arethacrystal jukebox queen of hymn & him diffused in
drunk transfusion wound would heed sweet soundwave
crippled & cry salute to oh great particular el dorado reel
& ye battered personal god but she cannot she the leader of
whom when ye follow, she cannot she has no back she
cannot . . . beneath black flowery railroad fans & fig leaf
shades & dogs of all nite joes, grow like arches & cures the
harmonica battalions of bitter cowards, bones & bygones
while what steadier louder the moans & arms of funeral
landlord with one passionate kiss rehearse from dusk &
climbing into the bushes with some favorite enemy ripping
the postage stamps & crazy mailmen & waving all rank &
familiar ambition than that itself, is needed to know that
mother is not a lady . . . aretha with no goals, eternally
single & one step soft of heaven/ let it be understood that
she owns this melody along with her emotional diplomats
& her earth & her musical secrets
This haggard son, speaking as from a sepulchre, had the
incongruity which selfish levity learns to see in suffering, and until the
unrelenting pincers of disease clutch its own flesh.
My name is Stella Sigcau, the elder daughter of Mr. W.Sigcau of Zimbabwe. I know this might be a surprise to you about where I got your contact address. I hereby wish to inform you about this, I got your esteem contact and particulars out of desperate search for a business minded personality in your country, who will honestly assist my younger brother and I to realize our inherited funds into his/her account and as well as invest it into a lucrative business.
I will detail you more immediately I receive your acceptance response. I hope this is the beginning of a prosperous relationship between us, if you find this letter offensive, please ignore it and accept my apology.
Thanks once again, may God almighty bless you and your Family.
Обучение ориентировано на:
Руководителей, финансовых директоров, главных бухгалтеров, юристов, специалистов и консультантов по налоговому планированию компаний.
Краткая информация о семинаре:
Краткий обзор методов налогового планирования (классификация, сводная таблица).
Договоры с предпринимателем: возмездного оказания услуг, выполнения работ, агентский, транспортные услуги, механизм трансфертных цен, штрафные санкции, аренда и пр.
Центры обслуживания (Кадровые центры). 3 случая, когда применение аутстафинга может быть оправдано.
Выплата за счет средств специального назначения или за счет средств, не уменьшающих налогооблагаемую прибыль при наличии налогового убытка. Когда это выгодно, расчет эффективности.
(Схемы поддержки трудового коллектива). Оптимизация рабочего снабжения через перекрестное субсидирование (внутренние трансфертные цены). Потребительское кредитование.
Как компенсировать "выпадение" отчислений в Пенсионный фонд на накопительную часть пенсии, в ФСС и ФОМС при применении налоговых схем, не предусматривающих выплату зарплаты.
Ограничение использования: покупатели, не нуждающиеся в вычете НДС, как их выявить или создать искусственно. Риски, связанные определением розничной торговли по ГК и рекомендации по использованию схемы в 2007-2008 гг.
Методы отсрочки уплаты НДС (в т.ч. с авансов) и налога на прибыль. Использование временной переплаты по НДС у одной компании для отсрочки НДС другой (как "дать взаймы" положительное сальдо по НДС). Использование резерва по сомнительным долгам. Создание сомнительных долгов в рамках виртуального холдинга. Использование посреднических договоров для перенесения на будущее момента возникновения налогооблагаемой базы по НДС и ухода от НДС с авансов. Установление в договоре особых правил перехода права собственности. Схема кредит-депозит. Схема с векселями.
Иностранные низконалоговые компании. Их использование при проведении внутрироссийских операций для оптимизации налога на прибыль: традиционные (торговля, проценты, дивиденды, роялти, услуги, и т.п.) и нетрадиционные схемы (простое товарищество, агентские). Выбор низконалоговых юрисдикций.
Принципы налогового планирования использования основных средств . Планирование налога на имущество. "Хранитель активов" (лицо - собственник имущественного комплекса). Схемы с использованием лизинга. Возвратный лизинг. Переоценка основных средств и нелинейная амортизация.
По вопpоcам подробной информации и pегucтаpацuu обpащайтеcь по тел: (495) 967-68 2/2, 792*--21 22
I am Michael Gordon, C.I.O of an Investment company known over the world.
I would want to bring you in on the issue of one of our customer Rodrigo Laigo, who died in a Plane Crash on January 31, 2000 while travelling to the US from Mexico. Visit this link for details of his death
I am contacting you because he is from your country and he had a deposit with us before he died accidentally. There is obviously no next of kin indicated on his paperwork when the money was lodged and the funds has matured since 2005. At exactly 3 years from the date of maturity, the funds will be transfered to the ownership of the Government.
On my own volition, i decided to contact you so that we can work together and claim this funds since you are from the same country as i will supply you with all the information that will be needed to get the funds. You would agree with me that if we get the £10,000,000{Ten Million Pounds Sterling} plus interests, it would be of a very good use than allowing it to convert to government ownership.
Never mind this medium of contact,I have to resort to that because its a kind of last resort as i have tried other possible means.
I wait to get your response at the earliest opportunity through email or Fax.
Michael Gordon
Fidelity International,UK.
Fax: +44 7006096979
hello i want iam not spaming iam for sure i have a sexuall attraction on my face if ur frds any body india tell them to see my attraction on my i know the formula for it sureee
this should be more appropriate for "attract any terrorist now alchemist," clearly showing the tone is gradually getting more sinister with fees spelled out.;.)
Anti-Terrorist And Monitory Crime Division.
Federal Bureau Of Investigation.
J.Edgar.Hoover Building Washington Dc
Attn: Beneficiary,
This is to Officially inform you that it has come to our notice and we have thoroughly Investigated with the help of our Intelligence Monitoring Network System that you are having an illegal Transaction with Impostors claiming to be Prof. Charles C. Soludo of the Central Bank Of Nigeria, Mr. Patrick Aziza, Mr Frank Nweke, Dr. Philip Mogan, none officials of Oceanic Bank, Zenith Banks, Barr. Derrick Smith, kelvin Young of HSBC, Ben of FedEx, Ibrahim Sule,Larry Christopher, Dr. Usman Shamsuddeen, Dr. Philip Mogan, Puppy Scammers are impostors claiming to be the Federal Bureau Of Investigation. During our Investigation, we noticed that the reason why you have not received your payment is because you have not fulfilled your Financial Obligation given to you in respect of your Contract/Inheritance Payment.
Therefore, we have contacted the Federal Ministry Of Finance on your behalf and they have brought a solution to your problem by cordinating your payment intotal USD$11,000.000.00 in an ATM CARD which you can use to withdraw money from any ATM MACHINE CENTER anywhere in the world with a maximum of $4000 to $5000 United States Dollars daily. You now have the lawful right to claim your fund in an ATM CARD.
Since the Federal Bureau of Investigation is involved in this transaction, you have to be rest assured for this is 100% risk free it is our duty to protect the American Citizens. All I want you to do is to contact the ATM CARD CENTER via email for their requirements to proceed and procure your Approval Slip on your behalf which will cost you $250.00 only and note that your Approval Slip which contains details of the agent who will process your transaction.
Do contact Mr. Daniel Smith of the ATM CARD CENTRE with your details:
So your files would be updated after which he will send the payment information’s which you'll use in making payment of $250.00 via Western Union Money Transfer or Money Gram Transfer for the procurement of your Approval Slip after which the delivery of your ATM CARD will be effected to your designated home address without any further delay.
We order you get back to this office after you have contacted the ATM SWIFT CARD CENTER and we do await your response so we can move on with our Investigation and make sure your ATM SWIFT CARD gets to you.
Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Note: Do disregard any email you get from any impostors or offices claiming to be in possession of your ATM CARD, you are hereby advice only to be in contact with Mr. Daniel Smith of the ATM CARD CENTRE who is the rightful person to deal with in regards to your ATM CARD PAYMENT and forward any emails you get from impostors to this office so we could act upon and commence investigation.
Attract any woman now alchemist
Success is a fish that is pulled from an ocean. Swim with the big fish, wear PRADA.
[i wonder how men measure love]
i have a portion which help in attracting any females for further details contact me
Guns, the Falcon's Mouthbook
& Gashcat Unpunished
arethacrystal jukebox queen of hymn & him diffused in
drunk transfusion wound would heed sweet soundwave
crippled & cry salute to oh great particular el dorado reel
& ye battered personal god but she cannot she the leader of
whom when ye follow, she cannot she has no back she
cannot . . . beneath black flowery railroad fans & fig leaf
shades & dogs of all nite joes, grow like arches & cures the
harmonica battalions of bitter cowards, bones & bygones
while what steadier louder the moans & arms of funeral
landlord with one passionate kiss rehearse from dusk &
climbing into the bushes with some favorite enemy ripping
the postage stamps & crazy mailmen & waving all rank &
familiar ambition than that itself, is needed to know that
mother is not a lady . . . aretha with no goals, eternally
single & one step soft of heaven/ let it be understood that
she owns this melody along with her emotional diplomats
& her earth & her musical secrets
Bob Dylan
Then he sprang to her feet and cried:--
Thanks, Mother Madonna.
This haggard son, speaking as from a sepulchre, had the
incongruity which selfish levity learns to see in suffering, and until the
unrelenting pincers of disease clutch its own flesh.
has anyone else been getting cell phone spam? gee, i just can't wait 'til this gets developed further...
My name is Stella Sigcau, the elder daughter of Mr. W.Sigcau of Zimbabwe. I know this might be a surprise to you about where I got your contact address. I hereby wish to inform you about this, I got your esteem contact and particulars out of desperate search for a business minded personality in your country, who will honestly assist my younger brother and I to realize our inherited funds into his/her account and as well as invest it into a lucrative business.
I will detail you more immediately I receive your acceptance response. I hope this is the beginning of a prosperous relationship between us, if you find this letter offensive, please ignore it and accept my apology.
Thanks once again, may God almighty bless you and your Family.
Yours faithfully,
Stella Sigcau.
Налоговое планирование. Лучшие белые схемы.
Дата проведения: l8-2O.О8.2008 г.
Обучение ориентировано на:
Руководителей, финансовых директоров, главных бухгалтеров, юристов, специалистов и консультантов по налоговому планированию компаний.
Краткая информация о семинаре:
Краткий обзор методов налогового планирования (классификация, сводная таблица).
Договоры с предпринимателем: возмездного оказания услуг, выполнения работ, агентский, транспортные услуги, механизм трансфертных цен, штрафные санкции, аренда и пр.
Центры обслуживания (Кадровые центры). 3 случая, когда применение аутстафинга может быть оправдано.
Выплата за счет средств специального назначения или за счет средств, не уменьшающих налогооблагаемую прибыль при наличии налогового убытка. Когда это выгодно, расчет эффективности.
(Схемы поддержки трудового коллектива). Оптимизация рабочего снабжения через перекрестное субсидирование (внутренние трансфертные цены). Потребительское кредитование.
Как компенсировать "выпадение" отчислений в Пенсионный фонд на накопительную часть пенсии, в ФСС и ФОМС при применении налоговых схем, не предусматривающих выплату зарплаты.
Ограничение использования: покупатели, не нуждающиеся в вычете НДС, как их выявить или создать искусственно. Риски, связанные определением розничной торговли по ГК и рекомендации по использованию схемы в 2007-2008 гг.
Методы отсрочки уплаты НДС (в т.ч. с авансов) и налога на прибыль. Использование временной переплаты по НДС у одной компании для отсрочки НДС другой (как "дать взаймы" положительное сальдо по НДС). Использование резерва по сомнительным долгам. Создание сомнительных долгов в рамках виртуального холдинга. Использование посреднических договоров для перенесения на будущее момента возникновения налогооблагаемой базы по НДС и ухода от НДС с авансов. Установление в договоре особых правил перехода права собственности. Схема кредит-депозит. Схема с векселями.
Иностранные низконалоговые компании. Их использование при проведении внутрироссийских операций для оптимизации налога на прибыль: традиционные (торговля, проценты, дивиденды, роялти, услуги, и т.п.) и нетрадиционные схемы (простое товарищество, агентские). Выбор низконалоговых юрисдикций.
Принципы налогового планирования использования основных средств . Планирование налога на имущество. "Хранитель активов" (лицо - собственник имущественного комплекса). Схемы с использованием лизинга. Возвратный лизинг. Переоценка основных средств и нелинейная амортизация.
По вопpоcам подробной информации и pегucтаpацuu обpащайтеcь по тел: (495) 967-68 2/2, 792*--21 22
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I am Michael Gordon, C.I.O of an Investment company known over the world.
I would want to bring you in on the issue of one of our customer Rodrigo Laigo, who died in a Plane Crash on January 31, 2000 while travelling to the US from Mexico. Visit this link for details of his death
I am contacting you because he is from your country and he had a deposit with us before he died accidentally. There is obviously no next of kin indicated on his paperwork when the money was lodged and the funds has matured since 2005. At exactly 3 years from the date of maturity, the funds will be transfered to the ownership of the Government.
On my own volition, i decided to contact you so that we can work together and claim this funds since you are from the same country as i will supply you with all the information that will be needed to get the funds. You would agree with me that if we get the £10,000,000{Ten Million Pounds Sterling} plus interests, it would be of a very good use than allowing it to convert to government ownership.
Never mind this medium of contact,I have to resort to that because its a kind of last resort as i have tried other possible means.
I wait to get your response at the earliest opportunity through email or Fax.
Michael Gordon
Fidelity International,UK.
Fax: +44 7006096979
Affluent nonentity Hilton decries CRAP monitor
hello i want iam not spaming iam for sure i have a sexuall attraction on my face if ur frds any body india tell them to see my attraction on my i know the formula for it sureee
contact to my mail about have a portion which help in attracting any females for further details contact me
if u see my face u will know the attraction on my face and if ur frd any body in india tell them to see me in order to prove
for further details contact me
have a portion which help in attracting any females for further details contact me
Anti-Terrorist And Monitory Crime Division.
Federal Bureau Of Investigation.
J.Edgar.Hoover Building Washington Dc
Attn: Beneficiary,
This is to Officially inform you that it has come to our notice and we have thoroughly Investigated with the help of our Intelligence Monitoring Network System that you are having an illegal Transaction with Impostors claiming to be Prof. Charles C. Soludo of the Central Bank Of Nigeria, Mr. Patrick Aziza, Mr Frank Nweke, Dr. Philip Mogan, none officials of Oceanic Bank, Zenith Banks, Barr. Derrick Smith, kelvin Young of HSBC, Ben of FedEx, Ibrahim Sule,Larry Christopher, Dr. Usman Shamsuddeen, Dr. Philip Mogan, Puppy Scammers are impostors claiming to be the Federal Bureau Of Investigation. During our Investigation, we noticed that the reason why you have not received your payment is because you have not fulfilled your Financial Obligation given to you in respect of your Contract/Inheritance Payment.
Therefore, we have contacted the Federal Ministry Of Finance on your behalf and they have brought a solution to your problem by cordinating your payment intotal USD$11,000.000.00 in an ATM CARD which you can use to withdraw money from any ATM MACHINE CENTER anywhere in the world with a maximum of $4000 to $5000 United States Dollars daily. You now have the lawful right to claim your fund in an ATM CARD.
Since the Federal Bureau of Investigation is involved in this transaction, you have to be rest assured for this is 100% risk free it is our duty to protect the American Citizens. All I want you to do is to contact the ATM CARD CENTER via email for their requirements to proceed and procure your Approval Slip on your behalf which will cost you $250.00 only and note that your Approval Slip which contains details of the agent who will process your transaction.
Do contact Mr. Daniel Smith of the ATM CARD CENTRE with your details:
So your files would be updated after which he will send the payment information’s which you'll use in making payment of $250.00 via Western Union Money Transfer or Money Gram Transfer for the procurement of your Approval Slip after which the delivery of your ATM CARD will be effected to your designated home address without any further delay.
We order you get back to this office after you have contacted the ATM SWIFT CARD CENTER and we do await your response so we can move on with our Investigation and make sure your ATM SWIFT CARD gets to you.
Thanks and hope to read from you soon.
Note: Do disregard any email you get from any impostors or offices claiming to be in possession of your ATM CARD, you are hereby advice only to be in contact with Mr. Daniel Smith of the ATM CARD CENTRE who is the rightful person to deal with in regards to your ATM CARD PAYMENT and forward any emails you get from impostors to this office so we could act upon and commence investigation.
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