
America's Next Top Architect


Has anyone mentioned the possibility of a reality TV show about architecture? I wonder how that would go...

May 26, 06 1:07 am

I'm baffled at how there aren't any comments on this thread yet !

May 26, 06 3:30 am  · 

you'll keep hearing people complaining on the show? you know...poor wages..long on.

May 26, 06 3:53 am  · 
long hours

wasted on the internet.

May 26, 06 4:28 am  · 

Yeah. Long hours.
I've had this thought too. I'd watch it (probably at least the first few episodes), but I don't think I'd want to be on it.

May 26, 06 4:38 am  · 

probably a very boring tv show.........america's next top laywer or doctor will generate massive ratings, but no archiytect

May 26, 06 5:41 am  · 


"The Studio"

...architecture students "Project Runway" style. Challenges, eliminations for lack of imagination, mean crits. 24 hours to design a park planter for impoverished nieghborhoods.

I'd watch that. I'll book the pitch-session lunch with the suits.

a show sample!

May 26, 06 6:15 am  · 

can't remember if there was a thread on it or not, but I got forwarded a casting call-like email from a friend calling for architects for the next 'batchelor'.
Those broads are gonna have a nice suprise when they find out what he really makes.... unless he's like 55 I guess?

May 26, 06 11:55 am  · 

bachelor, damn this forum needs a 'spell' command....

May 26, 06 11:59 am  · 

heres how i see this humerous show going -
i think it could be fairly similar to a realworld or some MTV special

about all of the architects are alcoholics and always hit happy hour unless they are in the apt or house getting stoned or trying to hook it up with other drinkers and pot heads all while attempting to land some sweet design jobs in another city cause this one is too boring now..

i think it could be very flavorful and rather enticing depending on the ciy its staged in and the incredibly amusing mixed assortment bag of arch students and faculty and professionals i've come across....

May 26, 06 12:04 pm  · 
Lucky LA

Refer to the discussion: what i'm doing right now and the mysteries of architecture

If people really knew what we did we would never get the awe and amazement factor when we tell people we're an ***Architect***

then we would be left poor, overworked, and in shame :(

May 26, 06 6:14 pm  · 

hijacked smiley, eh.

Jun 4, 06 2:40 pm  · 

Has anyone thought about an Architecture Work Out video? We all know that we don't get enough exercise as it is... long hours deliberating over every small detail, correcting CDs, et cetera. We could do exercises like the parallel bar stretch, run-between-the-plotter-and computer-relays, and so on. My colleges and I are planning on making such a video, if we ever have enough free time. If anyone has any other ideas for architecture exercises please let me know

Jun 12, 06 2:48 pm  · 

Possible title for Architecture Work out video; Sweating to Post Moderism. I wish I could think of more.

Jun 12, 06 2:52 pm  · 

Possible title for Architecture Work out video; Sweating to Post Moderism. I wish I could think of more.

Jun 12, 06 2:52 pm  · 

I meant to write colleagues not colleges

Jun 12, 06 3:01 pm  · 
le bossman

what about dan hoffman? could he be the next big architect?

Jun 12, 06 3:28 pm  · 

We at the Department of Standardization, in order to form a more perfect standardized architecture have formed the Young Architects' Brigade for the Betterment of Global Architectural Standardization. We have strongly recruited the top students from the top schools in America and will re-educate these highly intelligent young women and men in the much regarded Philosophy of Standardization. We at this department, by means of our higly selected selectablity, know in all certainty that the next great architect will be a standardizer from our standardized standard Brigade. The is a bright and glorious time in our field of architecture and world standardization. Please join us in celebrating this wonderful occasion by joining your nearest AIA coommittee and offer your full services at will by the power of the standard. Advance the Standard!!!!

Jun 12, 06 3:40 pm  · 

americas next top architect

Jun 12, 06 6:09 pm  · 

I think this is a brilliant idea! At first, it sounds like boooring, but when you think about it, it'd be good for everyone. See, here's how I am thinking:

- get a few up and coming young firms (young enough to be idealistic/naive and stay up nights in a row without pay) to compete for a large project
- you'd see drunks, people passing out, trips to the hospital after inevitable xacto mistakes

This way you'd avoid the normal complaining that no one wants to hear and you would actually get the public interested in design.

Seems like a sure hit to me. Right?

Jun 12, 06 6:38 pm  · 
Cherith Cutestory

AND force the teams to live with each other, ala the apprentice in some over stylized loft resulting in tensions because they have to spend every hour with each other AND adding to that tension living in a space they will most likely hate but don't have the time or money to change.

not that i would want that. just seems these things always aim to get maximum hate out of people. wouldn't be any fun without a fight.

shoot, if the prize was cool enough, i'd bite. i'm in, i'm in!

Jun 12, 06 6:44 pm  · 

I always recall riding around in Wyoming years ago with a mentor of mine. He always dressed in black and wore a black cowboy hat. He would point out some down and out street person and say...."Ya I used to work with him in an architecture firm, must be all of forty by now." Now that would be a Reality Show!

Jun 12, 06 7:17 pm  · 

I was thinking about the reality tv show. It would be interesting to mix up the 'reality' of students and the 'reality' of those working in the field. This would juxtapose the massive differences and possible similarities and serve to bridge the gap between the much-repeated claim that I've heard so so many times: "Architecture school is a GREAT education. But the reality of the profession is SO depressingly different." Of course, the show could serve to expose the gap and create dialogue that does not exist in the mainstream. Think of how many of us would be saved from entering such an idealistic academic realm, only to become frustrated web designers later on.... heh.

Jun 13, 06 12:42 am  · 

I think that would be a recipe for real violence.


Not sure why you'd be a frustrated web designer, unless you wanted to be an architect and were always bitter about having to give it up.

They make more, work less, under less pressure, no long hours, etc., etc. It's not as fulfilling, for sure, but I don't think it's a frustrated profession at all.

Jun 13, 06 8:08 am  · 

ive actually sent several emails to PBS pitching a show just like whats being discussed... i never got much response back beyond, We appreciate your time and ideas and what not

Jun 13, 06 5:32 pm  · 

i bet that's a big letdown

Jun 13, 06 6:24 pm  · 

WOW that was good, indeed

Jun 15, 06 2:38 pm  · 

ANT Architect hosted by Brad Pitt when he reaches his 50s...a shining of grey beyond the blond roots - dressed in black ofc.

Hosted from the London Eye at the first episodes

show features young architectural practices...mixes in a little architect wars, follows them around, meets their clients, sees the work they built, commentary by leading architects - the nasty ones,

Jun 25, 06 1:30 pm  · 

meets the spouse at home, the dog they can't remember, the competition entries, their muses, introduces them to their favourite architect, prizes vary 100K for the ultimate winner,

Jun 25, 06 1:34 pm  · 

PBS does seem like the best network for a show like this in the US. They've done some reality shows over the past few years, but they've all been variations on the idea of putting modern families in historical contexts. I think they got some of the shows and all of the ideas from the BBC.

I think other shows on TV demonstrate that there might be demand for an architecture show:
Extreme Engineering, Modern Marvels, Building the Ultimate, American Chopper, all those trashy decorating shows, Monster House, etc. None of those deal with architecture, but their prevalance indicates a some desire by the television-watching American public to learn a little about construction projects and how things are built/made. Actually, it's probably just a desire to look at video of house-sized earthmoving equipment and to watch people abuse each other emotionally.

There have been a few single shows about single buildings, e.g. the Petronas Towers, but in just 46 minutes, we don't get to see much more than a couple of minutes from the architects' point of view, and what we do see is highly sanitized/dumbed-down.

If there were to be some sort of reality series about architecture, I'm not sure that a competition would be best. I like mikilee's idea of contrasting education with profession. I'd like to see some documentary-style case studies of a few employees in a few firms, and a few students in a few schools. Perhaps they could be the same people, just a year or two later. Has anyone else read Dana Cuff's Architecture: the Story of Practice?

Maybe a fictional show centered around an architectural office would be best, as long as HBO does it.

Jun 25, 06 2:28 pm  · 

architecture is a reality show. the original reality show.

Jun 26, 06 4:57 pm  · 

"the studio" or "the architect" mmmhhh....

sounds to me like a mix between the bachelor+who wants to be a millionaire+survivor ;-) if well managed could work... too bad Mr. Spelling just passed away.... LOL

Jun 28, 06 4:27 am  · 

but hey, i was forgetting we have Brad on our side.... mmhhh that could attract some rating, wish archinect turns into a production company....hahaha

Jun 28, 06 4:31 am  · 

The first time I saw Project Runway I was like, damn, this could be the one thing that gets the public excited and somewhat informed about what architects do. We could totally rock a show like that--it's basically the same exact thing as design school! ...the only problem: where to find attractive, personable architecture students?!

Jun 28, 06 9:03 am  · 
A Center for Ants?

you can make a dress and model it in a day.
you can't make a building in a day. and as nice a good 1/4" model or slick rendering is, a lot of the viewers wouldn't be able to easily process those kinds of materials critically...

Jun 28, 06 12:53 pm  · 

imo, the final real-world project should invigorate the users.

Jul 3, 06 11:55 pm  · 

Ants - alot of those things could be editted in post-production

I like the thought that it could be a "spoof" of an architects office - gawd knows there is enough drama there. One the highest rated episodes of Law & Order SVU features an architect with a personal life similar to that of one can attest that a precedent is there

Jul 9, 06 6:45 pm  · 


A group of interns is grouped together to live in a house, have their lives taped, and battle eachother for a permanent position with a well known starchitect. I am picturing Koolhaas fitting the bill nicely.

Jul 10, 06 2:16 am  · 
Dapper Napper

Gehry would be better. The general public has been hearing his name a lot lately, thus better ratings. Us in the know can barely say "Koolhaas" as it is.

Jul 10, 06 2:30 pm  · 

you have a point - but Koolhaas (cool-house?) could probably do the asshole boss better. Wait Prince-Ramus would be ideal

actually they could just follow him around...rise to starchitectdom

Jul 17, 06 11:46 pm  · 

here's an idea....

give the "architects" or "designers" some materials and power tools and see if they can make their shit happen........

small scale of coarse..... that might wake up the majority of the field a bit


Jul 17, 06 11:52 pm  · 

re Mikilee's comment:

i heard in ny, there was a friday night even in which 2 start-up/boutiquey architects went head to head with 2 large firm architects in a design-off. this all took place in a bar, with a dj and lots of foam core. i think with a tv show like the public will come to appreciate the field in a new way once they can understand some of the process and see how rigorous and multidisciplinary the design process is! and architecture is way more interesting than fashion. there's somewhat of a limit to the creative spectrum in creating clothing patterns (different cuts/structures etc.) so these days i feel like fashion is more about embellishments and varying fabrics than new ways to wear clothes. but you have so much more freedom in architecture. i would also love to see some of the starchitects battle out style, form, philosophy differences on the small screen.

Feb 1, 07 1:18 am  · 

What is there to talk about? I am America's next top Architect. Or nevermore – I can't decide.

Feb 1, 07 1:27 am  · 

FoG reaching for a piece of paper, crushing it in his hands and walking off. As he leaves the stage he points to his partner, a junior architect at FoG party and says, "hey you, finish this!"


Feb 1, 07 1:29 am  · 

Junior Architect reaches for the crushing paper (camera pans towards the ground) and says "I am not some looser you can just push around! Do your own dirty work! I deserve better!" Queue for music ends the scene.

Feb 1, 07 1:43 am  · 

when does the sex scene start ?

Feb 1, 07 1:59 am  · 

day 2;

day 3; FoG presents the design to a stage full of renderings; models; drawings wins hands down...AMOMA boycotts all further compeitions between architects as we are all to be one spiritual & social society

Feb 2, 07 3:10 pm  · 

Sorry, I thought this was another post about Philip K R Nixon!

Feb 2, 07 3:23 pm  · 

good storyline OldFogey, but I think nevermore will have an issue with it since it doesn't include a sex scene. Can you work it in?

Feb 2, 07 10:20 pm  · 

Bravo, OldFogey, Bravo!

Next scene…end David's Bridal Commercial…

Begin Scene, and Action!

Anticipation builds as the silence continues to permeate the room. Camera pans to the young female staffer as she slowly approaches her opponent with high-heeled stilettos and a tightly fitting custom made dress. She forcefully drops her hands upon the table and moves towards the opponent as her hair gracefully swoons forward as she whispers, "honey, you wouldn't know the first thing about where my custom stainless gutters have been, where they are now, or where they are going, so unless you want me to reveal your little secret about your entourage that took place in San Francisco last weekend, I'd shut the F* up, b-ach!

Room once again falls silent. Cut to commercial.

Feb 3, 07 12:41 am  · 

too funny! Can this be produced by Abra? It needs his vision.

Feb 3, 07 1:06 am  · 

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