
Where are we now?


I´ve always thought about what´s the current name of the current movement of architecture. Is it modern, post-modern...or green post-modern. I really don´t care what genre(?) where in...but I would like to be at least orgnanized about architecture.

Sep 15, 06 11:49 am


Sep 15, 06 12:22 pm  · 

or would that be declinationism?

Sep 15, 06 12:22 pm  · 

Assuming this is a serious thread:

I think it is tough to organize the contemporary state of architectural "progress." Generally speaking, the name of the "style" is something that is applied for the sake of easier understanding of the General tendencies from a retrospective point of view. I think in real life this "direction" is much more organic comprised of many factors. It is only a tool for an easier understanding architecture (or anything else) throughout history.

Personally, I'm not sure what the purpose would be to be "organized about architecture" and refer to the present. So I guess my question is, why do you need to be organized about architecture?

I am actually questioning you personally because I'm curious, not because I question your intent.

Sep 15, 06 3:54 pm  · 

another impt consideration: who is going to make up the names now that johnson is dead?

betsky? riley? pearman? muschamp? ourasoff [sp?]? nobody else has the stature or recognition. this is partly a sarcastic question, but also partly serious. despite a general feeling that johnson was the antichrist, now that he's gone, we have a leadership void in the p.r. department.

Sep 15, 06 3:59 pm  · 

brad pitt?

Sep 15, 06 4:19 pm  · 


Sep 15, 06 4:26 pm  · 

2001-present: Alternative Style, alternativism, alternativistic theory, the alternative movement.

(i own the copyright on that, however i'd be hard pressed to define it... probably simply the abandonment of orthogonal projection as a generator in favor of 3d modeling, the death of drawing, the alternative to plan/section/elevation.)

hey, "PR void" sounds like an opening with good fiscal prospects. I'll be able to afford all the wierd follies i want to build around my ranch, miniature copies of famous alternative style buildings...

Sep 15, 06 4:35 pm  · 

it was,
after that,
alternativisim in everything movement. (copyright)
now @ 1:59,
'lets wait for six mounths to see what the market will do years'
'wow, thats neat'

Sep 15, 06 5:01 pm  · 

i've heard 'supermodern' being thrown around a lot...sort of a reaction to modernism that is less antagonistic than 'post-modern'.

but i personally don't care what you call it so long as people are still having promiscuos sex with many anonymous partners while experimenting with mind-expanding drugs in a consequence free environment.

Sep 15, 06 5:26 pm  · 
Rim Joist

I can't help you in naming the current architectural movement. Is there even a dominant direction? It's a confused time, with no shortage of confused architecture. Something will rise up. It always does.

But now the culture in general? That's Postmodernism, big time. The comments on this and most other threads on the site follow it nearly categorically. Which is sort of funny, really.

Sep 15, 06 5:27 pm  · 

i agree rim joist--
it would seem to me that usually architecture lags behind culture...
which means that we are probably at the end of modernism and begining day in the future PM will get a real name!

as i have said before on this forum...postmodernism IS NOT that silly stuff in the 80s!! (nor did modernism die with the death of that horrible apt complex.)

Sep 15, 06 5:42 pm  · 

Steven, you're pretty funny when you're feverish!

Sep 15, 06 6:23 pm  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

who cares? do you really need a brand-name to operate under?

Sep 15, 06 6:32 pm  · 
vado retro

we are in an era where consumerism, consumption, desire, marketing, self referentialism inform and eventually imprint the collective memory of amerikan society(and therefore the world). we are in an age of irony. and if not irony, despair.

Sep 15, 06 6:40 pm  · 

We've reached the end of 'fossil-fuel age' and we're about to enter into an Ice Age II...

Sep 15, 06 6:52 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

Ice Age II was terrible. I saw it on the plane.

i'm with agfa... who cares what you call it? it's all just semantics.

Sep 15, 06 7:54 pm  · 

this is charles jencks job

Sep 15, 06 8:01 pm  · 

its all fascadomy......

at the end of the day, there is no style, only veneer......

sticks of ticky tacky

Sep 15, 06 8:47 pm  · 

Thanks for the responses. This might not be a serious thread, but it doesn´t matter.
From reading articles and books about architecture and also from this thread, it seems that everyone has there own say to what´s the name of the style of architecture today. It seems like the prominent word I always find is "modern" in most stuff I read.
However, I might be reading in the wrong material.
Rimjoist might be right on that there might not be a dominant direction of architecture. Though most people talk about sustainability, modern and green.
Post-contempary and supermodern are words very euphonious...which might be one of the reasons why one word for a stlye is chosen over another.
Philarch, I mentioned that I like to be organized about architecture because I like to know what´s going on in architecture...and being organized helps me.

Sep 16, 06 9:03 am  · 

what's going on is that over the last few decades architecture culture has been marginalized because we talk about things that are irrelevant to non-architects.

meanwhile, developer/builders are getting dumbed down design from any architects who will provide for cheap and on a short timetable.

which may mean that vado is closest: we are standing on the sidelines holding our noses and giving thumbs down signs while the construction economy rolls on by.

Sep 16, 06 9:45 am  · 

I've always felt that architectural or stylistic movements were based on reaction to the circumstances of the time & place in relation to the culture. For example, in general the mannerist movement was a reaction to the rigidity of the renaissance and the modern movement a reaction to the industrial society (efficiency in mass production and standardized units). They were NOT arbitrary aesthetic decisions made by the architect. In fact, I think most bad architecture can be traced to some kind of lack of understanding of this idea.

I respect vernacular architecture because inevitably it is based on the interpretations of the circumstances of that place & time by people untrained in the professional world of architecture. It is never arbitrary. I would take a good vernacular building over any building by an architect that only understands superficial ideas of architectural movements.

pmachine - I'm not sure if you answered my question. How does the organization help you? Does it help you design? Personally, I understand being organized in terms of the architectural profession, but I don't see how it helps in Architecture (capital A is on purpose here).

Sep 18, 06 11:50 am  · 

A style is always against another style. - from here the many "post" stuff. It is defined by saying I am over that now, I am something more/else/against what it was.

As for why we have to name it? Some definitions are made post-mortem (by historians), gothic is like "barbarian" - named by the Italians so by the guys who hate it. Neo-Brutalism, or modernism was used in manifestos, Post Modernism {in architecture has even an exact date of start}.

But my concern is that, though post-modernism is something diferent of modernism [I call Koolhaas, Nouvel, Eisenmann, Ito etc. post-modernism], it is still in the spirit and in a sort of cultural acception [aka accepting it the same as ...] of modernism. Modernism is XIX and XX. XXI is [or should by] not.

Supermodern, or hypermodern [Virillio i think] are exactly these architects mentiond above. so it is ok if we want to describe that.

What I like more is something Aaron Betsky wrote about PLOT: post-programmatic [meaning post Koolhaas] - I've found it quite good- as a definition of lets say Plot, Foa, Un studio etc.

So maybe we should not try to find a singe description but more, though, plurality is still a postmodern caracter.

Apart from that I vote fopr what Orhan wrote, after I finish my cigarette probably i would consider diferent.

Sep 18, 06 2:27 pm  · 


Sep 18, 06 3:32 pm  · 


Sep 18, 06 3:32 pm  · 

Post-Criticalism - or possibly Post-Relevantism.

Sep 18, 06 4:22 pm  · 

i like that one.


Sep 18, 06 4:28 pm  · 
vado retro

past- modernist

Sep 18, 06 4:46 pm  · 

Let's kill Modernism once for all!

Sep 19, 06 9:16 am  · 

The stage is empty.
Can you believe it? No diatribe tyrants or theory police- those two groups are out sweeping the streets.

"Uh, Mr. Theory, sir? I would like to get your approval for the theory of my latest design. I think it complies with your theories of how I should live my life, sir."

Yea and my name is Larry the Cableman, GITTERDONE! THASRITE! Can you believe these people? Go find a theory so you can one up everyone else. GITTERDONE! THASRITE!

Sep 19, 06 10:37 am  · 
Gabe Bergeron


Case in point: WTC

New product keeps the market healthy! (As long as people will buy it: People buy more schlock if their expectations are at the bottom and their fears at the top)

Sep 19, 06 11:09 am  · 


Sep 19, 06 11:37 am  · 

Modernism ain't over yet - Lebbeus lives.

Sep 19, 06 8:39 pm  · 

lebbeus was never really alive

Sep 19, 06 8:54 pm  · 
vado retro

whatever happened to rock n roll radio???

Sep 19, 06 9:06 pm  · 

Do you remember lying in bed
With your covers pulled up over your head?
Radio playin' so no one can see
We need change, we need it fast
Before rock's just part of the past
'Cause lately it all sounds the same to me
Oh oh oh oh, oh oh

Sep 19, 06 9:20 pm  · 

2006ism for now

Sep 21, 06 12:09 am  · 


Sep 21, 06 2:48 am  · 


Sep 21, 06 7:35 am  · 
vado retro


Sep 21, 06 10:44 am  · 


this replaces you-ism



Sep 21, 06 10:48 am  · 

I was talking about this very topic the other day with Paul Virillo and Zyzick, when Peter Graves walked up.

Graves said, " It looks like a fine day for a tango".
to which Virillo replied,"If only in your dreams",
Zyzick didnt say much of anything since he doesnt speak English.

I ordered another coffee and tried to avoid the stairs of people passing by on the street as I fought my way against the crowds up State st., on my way to work, leaving my friends to contemplate their verbal labrynths and etomological constructs, before they fall over and crush themselves.

Sep 21, 06 12:10 pm  · 

Step Up Dude, #23.
State Street has plenty of stairs. Just think of Sven Golly Gee on a stair step machine at 24 Hour Fitness.

Sep 21, 06 12:51 pm  · 

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