
How many gigs of music do you have on your hardrive?


Poll: How many gigs of music do you have on your hardrive?...

Oct 4, 06 8:30 am

I think about 60-70 depends on which computer....

Oct 4, 06 8:47 am  · 


Oct 4, 06 12:52 pm  · 

a mere 14...

Oct 4, 06 1:02 pm  · 

about 28 or so, but i need more!!!

Oct 4, 06 1:36 pm  · 


Oct 4, 06 7:04 pm  · 


...but it's all FLAC or wavpack, some of it high res (24/96 or 192). would come out to around 250 as reasonable res mp3s.

Oct 4, 06 7:22 pm  · 


Oct 4, 06 7:39 pm  · 
Christopher Daniel

76 gigs on the PC I used while at university.
32 gigs on an old laptop I borrowed from a mate a while ago and haven't given back yet.
3 gigs on my office workstation (I shuttle stuff in on a memorystick).

Digital is getting complicated.
(currently loving

Oct 4, 06 7:47 pm  · 

12.18. i feel like an underachiever.

Oct 4, 06 8:05 pm  · 
liberty bell

None on my harddrive, but I have 43,286,532,760 on my Hummer.

Oct 4, 06 8:25 pm  · 

28. I can't put any more on either, I need the HD space.

Oct 4, 06 8:27 pm  · 


Oct 4, 06 8:38 pm  · 

Five. It's not about quantity people, it's about quality.

Oct 4, 06 9:43 pm  · 

Five. It's not about quantity people, it's about quality.

Oct 4, 06 9:43 pm  · 

13 at home...15 on the iPod...5 at work. I feel like so much less of a man now.

Oct 4, 06 10:28 pm  · 

i was well over 100 at one point, but i've culled it way back to 50 or so. sure, i have some albums i've never listened to all of, but it's nice to wade through mess and find new things.

Oct 4, 06 11:46 pm  · 

12. i feel like an underachiever as well

Oct 4, 06 11:51 pm  · 

less than 10 MB and proud of it.

Oct 5, 06 4:49 am  · 

i guess a difference would be in considering how much of your music collection is on your harddrive. most of mine is still cd, (yes) cassette, lp, and 45. even some reel-to-reel. my digital collection of stuff is relatively immature.

Oct 5, 06 7:41 am  · 

a mere 12.6 . . . but i make a point of most of it being stuff i dont have on my 400+ cd's / vinyl.

How do you guys chose what to listen too!?

Oct 5, 06 8:07 am  · 

I have 120 on an external at my house. This is after purging. All impeccably labeled and organized. I spent about 3 months at one point (not continuously…) updating all of the tag info so that searching through the music is feasible… Now I purchase all of my new music, which saves with all pertinent information by default…

I have considered new options of cataloging the files. I wish that iTunes would “close” the albums so that it would be more like scrolling through albums or cd’s. I hate that I can see every song in my collection. I think the other softwares allows you to categorize by album only. The format should be more like a music store in that regard.

Also, in order to better select music, I should take the time to categorize by genre, style, mood and theme as does. That could take some time though…

Oct 5, 06 8:38 am  · 

13.6 on my laptop

Oct 5, 06 9:50 am  · 

63. ext. hard drive

lots, but when putting itunes on random, its pretty cool being surprised with music difference from one song to the next.

looking for more. runnin out. need more really cool underground indie stuff.

Oct 5, 06 10:09 am  · 

How many gigs of music (and video) do you have on your EMPLOYER'S harddrive ?

We're really struggling in our office over this issue ... we buy fast computers with large drives for all of our employees ... we have a very fast internet connection for our network ... these are costly investments aimed at making our staff more productive.

What we're finding is that significant numbers of our staff are using these resources to spend huge amounts of time (during the workday) downloading music to their desktops, consuming huge amounts of bandwidth in the process. We see significant response time degradation as a result.

On the one hand, we really don't want to get all "big brotherly" but these are company resources and the increasing devotion to in-office music is becoming a problem.

How do other firms manage this situation ... we don't want to be unreasonable, but it's beginning to get out of hand.

What do you guys think is a fair way to deal with this issue ?

Oct 5, 06 10:24 am  · 

block the ports used for p2p with a router

Oct 5, 06 10:48 am  · 

"jasoncross" ... ok ... english please !

Oct 5, 06 10:52 am  · 

blocking ports only works till the studio techie tells everyone how to change the ports the programs use. it's a start though.

some routers can block the protocol, but it gets complicated. probably better just to talk to everyone.

a foobar database goes a long way towards keeping things organized...itunes blows.

Oct 5, 06 8:14 pm  · 

I am the office dj at my job, it rules.

But I've got about 60 gig's at home.

3dgraffiti, if you hit the little eye button at the bottom of itunes it allows you to browse by album title only, as well as genre and artist.

Oct 5, 06 8:44 pm  · 

the next question - what percentage of your collection is pirated?...

Oct 5, 06 8:49 pm  · 

about 90-100g between two external drives at home. sometimes i like choosing albums or artists to listen to for a while, but i love the segues that come up from shuffle play.

nothing like a nice mos def into bill monroe into elliot smith into john lennon into roots into etc etc etc.

i uploaded about 10G of choice material on my work computer, but never download stuff from the web. (well, except apps, plug-ins, utilities and the like...but those are useful, really.)

i'm in the middle of the aforementioned tedious task of updating thousands upon thousands of id3/id4 tag information.

been using id3tagit, but would LOVE some suggestions on any app that makes it faster and/or better. .net or java based...but itunes is a royal pain in the a$$, and it doesn't actually change filenames, just tag info.

Oct 5, 06 8:52 pm  · 

81.4 GB

I have gone through exactly the same frustrations and triumphs, and have spent countless hours pondering the methodology behind music classification and organization. My question (one of them) is how does one tag music compilations, soundtracks, etc. with various artists. I would say 'various artists' but suppose you want to see all music of an artist. It would loose that info. I have even gone as far as to use a combo of "mp3 tag studio" and "renameit" to pull the files out of album folders and into the root artist folder, then removed the track # from the title so I can browse my music through windows explorer. Purest browsing method IMO. Did that all make sense?

get in touch with your IT guy and see what he can do. He should be able to install software (with an administrator's password) that will prohibit certain applications from running (like those that download music). Then have a talk with your employees... or just wait to see there reactions the next morning :)

-or- insn't there a way of blocking all ports but those used by the essential apps such as outlook, IE, etc? That way if the employee changes the port on the downloading program it too would be blocked.

-if all else fails- ask your employees to 'pause' the downloading until 5:00. They can set it to run overnight and not tie up any of your office's bandwidth during the precious business hours.

-funny story- I had asked an employee to stop abusing the internet and instant messaging, he ignored me, so I had my IT guy cut him off overnight, the next day he saw that it was gone and I explained that it was necessary, he then proceeded to quit saying the job was too much of an inconvenience. oh well...

I agree- finding old, lost gems is the best! why i just rediscovered Harry Nilsson's Everybody's Talkin as I was writing this.

I will digitally record your entire collection for some arc theory lessons and a chance to study below you.

Oct 5, 06 9:20 pm  · 

mp3 tag studio and rename it are great apps for music tagging and renaming. mp3 tag studio is very streamlined and simple. It allows you to work on both filenames/file structure and tags. ie. if its named properly but not tagged you can tag according to name and vice-versa.

Oct 5, 06 9:26 pm  · 
FOG Lite

32.4 GB

Nilsson has been a recent discovery for me. No wonder he was the Beatles favorite.

As a terrible abuser of internet privileges I would actually advise employers to just turn off internet access to everyone. I heard about a study this morning that found that employees were averaging 3.5 hours at work reading blogs.

Oct 5, 06 10:51 pm  · 

I have a custom script written for the godfather. one button to tag & rename, + folder renaming, exactly how I like it.

IMO by far the most versitile tag&rename platform...but a bit of a learning curve.

I keep tags clean when ripping - "Rolling Stones, The" vs "The Rolling Stones"

I join multi-disk albums into one, and file stuff like this:
Artist - Year - Album\Artist - Album - Track # - Track Title

this way things are catalogued alpha by artist and then chronological within artist. - very useful for artists with many albums.

VA/ soundtracks:

I replace the "artist" field with either "Soundtrack" or "Various" and put the individual artists in the track title. this isn't perfect, but I only have about a dozen soundtracks and maybe one or two VA discs, so it's kind of insignificant.

I can post instructions for properly ripping and archiving if anyone needs them. - I really enjoy not having half my furniture be cd racks. all my discs sit in boxes in storage now. keeps them from getting lost/damaged/stolen.

Oct 5, 06 11:41 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)


i listen to perhaps 4 reasonably regularly.

Oct 5, 06 11:50 pm  · 

ok i have thrice gone through my 160 gigs of music and organized it (artist, genre, etc.) and organized it only to have itunes inexplicably delete all information and songs from my library. this is, needless to say, very frustrating. Is there any software that can fix this problem, ie- save the information to the song file. Note: I'm extremely wasted right now so if this has already been adresed in the thread or my question is incoherent...1000 million apologies.

Oct 6, 06 3:45 am  · 

the only drawback to your VA tagging is: suppose you usually browse by artist, you would have to rememeber that Frou Frou - Let Go is in your Soundtrack folder in a folder entitled Garden State.

I guess I should just relax and deal with it huh.

btw- how do you guys do italics in your posts?

Oct 6, 06 10:00 am  · 

There must be stupider things to discuss - I just cant think of any. (maybe you could help me)

Oct 6, 06 10:27 am  · 
Chili Davis

None on the hard drive, but the Pocket DJ is maxed out at a whopping 5GB.

Oct 6, 06 10:27 am  · 
Oct 6, 06 10:44 am  · 

mightylittle - for tag editing, I use iTunes to change tags and then use the command in id3tagit "id3v2 to filename" to batch convert the filenames to match the tag. you can customize the filename output to your preferences. Mine is simply "01 - songname"

Oct 6, 06 10:49 am  · 

so what do you use to view/play your music?

Oct 6, 06 10:57 am  · 

I have 19 gigs on my ipod, and a copy of that on an external hard drive. I learned my lesson, as this is my 'second' attempt at building a digital music library, I lost the first when my ipod died a quick death when I fell off my bike.

Oct 6, 06 11:48 am  · 

gigs of music? dunno, but damn i gotta few hundred pounds of vinyl.

Oct 6, 06 12:13 pm  · 

mana/3d - id3tagit is pretty good, but i think i like the look of the godfather. thanks for the tip, i'll see whether or not the new learning curve is worth switching horses.

and for VA/Soundtracks, can't you just place all the different artists' names into the comments box? it would definitely turn up in a mac osx spotlight search that way, but i'm not sure if itunes/winamp/etc will automatically search those fields during normal search mode.

24 - for listening, i genuinely prefer winamp, less cpu bandwidth than itunes by far, but my wife's incessant problems with trying to keep up with her podcasts through winamp has caused me to switch back to itunes. though i still have 5-6g available in my winamp library to listen to if i'm actually working on my home computer.

Oct 6, 06 1:42 pm  · 

24 - yes, but I usually don't have much trouble remembering that stuff. When deciding how I was going to organize my digital collection, I usually just tried to make it like I had it when it was racks and racks of cds (I kept my few soundtracks organized separately then too).

Mighty - I know foobar can be setup to sort by comments - that would probably work.

But what I would probably do if it was a huge deal to me, is rip to one folder that contains the whole disc, nicely named (like my scheme) and then go through and update the artist and track name tags to be the actual artist and track names. then you could sort using the artist tag in just about any program that can do that (which I believe is most of them these days)

that would be the tag-based version of what 24 does now, but would retain a tidy folder structure, and keep the proper album name and track number fields.

hell, I may just start doing that myself.

I really think foobar is the best playback program out there. with the customizations available and the powerful database abilities, it's pretty damn cool.

Oct 6, 06 7:07 pm  · 

36gigs, 600 or so CDs yet to be ripped, some vinyl, and a bunch of old mix tapes -- been thinking about sending the decent CDs to one of those ripping services, anyone ever use one (like $.80 per CD), but ripping the mix tapes seems tricky -- anyone evr try that?

Oct 9, 06 12:09 am  · 

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