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This would arguably be more productive:

Feb 24, 14 10:37 am  · 

now that is a foos ball machine work place station.

Feb 24, 14 2:01 pm  · 

but donna, you just don't understand Per. that is not 3DH. No one can understand 3DH.

Feb 24, 14 2:33 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

100 points to gruen!

Feb 24, 14 4:18 pm  · 
gruen, I frequently feel like I understand Per as well as I understand anything. Some days I feel like a dog must feel, living happily enough in the house but not really comprehending how the entire household works. Then some days I feel like Master of my Domain.
Feb 24, 14 5:22 pm  · 

Not knowing what 3DH is I did an image search.

Now I know.

Feb 24, 14 6:05 pm  · 

Per is a unique person. Lost is a good word. Never understood him, although he was amazingly good-natured for all the fight he seems to also have in him.

I been in Thailand recently on work, and eating nothing remotely like sushi or curry. Came back to Tokyo with Influenza and enjoying the paperwork that apparently goes with being sick in a university setting. Still not sure if it is make-work or a real desire by the university to monitor health issues. sure is annoying.

We eat sushi at the conveyer belt joint down the road. Probably not as good as Miles' buds place, but odds are its better than most places outside of Japan. Been to the expensive places too, and they are seriously sick, but its a bit too pricey to do regularly. And to be honest I like it that we can get jello with our sushi, and that it comes rolling by on the conveyer belt. Its the surreal that makes the meal.

about curry in japan, I am not sure what is normal. Family restaurants usually have a kraft dinner kind of version that is pretty good, and yes its just curry and rice.  But if we go out for curry usually we go to proper indian or nepalese place and have curry with nan. World cities are awesome for food, and Japan is a foodie nation, so we have it good.

Feb 24, 14 8:47 pm  · 

mmmm "kraft dinner kind" of curry...

Will you still going to Thai for the resiliency UN work? eat any insect while there? I think they are more popular there (certainly) than Japan. Do they even eat insects in Japan? Maybe the Ainu?

Feb 24, 14 10:15 pm  · 
Brian made pho for our Cambodian houseguest. We've been having it for breakfast for two weeks. I think when the houseguest leaves I will want to keep up with the morning pho.

Should I submit to the latest bracket? I have a good project but not sure I'll have time to get it together.
Feb 24, 14 10:48 pm  · 



Feb 24, 14 10:51 pm  · 

yes donna, do!

@nam, yeah, its for UN related work. Our network has been growing and now seems we are global not just regional, which is cool but also a bit hard to get my head around, practically speaking. UN HQ in Bangkok is close to where the protests and violence have been taking place so we moved our meeting outside the city. its a sad state of affairs. Amazingly the farmers were heading into town on tractors to join the protests. It seems to be heading for civil war or something like happened in Kiev. Hopefully with less violence, when all is done.

Feb 25, 14 6:15 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Donna, did you make pho from scratch? I have made it from a soup base mix but my vietnamese sister-in-law starts with an oxtail, which I guess I could learn how to do, but haven't yet. It is so much better from scratch, but takes 9 hours. I am just not adventurous with meat either. 

Just finished reading The Art of War. Glad for it, it is a great book on strategy and decision making, which is why CEO's often read it. I feel empowered. 

Feb 25, 14 8:17 am  · 

had no idea what was going on in thailand... seems like there's a lot of political upheaval going on globally - stay safe...

Feb 25, 14 8:50 am  · 

Pre-made beef broth, steeped overnight with the species and whatnot.

Does Art of War cover any decision-making that is not zero-sum?

Feb 25, 14 12:47 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Which species, Donna?

Feb 25, 14 2:02 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Donna, I guess the answer would be yes, cause what is perhaps unexpected is that the book is ultimately about contemplation, a win-win. Or perhaps I am just innocent and naive. 

Feb 25, 14 3:20 pm  · 

ha japanese curry - my favorite is the 'Vermont curry' (so called because it uses apples in the roux, hence the association of that state with apples over there).

Nam - my neighbor in Tokyo used to bring over crispy teriyaki locusts.  wouldn't say it was the norm though.

breakfast pho sounds awesome.

Feb 25, 14 4:23 pm  · 

What's going on in Thailand is the same thing that's been going on in Thailand since 1975.

Kind of like the US ...

Feb 25, 14 5:22 pm  · 

there were grubs and candied grasshoppers for sale by street vendors on the street in Tahiland. I was not feeling up to it, but they looked fine. Like crunchy caramel popcorn ;-)

thailand has been floundering for a while yeah, but now the King is in his dotage and apparently the heir is not very popular. Could go bad this time. Several people killed during protests while I was there. Amazing that it isn't something you aren't hearing on the news.  I guess you heard about this thing going on in the Ukraine though yeah?

What is more amazing is that Singapore and Thailand pretty much started at the same place not that long ago, and the difference now is astounding. Talk about the power of benign dictatorship. Mind you , Singapore is a bit Stepford Wife-ish.

Feb 25, 14 8:14 pm  · 

No real news in the US. Except Justin Beiber. 

Feb 25, 14 8:27 pm  · 

LOL Sarah.  That should say spices.

Feb 25, 14 9:19 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
I figured. Still, it made me think of these scenes from Dinosaurs.
Feb 25, 14 9:31 pm  · 

@will - I've been bad about keeping up with what's happening, but just off the top of my head of what I've heard about in the past couple weeks - there's, of course, Ukraine, but also Venezuela, central african republic, egypt,  iranian negotiations, crazy shit going down in north korea, sochi - in the US, there's the gay marriage stuff (michigan is up next)... crazy arizona jim-crow-ish bill... huge heroin problem in the northeast, the polar vortex, obamacare... locally it's the 2024 olympic debate, casinos, bicycles, bicycles, bicycles, and crazy cost of housing.


and the current issue in the toaster household is that someone forgot to buy trash bags - which is, by far, the most pressing issue.

Feb 25, 14 9:58 pm  · 

Vermont apples?  two big apple producing states in the US are Washington and Michigan.  Vermont is more known stateside for maple syrup and maybe cheese/dairy (like Wisconsin).  I would never associate Vermont with apples, and I live in new england.  I tend to think Michigan when I think about apples.

Feb 25, 14 10:07 pm  · 

or Washington.

also that is quite a uplifting list...nite!

Feb 25, 14 11:34 pm  · 

How could I have forgotten the refugee crisis in Syria?  and the situation in Sudan?  I don't know about that being an uplifting list - what's happening in central african republic is absolutely sickening.

Feb 26, 14 9:30 am  · 

Heroin problem in the Northeast.....Is it really a problem when people are stupid enough to take the shit? 

Feb 26, 14 10:37 am  · 

@toast to be clear that was typed with tongue-fully-in-cheek

Morning all, quite the good conversation on Twitter this AM re; the latest outrage/quote from Zaha Hadid see here for a taste

Feb 26, 14 10:42 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Drug addiction isn't about the drugs, snook. Addicts aren't stupid, they are avoiding. 

I read a biography on Stalin last week. I didn't know he was an artist too, like hitler. Reminds me of the societal conflicts going on now. Toaster, I admire your ability to keep up on all that is going on. 

Feb 26, 14 10:55 am  · 

guess there is enough death out there that it only matters when its close...scariest truth of all.


@nam, protected tweetery, that link is. Access denied.  It's amazing that architects are really defacto politicians now. But I would say with no actual political power. Like ZERO. We should be realistic about what she can do, assuming you are talking about the construction site deaths? Perhaps she should resign form the project, dunno. Easy to say from the outside. Twitter does tend to make us prefer our politicians and professionals to act like tv show hosts instead of doing the actual jobs they are good at. I'm very distrustful of the entire realm as a substitute for news.

anyway, gehry and the gug are in the same boat. I do hope it leads to change, but won't hold my breath. They did a Faustian deal those guys...

Feb 26, 14 9:36 pm  · 
vado retro

if that quote is about worker deaths, please see my comment in the news section.

Feb 27, 14 9:04 am  · 


interesting as that account wasn't protected yesterday... the convo must have caused some unwanted attention....

Feb 27, 14 9:21 am  · 

our politicians and professionals

They are not "our" politicians. Politicians work for the highest bidder.

Architects are not politicians, except in the way they work to protect their cash flow and business model. Zaha won't rock the boat because she wants another gargantuan commission. Whore.

Feb 27, 14 9:22 am  · 
vado retro

correction; two comments. also, my gf/future wife's aunt is a millionaire apple farmer in washington. 

Feb 27, 14 9:23 am  · 

Congratulations on the discovery of a viable route to financial success in architecture.

Feb 27, 14 9:28 am  · 
Miles: my wealthy relatives have never passed a dime or a project my way. Which I'm not crying about (I'm sure you understand)
Feb 27, 14 5:29 pm  · 

holy fuck, miles, did you just call zaha a whore? Philip Johnson said it ironically I think you mean it. You one of those guys who thinks with his piece instead of his brain, turns women who scare him into objects for sale, so you can get your ins or something? Sweet mother, misogyny amongst architects is so unappealing.

Feb 27, 14 7:05 pm  · 

Will, for what it's worth, I didn't read Miles' use of whore as being gender-specific to her as a woman, but just to her as an architect. I didn't take any more offense to it than I would to Rem or Thom or Danny or anyone else being called a whore. I think Philip Johnson's use of that word made it somehow a typical derogatory descriptor for architects, less charged than it would be for other professions, maybe?

Feb 27, 14 8:50 pm  · 

Saw Venetian Glass by Carlo Scarpa: The Venini Company, 1932-1947  at the Met today. Brilliant. Absolutetly stunning.

Will, you're an idiot. Johnson wasn't being ironic, he was being honest. Hadid could never even begin to approach that, she's waaay to full of herself. 

whore adj. A person considered as having compromised principles for personal gain.

Feb 27, 14 11:36 pm  · 
Miles, don't call other people playground names, please. Attack ideas, not individuals. I'm trying to live by that here, though I'm certainly prone to mistakes.
Feb 28, 14 6:34 am  · 
vado retro

i have never met the millionaire apple farmer family and from what i hear probably don't want to. plenty of millionaires here living off their oil drilling rights, duck dynasties and coca cola bottling and delta airlines buyout money.

Feb 28, 14 7:56 am  · 

Miss Manners, that was a description of behavior, and an accurate one at that. And it was considerably less disparaging than what it responded to. Would it have been less offensive if I had said don't be an idiot or used the classic dodge of phrasing it as a question - are you an idiot?

As to the money thing, it's interesting how some celebrate it and others run from it as if it's a badge of shame. I'm not referring to anyone here in particular, my book if full of observations on this behavior. In an interview on Stewart last night an author talked about following new hires to Wall Street and how the money culture completely transformed them into miserable assholes. Unfortunately we're drowning in those people and their better's here.

Ultimately, the Scarpa show is much more interesting than all of this crap.

Feb 28, 14 9:42 am  · 

how about 'you're assumptions regarding johnson's intent when relating his profession to that of a whore's is inconsistent with my own, reminding me of behavior that tends to be consistent with that of an idiot."

Feb 28, 14 10:31 am  · 

Too wordy. Cut to the chase already. 

Sorry Donna, didn't mean to be an ass (to you). Among other things I appreciate your efforts to keep this place nice. One of the interesting things about forums is the lack of normal clues to meaning such as tone of voice, expression, body language, etc. 

Feb 28, 14 10:47 am  · 

I try not to be an ass, too, but I frequently am one, especially unintentionally.

I was just unexpectedly interviewed for TV broadcast about the Sopheap Pich installation I just finished managing.  My hair does not look good today, and I wasn't sure where to look during it.  I've done better interviews, for sure.


My sister is coming to visit this weekend. I texted her that there is a very real chance her plane won't be able to leave as we are expecting another 10" of snow and ice Sunday.  Bless her, her response was "As long as you've got carbs and wine I'm happy to get stuck there." I love my sister! So excited to see her!!!

Feb 28, 14 11:34 am  · 

For prepared interviews you keep drilling your points no matter what the questions are. For unprepared interviews a little humor or controversy can go a long way. Being a contrarian almost guarantees wide coverage.

Indy looks so cool, here it's all about big dough. I want to carve one of the giant privet hedges in front of a McMansion into a giant loaf of bread.

Feb 28, 14 11:50 am  · 

It has been a flat on the back day for me with gallons of green tea.  Damn Winter Colds.

Feb 28, 14 6:32 pm  · 

Yet another day of being under the weather.....along with the Mrs Snooker....We share everything.  I think this bug must be a super bug as it took me down in a couple of hours.


Mar 1, 14 2:00 pm  · 
Feel better, snook. Sucks when you're both down, who can walk the dogs?
Mar 1, 14 2:27 pm  · 
Note to self: if you *know* you're going to be on TV, which I did not, tuck in your shirt so you don't look so sloppy.
Mar 2, 14 8:57 am  · 

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