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Non Sequitur


Nov 20, 14 4:27 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

... and for anyone wondering why those windows are so dark, well it's a government building and the staff left to go home at about 3pm.

Nov 20, 14 4:28 pm  · 

that's pretty cool

Nov 20, 14 4:35 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

thanks Curt. It makes a 3:45pm sunset enjoyable.

Nov 20, 14 4:42 pm  · 
I am forced to have insurance for school wrestling (or any sport for that matter) and with the insurance we were first looking at, you had to pay a 12,000 dollar deductible on medical bills before the insurance actually kicked in. It's not worth it, despite the cheap premium. So instead I have to go through school insurance that won't cover crap if I get hurt. Non Sequitur, that's awesome.
Nov 20, 14 6:05 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton dad just asked me to go ahead and find a picture and write his obituary. How do you write an obit for your parents?! I'm still in denial about all the loss part of this. Just focussing on an unusual problem that I have to handle. Have any of you had to write one? I guess I knew on some level that real people facing real loss wrote these things, but it was so distant and had nothing to do with me, so it might as well be fiction. Heck, I think I'd be better writing a fictional obituary.
Nov 20, 14 7:06 pm  · 

He wants preapproval? LOL Pump him up.

Nov 20, 14 7:23 pm  · 

Non Sequitur, I recall those winter late afternoons in Philly when the low sun would hit the buildings just so. It only happened for a few weeks of the year.  Lovely.

Sarah, I don't think I could do it.  I had the discussion about end-of-life care with my parents over the summer, and we're going through it right now with my mother in law.  The thought of losing them makes me so distraught I can't even think about it for more than a few seconds. Especially my mom. How can I get by without my mom?! Oh, sadness.

Nov 20, 14 7:43 pm  · 

I just posted a story about my mom here.

Nov 20, 14 7:48 pm  · 
LOL so funny Donna! That makes me smile. Moms are awesome!
Nov 20, 14 8:08 pm  · 

Wonder about all these recalls (Air Bags, strollers etc.). All for recalls, but do they have to drive a screw though them, and just kill them for the infraction? Why is it today when something goes wrong it’s the owner of the company that goes to jail? Ferry owner in Korea went to jail because his ship captain sunk the ship….Secret Service director got fired when the security detail at the White House missed the guy jumping the fence….what do these people have to do with the infraction? These people were miles away from the accidents…gotta stop “killing” people for mistakes. 

Nov 22, 14 6:42 pm  · 

It's the illusion of consequences. Meanwhile there have been more unauthorized entries at the White House, more car safety failures, etc. Department heads are dismissed while the underlying systems that create all these problems not only remain intact but are perpetuated.

Even worse are the guys who skate after perpetrating major frauds on millions of people: Kennedy (although he didn't live to skate) and the Missile Gap, Johnson and the Gulf of Tonkin, Bush and the WMDs, oBOMBa and Syria (and Ukraine, and every drone victim), Goldman Sachs (and JP Morgan, CitiBank, etc., etc.) and every economic crisis in the last 30 years, and so on.

Meanwhile Martha Stewart does time for insider trading, but it's legal for members of congress.

Nov 22, 14 7:10 pm  · 

Miles, the word is “hypocrisy ”….it’s everywhere. Hate to pull the word "old" out but I'm glad I'm out and glad it’s over for me. I don't know if it’s just because I'm getting old but I don’t seem to agree with anything going on these days. Watch the morning news with my wife every morning and jab at everything. Sorry you guys have to operate in this world today…everybody seems out to “kill” everybody.  If you disagree with someone do we need to “kill” them? Seems so today. Let’s just kill everyone that makes a mistake, that will solve everything.  

Nov 22, 14 7:52 pm  · 

It's important to differentiate between mistakes and malfeasance. 

Nov 22, 14 8:10 pm  · 

Miles, absolutely.

Nov 22, 14 8:52 pm  · 

Sarah - sadly, I've had to write obituaries for both of my parents. Can't say it was a lot of fun, but fortunately I did have a chance with both parents to discuss this topic before their deaths. It was interesting to learn what they thought ought to go into their obits -- some of which I had no prior knowledge about. 

These can be somewhat stressful conversations. I found it easier to bring up the topic on occasions when they told me about the death of one of their friends. I'd ask to see the obituary and then ask them what they thought about what was written. The usually led to an opening where I could ask them "well ... say ... what do you think your's ought to include when that day comes?"  

A lot depends - of course - on how sensitive your parents are to that sort of conversation. Luckily, my parents accepted death as a natural part of life and never really felt anxious about such conversations. I think it gave them some comfort to have some input into the eventual, and inevitable, obit.

Just try to keep the conversation light - focusing on important life events. Don't get too concerned about creating a final draft right now -- you'll have a chance to edit it further some day in the future when they're not [literally] looking over your shoulder.

Nov 22, 14 9:03 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Yeah, my dad's general outlook is "what do I care? I'll be dead!" I'm just n
Nov 23, 14 11:23 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
....ot ready for him to be gone. He's only 60! I'm not nearly old enough to be ready to no longer have him and his counsel. Maybe there is no magic age for one to ever be ready.
Nov 23, 14 11:25 am  · 
tammuz, I'm angry someone started a thread smearing you. Trying to see if I can get rid of it.
Nov 23, 14 7:46 pm  · 

Donna, always feel that criticizing & condemning people, especially publicly, is wrong.

Nov 23, 14 7:59 pm  · 

Well it's one thing to go off on someone in a discussion, where there's some back and forth.  One needs to have thick skin on the internet!  But starting a thread specifically to attack one individual is mean.

Nov 23, 14 8:30 pm  · 
I know I will be shot down for this, but Tammuz smears everyone else's ideas (and the people themselves) in his thread... He has created a public air of disdain for himself. Anyone that disagrees with him is insulted, and there is no way around his narcissistic ideals. He plays himself as some hero with some noble cause, yet creates his power by wielding his gun in everyone else's face at the first sign of opposition. His ammunition consists of biased stories, which completely obliterate any historical contextualization of the entire situation because he is so hell-bent on hating Israel. That's why I stopped reading it. It's inferiating. I was tired of arguing in circles with someone so ignorant. There's no way to get around his silly rhetoric and tightly spoken words. Nevertheless, I digress. I can't stop him from writing what he wants, just as whoever started that thread (that I would love to find but can't) shouldn't be stopped from writing what he/she would like.
Nov 23, 14 8:34 pm  · 

Whoa, its gone! Don't screw with Donna:)

Nov 23, 14 8:49 pm  · 

This damn townie bar, I stumbled into it again....

to Donna's point  I noted Tammuz was insane within his popular thread with my AKA.  If you spend 5 minutes in Archinect search and Google you can assume Tammuz is using his real name, since there is a guy who worked somewhere that matches his stories, so it's really a personal attack to call him out like that, which technically is not cool right?

Like Friday night when those douche bags on 20/20 tried to call out Craig of Craiglist for providing a street for people to sell stuff... 

If Tammuz is insulting you, it's long winded and often over the top intellectual, so it takes some effort to figure out he is insulting you, if at all.

He has maintained his rants for the most part to his sandbox, so who cares.

Lastly, when he gets involved in architecture debates his thoughts are thought provoking, i wish he would stick to that....

With that said, I couldn't disagree more with anyone on this forum politically than Tammuz.  Having a sworn enemy is acceptable, frankly.

Nov 23, 14 9:09 pm  · 

I agree, Olaf, that when tammuz talks about architecture it's a very valuable voice on the site.

CDarch, I haven't read the Israel thread in months. Just ignore it if you can!

Nov 23, 14 9:18 pm  · 

criticizing & condemning people, especially publicly, is wrong.

Unless they deserve it. 

couldn't disagree more with anyone on this forum politically than tammuz

I could and do, and actually agree with tammuz on some points. But he's so persistently obnoxious - CD.Arch called it out pretty accurately in the first part of his post - that I just ignore him. Shit hitting the fan is probably a good metaphor here, although beating a dead horse fits too.

What's amazing to me is the people who keep egging him on. Hasn't anyone got anything better to do than rattle his cage? 

Nov 23, 14 9:42 pm  · 

Miles, yes, got to fight back at rude because if we don’t rude wins.

Nov 23, 14 10:08 pm  · 
I don't know what is stranger: Tammuz or what I find when I google Tammuz.
Nov 23, 14 11:12 pm  · 

I agree with tammuz. What is infuriating is anyone that doesn't believe what Israel is doing, is a fucking nazi, or is anti-semitic. That's why I checked out of that thread.

Nov 23, 14 11:30 pm  · 

he could be real  this tammuz kid

  1. what happened on July 17 of 1918


my wife is breaking it down to INXS....carry on.

and the NYC Giants might beat the Cowboys!

Anyone else not a fan of Cris Collinsworth?

Nov 23, 14 11:33 pm  · 

from alpha dog, is this our buddy tamz?

Nov 23, 14 11:36 pm  · 

seriously...fuck Jerry Jones! Giants lose?

wait am I still in a townie bar....

who can I punch? Beta, this is meta, what?

Let's roll on the front yard homie! 

My grandma told me once, some guy knocked on the door and said "Is Mike here?"

she said sure.  Overworked, stressed, a divorcee of the 60's, she asked my dad Mike to answer the door...

the guy dropped a chain out of his leather coat jacket....after a tussle...

Mike went back in the house later. 

Grandma asked "Mike you take care of it?".

...Mike said yes and went to his room.

what is your beef with Israel Beta?

Nov 23, 14 11:56 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

Donna...I'm not surprised. I've seen quite a lot of how low some have been prepared in order to go. I've already been invited to blow myself up since the assumption is that Im am an Arab.

For those who are not checking the Boycott Israel is what Orhan and I are now mostly doing: pasting news reports about whats happening to Palestinians on different fronts that you would not get in the US and mainstream media. This is not about beating the horse. If you follow the posts, you will see that there are articles covering the many different aspects of the apartheid being enforced in Palestine by the Zionist colony. From deaths, to mass incarceration, to torture, to land theft, etc. It might seem to you like each -or almost each- post is about Palestinians and that might bore you because it doesn't concern you or you sympathize. This is your right (although you must know that you are a participant in it, you are a tax payer after all). My purpose is, of course, eponymously evident: to have Archinect join institutions and groups world wide join the movement to boycott and isolate Israel for its ongoing crimes against Palestinians. So, the horse is pretty much a living one and not a dead one.

Unless Archinect bans the post- I would be totally within my right to do what I'm doing and I see that every individual who complains about the boycott ISrael thread for it being irrelevant or long winded can perhaps review the extent of his or her posts here on Thread Central or on subjects as important as Brad Pitt's or Kayne West's association with architecture. Well, in my case, I find that, for example, ongoing building of houses and buildings on stolen lands, stolen from people who have been thrown out, tortured and murdered, should - at least- be a topic of grave concern -perhaps as grave a concern as talking endlessly about stararchitects and arguing with Thayer over whats better, classical or modern.

Donna, I invite you to look every now and then at the thread and at least read the headlines and, if you wish, ignore the arguments. Don't let yourself deliberately remain ignorant or nonplussed. There are people who are deliberately countering the thread with lies and personal attacks, such as this Serious Question and before him Alternative and before him subgenius and others whose permutations of names I cannot remember. many of these joined Archinect at around the time of the thread. It is not fair that you should  isolate yourself from the thread because you find too much argumentative  "traffic". I

Your effort at removing the post insulting my person is appreciated. As for that other stuff some people are nagging about,  I have always criticized here, I have never though really cared about personalizing the disputes and my interest has always been at the level of ideas. If you take it personally, then you have an ego issue.

Except perhaps once a long time ago, under a different name (and I was actually flirting...but that was not understood, sigh).

Nov 24, 14 1:16 am  · 
chatter of clouds


be a topic of grave concern -perhaps as grave a concern as evidently talking endlessly about stararchitects and arguing with Thayer over whats better, classical or modern, is.

Nov 24, 14 1:20 am  · 

This is my problem with Israel.

Nov 24, 14 6:04 am  · 
Non Sequitur
What the fuck happened here over the last few days?

Tam, don't annex any further ground here, you've got a big enough sandbox to preach in already.
Nov 24, 14 7:23 am  · 
Yeah, Tammuz, don't pull an Israel, and take territory that doesn't - belong - to you.
Nov 24, 14 10:02 am  · 

If this keeps up we're going to have to start another thread just to talk about Thread CentralBut someone would probably take a dump there, too, and then we'd need another thread to talk about that one, and so on.

Nov 24, 14 10:21 am  · 

How did this come to be?  Thought  this whole issue had  topic of it's own.  Is this more than that?  Tell  Tamuz, your sorry.  Hopefully he will respect the lot of us and let us go and view his topic when we want, let us comment in that topic how we want, and then rebuff our miss guided thoughts if they are miss guided.  Otherwise lets just carry on here in Thread Central and not draw any lines in the sand and talk about all the other crazy stuff in the world of Architecture and our lives and how they relate to architecture...or how the frick we are doing in general.  Life is to Short, I was just reminded of it as I head out for another medical exam in a couple of weeks because my surgery in October has the doc concerns so he wants to go exploring again.

obtw:  Mind the Gap!

Nov 24, 14 11:27 am  · 

Exploring ... WTF? Sounds like a fishing expedition to me. One that they get obscenely overpaid for. Hope you're getting a third opinion.

Nov 24, 14 12:17 pm  · 

Error on the side of Caution just like and Engineer....tis a life or death situation. Think I want to eat a few more Turkeys before I call it a day.

Nov 24, 14 4:16 pm  · 

man - that sucks, snook.  hang in there.

Nov 24, 14 5:34 pm  · 

Good luck snook. Sending you positive vibes.

Nov 24, 14 6:14 pm  · 

Thanks Sonny Miles Jaffe....hoping Cher is sending the same vibes!

Nov 24, 14 7:40 pm  · 

snook! no! dude! sending jersey vibes your way.

Nov 24, 14 8:11 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

(deleted post)

Nov 24, 14 8:26 pm  · 
chatter of clouds


it is obvious that my post was in response to precedent posts pertaining to me. Therefore, should you have criticism, kindly direct them at persons who have instigated person-centric attacks here on Thread Central and incurred my response (which was still respectful). Which means, i have always respected the Thread Central core community to conduct their discussions and the only time i interfered was when it concerned me. Do I have this right or not? I think I do.

Therefore, you should not be "hoping that i will respect the lot of you". You should be hoping that "the lot of you should be respecting me". You already have above people telling you that they consider me a "sworn enemy" because of my politics and personal histrionic attacks  claiming that I "smear" people, none of which is true of course otherwise Archinect would have banned me and/or my smearing posts. The truth of the matter is, for them, its a pissing contest and intellectual integrity is not important. Its stupid and petty of them. But also unintelligent is your "hope", as above since you do not attenuate your rhetoric in reflection of what instigated this and my right to respond.

You will note, snooker-doodle-dandy, that even this post is in response to your post that pertains to me and to which I object for the reasons above. Should you want to get back to your everyday whatever topics, then by all means go ahead and I would not have therefore responded to you and your 'hope".

Again, I thank Donna for her concern.  

Nov 24, 14 8:46 pm  · 

Putting your ego over the subject of a member's health speaks volumes.

Respect is earned. You had mine once and squandered it.

Archinect's banning policy is unspecified and remains a mystery. That you haven't been banned yet means nothing. 

Nov 24, 14 9:00 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

Miles, I would not do the following:

Suggest someone (or something pertaining to someone) was something dirty you stepped in and dragged to this thread, whether or not you agree with them and their style (that does not insult others)

Suggesting that someone was a caged animal ("who rattled his cage"), whether or not you agree with them and their style (that does not insult others)

Calling people "obnoxious" when they have not directed any insults at you.


These demeaning pejorative lowlife insults and suggestions in response to my manner of expression - whether you agree with it or not, I did not insult people, unlike you- are unwarranted. I have only ever responded to you in near kind when you hurl insults my way.

What you mean to say is that you are, in principle, a disrespectful insulting individual until you agree/concord with someone. Furthermore, you always have the option to ignore me and I encourage it if the substance and style don't suit your palette, as long as they don't concern your person...but instead you ascribe to yourself a position of self righteous judgment laden with insulting language ("rattling his cage").

As such, your respect - coming from someone with a compromised moral standard more denominated by his own self righteousness and narrow mindedness- means little to me. Quite plainly, I find that had your kind of respect been deserving of mine, you would have found more to complain in some of the Archinect members repulsive behavior here towards others (and perhaps entail more than a little self-disrespect on your part).

Nov 24, 14 9:19 pm  · 

snook, I hope all is OK.

I fly early tomorrow morning to warmer climates for a few days.  Happy day of giving thanks for all if I don't post before then!

Nov 24, 14 10:43 pm  · 

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