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I aim to please Sneaky.  It's been a melancholy day.

Nov 6, 13 4:03 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I spent an entire day wondering the Longview mall once, in high school.  One of those "kill time on a school function" things.  It sucked.

Nov 6, 13 4:26 pm  · 

In more news that you don't want to hear:

Hospital bills man for rectal search he was forced to undergo by police

Actually, it's much worse than that. The billing was just adding insult to injury.

Nov 6, 13 6:04 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Miles, we must have the same Facebook friends. That article was unbelievable. Until the second article, I thought it was satire a la Onion.
Nov 6, 13 6:19 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I am in love with Acrobat right now.  I was able to rotate all the scanned book pages at once, and then crop them all at once.  Just made my job so much easier!

That is all.

Nov 7, 13 10:42 am  · 

Enjoy the honeymoon period. I hold the opinion that Acrobat is the corner in which Adobe sends their unruly employees to sit.

Nov 7, 13 11:14 am  · 


This should be bronze plated.  A relative said "People WANT to be offended."  The notion was supported that it's fodder to pick a fight.  As time goes by, people have been fighting over subtleties and nuances MORE than they did 2 or 3 decades ago.  What's up with that?

On vacation, in huge urban areas, I was able to reinforce my maxim:  the more that people notice and discuss differences across groups, the more diverse their friendships and acquaintances tend to be.

Nov 7, 13 12:37 pm  · 

what does that have to do with acrobat observant?

anyway, it's unwise to jump to conclusions without supporting evidence.  you can assume an american likes baseball or a pakistani likes cricket, but first you should understand that it's only an assumption and there is a fair chance you're wrong.

second, you should limit the assumptions you make to whatever is necessary for the situation you find yourself in.  you seem to talk a lot about granolas and other groups you've pushed into narrow stereotypes fairly often.  each person you identify as 'granola' or 'hipster' or whatever else is a unique person.  they have some things in common with others, and they have some differences with others.  grouping them, labeling them, and making assumptions without any direct evidence is unwise.  it leads you to false assumptions. 

everyone is unique to certain extent.  people should be seen as unique people first, so you can treat them in a way that acknowledges what you actually know about them, not based on what you know of someone else. when you label someone as 'granola' or whatever, you're acknowledging them as someone other than who they are. the more assumptions you make about a person, the more chances there are of you being wrong. you just make too many assumptions.

Nov 7, 13 2:34 pm  · 

"As time goes by, people have been fighting over subtleties and nuances MORE than they did 2 or 3 decades ago."


2 or 3 decades ago it was relatively simple to live life with a sphere of influence of a few blocks. Now one's sphere has grown exponentially. It has forced people to face the reality that their preconceptions aren't universal. I, for one, find the concept of people actually being aware and sensitive to others' feelings a good thing and not "bullshit".

Nov 7, 13 3:16 pm  · 

On the other hand there comes a time to stop being nice.

Nov 7, 13 3:47 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

OMG!  The eunuch in the story I'm reading isn't a eunuch!  Dun dun dunnnnn.

Nov 7, 13 3:51 pm  · 

Hot off the presses, The World's 25 Sexiest Living Architects.

Nov 7, 13 4:30 pm  · 

No Thom Mayne? Pfffft. Your list is irrelevant.

Nov 7, 13 4:34 pm  · 

Hot off the presses, The World's 25 Sexiest Living Architects.

Finally! A relevant analysis of the profession .

Current reading: The Master Builder by Henrik Ibsen, and The Lady and Her Monsters: A Tale of Dissections, Real-Life Dr. Frankensteins, and the Creation of Mary Shelley's Masterpiece by Roseanne Montillo. The Lady is great read.

Nov 7, 13 5:07 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

One of the students I had was an adult from a foreign country who wanted to work on her English. She wanted to know more phrases, idioms, work on her expression and know more about Americans (so I got to represent!) and one of the exercises we did was look at images and describe them, both what we saw and how it made us feel. A great exercise since we were both well educated, I had been to art school and she was highly superstitious and had symbolic meaning attached to most everything. We saw completely different things in everything. It would be a good date game. Not that I date.

These cards are from a game called Dixit.

Miles, since I am getting involved in literacy, I like knowing what you are reading. Keep reporting on it. 

Nov 7, 13 5:51 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

More of the pictures.

Nov 7, 13 5:57 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
I'm reading Tiger Moon. It's a fun fairy tale set in British India. And of course I'm asking all my students how to pronounce things, and about their Hindu gods.
Nov 7, 13 9:16 pm  · 

tint - are you familiar with Nunga Punga & The Booch?

Nov 7, 13 10:52 pm  · 

morning TC!

tint - re: reading I am currently trying to get around to starting The Everglades: River of Grass is a non-fiction book written by Marjory Stoneman Douglas (which has been sitting on myself for last year since my mother gave me a copy).

also still trying to finish (for the last 1.5 yrs) Marks of Identity a 1966 novel by the Spanish writer Juan Goytisolo, which although I have enjoyed has taken me forever to read. I almost think psychologically has something to do with the authors's style which includes using long multi line sentences (ie: up to a half a page in length also as Wikipedia writes "a somewhat shattered and discontinuous" story)...

Nov 8, 13 8:01 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Miles, no I am not familiar with that title. Why?

I am just finishing Under the Banner of Heaven, by Jon Krakauer, it is a book about Mormons, mostly the FLDS sect which was very fascinating, I could hardly put it down. I recommend it. If it wasn't against the law, I would rent a van and drive out to the desert to rescue these young people that are forced into that way of life. So sad. This isn't in the book, but I did some searching and found that Romney is descended from the polygamists in the book. I really don't know how that didn't get out during the election. (I have nothing against Mormons, just the fundamentalists.)

Am now reading This is your Brain on Music by Daniel Levitin. It is really good so far. It is non-fiction, about how your brain turns sound vibrations into music. 

Nam, I am reading (well, have a bookmark halfway through) a book like that, where there aren't really sentences. It is called The Dog Stars, it is set in an apocalyptic future where the main (pretty much only) character has some sort of disease that scrambles his thoughts and so the writing is hard to follow. 

I am also reading Ramona empieza el curso so I can work on my Spanish skills.

Nov 8, 13 8:36 am  · 

Students, India, fairy tales ...

Nov 8, 13 10:53 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Miles, I think you may have me and TinT crossed.

Nov 8, 13 11:00 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Miles, I have students because I am a private tutor and educational therapist. Sarah is a public school teacher. i guess we both talked about foreign students recently though, so easy to confuse. 

Nov 8, 13 11:46 am  · 

Miles, I think you may have me and TinT crossed.

I'd like a visual on that, please.

Nov 8, 13 6:59 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

How's that for a TinT/Sarah mashed visual? Of course, I'm going to feel silly if it's incorrect.
Nov 8, 13 9:31 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I'm in Colorado and Sarah is in Texas. I'm married to a psychologist/teacher, she is married to a performance sports car guy (am I right?). 

Nov 9, 13 10:28 am  · 

I was thinking more along the lines of Tarah, or maybe Saint.

You know the good part about all those executions in Texas? Fewer Texans. -- George Carlin

Nov 9, 13 1:30 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Shows what you know, Miles/Carlin. Those are refugees from Katrina.

Sorry. I know that was tacky.
Nov 9, 13 1:44 pm  · 

i wonder if some body is going to start athread about Dick Cheney large penis?. it is kind of his alley..

Nov 9, 13 2:07 pm  · 

Crying teddy bear?  That's reminiscent of some to the work of artist Kim Noble, a victim of monar¢h mk-u£tr@ mind ¢ontrol programming with 13 personalities now.

Nov 9, 13 2:20 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Nah, that's got to be a colostomy bag.
Nov 9, 13 4:09 pm  · 

Cheney is a colostomy bag.

Nov 9, 13 5:50 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Oh when will Archinect get a like button? I chuckled out loud, Miles.
Nov 9, 13 6:33 pm  · 

Folk.....the Cheney you have to keep your eye on is Daughter, Liz Cheney.  The more you read about her the more you understand the apple does not fall far from the Tree.  You should also take time to check out her Husband....a true Washington Insider.  She has moved back to Wyoming to run for  her  fathers former Senate Seat. the max....but with oil money, coal money, natural gas money who gives a shit. 

Nov 11, 13 6:12 pm  · 

@handsome, Sarah and Miles thanks for that...

Hi TC!

Nov 12, 13 6:03 pm  · 

Any Chris Christie fans out there?  Yeah, I know he's a Rep, but he's so atypical of their party.  Just recently, an interviewer was broaching the subject of how candid and gruff he can be and he basically responded with 'what, is this for real, how do you overhaul a personality that has been in place for as long as it has,' or something to that effect.  Good for him!

In an ideal world, he'd go Dem and then cause Billary / Over the Hillary to move out of the way.  Let's be honest.  Men might tell you this and that, but they won't be voting for her when it comes time to hit the computer screen or mail in their ballots.  And quite a few women out there don't like her either.  Furthermore, the Clintons belong in Arkansas, and not in Westchester County, NY.

Nov 12, 13 7:53 pm  · 

Don't kid yourself, ob. The higher the office the more enslaved they are to money and the kinds of people who will never have enough of anything, like the walking colostomy bag above.

The average congressman has to raise $10k / week every week of his term to fund his next campaign. For the average senator it's more like $30k / wk. These scumbags are all for sale to the highest bidder, which is of course why the highest bidders don't pay any taxes.

You're missing all the fun over in the "what suri wants" thread.

Nov 12, 13 9:32 pm  · 

^  With it having mushroomed to 800+ posts while on vacation, I don't think I could ever get caught up.  It seems a little ethereal, too.

Good going, suri.  You've thus surpassed my debut "high school only?" thread fourfold.

Nov 12, 13 9:52 pm  · 

You're not missing anything, except maybe one of the longest running troll threads in the history of the 'net.

Ethereal? LOL That's a euphemism if I've ever heard one.

Nov 12, 13 10:05 pm  · 

trolls.. Irish or Norske?   lol   carry on!

I'm voting for, " Taking Back Or Profession"

Nov 12, 13 10:09 pm  · 

OMG I've never wanted to scream shut up at someone as much as I want to at suxi on the traditional thread.

OK, Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin both beat him/her.  But not by much.

Nov 12, 13 11:28 pm  · 

Check this out.  I couldn't believe it.  Alligators are supposedly found in just about every water feature on Florida golf courses.  One more reason not to golf.  However, they are supposed to be shy and do not seek an altercation unless provoked or approached.

Well, in this article, I wondered why a gator was attacking golfers.  Then, upon rereading the article, it turns out it was in Mexico, near Cancun, and it was a crocodile.  Thus, it's a different place altogether and a different species.  Crocodiles are much more aggressive and dangerous than alligators.  It even went after the golf cart that ran over it!

Nov 13, 13 1:12 am  · 

Clintons could not return to arkansaw even if they wanted too.  Too many enemies there and they wouldn't risk suffer there own arkancide.

Nov 13, 13 10:19 am  · 

Clintons could not return to arkansaw even if they wanted too.  Too many enemies there

Which shows how cat of nine lives they are:  from not being particularly well-liked in Arkans-ass to catapulting themselves into the White House.  While I don't have my ear to the ground in a major way, a friend knows a retiree who hangs her hat in Hot Springs Village, AR, which is supposed to be a very nice place, and this woman said the local folks do NOT like the Clintons.  With one of them a hick and the other a Chicago suburbanite, why Westchester County?  If I lived in the tri-state area, I wouldn't want them around.  Tell them to build a McMansion in Atlanta, where they are prevalent, or someplace between their two places of birth.  St. Louis, MO:  you're elected.  The Bush patriarch/matriarch built a McMansion, but a fairly tame looking one, in an upscale in-town residential area of Houston, where they have roots they put down long before.

Nov 13, 13 11:28 am  · 

I know you guys think I'm weird but I can't stop laughing at this.

I can design a kick-ass kitchen but I can't produce anything as gleefully wonderful as this.

Nov 13, 13 11:49 am  · 

Isn't that Nicolas Cage?

Nov 13, 13 7:41 pm  · 

Yes that is Nicholas Cage as a space cat!!  And eight hours later it still makes me laugh uncontrollably!

You guys suri really makes me want to punch my computer screen.  He's every Tea Bagger idiot wrapping him/herself in the flag and braying about how they don't need no stinkin' taxes while not understanding that taxes allow them to be able to have a soapbox to stand on.  He's Glenn Beck claiming we don't need progressive social policies because anyone can go to the library for free without realizing that libraries only exist because of progressive social polices.  Fucking hell he's annoying me.

Nov 13, 13 7:46 pm  · 

he sure does know a lot about architecture.  just ask thayer.  they're like 2 peas in a pod.

Nov 13, 13 8:02 pm  · 

Thayer is 1,000 times more nuanced than suri.  suri is sharp as a cotton ball.

Rusty! I'm practically begging you to wade into that mess. Please?

Nov 13, 13 8:34 pm  · 

Don't get into a pissing contest with a skunk. And there's more than one there.

Now that Quondom has taken over the thread it's guaranteed to shrivel and die.

Nov 13, 13 8:38 pm  · 

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