
Thread Central

You mean that guy who's been actively campaigning for your current president?

Yeah he's shit.
Feb 10, 17 6:17 pm  · 

I'd rather see a permanent edit ability followed by an "Edited by" note instead of lacking an ability to edit. They a ban-hammer for anyone using the edit to troll, trap, lie, or otherwise abuse people.


Also the ability to delete a post at any time. Sometimes it's the best course of action.

Feb 10, 17 6:27 pm  · 

I'd like to see an 'edited' tag of some sort anytime a post has been edited, but I like the time limit as it is. You get something like 15 minutes to regret what you post, and then it is permanent. Makes some people think twice about what they might say.

Doesn't Archinect allow you to request posts be deleted by contacting them directly?

Feb 10, 17 6:35 pm  · 

The ability to rely on someone's post you are responding to, to be constant and not changing is important. Even 15 minutes can be long sometimes. That's why many people started copying the exact text they were responding to in many of your dumpster fire threads. Because they realized that you would post it, then change or delete it (replacing it with a period).

Feb 10, 17 7:32 pm  · 

can I ignore myself? like come back to a thread a few months later and not see I commented?

Feb 10, 17 7:21 pm  · 

You wish!

Feb 10, 17 7:29 pm  · 

i bet archinect has already ignored rick.  happy friday.

Feb 10, 17 8:24 pm  · 
Don Kashane

So for some reason my reply to Everyday Intern's comment above is not listed in my history (my last regular comment was Jan 17 and the history stops there).  I checked and other posters' replies to comments are listed in their history; any clues as to why, Archinect?

Feb 10, 17 8:59 pm  · 
Don Kashane

THAT comment was just added to my history, so it's not because I hadn't commented on this page yet.

Feb 10, 17 9:01 pm  · 

oh wait, this thread reply style is to confuse the douchecanoery known as government spydrome! cool archinect, cool. (btw kids, spies are the dumbest humans on the planet, that is why they spy, get it?)

Feb 11, 17 2:19 am  · 

So, I got this E-mail from someone on Archinect.


sarthak has sent you a message

bro are you for real? you guys are not capable of shit if we don't tell you what to do. you are on an architecture website fuckin with architects. respect our profession cause we do it . now you can return being pointless again

Feb 11, 17 4:26 am  · 
Whaaaaaa?!?! What profession is sarthak talking about?!
Feb 11, 17 8:37 am  · 

I think this is a reply to the space architecture thread.

Feb 11, 17 11:24 am  · 

I've ignored everyone on archinect. BAM!

Feb 11, 17 12:30 pm  · 


Feb 11, 17 1:32 pm  · 
Sarthak be cray
Feb 11, 17 12:52 pm  · 

Damn this thing is like and automatic transmission after driving a stick shift  for years!  Congrats Archinect!

Feb 11, 17 1:25 pm  · 

omg epic bros just saw a republican foxsish add for a seed survival kit. laughin'. are the Russians coming? god i hope so at this point! can we get our heads out of our asses? progressively stupid - 'merica. key word - progressively (stupid).

Feb 12, 17 2:17 am  · 

archinect you have become suckers of ignore"ance" . good luck kids.

Feb 12, 17 2:26 am  · 

fake news. and wtf does any of this have to do with architecture? as if orhan and that full douchecanoe called Tammuz (a homosexual jihadist) reported any truths....seriously who cares? the meantime Max will hack all your shit via psychic behavior because he can. where is the honest balls Archinect used to have?

Feb 12, 17 2:44 am  · 

Max are you ok? A little drunk? This post seems uncharacteristically mean for you.

Feb 12, 17 8:57 am  · 

Donna, it appears I can not reply to your post directly as Max, but it would be possible if someone else (that may need some work). I am a tough guy to write sometimes, even for myself self. i cant seem to write me out of this characters current mood right now....anyway, those post were 100% channeled fox news. the last one though is a case and point, which is indeed uncharactistally mean, but now that we can ignore people can we also ignore entire thread posts? remember that 1000 page post on something political that had nothing to do with architecture where the 2 mentioned above contributed greatly to. that would be great to, to ignore threads entirely, to encourage ignore "ance" to just not see threads and news that are annoying or offensive or whatever....from a Max journalist standpoint - archinect has folded for all the wrong reasons. Rick did write an essay on fake news after this, did Max read all of it? don't know how Hunter S. Thompson did all this writing on substances.

Feb 12, 17 9:59 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Just received a bottle of bourbon from my office's VP as a "thank you" for some help on non-office related tasks. I wanted to open it at 8am this morning... damn you 25cm (10") snowfall.

Feb 13, 17 11:38 am  · 

you could drink all of it. write some fiction and yell at the internet. become a bonfified trollhole.

Feb 13, 17 6:14 pm  · 
Freelon doesn't design prisons, casinos or strip shopping centers, preferring libraries, museums and schools — "projects that contribute to society in some way," he said.
Feb 14, 17 9:04 am  · 

Happy Valentine's Day TC. Who is your valentine?

Feb 14, 17 11:56 am  · 


Feb 14, 17 11:59 am  · 

So, husband is out of town for V-Day. He left Friday, so he bought me a cake Friday and left it at home for me to find after work.  It's from the Mexican bakery he's been going to a lot lately, and when I opened the box I saw a lovely petite white cake with red lettering saying "My Boo".

This struck me as hilarious because my husband despises internet meme culture and I can't imagine him even knowing the word "boo" to be used in that way at ALL.  Using it for me is such a sweet acknowledgement of how much more interested in pop culture I am than he is. I texted him that he's funny and so unpredictable and that's part of why I love him so much.

He responded by saying "The cake I pointed at in the case said "My Love" on it. I don't know what they gave you. What does "boo" mean?" LOL

Feb 14, 17 1:33 pm  · 

Brian is the best.

Feb 14, 17 1:46 pm  · 

That's me in a few years. Hell I'm out of touch with late-20s ladies at this point.

Feb 14, 17 2:46 pm  · 

:D the partner is out with all the girls for valentine's so in home eating burritos and drinking cider, success.

Feb 14, 17 1:40 pm  · 

Burrritos......yay thanks for dinner plans, archiwutm8! That's what I'll make tonight.

Feb 14, 17 6:06 pm  · 



Subdivision 1.Revocation or suspension.

The board shall have the power to revoke or suspend the license or certificate of any architect, engineer, land surveyor, landscape architect, geoscientist, or certified interior designer, who is found guilty by the board of any fraud or deceit in obtaining a license or certificate, or of attaching the licensee's or certificate holder's seal or signature to any plan, specification, report, plat, or other architectural, engineering, land surveying, landscape architectural, geoscientific, or interior design document not prepared by the person signing or sealing it or under that person's direct supervision, or of gross negligence, incompetency, or misconduct in the practice of architecture, engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, geoscience, or interior design, or upon conviction of any violation of sections 326.02 to 326.15 or amendments thereof, or of any crime involving moral turpitude or upon adjudication of insanity or incompetency.

Oh, well.

Feb 14, 17 7:38 pm  · 

What'd you do?

Feb 14, 17 7:40 pm  · 

nothing, yet. it seems like i either need to convince this firm to let me do all the drawing, or turn down the opportunity to be an architect of record.

Feb 14, 17 7:52 pm  · 

you don't want to be a plan stamper.  let them complete documents through SD or something like that, take their revit file and complete it from there

Feb 14, 17 8:41 pm  · 
You know what's scary? Going to a RTJ show, and being surrounded by this many white people. Bros out the ass.
Feb 14, 17 9:22 pm  · 

beta you are going about it the wrong way. even if they take what they think the drawings to CD level it would not be adequate no matter how they spin it, as they are not from your jurisdiction and presumably, as required by state, you have to do the CA anyway... the law arguement is obvious. you need to make the quality control arguement. if you are not doing the drawings you cannot help with the bid negotiations, you cannot get or navigate board and or city approvals and most importantly you cannot control the job with real "working drawings". in my experience, even if the firm is world renowned and provides you DDs almost CDs, you will end up redrawing everything anyway based on local standards.

Feb 14, 17 10:22 pm  · 
Max, I think what's thrown me, is the scope doesn't explicitly state that. I need to redefine the scope so it's real clear that I'm redoing the entire project.
Feb 15, 17 1:04 am  · 

good luck! nothing like peeps going "all you have to do is stamp it" and you look at the design and drawings and realize they did it in Paint Shop Pro...

Feb 15, 17 7:39 am  · 

i already behave like an old crumudgeon when asked to "just stamp" drawings. I mumble under my breath some long disertation on how fucking clueless they are but then perk up and in a fantastic sales pitch voice and explain to them the ins and outs of not hiring a professional......... if they still say NO,i again slump down my shoulders mumble under my breath, drop head and stare at the sidewalk as I kick whatever is near me while I return to the office. if i see a cranky insane homeless man on the subway I sit next to him and we agree on how fucking insane the world is.

Feb 15, 17 7:49 am  · 
Non Sequitur

Paintshop Pro?

... so when's the last time anyone else made a reference to a piece of software by Corel?

Feb 15, 17 9:21 am  · 

whatever happened to corel?

Feb 15, 17 7:28 pm  · 


Feb 15, 17 7:29 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Here you go beta, I found a fee schedule for you.

Feb 15, 17 9:28 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

My picture disappeared. Something like this:

I design: $1260

I design, you advise: $1650

You design, I advise: $2250

You design, I stamp: $3650

Feb 15, 17 11:10 am  · 

that reminds me, i think my deck proposal for a pretty famous lawyer's deck/terrace has fizzled out.  

I asked for $2,500, a lot for a deck, but it really looked like a lot of work, stone cladding, structural steel, hvac units, egress issues, and a g.c. who "just needs a stamp." 

Feb 15, 17 4:47 pm  · 

Why does a deck need HVAC?

Feb 15, 17 5:04 pm  · 


Feb 15, 17 5:22 pm  · 

but I think he's talking of HVAC units to be hidden or located under the deck

Feb 15, 17 5:22 pm  · 
Non Sequitur
^to keep the gold plated joists at an ideal temperature. Duh.

I would also think a series of ducts lining the stair treads which blow dramatic smoke as one descends would be obvious hvac need for any backyard deck.
Feb 15, 17 5:22 pm  · 

Next presidential candidate to descend down the stairs with dramatic smoke pouring out of them will be getting my vote; won't even matter if they are from the Republican Party, Democratic Party, Green Party, Socialist Party, Communist Party, etc.

Feb 15, 17 6:34 pm  · 

lol... Last summer I did design a stone bench with radiant heat as well as the sand set stone pavers with dual setting radiant heat (snow melt or actual heating) on a private mountain deck.  Had to create a hobbit hole mechanical room and tool shed below all this.  Even an actual working Rumford fireplace to boot.

I hear it all works quite well.  Pretty cool what you can do with unlimited funds.

Feb 15, 17 6:13 pm  · 


Feb 15, 17 7:30 pm  · 

Here it is... The view out the other way is across the valley.  Oh, and the backside of the fireplace is the built in grill and iron doors (hence the huge size of the fireplace)

Feb 15, 17 8:19 pm  · 

Wyoming, Montana or Colorado?

Feb 16, 17 9:07 am  · 

So mighty the bench seat can act as a butt-warmer?

Feb 15, 17 8:21 pm  · 

That is nice. Jlc-1 is right, they want to enclose 2 a/c condensers and the pool equipment. Stamp is required because it's a 9,000 sq ft house

Feb 15, 17 9:01 pm  · 

Yes, there are radiant tubes in the thickset reinforced grout bed below the 3" natural limestone seat and back.  1" insulation below that to hopefully at least focus the heat; concrete base (4" stem wall behind the bench back).  To account for the eventual stone popping from the thermal, each stone is also mechanically clipped (edge clipped) so it won't come off.  

The floor was harder.  It's makeup is 3" stone, sand base with radiant piping, 1" insulation, geofabric, gravel base with intercept drain system where over dirt.  Half of it is over a room, so above plus, waterproofing, 6" cip concrete sloped roof with cip beams, bastardizing a perimeter drain like a gutter at the edge of the below grade room.  

The radiant idea actually came from the client's brother who has a tall radiant screen wall / wind break around his outdoor dining area.  I have no idea how much lag time there is with the hidden system to heat that 3" stone.  Probably not the direction I would have gone given the cost and effort and very slow heating (no impromptu "lets sit on the deck and enjoy the blizzard moments").  But... It's pretty cool to have something unique like this. 

This is in the Colorado high mountain area.  And none of the stone is manufactured.  It's all real just like the heavy timber.  

Feb 16, 17 10:35 am  · 

first I hear of piping on sand setting base , was the plumber ok with this?

Feb 16, 17 11:21 am  · 

Didn't hear of complaints. Then again, I've heard rumors the property manager didn't like the idea of tracking sand into house and told them to grout.

Feb 16, 17 3:36 pm  · 

It looks beautiful, mighty. Excessive, but beautiful, and definitely high quality. It's fun to work on that kind of project sometimes.

Feb 16, 17 10:40 am  · 

Just a heads up regarding the latest commenting updates. We've made fixes/enhancements:

  • you can now reply to your own comment
  • when someone replies to your comment, you will now receive an email notification with a link that will take you directly to the reply/comment
  • the "last comment" indicated in the forum index/list pages will no longer reflect replies to other comments
  • and a few other tweaks that will improve the experience...
Feb 16, 17 4:53 pm  · 

Thanks! Could some of the updates be affecting the page numbering? Currently, TC is showing pages 1236, and 1237 with no content.

Feb 16, 17 5:51 pm  · 

We're not seeing that -

Feb 16, 17 5:53 pm  · 

As soon as I posted it was gone ... though sometimes after making a new comment I have been taken to a page that is blank.

Feb 16, 17 5:55 pm  · 

Could be related to browser caching.

Feb 16, 17 5:55 pm  · 

Archinect, maybe an option to delete your own comment? sometimes edit doesn't do it....

Feb 16, 17 5:50 pm  · 

We've been reluctant to do that because it would disrupt the flow of conversations. We're considering it. If we do release this, deleted comments would be replaced with something like "{username} has deleted his/her comment"

Feb 16, 17 5:59 pm  · 

Don't know about browser caching, but it's doing it again ... from 1235, 1236, and 1237.

Feb 16, 17 6:17 pm  · 

How are you getting to those pages? Have you tried clearing your browser's cache?

Feb 16, 17 6:27 pm  · 

Cleared the cache and it is still doing it. I'm getting there by clicking "jump to last comment" from the forum main page. Here is a direct link to the page it takes me to:

Feb 16, 17 6:54 pm  · 

Could it be related to the total post count and the number of replies per page? It used to be 50 comments per page. Now with inline replies the total count isn't exactly reflective of the number of pages. 61,701 to get on page 1235. 61,751 to get on page 1236. 61,801 to get to page 1237.

Feb 16, 17 6:57 pm  · 

We're not able to replicate that problem. This is how it looks on our end -

Feb 16, 17 6:58 pm  · 

Threaded replies aren't counted in the pagination

Feb 16, 17 7:01 pm  · 

go to the beginning of the thread and hit "last", that sends you to page 1237

Feb 16, 17 7:04 pm  · 

That's essentially my question. Where threaded replies aren't included in pagination ... it looks like something is counting them and kicking me to page 1237 thinking there have been more than 61800 comments indicated by the URL "...61800#last"

Feb 16, 17 7:05 pm  · 

Ok, we've figured it out. This bug will be fixed by tomorrow.

Feb 16, 17 7:08 pm  · 

It was doing the extra pages for me earlier, but not now. Looks fixed!

Feb 16, 17 7:12 pm  · 

5/8" GYP for Subfloor

Feb 16, 17 6:55 pm  · 

Looks like it depends on whether the last comment was an inline reply or an original comment (parent comment)

I made this original comment (parent comment) and the post count is back down where it should be without counting inline comments.

Feb 16, 17 7:10 pm  · 

Why can't I put dank memes in replies?

Feb 16, 17 7:13 pm  · 

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