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You're new to the internet? but you somehow know how to press buttons on a modelling program? you asked for opinions on your previous post but now you're butt hurt?

Nov 30, 15 4:12 am  · 

I was being sarcastic. And I am actually new to reddit. It was the first the I actually signed up to the site.. You can't even accept that my work is pretty decent. Your opinion is like saying the sky is red, the sun is blue and our planet is a cube!! Total BS!!

Nov 30, 15 4:18 am  · 

The rendering of Les Fleurs De L'Océan seems to be mediocre. I would rather do the rendering in watercolor. With your machine, I would expect nifty POV-Ray photorealistic rendering.

No Hate... just a critique of one work. Not a total judgment on you.

Nov 30, 15 4:26 am  · 

Okay nutjob, good luck with your business. I used to get 100s of you guys everyday at my old workplace over the phone, emails and letters all from Asia, the problem with most of you guys is that all this is just a job to you, you don't bother learning all the necessary parts needed, don't have the passion for the art nor have the underlying interest to care for each piece of work you do. For the guys in the business and succeed it's a passion and career. Tired of you people thinking its easy money and fucking stuff other with clients running to us asking for advice on how to fix shit you've ruined. /rant over.

Nov 30, 15 4:30 am  · 

Thank you for your honest rating Richard. The 'Les Fleurs De L'Océan' is actually the first project I've ever worked on for a client of mine. I had no servers at that time to render my works. But you can actually see the different services I provide, such as virtual tours, websites, etc from that portfolio

I should actually delete that from my portfolio.. :/

Nov 30, 15 4:37 am  · 

He's actually from Mauritius. I wouldn't say he's necessarily in Asia.

Nov 30, 15 4:43 am  · 

Wutever ur name is - I'm really passionate about what I do. I try to improve myself everyday. When someone just try to bash the F out of my work, I tend to get somewhat irritated by this attitude. I know when I'm wrong. I also know when I'm right!! AND I'M NOT FROM ASIA!!

Nov 30, 15 4:44 am  · 

Just keep it around for personal record. It's fine. It's an art form to rendering and improving.

It might be helpful for chronological informational purposes. In your facebook, chronologically made sense as it was an earlier work.

Nov 30, 15 4:46 am  · 

Thanks Richard. If you are interested in my work, I'd be glad to send you all my genuine details and fb etc..

Nov 30, 15 4:48 am  · 

I'm not ready for any such work or anything like that but as for sake of the conversation on the forum, it's good to look. I tend to lean towards using local resources for outsourced resources for local economy boosting. Nothing against you or others from other countries. If I don't in-house do something, I would usually lean to support those more local to me before going outside the country.

It isn't against you or people for other countries but about national and local/regional economy boosting. 

Nov 30, 15 4:55 am  · 

I totally understand. You are a decent guy Richard.

Nov 30, 15 5:00 am  · 

what a touching and uncharacteristically civil exchange. Where is Beta?

Nov 30, 15 10:44 am  · 

Harry is a fabrication of RWCBPBDESQOCD.

The internet has made any jackass with a keyboard an expert. And to think, I was annoyed back when the invention of the cell phone made any moron with a pickup truck a contractor.


Nov 30, 15 12:31 pm  · 
"I'm not ready for any such work or anything like that."-RWCB not a PBD. Because you have no work. Get a job.
Nov 30, 15 12:37 pm  · 

Not everyone has to be an asshole.

If that is what you want to be, then I can't possibly imagine any self-respecting client EVER hiring you guys. If you guys use your real name, would you be such a dick head?

Miles Jaffe at least uses his name.

Nov 30, 15 12:38 pm  · 
tduds is available for $10.99 if we want to just change the name of this forum.

Nov 30, 15 12:42 pm  · 


You could register a domain and point the domain here.... anyway.

One can spend less money if they want to.

Nov 30, 15 12:50 pm  · 

Miles Jaffe - I'm not a fabrication of Richard. I'm 100% real. 

Nov 30, 15 12:51 pm  · 


What a fucking waste of 40 cores. That's a $9,000 CPU on Amazon. Your renderings are worse than what my 4-core i5 can churn out in V-Ray. Terrible materials, and bright, over-saturated colors. Many of your tiles are not even at the correct scale. Learn some basic post-processing before advertising your awful work. Although even post-processing needs a decent render to begin with.

Nov 30, 15 12:57 pm  · 

You guys, I posted a thread about a building. I'd like to insert some reasonable and civil critique and discussion of the merits of a piece of architecture into the forum today. because it seems over the Thanksgiving week everything else went to hell!




(So please no one go over there and shout JEAN NOUVEL SUCKS ASS!!!1!! please.)

Nov 30, 15 1:04 pm  · 

People talk about buildings here?

And Nouvel does suck ass.

Nov 30, 15 1:06 pm  · 

Blowing you a big kiss, Miles. Now please tell us whether you agree with my assessment that the police tower looks chaotic and overbearing, and why!

Nov 30, 15 1:09 pm  · 

Woah guys you can't say that, one of my peers works at Jean nouvel's office.

Nov 30, 15 1:13 pm  · 
vado retro

the first rule of archinect...

Nov 30, 15 1:16 pm  · 

Anonymoose - what about my 4 x $9000 cpu?? lol.. I'm tiles are fine the way they are.. You seem to be very jealous of my work.. shame.. Lets see some of your so called chef-d'œuvre??

Nov 30, 15 1:16 pm  · 

This guy has to be a troll, auto responses to everybody within minutes. Your work sucks rancid CCTV headquarters nuts. Go compare your work to vyonx work.

Nov 30, 15 1:20 pm  · 

archiwutm8 I'd love for your peer to weigh in, anonymously of course!

Nov 30, 15 1:22 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Dave, your work is mediocre at best. I would not want your services when I can produce much better on my own in a few hours.

Also, architecture is far less than 2% renderings so step down from that pedestal.


Donna, discussions on buildings?

oh my... I don't know if I qualify.

Nov 30, 15 1:24 pm  · 


Being jealous of your work is like being jealous of someone with his face stuck in a clogged toilet for 10 hours. Your work is shit. Fuck off back to reddit or whatever Justin Bieber video you jerk off to.

Nov 30, 15 1:27 pm  · 

I sometimes put up reasonable, well-thought-out critique just to see if anyone will counter by telling me I'm full of shit. Hasn't happened yet! Well, except for one of the first few times I ever posted on Archinect, when I said an earthquake-proof house proposal was "cute" and someone responded that if I opened my mouth to comment again they had something I could put in it. Charming.

Nov 30, 15 1:31 pm  · 

Why are you comparing my work to vyonx work?? he filtered all his renderings on the same effect. my work is more about the interactivity with the user experience.

this is a virtual tour in the background and also website at the same time. please show me something similar?? you will NEVER FIND anything like this on the internet!!! And it works on ur phone!!

Nov 30, 15 1:33 pm  · 

All you big mouth out here.. lets see some of your shit..

Nov 30, 15 1:37 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Dave, step inside any decent architecture school and speak to second year undergrad students. They will blow your work apart. This is not worth our time.

Nov 30, 15 1:38 pm  · 

The most beautifully rendered turd in the universe is still just a turd.

Maybe step back from your obsession with presentation and focus on the design a bit?

Nov 30, 15 1:40 pm  · 

I'm not an architect. I do renderings!! I'm here to collaborate with architects.. Duh!! didn't you read my posts?? Apparently not..

Nov 30, 15 1:40 pm  · 

Dave....VR walkthroughs aren't new, I did a few for the Oculus rift all you need is some code know how and Unity3D...apply VR camera, collisions and you're done....


if you think your work is something groundbreaking go suck on a nut, look at Solius, Inition or Unit9. They've all done VR stuff. 

All you've done is render a Pano/sphere map...there are several apps and services that do this at a much better level.

Nov 30, 15 1:42 pm  · 

We're not the ones running a "rendering" business. We don't have to prove anything to you or to some strangers on the internet by showing our work. And I completely agree with your statement. Thank god I'll never find anything like that on the internet.

Nov 30, 15 1:44 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Dave, I read your ramblings.

What you don't understand is that your work is nothing special. Moreover, rendering and modelling is simple enough for anyone to learn. So, work like you offer is easy for architects and laymen to produce. Why bother collaborating with you if I can do better on my own?

Nov 30, 15 1:48 pm  · 

Dave I'm gonna give you something to aspire to.

The Third and The Seventh >

Majority of architecture visualisers adore this video by Alex Roman who is considered to be one of the best archi visualisers.

Visualisation is more than just rendering and modelling, it's an art form and design itself. If you do not understand the basics of your environment, composition and photography you will never make it.

Nov 30, 15 1:51 pm  · 

Wutever ur name is - LOOOOOLL!!!!!! u'll actually use unity3d for architectural viz?? u're more stupid than i thought.

Anonymoose - you're not bright enough to know what's going on in the background.

You guys are have to bash the F out of everyone's work but you got no clue what you are really talking about. and you don't even have a decent portfolio to show anything.. you guys are bunch of jokes..

Nov 30, 15 1:51 pm  · 

You also list on your profile that you have 10+ years of experience with 3DS Max. If this is the quality of your work after 10 years, just stop. All that time could've been spent doing something worthwhile. Splurging like an idiot on $10,000 machines will get you nowhere. It's just a CPU, until you know how to actually utilize it. Money can't buy you skills.

Nov 30, 15 1:54 pm  · 

Dave, I was giving you an example of how to get interactive visualisation, but okay I'll let you be shit at what you do.

Nov 30, 15 1:55 pm  · 

I have no idea what you meant by "collaborate" but it seems to be "assert dominance and berate anyone who suggests you could improve"

Nov 30, 15 1:57 pm  · 

Wutever ur name is - Non of the name you mentioned did what i did to my website!! They are noy even doing what i'm doing. u're comparing apple with oranges here..

Anonymoose - I'm pretty good with the softwares I mentioned on my profile and i'm getting even better everyday.

tduds - I meant collaborating and not being INSULTED by stupid people.

Non Sequitur - Rendering is easy to learn?? please show us some of your chef-d'œuvre we'll see how easy it is.

Nov 30, 15 2:09 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Dave, just quit.

Your work is boring and generic. Anyone with a half-decent PC can pull this off without much training. One thing you don't understand, out of many, is that plenty of people here know how to do this kind of work and as it appears, know much more about it than you do.

Nov 30, 15 2:09 pm  · 

Not what you've done to your website? are you a moron? What would anyone want to have something like that on their website which slow down their time? it takes time to load it. If you used your head and looked at their works and experiments you can clearly see that they've all done this.

Nov 30, 15 2:11 pm  · 

Dave, is this your first day on the internet? Do you really think people who have been doing this as a profession (and doing it much better than you) for decades are stupid? Your renders look like GTA games of the 2000s, only much less fun.

Nov 30, 15 2:17 pm  · 

My website load up in less than 20 sec.. what are you talking about?? you're a joke mate!! 

Nov 30, 15 2:18 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

20seconds is 20 seconds too much.

Go away.

Nov 30, 15 2:20 pm  · 

Try not to conflate a critique of your work with an assault on your character. And try not to respond to such critiques, however dismissive, with personal attacks. Not a good way to meet 'collaborators'

Nov 30, 15 2:24 pm  · 

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