
2007 M.Arch applicants, commiserate here!


hahah i know exactly which boxers you are talking about! i thought you were female by your expressions but you are def. a girl if you're going to get magic. i've gotten magic for the last 8 yrs but i thought i'd try something different and went with the digital perm in dec...I LOVE IT. at first, it looked really styled but after it relaxed a little bit it looked more natural and the best part is i don't do anything to it.
if you have waves and they're easy to manage you should keep them! even 최정윈 looks much better with a perm :)

Feb 28, 07 10:58 am  · 

Feb 28, 07 10:59 am  · 


Feb 28, 07 11:24 am  · 

total hijackage.

Feb 28, 07 11:29 am  · 

I will be missed michil.....
I will have to go Korea as well if I get the admission.

Feb 28, 07 11:35 am  · 

O.k., WonderK. How 'bout this? If I get rejected from every school and you get into UT, I'll take the job in Austin. You move in and I'll pay all the bills plus your school. You can go out with other people, but you can't have any boyfriends and you have to give me at least three days a week.

You also have to wear the leather cat mask when I want you to.

Let me know if this is acceptable. I'm open.

Feb 28, 07 11:44 am  · 

"bring out the gimp"

Feb 28, 07 11:51 am  · 

I totally just chickened out on telling my boss. I've got what I'm going to say in my head, I'm walking towards his office, and then.... I turn left.

Feb 28, 07 12:33 pm  · 
my favorite purchase in dongdaemun were these elephant boxer shorts (they also had pig ones) whose trunk was in the you know where spot haha.

Um.... you know who also rocks this style, right.....

I've had magic perms for years but am just now growing mine out because I'm tired of straight hair. But if you want really straight hair, they work great IF YOU GO TO SOMEONE WHO KNOWS WHAT THEY'RE DOING. I have had a bunch of excellent ones, but one time I went to a different salon and the guy ruined my hair for a year.

Rationalist - you gotta doooo ittttt!!!! You're totally leaving the job soon, who cares if he hates you for a little while? :) :P

Feb 28, 07 12:43 pm  · 

ok. It's done. My boss tried to convince me that graphic design is an inferior profession to architecture, that my considerable talents would be wasted, and if I went into graphic design I'd spend my time figuring out where to put the "Exxon" on the gas station. I held firm, told him it wasn't 100% yet, but that I had to give it a try. He's asked me to bring in my portfolio so that we could talk about me taking over the graphics of the office....

He's obviously still got hope. This was hard, but it's going to be equally hard to go to him in a couple of months and squash his hope like a bug.

Feb 28, 07 1:19 pm  · 


Ok, first off, rationalist. Good job on the bravery. You and I will have to write a paper at the end of our little "experiment" so that we may guide future generations of grad-school-goers on how best to quit their jobs. I, of course, will be representing the "hold out until you have ALL the information" route, which means they won't know for a while. I'm thinking June.

Secondly, what's a magic perm? What's Korea have to do with this? FROCCLI, is that a picture of you? Does anyone else start singing the "choppin' broccoli" song when they read all of these "-occli" screen names?

Third, baboomba. This is a workable proposition. Only if you agree to urban living though, I can't live in a 'burb. Also I have a cat.

(Sorry, I know I've posted her picture before. It's still funny.)

Feb 28, 07 1:39 pm  · 

yeah, but we'll need to find a third collaborator to represent the "I needed a recommendation from my boss" side of things. I think my portion should be titled "How to break your boss's heart in two easy steps" and possibly subtitled: "What to do if you're a bad liar."

There's a Korean girl in my office who has a new perm every time she comes back from vacation, so I just assumed that the Korean's have some magical hair-taming technology that has eluded all but the richest of Americans.

Feb 28, 07 1:54 pm  · 

Here is an additional way for everyone to slowly torture themselves---

I've only seen two architecture-related entries so far: one Masters in Urban Planning at UCLA and one Masters in Sustainable design/Architecture at CMU

It seems pretty clear that departments get the PHD acceptances out first, can the Masters be far behind?

Feb 28, 07 1:57 pm  · 

Jesus, what a scary website. And since UCLA is my first choice I am now checking my email like crazy. Sigh.

Feb 28, 07 2:15 pm  · 


how bout this one (nin)...

im becoming less defined as days go by
turning away and well you might say im losing focus
kind of drifting into the abstract...

Feb 28, 07 2:19 pm  · 

Check out this e-mail I just got from UVa. The suspense is killing me.


We will be sending out letters by the middle of March.


On Wed, 21 Feb 2007 14:11:30 -0600
<Ryan.Trainer@????.com> wrote:
> Thanks, Tracy. I've already submitted my School of Architecture Financial
>Assistance Application, but haven't yet submitted the UVa financial aid
>application. I'm not planning on submitting it until after I receive the
>school's decision. That is o.k., right?
> Also, can you tell me how admission notifications will be made?
> Thanks again,
> Ryan Trainer

Feb 28, 07 2:20 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I hope I get an acceptance from one of my schools soon, or else I fear my head may explode. I feel like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

If I get any calls on my cell phone from 607, 617, or 212 area codes over the next couple weeks, I just hope I'm able to answer ithe call in coherent manner before I keel over from my heart attack.

Feb 28, 07 2:21 pm  · 


I'd never consider living in the burbs. Sounds like we have a deal.

I'm almost hoping I get rejected now.

Feb 28, 07 2:23 pm  · 

I checked out UVa's calendar to look for any clues - it looks like their spring break is next week. i'd say that they'll either start sending letters out by the end of this week - or they'll be finishing things up over the break. i'm afraid we'll have to wait through the latter...

Feb 28, 07 2:37 pm  · 

tokyoDrifter, if I knew where you lived I might pull a Dick Cheney and shoot you in the face. Curse you for that web site! Curse you!!!!!!

Feb 28, 07 2:40 pm  · 

wonderk - magic perm is what makes hair straiiiiiiggghhht like mine when you met me. My hair is maybe a wee bit less curly than yours naturally. OMG!! my beauty secrets revealed (it's ok since I'm growing out the straight look, as I cannot afford expensive hair maintenance while in grad school.)

Feb 28, 07 3:00 pm  · 
broccolijet kidding. as a haircare illiterate guy, i always associated perms with adding curl to otherwise straight hair, but i guess it makes sense that it would apply in reverse as well.

...learn something new everyday. thank you '2007 M.Arch applicants commiserate here!' thread!!

Feb 28, 07 3:08 pm  · 

WonderK, haha. A co-worker (teasingly) told me you can have the website text you with updates; I actually considered briefly.

Feb 28, 07 3:15 pm  · 

Anyone have a good anxiety dream to share?

Alternatively, I could share some curly hair tips.

Feb 28, 07 3:20 pm  · 

spotted on thegradcafe:
"University Of Washington - Seattle Architecture Masters Accepted 2007-02-27 (Phone) 2007-02-28 A Notified by phone of acceptance. I was told that I should receive official notification in the mail by Friday 03.02.07"

Feb 28, 07 3:30 pm  · 

tokyoDrifter's grad cafe website now lists that someone has been accepted to a Masters of Architecture at University Of Washington - Seattle...

Feb 28, 07 3:32 pm  · 

I am with WonderK on the wait until the last minute to tell your boss the news. I have no idea how I am going to do it, because if I tell them I am going to Grad school then they will no that I had no intentions of sticking around when they first hired me, especially since they hired me only six months ago. Is that shady or what? I've always gone by the philosophy that you don't owe anything to anyone but yourself, but still feel a little guilt.

Feb 28, 07 3:32 pm  · 


Feb 28, 07 3:32 pm  · 

I hate that web site. HATE it. CMU-Sustainable is one of the programs I applied to.....but maybe they only notified the duel people. At least it seemed like a duel major person.

I am now having a mini-panic attack! What if I don't get in anywhere?!? What kind of cruel injustice would that be? All I want to do is learn how to design a WHOLE building right the first time.....surely I made a good impression on these people....what more do they want on my resume......maybe I *should* have sent a portfolio anyway, even though they didn't want one......maybe I should start filling out applications for MBAs......

Feb 28, 07 3:43 pm  · 

WonderK on your resume do you list that you have like 2500 postings on archinect under accomplishments or work experience?

Feb 28, 07 3:45 pm  · 

...WonderK...come to the Dark Side...

Feb 28, 07 3:53 pm  · 

This thread is like an abusive relationship. You know it's only gonna lead to suffering, but you keep on coming back...

Feb 28, 07 3:58 pm  · 

I hate having bloodwork done; my body always feels really cold and empty in anticipation of it. I've had that feeling constantly for the last week. I can't imagine it'll be getting better as we get deeper into March.

Feb 28, 07 4:01 pm  · 


Don't worry if you don't get in anywhere. Big Daddy will take care of you.


Feb 28, 07 4:08 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I just got an email on my personal account with "Excellence Award" as the subject... Then it turned out to be spam from McGraw-Hill Construction.

I think I need to stay in bed for the rest of the month.

Feb 28, 07 4:10 pm  · 

Namby- yeah, apparently the architecture department and the art department are on different schedules. I'm totally happy with the news that I've made the 'shortlist' though.

jamez- I would probably agree in that situation. But every office, every boss, every person is different, and I'm sure now that I did what was right for me. My boss mentioned to me that he appreciated my honesty with him, and I got the best reaction that I could hope for- dissappointment, but support.

Feb 28, 07 4:16 pm  · 

I've been trying to act all "like what ever" but I just got an email from Pratt and my heart skipped a beat. Ended up being nothing more than some industrial design competition bulletin. aaagghh, okay back to my happy den of denial.

Feb 28, 07 4:18 pm  · 

namby, my bf has the elephant boxers too :p

i used to get my magic at korean salons in the city but they were so expensive and annoying - buttering you up for those tips. so i started going to a japanese salon (hairmates) and it's only $240, the do it a million times better than koreans and the best part is the salon workers are so quiet. it may be the language barrier but at least they don't harass you.

my digital perm is growing out so i have to decide if i'm going to perm it or straighten it. i would just go natural except when i do that i look like i'm growing pubes out of my head.

ah, this hair talk is a nice divergence bc everytime i read grad school app stuff my eyes start bleeding.

Feb 28, 07 4:22 pm  · 
Chase Dammtor

my UCLA "check application status" page says they never recieved any of my stuff... but it also says that my deparment may just not be updating the status web page.

can someone else confirm that all of the architecture applicants have things like transcript, rec letters, etc marked as never received? i assume that must be it, since i definitely sent it in.

Feb 28, 07 4:25 pm  · 

Chase -- the ucla architecture department told me they don't update the page you're referring to, so don't sweat it.

you should've gotten an email telling you they have everything.

Feb 28, 07 4:28 pm  · 

Man, somebody post a decision! Open a window. It's getting hot in here.

Feb 28, 07 4:39 pm  · 
Chase Dammtor

oh yeah, i do remember getting that. thanks broc.

Feb 28, 07 4:39 pm  · 

so checking gradschoolcafe... someone has found out from carnegie mellon... it said "email" and some of them said "website"... does anyone know the right webpage to go to to check status?

Feb 28, 07 4:41 pm  · 

Froccli are you in NYC? I go to a salon called Hayato, it's on 23rd st. and Park. My hair is not very curly, just a bit wavy, and shoulder length. It's a minimum charge of $200 (which is what I pay) and a maximum of $400 (which is for people with, like, waist-length extremely frizzy curls.) My total ends up about $260 with tips for the hairdresser and assistant.

uuughhhh grad schoooooollll I'm going to check my mailbox now even though I know there won't be anything in it.

Feb 28, 07 4:53 pm  · 

Goddammit! I didn't even get a single personal email today from even a friend, let alone a university! I'm even checking my spam folder religiously now too. Argh, I'm worn out. Going to get some movies and try to relax.

Feb 28, 07 5:09 pm  · 

There was a big envelope in my mailbox today...



Feb 28, 07 5:13 pm  · 

i just got an e-mail from penn saying they still have not received my undergraduate transcript. i'm a reapplicant so it's supposed to be on file, but this is not the first school not have been able to make that transfer smoothly. the thing is, the e-mail was from the director of admissions so i was a little frazzled and wrote back saying that i was a reapplicant and it was my understanding that i didn't need to resend it but if they still can't find it, i'll fax one over asap. maybe it's the corporate CYA attitude still in me, but i feel like i shouldn't have been defensive and instead should have just said i would send it in because beggars can't be choosers. i keep having random flashes of getting rejected across the board. they could either be psychic foreshadows or i have anxiety issues.

Feb 28, 07 5:57 pm  · 

and my undergrad transcript dept is totally closed right now. they are going to be so disappointed when they get my undergradate transcript though bc my grades are whatever.

Feb 28, 07 5:59 pm  · 

The trick is to make it sound like an apology... "Oh, I'm so sorry! I thought that reapplicants didn't have to resubmit their transcripts, but I'll get that right over to you!"

Feb 28, 07 6:08 pm  · 

namby, that's a really good deal. hmm, maybe i'll have to check that one out next time. i usually get my cuts from kuwayama on 10th btwn 1st and 2nd. for magic, i go to hairmates on 40th between park and madison.

i also got a huge envelope today but it was from one of my brother's scholarship orgs. my brother is applying to colleges right now. i ask him like every other day, "aren't you nervous? aren't you so curious?" and he really just doesn't seem to care at all. i feel like such a freak.

Feb 28, 07 6:09 pm  · 

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