
Should architects smoke marihuana?


Should architects smoke marihuana?

Aug 3, 06 3:17 am

only when their boss is buying...

Aug 3, 06 3:26 am  · 

...and only when their boss's heroin runs out...

pmachine - I assume you mean marijuana or are you:

a) smoking some different shit
b) too stonned to spell

I credit you for such a topic on your first post!

Aug 3, 06 4:16 am  · 

Actually BOTS, you can spell it both ways.

and thanks for the credit...I always had the subject in the back of my mind...Almost all the architects I know who have interesting designs seem to do it...and all the architects that have uninteresting designs seem not there might be a relation.

Aug 3, 06 5:31 am  · 

Maybe you smoke too much pot

Aug 3, 06 6:20 am  · 

we got to find out what Brad pitt smokes ..

Aug 3, 06 7:55 am  · 

I think it's fair to say that people in the so called' creative industry' take all kinds of stuff, wether they should or not is a different debate.

Aug 3, 06 8:29 am  · 
Chili Davis

I think everyone should smoke marijuana.

Aug 3, 06 8:39 am  · 

or not.

ever hear jimi hendrix jam with jim morrison when they were totally wasted? oh man, they sucked so bad.

Aug 3, 06 8:57 am  · 

this older guy at the office where i interned last summer rolled a joint while he asked me a question at my desk... but that was back in new hampshire, which leads the nation in marijuana consumption. my mother also just moved from manchester, nh in with her fiance just across the river from new hampshire in eliot, maine and brought with her a plant next to her house that looks just like marijuana. not sure it is, as i've never seen the plant myself, but we plan to ask my pot-loving uncle next time he's down that way.

personally, i've only smoked a few times as i tend to just get jumpy and prefer an nice cold beer for mood-changing substances.

Aug 3, 06 11:25 am  · 

my roommates in undergrad smoked weed everyday and still managed to be superproductive. i thought i could do the same, but my daily marijuana inhilation just lead to chronic video game playing and impulsive record collecting. my studio work suffered.

it wasn't until after the fact that they revealed they were doing speed which was the reason they were able to remain productive...those lying bastards!

Aug 3, 06 11:56 am  · 
liberty bell
most all the architects I know who have interesting designs seem to do it...and all the architects that have uninteresting designs seem not there might be a relation.

I don't think there is a causal relationship, pmachine. I've seen plenty of stoner architects produce absolute garbage, and lots of straight-and-narrows produce brilliance. If you want to smoke pot to see if it helps your "creativity", I see no harm in trying it (except of course in the US you'd be breaking the law - a small risk but not one I as a registered architect want to take anymore). But also, for the sake of proper research, try being sober and approaching the same problem, and see what you think of the two results.

Can someone else please post the link to the "Stoner Architect Designs House of Foyers" Onion article? I'm on my husband's mac and it seems too daunting a task to attempt right now. Plus I'm really stoned so I'm just not motivated to do it myself ;)

Aug 3, 06 12:31 pm  · 
Chili Davis
Stoner Architect Drafts All-Foyer Mansion
Aug 3, 06 12:36 pm  · 
maya mcdifference

the world would be a happier place if everyone smoked pot. picture it... you're meeting with a client and instead of offering him/her a cup of coffee you offer him a hit off your joint. imagine how much smoother the meeting would go. you could probably sell your craziest ideas to this person because most everything looks pretty cool/interesting when you're high.

Aug 3, 06 12:39 pm  · 

For crying out loud, do what you want.
Should it matter if you are an architect or not.
What about acid, maybe that will clear the cobwebs if that's what your looking for.

Aug 3, 06 1:33 pm  · 

i dont think drugs enlarge efficiency of work in my case.

clear head, lots of thinking, helpfull advice, reliable source of informations, feeling LOVED, good & concentrated does.

Aug 3, 06 1:47 pm  · 


Aug 3, 06 1:51 pm  · 

amsha is totally spot on.

not big on recreational drug use, but I got my spurs in the straight edge scene growing up and thats had a big influence on me even if I don't X up anymore. I don't think it add to the creative process, but thats based on personal experience and from watching the kids that did smoke frequently in my studio.

Aug 3, 06 2:16 pm  · 

I take it back. It is better to be completely "out of it" all the time.

Aug 3, 06 2:19 pm  · 

I agree with Liberty Bell and amsha of what they wrote...

I personally feel that it doesn´t make any difference if you smoke marihuana or not...just as long as you do your job and do it correctly. I was just curious of what architects or future architects would have to say to the question.

Aug 3, 06 2:37 pm  · 
liberty bell

Thanks for the link, Chili Davis. It cracks me up every time I read it: and yes as an eigth grader, I did specialize in drawing the Van Halen logos on friends' notebooks for them - I had those geometries down, man.

cf, would that be standardized acid you're speaking of? In that case it just might be the key to opening those creative doors to unimagined universes.

In the end, though, amsha is right - a clear head and positive outlook seems like the best state of mind for design.

Aug 3, 06 2:44 pm  · 

i've seen a lot of architects becoming useless after taking drugs.
worst effect drugs have on some people is that, they go around and around until the design becomes useless and overbearingly affected.
be careful and always leave the good thing alone or you will not like what you see next day, thus waste of time.

Aug 3, 06 9:12 pm  · 

Nevermore, please refer to this months GQ:


Maybe that's how he produces such great architecture. Wicked.

Aug 3, 06 9:53 pm  · 

Perhaps it should have been "please reefer to this months GQ"


Aug 3, 06 9:55 pm  · 
vado retro
just say no
Aug 3, 06 11:26 pm  · 

Whilst i personnaly love doing drugs, i just never mix them with any kind of professional activitiy, i have to be absolutely sober and have a clear mind when i work, substances of any kind dont help my productivity/creativity. there is a time for everything, in my opinion drugs should be kept recreational and not used as performance-enhancing products, people who use them continuously to meet deadlines etc. eventually pay the price because no-one is stronger than dope. Having said that, i've turned up at work still wasted from the night before in the past and it's not fun at all, i try to avoid that nowadays. like everything else in life it's all about balance...

Aug 4, 06 5:08 am  · 
like everything else in life it's all about balance...

speaking of which, that's my zodiac... :)

Aug 4, 06 8:44 am  · 

& the hardest thing to achieve...

Aug 4, 06 8:49 am  · 

easy to make home narcotic recipes

# 1) Swallow 100 mg of powdered nutmeg all at once.It MAY make u feel slightly nauseatic but the buzz is pleasant and slightly less than LSD

Aug 4, 06 9:47 am  · 

I hope i didnt sound like i was preaching, that wasn't my intention, i hate being preached so i hope i didnt come across as one of those pricks who tell others what's right or wrong, what they should or shouldnt do etc.

Aug 4, 06 10:10 am  · 

...and nevermore, i'd be keen to try you recipe as long as it's A LOT less than LSD and it doesnt last as long. Acid doesnt agree with me unfortunately, i've had some bad trips on that stuff. fun at first but then the paranoia and the sensation of being trapped in a trip forever is something i cant cope with. again, just a personal experience...

Aug 4, 06 10:14 am  · 

i don't smoke it, personally. but i think all of you should. pot beats bourbon, tobacco, and horseracing as kentucky's #1 (albeit unofficial/illegal) export. help the kentucky economy - please!

Aug 4, 06 10:23 am  · 

I like to take a clove and garlic, smash it, and swallow it. I get a real feeling. It's an experience.

Aug 4, 06 10:23 am  · 

doberman.. I dont do any narcotics ,
the nutmeg thing I used to do that in junior school, forgot about it till a friend emailed me something abt it today.The trip lasts for -6-8 hrs if the nutmeg is pure.Be warned dude. but its completely natural and harmless.

cf -You have got to be joking .

Aug 4, 06 10:36 am  · 
Rim Joist

I know I'm probably regressing toward third grade, but I'm STILL laughing about the "All Foyer House" post...

Aug 4, 06 11:31 am  · 

lol.. its hilarious! like that dam-designer beaver post..

"Then again," continued Cirillo after an extremely long pause, "if he can't, you know, hey."

God[ly humor] is in the[se] details...

Aug 4, 06 12:37 pm  · 

smoke if you want, but leave your sticky green trees at home, and come to work prepared to work with a clear and focused mind.

Aug 4, 06 12:42 pm  · 

Yes, and they should role it with there 24x36 print outs :p

Aug 5, 06 10:13 pm  · 

you know as the lone Jamaican....I better not respond

Aug 7, 06 10:53 pm  · 

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