
best new car design you can afford on an architects salary?


I would like that Saturn Sky if I had tons of money and collected cars. Garage the thing and bring it out 30 years from now with under 10k miles and it'll be worth something. As for daily driving, it's not worth it. Neither is a S2000. Me personally, I want an Acura NSX. Now that looks fun.

If you want a cheap car buy a brand new 2006 Ford Taurus. Apparently they are still making a few this year. Saw a TV ad selling them for $11,900 brand new. That's cheaper than that new Toyota Yaris, or a Scion. Sure, it ain't flashy, or has the best reliability record, but that's cheap for a brand new large car that should give you at least 80k-100k worry free miles. And you have warranty for at least 3 years. Shit, you could have a fleet of those things before buying just one of those used Euro imports trace is pimping. And it has a back seat large enough to live in, or have other recreational activities.

May 12, 06 8:37 am  · 

all depends on what drives your purchase. Me, I am a sucker for performance and all things pretty. I don't care how useful it is if it's ugly. But that's just me.

May 12, 06 11:15 am  · 

i wish vw would put this one into production

May 12, 06 6:48 pm  · 
liberty bell

here's your sign, I'm answering a little late but I can give you an opinion re: Honda Element. My husband drove one today and said he was impressed, it's a solidly constructed car, very nice features, and quite peppy. His only complaint was the driver's position isn't comfortable for him - he's 6-2, 190, long legs, if that helps.

May 12, 06 9:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

My husband also drove a Ford Frestyle today and was highly impressed. This is significant as he has always hated Ford (though we own not one but two 1963 Fords, go figure) . The Freestyle is basically like a Volvo Cross Country, not as nice of course, but it does seat SIX in bucket seats which is awesome for families who can't bear to drive either a minivan or a big-ass SUV.

May 12, 06 9:31 pm  · 
vado retro

fyi lb's husband does not do valet parking!!!

May 12, 06 10:07 pm  · 

nice... i'll take a look at the frestyle.

actually, part of me has been longing to find an american car that is really nice, looks great, drives great, is reliable, has a sweet interior, basically the full package, thats not an oversized suv gas guzzler... why i dont know... it just seems sortof like the american car industry is the underdog you know, its like watching the world cup of soccer. ok, how about: whats the best designed, best performing american car you can buy?

May 12, 06 10:32 pm  · 

On my salary...

May 12, 06 11:20 pm  · 

"Sure, it ain't flashy, or has the best reliability record, but that's cheap for a brand new large car that should give you at least 80k-100k worry free miles. And you have warranty for at least 3 years."
Well A, thats why the only customers they have are car rental companies and public utility services(who use-throw them on our taxes)

The new corvette is pretty sweet though, its won some european performance awards too. I like the new mustang too - sure its a bit loud, but the convertible looks very handsome.

May 13, 06 12:53 am  · 

yeah, a new vetter would be nice, but about 2.5 past the price point we are talking about ($70k+ for one of them)

May 13, 06 9:28 am  · 

not my taste, but not bad for $28,864

May 13, 06 3:29 pm  · 

ur right trace, i was not thinking about the money part of it....

May 14, 06 1:54 am  · 
sporadic supernova
May 14, 06 2:14 am  · 

Thanks Sporadic Supernova (from another SS) for a reality check. That's where we're headed, folks. Get ready to strap on your comfy shoes when the oil is gone...

May 14, 06 3:28 am  · 

what do people think of these entry level economy cars:

2007 honda fit... its the second top selling car in japan; over 30 mpg... 5 door starts at $13,850... supposed to spec similar to an 89-91 civic hatchback or crx...

scions (the toyota economy line)...
xA...starts at $13,320, 5 door
xB starts at $14,570 looks kinda like a baby ambulance, 5 door similar to the fit, gets over 30 mpg...

are these basically toy cars? they spec pretty well, seem to spec similar to older honda civics before they grew up...

May 15, 06 5:33 am  · 
liberty bell

My husband loves our Scion XB. It's fun and definitely distinctive and does not feel overly toy-like or cheap. He drives a lot of cars in his work (working in a body shop for summer honing his hotrod grill building skills) and still thinks his XB is a great drive. Personally, I think it's a cool enough look for an architect.

May 15, 06 7:41 am  · 

ya actually the scion xb is starting to grow on me... it definitely looks different from anything else on the road in the states... i like that economy doesn't come at the expense of style... for a first car i'm looking for something economical-- affordable to buy, and fuel efficient, with style but enough interior space to handle day to day use... and it has toyota reliability

May 15, 06 6:28 pm  · 
vado retro

i stopped by the mini dealer this weekend. yes, lb i finally found the entrance. the cooper s is basically the same setup as my ride(civic si hatchback) in hp, suspension etc. but to get what i got for 19k new is about 25 for a mini. no dice son...

May 15, 06 6:56 pm  · 

vado: you paid 19k for a new civic si? is that the 2006? or a few years back?

May 15, 06 7:54 pm  · 
vado retro

i have an 03 which i got for 17k in 04...

May 15, 06 7:58 pm  · 

sweet... love the si

the scion TC is pretty nice on a budget too... starts at under $17k with lots of features, nice stereo 17"rims... 160 hp:

i like that it looks like a coupe but its actually a hatchback...

has a huge skylight that runs the whole back of the car:

May 15, 06 10:37 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yeah, bRink that TC is very nice looking, quite sexy, I just saw one this weekend and was impressed. That skylight is even sweeter!

May 15, 06 10:40 pm  · 

just heard about this new series of toyota economy car releasing this year... toyota yaris

design looks cool... a smartcar turned into a real car...?

May 15, 06 11:53 pm  · 
yaris animated tour
May 15, 06 11:54 pm  · 

toyota also brought back the original Land Cruiser series under the name FJCruiser

May 16, 06 12:15 am  · 

starting at around $22k

May 16, 06 12:16 am  · 

Yaris..starting at 10K

May 16, 06 4:42 am  · 

I don't think I would even fit in that thing. Is it a windup?

May 16, 06 11:12 am  · 

lol "windup"....t's not the size that matters, it's the pleasure you get from it....for the price and the gas savings you can do so much for with this car...i think it looks pretty cool...what's the point of driving a big box anyway? other than to compensate for something else missing in your life....

May 16, 06 4:22 pm  · 

you might need to compensate if you were driving something that tiny

May 16, 06 6:06 pm  · 

well in new mexico I can think of plenty of places I like to go that that little car can'

I saw a mercedes benz that looked very similar to the Yaris while I was in Mexico City a few years car...just too small for me...I am 6'3"...I need me space.

May 16, 06 7:32 pm  · 

plus that lil' thing aint gonna fit my wife, 2 60 lb + dogs in it along with backpacks stuffed for 5 days in the wilderness.

for a single person living in the city it seems fitting though.

May 16, 06 7:33 pm  · 

I saw mention of SMART coming to America. Unfortunately you won't see much roadster action as they are to be discontinued in the coming months.

On the positive side I got my roaster two years ago, the best car I have owned to date- very fun -very economical. ave 65 mpg.

May 17, 06 9:01 am  · 

65 mpg? Wow. is that a 3 cylinder in there? car must be as light as a feather (and, I am guessing, cannot meat US safety standards without adding a ton of weight).

I am all for making everyone drive smaller cars (and live in smaller places, for that matter), but I admit to being a little hesitant to buy a sub 2000 lb car. But who knows, big certainly isn't better. SUVs can be some of the most dangerous things on the road, both to the passengers and the rest of road.
First step, kill the SUV and all things too big.

May 17, 06 9:33 am  · 

like families?

May 17, 06 9:47 am  · 

My parents didn't seem to have any trouble with a volvo station wagon (mid 70's and mid 80's) and three kids. The ironic thing is that the interior space in an SUV is not any bigger than that of a station wagon.

SUVs still do not have to meet car safety requirements and are prone to rollovers, making them very dangerous (not to mention the simple fact that you cannot maneuver them or stop/slow them quickly). If they did have to meet the same restrictions and the car industries did not suppress safety concerns, their sales would plummet.

All it takes is a little research, but most Americans would rather assume that bigger = better/safer.

May 17, 06 11:20 am  · 

speaking of assume.

May 17, 06 1:20 pm  · 

yes and wagons are way classier than fat SUVs....also, people all over the world have families and dogs and whatnot, but its only here in the US we think that family=SUV. Im waiting for the day when gas reaches $5 a gallon, then lets see the SUVs disappearing off the streets.

May 17, 06 2:40 pm  · 
Rim Joist

I pulled one of those SMART thingys out of the grille of my 5000 pound SUV.

May 17, 06 2:47 pm  · 

it is not even an SUV 'thing' think getting rid of all suv's is the answer to the worlds energy problems...looks at some of those buildings around you...or Military use of oil etc, and on and on. Pointing fingers at others who fit a category is just dumb...its always them...its the yuppies, its the soccer moms, its the...its you to - so shut up. quit being so self rightous.

I have a SUV, and live in an area where one is a value to have...I use it for hauling , going to backcountry, and hauling my dogs around... (not all things fit in a station wagon...just gonna use a friends truck when you 'need' it? I have helped many in my studio purchase a ton of materials and get them where they need them)

I also live very close to where I both live and work and ride my bike more often than I drive, do you do the same? do you pay more in rent to use less gas?

quit assuming you know everything about anyone driving something you're not and do what you can yourself to make a difference...assumptions go both ways...

May 17, 06 3:14 pm  · 

yeeeaahhh boooyee.

you can take that to the bank and cash it

May 17, 06 3:28 pm  · 


me and the wife just got an fj cruiser 4x4.

from Texas...

May 17, 06 3:31 pm  · 

paint me jealous...they look great...a true reference to the old fj70's ...I had a 78 fj40 in highschool that I drove all over new mexico...great vehicles.

May 17, 06 3:33 pm  · 

jason/galford - I've been seeing a few of those FJ Cruiser's out on the trails lately. Nice to see new owners getting them dirty! BTW, the reference is the old FJ40. The FJ70's were sweet as hell, but never offered in this country, to my knowledge. They are still in production in a few regions, like Australia.

May 17, 06 3:49 pm  · 
Rim Joist

Galford, how do you like that thing? I had a '73 FJ55 at one time. Awesome, if not for the fact that the 3-speed straight six more or less topped out in high range at about 55 mph. It'd go faster, but then made sounds like the world was coming to an end. Currently have a LR Discovery.

May 17, 06 4:04 pm  · 

appleseed, that is exactly what my ride in high school looked like...oh, the memories.

May 17, 06 4:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

That 'cruiser above was my high school ride too - but in the blue. I want to get an old one and fix it up, but that's not anytime in my near future. Just a dream.

Since we're talking cars, I guess this is an appropriate time to confess: next weekend my husband is goping to pick up my new car, one of these:

1992 Miata convertible

It's embarassing, I've always considered it a secretary's car (talk about condescending assumptions!!) but to keep it on the original thread topic I'll explain why I'm getting it: My Subaru lease is up in August, and on my current architect's salary I'm trying to chop a car payment out of my life. Can't afford any new car. So the husband's uncle is selling us his little sports car cheap.

At least it should be fun to drive this summer!

May 17, 06 4:30 pm  · 

We love it. I'm excited about the reliability and it's roomy as hell on the inside. I'm 6'3" 280, so that was a requisite on my end.

May 17, 06 4:32 pm  · 

My problem with SUVs, as I noted, was that so many buy them without needing them. I don't think they should go away, as they are very useful for somethings and some people. But that's a minority.

If you actually use it and could not get by with a station wagon, then good for you. But again, that's a minority. As for pointing my finger, I just point at waste. The SUV and McMansion are obvious things that are within our control (unlike the military or the dollars put into buildings).

Personally, I drive a car that gets about 18mpg and don't plan on getting one that gets more than 20, but I also only drive about 1000-2000 miles a year, so that's my contribution - less driving.

The safety issue is a simple fact. it's changing as suspension technology advances and requirements are more stringent, but they have always only had to meet the requirements of trucks, as utilitarian vehicles. That's not an assumption.

May 17, 06 5:49 pm  · 

Id go with the Yaris, which I will as soon as a drive my '95 Saturn wagon into the ground, I'd probably get a SMART car if they were legal here.

May 25, 06 7:42 pm  · 

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