
Aspergers Syndrome or Autism, anyone?


Does any one have Aspergers Syndrome, if so does any one know how having AS can affect an Architects career?

Sep 4, 06 7:38 pm

I would imagine it would be difficult to practice on the front end as architecture practice requires a very intuitive understanding of people and their needs, and often those people do not verbalize their needs well. This goes for all levels of architecture. We are, after all, building for people, in the end. In my experience, dealing with a client requires a lot of tricky diplomacy that depends on the reading of nonverbal clues and an understanding of the client's emotional state. Even though it SHOULD be straight business, no emotions involved, that is not often the case. Even in larger projects you still have to navigate everyone's feelings.

If you were a draftsman or conceptual designer and had an intermediary partner who dealt with the clients primarily and could explicitly verbalize their needs to you, then it could work. I imagine the technical aspects of the profession would be more enjoyable and more feasible for a someone with AS.

Sep 5, 06 12:06 pm  · 

It's hard to seperate the designing part of architecture from the social part.

Sep 5, 06 12:08 pm  · 

I appreciate the honest response, it sounds like it'll be a mountain. Well im gonna start the degree this september and I hope to work my way around it during University.

Thanks alot

Sep 5, 06 1:14 pm  · 

I appreciate the honest response, it sounds like it'll be a mountain. Well im gonna start the degree this september and I hope to work my way around it during University.

Thanks alot

Sep 5, 06 1:14 pm  · 

Best of luck to you! I'm glad you're willing to give it a shot!

If I were you I'd try to start out working for larger firms doing very large projects where the design goals are more explicitly stated on the client's end and the atmosphere is more controlled and professional. Residential would be very difficult, I would imagine. People are very emotionally invested in their homes and I think the hardest thing for you might be to design houses.

Sep 5, 06 1:21 pm  · 

also, to clarify: I do not have AS, but I know someone who does, which is what prompted my response.

Sep 5, 06 1:28 pm  · 

as i understand it, asperger manifests itself differently in everyone who has it, right? so depending on yr particular situation, you might find it easier or harder...

on the other hand: difficulty relating socially to others, perceiving the world differently, very sensitive to certain stimuli, have difficulty using language in a social context, etc... shit, sounds like you'll make a perfect architect! :)

seriously, a professor and i are currently discussing how the profession is essentially "autistic" itself right now. i.e., it has trouble relating to those it's supposed to be serving and really only converses within its own small circles.

Sep 5, 06 1:28 pm  · 

crilly, I really only see that problem in the academic world and in high arch. theory circles. The vast majority of working architects would simply not survive if they could only converse in with each other.

Sep 5, 06 1:32 pm  · 

Wow, im happy that you understand. Architecture seems like an intellects thing, with understanding people, which is good, thank god I didnt pick media studies, caged by the 'trendy people' ... or stuck with computer science as I would have commited suicide. The thing that'll I find hard is having to go to parties in the name of 'networking'. But I hope to make most people aware I have AS. i hope to embrace this, as i find they way i think clearer and more productive.

thanks all for responses. shall hope to meet people like you at uni.

Sep 5, 06 1:38 pm  · 

myriam: well so far my experience is limited to the academic world and to reading high-end theory... so i assumed (incorrectly i guess) that it permeated the profession.

indy: i've got a nephew with AS. he's progressively adapted/coped as he grows older, as i imagine you've discovered too.

good luck.

Sep 5, 06 1:43 pm  · 

There was a person in my program whom I strongly suspect to have AS. This person did fairly well in school exploring conceptual projects and went on to post grad study, as well. I do believe success is possible. The fact that you're willing to share about it will definitely help! Good luck! Also, there are many ways to network, and they don't all involve going to parties. Never fear.

You'll probably be aided by society's perception of the architect as the loner, anti-social genius (even though that isn't really the case in reality).

Sep 5, 06 1:45 pm  · 

i hope this person is fine...

Apr 23, 07 3:43 pm  · 

i thought indy got booted?

Apr 23, 07 3:44 pm  · 

i think he did...but i am prone towards invoking his name in some of the more heated threads.

Apr 23, 07 3:50 pm  · 

like this ML? "man, your acting like indy_is_crap! Please STFU!"

Apr 23, 07 3:57 pm  · 

Cirtainly an Aspergers will be apriciated, he or she will proberly be the best qualified in any other than the social issues, now architecture is not just words.
On the other hand I think a lot more knowleage while in some sense ,we all share a little bit Aspergers or in fact many N.T. do ,and reconise would even score halve the points needed in a test , and knowing these things , how and where to find the right answer, being able by knowleage and understanding to make a group profit the most often valuable source , just there a lot of firms would realy be able to make a score, just by knowing --- Look at what personalities had Aspergers or syntoms that would lead to some score on the list and you will be surprised. Only thing that is missing, is enough information for the individual Aspergers to know his or her actural situation -- but just there , it is the misunderstandings come ; as it is realy most often the surroundings, not the aspergers who fail the Empathie.

Apr 23, 07 4:04 pm  · 

Or to say it in other words, if you need your job or homework done -- get friend with the local Asperger.

Apr 23, 07 4:08 pm  · 

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