
World Cup Predictor Game


Wow, all this has taken a while for me to digest.

First of all I keep on seeing racism adn as someone pointed out before Zidane really doesnt look any different than the mediterranean players. It is like when "Latinos" all of a sudden become a race in the states.

I feel for Zidane, I am glad he took a stand for himself, if indeed the comment was a xenophobic remark. By the way that wouldnt be the first time the French team is abused for its diversity:
Even their own politicians deride them for their color(s).

I am also saddened by the news stories of racism and xenophobia from colored players that have tried the italian leagues coming out as a result of the head-butt. I knew parts of italy were xenophobic, but I didnt know they were that bad.

Anyway, something is abrewing in Europe and they need to get their shit together and begin to integrate all peoples better or it will be bad for all of us (more 9/11's, more London 7/7, more madrids)...
as seen in BLDG BLOG:

Jul 10, 06 4:22 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

+q ... About your first point ... xenophobia and racism does not solely concern one's attitude towards another skin color ... such attacks can be leveled against a person because of their national origin or alienage. In the case of Mexican-Americans, Latinos, etc, even if you do not want to classify them as another race, they have been the target of the exclusionary, abusive tactics that have been leveled at Asian- and African-Americans.

Whatever Materazzi may or may not have said to Zidane, it pales to comparison to the way Samuel Eto'o (and to a certain extent, Ronaldinho), have been treated by some Real Zaragoza supporters.

Jul 10, 06 5:31 pm  · 

who is that, Chirac?

damn it, zz is way handsome...
that smile! *sigh*

Jul 10, 06 5:38 pm  · 
Jul 10, 06 6:52 pm  · 
get sent off like zidane
Jul 10, 06 6:53 pm  · 

celebrations at the circo massimo in rome, 1 million people there and about another million alond the streets following the route of the team's bus. amazing.

Jul 11, 06 4:24 am  · 

Anyway, something is abrewing in Europe and they need to get their shit together and begin to integrate all peoples better or it will be bad for all of us (more 9/11's, more London 7/7, more madrids)...

that has very little to do with integration...

Jul 11, 06 4:34 am  · 

France and Netherland have been the only 2 european countries that voted NO to the European Constitution.

European Constitution

Jul 11, 06 5:28 am  · 

Enjoy Zizou Zidane.


Zidane, hit Materazzi using the mouse

Jul 11, 06 5:48 am  · 

I don't know where this conversation is leading. I don't think the behaviour of player should be extended to any kind of moral value outside of the field, since the general attitude of soccer toward this question is really sketchy. I mean, they all behave badly, they hurt each other when nobody watches, all of them. They dive, pretend they are wounded when they are not, kick other players in the ball, and fortunately we don't get to ear what kind of childish insult they keep throwing to each other all the time. We don't even know if the reaction of Zidane is related to a racist insult, or to an old story that he has with materazzi from the time they played together (I seem to remember they where in the same team for a while right?) or if it's just part of a wider strategy for the end of Zidane carreer, or the whole three things and more...
The relation between this and the European constitution is not so clear to me. I think Italy should be happy since they won, and I think Zidane is not disgraced because of this stupid headbutt. It's only a game after all. By the way, was Materazzi hurt badly? Did he stop playing after that? I don't remember...

Jul 11, 06 9:39 am  · 

i believe materazzi was already standing up before zidane got the card...
and was standing near the sideline as zz walked off..i think when you
see the replay zidane says something else to him as he leaves the

matterazzi definitely kept playing because he made one of the pks.
remarkable recovery for a guy that looked as though he got shot.
trying to figure out how much a headbutt to the sternum would actually
hurt...i imagine that matterazzi was also expecting something to happen if he indeed said what has been he was probably ready to take a shot...

re: the question about whether there is history here...i looked at
their profiles and it doesn't look as though they've played league
games against each other...there's no crossover in serieA..zidane
played for Juve til 01 and Matterazzi played/plays for inter since
01... i didn't know that Matterazzi is almost 33...zidane is just 34
and seems so much older.

the only thing i can think of is that they may have played champions
league games against each other..and they've certainly played
national team games against one another...

Jul 11, 06 10:06 am  · 

One more ugly piece of news:

On to the good times, the story of the NY Cosmos is finally told, I still find it hard to believe that after those players soccer didnt take off in the US, anyway watch the trailer:

Jul 11, 06 12:01 pm  · 

yeah, calderoli is a wanker, the northern league is a joke of a party, but hey, you can't kill them just 'cause they're stupid...

as far as the people in the french team being all sons of france, i'm not sure a few millions young french people of "non-european" origin feel the same way...when you can play sports you're always welcome, but is france really that welcoming to others? a few months ago it didn't look like that.

anyway, it's amazing how one guy headbuts another for a comment on his sister and all of a sudden the headbutted guy is the guilty one...zidane was just plain stupid, he could have had is own back during the game, or after, without jeopardizing his team victory. he lost control, like he had done several times before in his carrer, and contributed to loosing his team a world cup...good job zizou!

people should stop portraing him as some sort of racism-fighting hero, the terrorist comment was made up by the guardian who that later rewrote the news, he is just a thug. watch him sepping over players feet while they're on the ground while he was playing in juventus...a real pro! how should have that player reacted? smash his head on the goal post? i'm not trying to make it all look in favour of italy, the cup is ours, i'm happy and coulnd't give a fuck about zidane, it's just funny how people have take sides.

Jul 11, 06 2:22 pm  · 


zidane is no hero.
but materazzi is a dirty player and has been his entire
career. maybe dirty is not correct..but definitely overly
aggressive and is not afraid to go in cleats up..and is just
as guilty of stepping on players as zidane if not more so.
to me he's the classic brute...the player you love to have
on your team..but hate to play against (similar to bill
laimbeer of the old pistons..or domi in hockey...or kasparitis)

zidane is guilty of being an idiot in the second biggest
game of his career, but materazzi has a reputation and is no
saint either.

if materazzi had done nothing to provoke zidane then i would
say you are right..but he fouled him earlier and then grabbed
his chest and THEN said something. if it was just words that's
one thing...but i'm sure materazzi had been clutching and
grabbing all game and zidane eventually lost his cool.
the outcome that i'm sure materazzi hoped for.

trezeguez sp? missed the pk..not zidane's replacement. so
zidane maybe helps france win in ot..but would have no effect
on the way the pks went down. so to say he lost the match is
also a stretch.

Jul 11, 06 3:20 pm  · 

headbutts, tackles, fist fights, losing, winning are all part of soccer. i thought it was only human and bid of a stupid reaction when zz did it. its just part of the game. i think now, zidane went out just like a soccer player could. he got another one of his red cards at the end. that doesn't make him a lesser human being or a lesser player. so what? he is a passionate and emotional player.

racism on the other hand, is a social desease that eats the soul. or, strenghtens your resolve to fight against it.

i think it was more of an ordinary insult exchange between the two players. it happens in most professional team sports.

this is what i read so far and i will make the last part that triggered a headbutt.
according to matterazzi;
he pulls zz's shirt during one to one challenge. zz turns around and belittlingly says,
"if you want my shirt that bad, i could give it to you at the end".
and, here is what 'i' think matterazzi says to zidane,
"i'd rather have your sister, bro".

just like that... huh?

also, this is what became part of ordinary soccer exercise these days.

Jul 11, 06 3:34 pm  · 

Funny, funny, it's funny to make fun of the world soccer champions when you lost.
And it' even funnier that these funny videos and other funny stories have been released when other teams started to realize that Italy was actually a pretty hard team to beat.

I'm laughing, but we won a 5.3 kg gold cup and we are 4 times world champions.

(Brazil, 5; Italy, 4; Germany, 3; Argentina, Uruguay, 2; England, France, 1.)

Jul 11, 06 7:23 pm  · 

the other angle.

Jul 11, 06 7:45 pm  · 

do the zidane. it's catching on in france...


Jul 12, 06 11:43 am  · 

dot, great song and funny as hell...

Jul 12, 06 11:54 am  · 

BBC's lip readers....


they need to use the other angle

Jul 12, 06 12:13 pm  · 

wow. a death wish to a sick mother deserves a headbutt in my opinion.

Jul 12, 06 12:51 pm  · 

Damm, I failed an exam today, I should have done like Zidane..... mmmhhhh, maybe next time.....

Jul 12, 06 12:56 pm  · 

New World Rankings:,2548,All-Jul-2006,00.html

I think this is not very accurate, Germany should be higher than the Netherlands, and wayyyy higher than England. Brazil as the best team still? Best players maybe, best team dont think so. And Colombia went up 6 places for all those that may care ;)

My world cup resolution was to stay more involved in soccer and for the first time actually start looking at the MSL. I nthat spirit, here are two pieces of news:
Who knew that the DC United kicked so much ass?

and like the cosmos of yesteryear the MSL is trying to attract some big names. Beckam, Figo, Zidane?

Final piece of USonian gossip, Klinsmann quit, will he coach the US to victory?

Jul 12, 06 2:12 pm  · 

this article pretty much sums up what I feel about the whole thing...especially as zidane makes the socially responsible apology...

Jul 12, 06 2:40 pm  · 

alright materazzi now its your turn come clean. be a man apologize to zidane

Jul 12, 06 2:51 pm  · 
sepp blatter

, not so clean president of fifa, wants zidane's golden shoes back.
whats next arrest zidane?

Jul 12, 06 3:11 pm  · 
vado retro
Jul 12, 06 9:14 pm  · 

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