
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!

Starland Vocal Band

congrats +i and rationalist. also dxd for scholarship (nice, isn't it?) and whoever else i missed.

Apr 2, 07 11:43 pm  · 

newbie here. I'm in Seattle. It was tragic to hear what happened at the architecture school at UW.

I got accepted to SUNY Buffalo and UW's 3+ programs. Anyone have some feedback about Buffalo's program? I missed out on UW's open house, but I'm visiting Buffalo later this week. I'd be happy to share my perceptions if anyone is also considering Buffalo; or am I the only one?

Apr 3, 07 2:47 am  · 

First time posting msg here. hi everybody.
I got to UCLA(M.1), Rice(Op2) and Upenn(m.1). However for UCLA and upenn, they said i didnt fulfill with some of their prerequisite courses. Does anyone come across the same case? If yes, pls tell me what should i do. Can i take it during the M.1 semester?

Apr 3, 07 4:36 am  · 

First time posting msg here. hi everybody.
I got to UCLA(M.1), Rice(Op2) and Upenn(m.1). However for UCLA and upenn, they said i didnt fulfill with some of their prerequisite courses. Does anyone come across the same case? If yes, pls tell me what should i do. Can i take it during the M.1 semester?

Apr 3, 07 4:36 am  · 

3 year program?
prerequisite courses: such as?

Apr 3, 07 4:43 am  · 

yeah...3 yr program...
prerequisite courses:
UCLA: history of archi. , physics
Upenn: physics
I have a archi. background which take history of arch for 3 yrs...not sure why UCLA said i didnt.

Apr 3, 07 4:49 am  · 

so UPenn asked you about the Physics? and what if you can't take the class... let's say this summer. What are they going to do?

Apr 3, 07 5:01 am  · 

Yeah...that's what i concern.
Therefore i ask does anyone come across the same case? If yes, pls tell me what should i do. Can i take it during the M.1 semester?

Apr 3, 07 5:05 am  · 

did penn offer you any $?

where are you planning to attend?

Apr 3, 07 5:11 am  · 

o...Upenn...offer me just a little...not help much.
i m not sure where to go yet coz MIT can offer me if i pass their toefl requirement.
designbydesign, you are admitted to Upenn also?

Apr 3, 07 5:34 am  · 

no.... but i'm going somewhere else. toefl? don't you have to take it before you apply?

Apr 3, 07 5:37 am  · 

yeah. need to retake.
Do you know if i take those courses during the M.1 semester? Or does anyone know?

Apr 3, 07 5:52 am  · 

iuhc: your best bet is to call the schools and ask them what you should do. i suggest getting physics out of the way this summer or they probably won't let you take structures I (physics and/or calculus is required). most schools will not let you take the pre-req courses during the semester because you will already have a full courseload.

Apr 3, 07 8:46 am  · 

any creative suggestions for getting $$$? anyone write to their local AIA chapters or former mentors or university presidents to get donations???

shit, hillary got 28mil...

Apr 3, 07 8:55 am  · 

luhc - I got the same thing from UCLA. They told me I was missing a Arch History course, which I'm not really missing. I called and talked to them and they told me that I just have to e-mail them the class descriptions so they can be sure that it covered all of their required periods in history. Kinda silly since I have 2 or 3 history classes in my transcript. I'm not gonna go there though so I didn't send them anything.

The physics sounds like more of a problem if you never took it in undergrad. Just call them and ask them what you need to do.

Apr 3, 07 9:09 am  · 

Thanks cpnorris and Kalyani.

Apr 3, 07 10:00 am  · 

only thing that came in the mail for me yesterday was my official response from MICA telling me I was waitlisted. Then I promptly passed out at about 7:30, and slept for 12 HOURS!

Apr 3, 07 10:38 am  · 

iuhc: i went to penn for MArch and the people who needed to meet the physics requirement were able to take it over the summer from the arch dept. it was supposedly easy and relatively cheap, if i recall (i think $500 for the course?). but it means you will have to move to philly early, if you are not already there.

Apr 3, 07 11:16 am  · 

Boston/Luhc: The Arch Physics course is $700 and runns during the same period as the Summer Studio...people take them together.

Apr 3, 07 11:34 am  · 

okay - i know i've asked this before, but has anyone (of the few still out there) heard from cincinnati's 2 year march program? i know people already heard for the 3+/4+ program.

Apr 3, 07 11:58 am  · 

Finally got my MIT rejection last night. Frankly it was a relief because I'd spent the last 2 days at the UCLA open house and I'm very excited about their program. So cheap, so convenient, so progressive.

I've also got to take the physics and architecture history prereqs. Physics needs to be done before classes begin so my plan is to take a summer course at a local JC. Santa Monica College offers a 6 week course for $20 a unit ($60 total). Architecture history is a little trickier. I already took the Baroque to modernism period at UCLA (Jump Start) last year and UCLA only offers the period that I'm missing during the winter quarter. However, since it's fairly hard to find a JC that offers arch history they're allowing students to take that "pre-req" during your first year. Unfortunately it's an undergrad class and will be extra work without credit during what will already be a busy quarter. I'd like to get it over with so I'm still looking around to take it during the summer.

Apr 3, 07 12:57 pm  · 

i haven't fulfill the prerequisites for gsapp but they haven't said anything.. should i ask them?

Apr 3, 07 12:57 pm  · 

have you gotten the official admission in the mail, or just an email or phone call? The pattern I've seen is that they tell you about the good stuff (you're admitted! with a scholarship!) first, and leave the bad stuff (yeah, you'll need to fulfill some prereq's...) for the official paperwork.

Apr 3, 07 1:02 pm  · 
Chase Dammtor

what did you think of the ucla open house? i couldnt make it but would love to hear more.

Apr 3, 07 1:10 pm  · 

I did

Apr 3, 07 1:24 pm  · 

Kristin_Kai - I'm looking for pre-Baroque. The jump start class really only got to modernism but I think it was intended to bring us to contemporary. The last week or so of that program is all a blur so maybe they did teach us something and I was just sleeping with my eyes open for it.

I feel very confident about UCLA from the open house. Happy about the work they do and my career prospects following the program.

Apr 3, 07 1:48 pm  · 

I suspect that Sconie is one of the many who jump on archinect expecting a chat room instead of a message board, then get impatient and leave when they are not engaged in conversation immediately.

I just got a call from a peon at Pratt, to respond to my status query. She told me that my application had been forwarded to the department and that responses will be going out over the next couple of weeks. I was happy to be able to respond that I was already told that I'd been admitted, so her call was a little late.

Apr 3, 07 1:54 pm  · 

...Back from hiatus. I tried to see how long I could go without saying anything. Turns out it's only about 3 1/2 days!

I just figured out that +i is a girl! I think it's super-cool that she's going for her PhD, and glad to see a fellow female embracing the academic angle of the profession....good job +i (and whatever other name you are using these days) on your acceptance to CMU!

Congrats to rationalist (still kicking a**, I see) and everyone else I missed in the interim.

I got my rejection letter from UT yesterday. I don't know why but I got a real kick out of it. I might have even said "screw you too, suckas"

So who's all going to end up in Cali? Quite a few of us, it looks like, eh?

Apr 3, 07 2:31 pm  · 

for UCLAers- has your decision status been updated in the system, letting you access your intent to register form?

I went to the open house last year, didn't go this time - any one care to elaborate/refresh memory on any pointers they made?

Apr 3, 07 2:49 pm  · 

thanks for the props WonderK :) on this thread too

yes, i am a girl- it's true haha

im in the myspace archinect group "the storm before the calm" is my myspace name.

and im just going by +i.

and im super jealous youre going to cali- i surf and adore the beach and somehow i have managed to apply to schools nowhere near the beach... damn, i knew i forgot to think of that

Apr 3, 07 2:51 pm  · 

Thx. DubK. I knew it had been quiet around here....

You should've seen the Pratt drama yesterday! It was wild.

Apr 3, 07 2:53 pm  · 

kristen, clarito...i would love to hear how the open house went as well. it cool you both are so stoked about the program. I am pretty excited as well. I am visiting next week, but i have already decided its where i am goign to go.

did you guys happen to take any pictures?

Also i was talking to some current students there any they said not to sweat the extra history class during the year if you have to take it as its not much extra work. I am going to have to take 2 quarters of it at some point during the school year.

casual, i have not had my decision status updated yet either.

Apr 3, 07 3:16 pm  · 

good deal...thanks

Apr 3, 07 3:50 pm  · 

Cornell? LIG?

Apr 3, 07 5:54 pm  · 

After a short excercise in creative math, I just figured out that if I work out my loans right, I can end up paying $5k less over the course of my undergrad+grad loans over ten fewer years than my current payment structure has me paying for just my undergrad loans, without my monthly payments going up.

I feel like a math genius right now, and like I can actually afford to go to grad school!

Apr 3, 07 6:00 pm  · 
Starland Vocal Band

yay, rationalist is a math genius!

I am lucky enough so that I am not having to worry about undergrad loans. Also, I just talked to my new best friends, the Financial Aid office at USC. I told them that I have a generous scholarship offer AND I have a fairly good credit rating, and if they could just tell me that everything was going to be OK, I could send my letter back in. They were quite positive and said I should have no problem getting some kind of minimum Federal Stafford Loan, so I'm just about good to go. That's a relief, anyway.

Apr 3, 07 6:15 pm  · 

wait, you're going to USC for grad?

Apr 3, 07 6:40 pm  · 

Whoa, somebody else is going to USC too? Sweet.

I hope it works out like that for me :o/

Apr 3, 07 6:40 pm  · 

Also, I caught up on the Pratt drama. It's pretty amazing that the admin person logged on to this forum to start giving people answers. Viva l'archinect?!?

baboomba.....anything you'd like to update us on?

Apr 3, 07 6:44 pm  · 

What's even more amazing is that Pratt has their own message boards attached to their website, and the questions posted there go unanswered!

Apr 3, 07 7:05 pm  · 

oh, and Starla, what was that minimum amount of grad loans?

Apr 3, 07 7:31 pm  · 
Starland Vocal Band

it was 20 something. i'm still trying to figure out how they "account" for my cost of living but they said they do.

Apr 3, 07 8:38 pm  · 

man, I can TOTALLY make do on 20k worth of federal loans!!! 20k worth of federal loans not only makes school possible, it makes my math-genius loan juggling possible. I'm feeling pretty good about the affordability of this venture.

I got my UW package in the mail today. No suprises there, but it and it was nice that a school kept their word about something.

Oh, and I'm thinking about getting my nose pierced after my last day of work in September, to celebrate two years worth of freedom from corporate dress codes!

Apr 3, 07 10:04 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Baboomba: Still nothing from Cornell yet. Apparently a letter was sent last week, and they told me to call them if I haven't received anything by Wednesday.

Regardless, I'm pretty much proceeding with my Plan B at this point. I assume that all the people who have been admitted to Cornell have already been notified via email.

Apr 3, 07 10:27 pm  · 

i'm still holding out hope for you're the only reason i'm still checking the thread.

Apr 3, 07 11:27 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Aww, I'm flattered.

Apr 3, 07 11:34 pm  · 

ditto LIG, regardless your still doing NYC right?

Apr 4, 07 12:15 am  · 

I applied to Cincinnati's 4+ program, and have still yet to hear from them!!

Guess I need to make a (local) call down to them... argghhh.

Apr 4, 07 12:19 am  · 
Living in Gin

If I get rejected from Cornell, I'm going to NYC for sure.

If I get accepted to Cornell, I'll end up doing one of three things:

1) Enroll at Cornell this fall, and move to Ithaca
2) Defer enrollment for a year, and stay in Chicago
3) Defer enrollment for a year, but move to NYC anyway

Which choice I make will depend on a number of factors that I'll have to weigh, if the situation arises.

Apr 4, 07 12:22 am  · 

sorry about the crappy first post, my ride to lax showed up early. the ucla visit was very satisfying. Thom Mayne and Greg Lynn dropped in. No Denari though. I don’t know if it matters to anyone, but Mayne wont be around for the next year and I’m not entirely sure why. I wonder if he’ll be around the following year.

I’m now in new york for the columbia open house. anyone else?

Apr 4, 07 1:01 am  · 

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