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The word maybe not the most perfect word but the point is some people in that country may not like her because A) she's a foreigner, B) view foreigners with disdain because they don't like foreigners meddling with their affairs like the annoying neighbors down the block putting their nose where it doesn't belong and then C) they may also don't like her and be against here because she's a woman. There is still a deep rooted male dominated culture and cultural feelings on the matter of women.

That doesn't really change over night.

It is a little bit of caution to be aware of. There are nice people and there are not so nice people. It happens. I'm not saying the people there are all bad or anything like that. It is still a country undergoing a lot of changes with a lot of varying emotions and views and delicate. 

There are people who will buddy buddy for the content in your wallet or purse (in case of women and others) and there are those who will be true friends. 

May 31, 16 2:05 pm  · 

"there are nice people and there are not so nice people."

Richard WC Balkins, Senior Foreign Correspondent, Rwanda.  

deep analysis.  

May 31, 16 2:12 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Stephanie, I hung around my husband's workplace while unemployed and I ended up with his boss's job. Well technically we split her job, but yeah, it can work that way. 

May 31, 16 2:40 pm  · 
wurdan freo

Congrats SB. Sounds like an amazing adventure.

May 31, 16 2:46 pm  · 

There are people who will buddy buddy for the content in your wallet or purse

That's 42nd and Broadway, right?

Congrats Stephanie!

May 31, 16 2:50 pm  · 

In the Miles/Balkins SWOT analysis, Miles is - heh - Miles ahead. I miss Miles, too, b3ta.

May 31, 16 3:01 pm  · 

I'm genuinely curious, Richard have you ever left the states and travelled anywhere?

May 31, 16 3:33 pm  · 

Of course the majority of people in most countries are friendly but it's usually a minority of highly vocal and militant minorities that are the most dangerous. Rwanda is no exception.

It wasn't that long ago when the Rwanda Genocide occurred. There was the Congo conflict, as well. From reports of those who writes the CIA reports and geopolitical reports are people who are in those areas a bit longer than a few months. The region in and around Rwanda is still a bit volatile. It's a relatively young country. It has been through some conflicts and other issues in recent times. There is still various militant militias that are still causing trouble from time to time. 

It's still somewhat volatile region. Rwanda is a country about the size of Maryland with other small countries the size of our small to medium size states and is within relatively short distance to various hot spots in the Congo region of Africa. There's even islamic extremists in the region causing trouble in recent times.

Political issues in nearby Uganda could easily flare up and be a problem in Rwanda. When it comes to these issues, national borders are not barriers.

With certain Islamic terrorist groups, on a hell bent so called "jihad" to wipe out ALL western world governments including any kind of republic or otherwise anything resembling U.S., European or other similar governments other than a Islam theocracy. They are bound to be problematic in the region. 

Imagine a hot war going on just the distance between Baltimore and Philidelphia. It's kind of like a war in or around Ottawa and you're in Montreal. Not far at all.

When I say in the region, its volatile. I'm not joking. While most people are nice people. That doesn't mean that as a foreigner, you're all that safe from geo-political conflicts.

There are still a lot of people in these countries that remember the times before Rwanda existed.

Central Africa had a lot of changes since the 1950s. Look at the maps in the 1950s and the maps of central Africa, now. This also means a lot emotions. 

I don't wish anyone any harm in those places. Just be prepared, especially if one is going to be there for more than a few months. In addition, the medical and health care capabilities in Rwanda is somewhat limited. Some of the stuff we have medication for here, they don't necessarily have an abundant supply of. 

I wish Stephanie and her husband the best outcome. 

If the environment gets hostile and islamic terrorists starts making problems in Rwanda, it might be best to get preparation to get out of there. Have an exit plan with contingency backup plans if the area turns sour. 

It doesn't take long for the place to turn from a nice peaceful place to an active war zone with a bunch of AK-47s blazing away and explosions, screaming and crying and you name it. 

Each day, hope for the best, be prepared for the worst. Hopefully, each day is calm and peaceful.

Don't dwell or worry but always be prepared for anything.

May 31, 16 3:43 pm  · 

that was annoying rick. flagging your post.

May 31, 16 3:48 pm  · 


I don't particularly go traveling to other countries. It's because I am an American. Just by that alone, everyone in foreign countries, hates us. They want us for our money and to fight their wars and leave. For the most part, they only want what we have a lot of: Money, food and various other resources. Otherwise, they would never want to see us, talk to us or have anything to with us, Americans.

That's why I don't travel to foreign countries if I don't have to.

May 31, 16 3:52 pm  · 

Oh, FFS, Balkins. Stop, just stop.

May 31, 16 4:08 pm  · 

You need to get out Rick.  Not everyone hates us.  It's incredibly hard to hate people you've never met. 

Folks in Croatia were incredibly nice.  And while I didn't speak a word of their language, we got along just fine.  I didn't have any issues with people in Germany, Italy, Switzerland, England, Hungary, Czech Republic, rural France (Paris was a different story). 

Really, I only ran into a few people in Europe who seemed to have issues with Americans.  One was a lady in Paris, another a drunk in Spain. 

May 31, 16 4:08 pm  · 


  1. You are an idiot!
  2. I thought you said you were deleting your account?
  3. You haven't traveled anywhere so what do you know? 
  • Not even Canada? 
  • Do the Canadians "want what you have"?
  1. Why do you choose to fill a page of text with information of which you have no direct, first hand experience?
  2. You continue to be an idiot!
May 31, 16 4:12 pm  · 

Let's see - get robbed in a foreign country? I can get robbed every day taking the Blue Line to work. Get scammed in a foreign country? People can scam me here. Am I afraid of travelling? HELL NO.

In less words:

May 31, 16 4:13 pm  · 

The great thing about actually going to other parts of the world is how quickly you find out how not true that world view is.


"It's a very different kind of country than Canada or U.S."

..yes, that's the point.

May 31, 16 4:14 pm  · 

If the U.S. government can stop sticking its nose in every countries affairs, our relationship in the world would be better. The problem is the reputation of the "ugly American" just like the old British Empire before us, built a bad reputation.

Well Senjohnblutarsky, I'm guessing its impressive case. If I were to visit or otherwise go to another country or do work in another country (ie. projects in another country), I'd probably go with Sweden and/or Finland. Nothing wrong with the other countries. Considering I am in Astoria, Oregon. In Astoria, we do have a strong Swedish, Finnish, and other Scandinavian cultures here. While to some degree the people had assimilated into the American culture, there is still a connection to those countries and practice of the Scandinavian culture to keep it alive in the familes. I have some degree of familiarity of the culture. I can't say I speak Swedish or Finnish. That is something I still have difficulty with. I wouldn't mind learning those languages over time but it takes time and practice to do that.  Most of the countries do however speak and read English as well. 

May 31, 16 4:28 pm  · 

Good grief Rick. Step away from the Wikipedia and get out in the world once in awhile. I'm flagging all your posts re: Rwanda. 

Good luck SB. I'm jealous ... I'd love to get out into the world again. Stay as far away from Astoria for as long as you can. 

May 31, 16 4:31 pm  · 

I think it is oddly sweet that Rick is so concerned for my safety. He sounds a bit like my Oma, who when she found out my mom was going to Singapore for vacation asked her huffily "And what language do they even speak over there?" (".... uhm.... English?")

But as for this...

I wish Stephanie and her husband the best outcome. 

Who said anything about a husband?


JK Balkins... we're having a shotgun wedding at city hall next Friday. Put your mind at ease.

Counting down to June 15...

May 31, 16 4:32 pm  · 

No, foreigners don't hate all Americans. They just hate the shit-for-brains, know-it-all Americans who think the parochial worldview from their isolated little corner of the country represents all of humanity.

The biggest irritation about people like Balkins is that they're too stupid to realize how stupid they are, and they assume everybody else in the world is equally stupid.

May 31, 16 4:37 pm  · 

"Big news today: My partner and I are moving to Kigali, Rwanda. He just got a job with Mass Design Group and we're like, over the f*ckin MOON. Going to scope out the city in 3 weeks and moving for good in August."

Stephanie, I may have interpreted "partner" as husband. 

Technically, Donna used the word 'husband' but I interpreted your wordage 'partner' for husband.

May 31, 16 4:39 pm  · 

David Cole,

Why do they almost always bad mouth the Americans on social media and online games, in the chat logs and so forth.... all the damn time. If they don't hate Americans, why do they spend so much time saying shit about America? Quite often when people use anonymity, they show their real views not just their censored views. Don't mistake hospitality with liking you. They could just bend over backwards in hospitality just so they can get your money and hope you leave quickly and not make a lot of noise that is embarassing to them. 

Sure, there are people who don't hate Americans and people who are neutral but not many that actually like Americans. There are plenty who just don't like Americans but don't want their reputation tarnish by some American asshole.

May 31, 16 4:47 pm  · 

Balkins, you don't know your ass from a fucking hole in the ground. Each day I encounter more foreign-born people before my lunch break than you've encountered throughout your entire life. And unlike you, I've actually traveled overseas on multiple occasions and have the stamps in my passport to prove it.

May 31, 16 4:53 pm  · 

"The region in and around Rwanda (OREGON) is still a bit volatile. It's a relatively young country. It has been through some conflicts and other issues in recent times. There is still various militant militias that are still causing trouble from time to time."  

You do realize that a militant militia forcibly occupied a federal building in Oregon THIS YEAR.  

"There are plenty who just don't like Americans but don't want their reputation tarnish by some American asshole."  Richard WC Balkins, American Asshole, PBD, Esq.  

I happen to agree.  You are an American asshole and tarnish the reputation of archinect with your small minded, poorly written posts.  But this is no surprise from a guy who has already admitted that he is terrified of African Americans when he lived in the SFV. 

Seriously, you're one of the most ignorant people I've ever encountered.  and you're back here day after day.  you need to go.  

May 31, 16 5:00 pm  · 

I was going to type a response but then I thought of this:

May 31, 16 5:00 pm  · 

I don't know how to feel about what Rick has written, I'm feeling that he's a massive troll just like Ken M. No one can be this ignorant.

May 31, 16 5:05 pm  · 

i'm pretty sure he is being intentionally ignorant - that's how much he hates architects. shit everywhere he when he can.

May 31, 16 5:29 pm  · 

Remember when he quit? 

That was a good afternoon.

May 31, 16 5:30 pm  · 

Although, I eagerly wait for the next Richard reply each time a controversial post of his show up. Shit Richard you're making me postpone my projects, I was meant to be 60% done with my current one but coming back each time takes me ages to read each of your essays.

May 31, 16 5:40 pm  · 

see archiwutm8 - its working.

May 31, 16 5:57 pm  · 

given the subject matter, this is probably taking a long time for him to google.  or maybe he's lurking around the theater mumbling about UL listed wall assemblies and CMU dimensions?

May 31, 16 6:19 pm  · 

You know what, I'll be willing to sum up some money if anyone else is willing to chip in to send Richard to Mexico. All he needs to do is film his whole experience and upload it onto Youtube.

May 31, 16 6:33 pm  · 

Richard "Karl Pilkington" Balkins

May 31, 16 6:43 pm  · 

i'm not sure he's allowed to leave the US.  and second he'd need a passport.  sounds like that's off the table.  

then there's the issue of recording (what to use to make recording? digital? analogue? what is okay to film? permissions from people in film? cross reference int'l law on film), then the issue of uploading (upload in mexico or the us? does this change copyright or access? secure internet connection?), then the issue of youtube having possession of it (who own's it?  will youtube edit it?  sharing rights? will youtube slander rwcb?).    

these concerns all warrant 3-5000 word essays and extensive google and wikipedia research.

however, i'd be all for deporting him there.     

May 31, 16 6:45 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

wrong  thread

May 31, 16 7:16 pm  · 


Although, I eagerly wait for the next Richard reply each time a controversial post of his show up. Shit Richard you're making me postpone my projects, I was meant to be 60% done with my current one but coming back each time takes me ages to read each of your essays.

You see, you spend all that time and money because you decide that you had to read and reply during your work hours. A little self-discipline and you would have waited until you are off work or have met your timeline then read and reply. You seem to put a hire priority on reading and replying to my posts than your work you are in contract or otherwise an agreement to read. 

This isn't a chat room. Communication on this forum  is asynchronous not synchronous. 

May 31, 16 7:42 pm  · 
If this were the 1700s Balkins would make a great town cryer - for the first 30 seconds. Then he goes to village idiot.
May 31, 16 7:56 pm  · 

from town cryer to village idiot to witch in 1 day.  but since people weren't so smart back then he'd probably be a priest doing the witch hunt.  

May 31, 16 7:58 pm  · 

i think what he's trying to say is that going to rwanda as an american (which is not relevant to a canadian) is a lot like going to north carolina for everyone else.  don't travel across america folks.  it's scary.  stay in astoria where it's peaceful.

May 31, 16 8:06 pm  · 

A little self-discipline and you would have waited until you are off work or have met your timeline then read and reply.

You're hardly one to preach self-discipline Richard.  You NEVER complete a single thing you say you will do, nor do you ever stick to your promises, nor do you accomplish anything of any sort - unless your life's goal is to waste forty years on the internet, in which case stick with it, you're 75% of the way there.

May 31, 16 8:10 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Some days are more hyperlexic than others. Richard, I told you there is help for this. 

May 31, 16 8:31 pm  · 

random internet counseling is a lot cheaper and it don't go on any record...unless of course you use your real name.

May 31, 16 8:47 pm  · 

Why is it alway happy hour over in interiors?


Do architectural product reps show up at the end of the day with wine and cheese?  Hell no!  we get lunch and learns with stale chicken-salad sandwiches.  Does the liquid-applied waterproofing guy give us a spa weekend for spec'ing his product?  We're lucky if we get the keep the samples he loaned us.  This is bull crap.  BULL CRAP.

May 31, 16 10:09 pm  · 
I've had more and more architectural product reps ask about doing wine and cheese events at my firm. It helps to know the good reps.

Still no spa weekend though.
May 31, 16 10:53 pm  · 

The interwebs, the only place, where if you want to be part of a community, you have to just deal with dickheads, and douchecanoes, with no fucking possibility of muting them, or shooting them.

May 31, 16 11:00 pm  · 

I'd like to ask everyone for their opinions, most of yo have more experience than me in the AEC world.

As I've said before I work as a BIM Technician in construction/surveying company, whilst its a great job as in I get paid extremely well, work 40hrs, work on ALL the most important projects in London, extremely good managers and colleagues who are good friends, I simply feel dissatisfied with my job and career prospects. I am constantly bored and feel unenthusiastic about working.

I'm in my younger/mid 20s took on BIM jobs straight out of school and withinn 2-3 yrs I made it to a great salary where I'm earning more than senior architects with several years, I've been offered several roles of BIM managers earning £70-100k which is $100-145k USD. Even though this is considered a high wage in London I just don't feel like doing them, and the prospect of taking on a graduate part 1 architect role earning 20k is daunting as I'll be losing more than 50% of my current salary.

I've realised I prefer the technology and computational aspects of architecture but most places just want CAD/BIM. 

This is more of a rant than anything I guess...not quite sure what I want.

Jun 1, 16 6:12 am  · 


Is money an issue for you?

If it was me, I'd take the BIM manager position for a defined period of time - 3-5 years. Live frugally for that time and put away £120-180k, then if you still want, you could pivot back into a designer role.

Things you could do to make that "break" from BIM manager/ technologist to designer - travel, teach, start a job in a foreign country, go back to school (alot of people in the US do a Master's of Design at Harvard which is 3 semesters - I am sure there is something similar there.)

Jun 1, 16 10:05 am  · 

I was going to suggest similar to what archanonymous said.  Bank a cushion of cash, then take some time at a low paid but emotionally rewarding position.

Jun 1, 16 10:18 am  · 

Do your creative work on the side or in the evenings. Save as much as you can now. The next recession may well send that high-paying job south and then you can plan your next move. As for going  to an elite Ivy League school I feel certain there are scores of recent Ivy architecture graduates who would trade places with you this instant.

Jun 1, 16 10:57 am  · 

Money isn't an exact issue for me, however having grown up extremely poor it doesn't hurt to have financial stability either. Most my friends and peers from architecture school are all on half my salary at the moment but are doing amazing things even though they can't afford rent, which is extremely scary to me as I'm supporting my partner at the moment. I know the smarter thing to do is stick with my BIM roles and take the 80-100k job, take classes in the afternoon after work in things like computer science and robotics but there's still a irking feeling to do something else. I'm sure most people feel like this some time in their lives like a sense to escape responsibility and just run for the hills? 

Jun 1, 16 11:20 am  · 

How old are you?

Jun 1, 16 11:32 am  · 

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