?

Jan 14, 07 8:09 pm  · 

what abou dianetics? those freaks are also fun to insult. especially the 'celebrities'...

Jan 14, 07 8:42 pm  · 

In Dianetics, the human mind is described as a collection of "mental image pictures," which contain the recorded memory of a past moment, including all sensory perceptions and feelings involved. One type of mental image picture, created during a period of unconsciousness, involves the memory of a painful experience. Hubbard called this memory an engram, and defined it as "a complete recording of a moment of unconsciousness containing physical pain or painful emotion and all perceptions."

interesting Tree,
well it sounds like a rehashed form of normal meditation ( If i may say so:- specifically Vipassana meditation )

"The actual instructions for Vipassana meditation are not often published in clear terms in public venues. This is simply to avoid confusion and prevent incorrect technique. The instructions are not esoteric or difficult but basically involve retraining the mind to avoid its innate conditioned response to most stimuli. In order to obtain maximum benefit, it is recommmended that this be learnt from a legitimate source as it does have deep cleansing effects. Although Vipassana includes body awareness as part of the practice, it is not a "body scan" technique. The purpose is also not to release past trauma, but to bring full awareness of the mind, body and all sensations and be fully present. This practice is thought to develop a deep, experiential understanding of the impermanence of reality and also brings to the surface and dissolves deep-seated complexes and tensions. The technique fosters development of insight and needs to be continued as a way of life in order to having lasting effects."

Jan 15, 07 12:41 am  · 
Jan 15, 07 2:22 am  · 


I blieve it actually started in Vermont. I can't rember the town, howver I recollect it is just north of White River Junction. How do I know this? Well I used to own a chunk of land along with family members, which bordered land owned by the mormon church. They
headed west found some tablets and then headed to Saint Joseph, Missouri then on to Salt Lake. When they came over the mountains and saw the Great Salt Lake, Brigham Young told all the men in the
group to go ahead and he would stay with the women. So they went ahead....and well twenty some wives later Brigham Young arrived in Salt Lake.[future urban relegious legend]

Jan 15, 07 8:09 am  · 

Interesting as it may be, Religion is not always the best topic to discuss anywhere.

If I were in your shoes, I would flatly ask them what that pit was for, or I would have done research about their beliefs, etc.

Jan 15, 07 3:50 pm  · 

interesting snooker. that brigham young ...tsk tsk tsk. i had no idea mormonism was a nascent religion. i guess that would explain why they're so tight-knit and all look the same.

Jan 16, 07 12:57 am  · 

mormons are christians.

they are called mormons because of their belief in the Book of Mormon.

the term LDS comes from the name of the church....The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints


if you want to understand the workings of a porsche, you don't go ask the nearest ford mechanic. you ask the porsche mechanic. if you really want to know about the mormons, they have nothing to hide. here are some links.,8789,895-1-16,00.html

Jan 16, 07 6:32 pm  · 

one more link...........

mormon basic beliefs,8672,1082-1,00.html

Jan 16, 07 6:37 pm  · 

waterboy......don't be offended.....I said [future Urban Legend].
I could almost classify myself as a Jack Mormon...I do know a bit about the beliefs....and I know a number of older Mormon women who wanted me to get married to their daughters so I would become full fledged.

Jan 16, 07 6:43 pm  · 

Oh by the way.....I have no idea what the pit is about....Maybe I should ask my Uncle...."THE "X" MORMON"

Jan 16, 07 6:45 pm  · 

firstly, i think the story might be BS, and if it isn't, you're pretty bigoted.

secondly, it's somehow OK to talk about mormons in ways that would be shouted down if we were, say, talking about jews or buddhists or muslims. it's like the LDS church is one giant urban legend.

thirdly, the mormon tabernacle is a stroke of genius. have you ever been in there? you can hear a pin drop.

Jan 16, 07 7:32 pm  · 

ochona....You hit it on the is all bull shit. So is the story of the Pit as far as I'm concerned. Yes I have been to the mormon tabernacle, and I have resided in the Hotel Utah for over a week.
I do know, Jack Mormons, and I do know true followers.

I was serious about asking my Uncle, who is an "X" Mormon. He was at a high level of the church. I also have a number of relatives who have graduated from BYU. Oh by the way they do have one of the best schools in the country for learning foreign languages. Actually the defense department has discovered this and has established a foreign language program based upon BYU.

However they do have alot of beliefs and rituals which I do not accept.
I find them as offensive as your above statement. In the world of,
"Urban Legend All Is Game"

Jan 16, 07 7:43 pm  · 


Thanks for starting a thread that manages to, slowly over the course of several painful comments, confirm us architects as self righteous, naive, disconnected, band wagon radicalists. God i hope you are either British, SA, or Aussie, because anyone who uses "bugger" like that better be.

Betadine- Good job conflating Slaughter houses, Abortion Clinics, and GOP headquaters... some how i think you are missing some political precision with your second year of university "Stick-it-to-the-man" barbs.

Thanks to The Silent Observer for chiming in with the first semblence of an intelectually responsible comment.

Jan 17, 07 10:38 am  · 
waterboy offense taken.

Jan 17, 07 12:04 pm  · 

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