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on the second thought, i don't think those fancy reps would fall for my trick though. the place gives itself away soon is you turn into the parking area with grease and stuff.
fuck um.
my welder adi cohen is coming for coffee right now. he just got back from israel. get the real political low down from him. he is a commie.

Oct 11, 06 2:42 pm  · 

its SNOWING!!!!!!

just spotted the first white flakes floating down from the slate gray sky!!!

anybody else experiencing weather of interest?

Oct 11, 06 4:06 pm  · 
liberty bell

treekiller just posted on the newest interior design thread that we like to eat interior designers on toast with a little salt and pepper.

But ya know tk, I'm thinking interiors people are better served with some froufrou accoutrements, like sprinklings of chives and little swirled sauces around on the plate. Landscape architects, on the other hand, are so yummy and clean what with spending all that time out dealing with vegetal matter that I think they are best enjoyed lightly steamed, with a sprinkle of s-n-p.

Mmm, I'm hungry.

Oct 11, 06 4:10 pm  · 

lb, you're right, IDs taste better with creme freche and some osetra.

I prefer my greens sauted in olive oil and garlic.

now what's the best way to cook an architect? grilled with shallot ver jus?

Oct 11, 06 4:16 pm  · 


Oct 11, 06 4:18 pm  · 

ha ha ha she thinks our business is 'clean.' better scrub thoroughly under clear running water before steaming. don't worry about e. coli though, we know how to use backflow preventers...

Oct 11, 06 4:18 pm  · 
liberty bell

Orhan, re: your post on page 47 about art museums:

I agree about the current crop of municipal art museums presenting a fairly bland selection of contemporary art. Like every museum's gotta have a Ruscha (who rocks - I don't mean to slam him for being popular because his work rocks), a Koons, a Japanese flat pop sculpture, a lesser Damian Hirst, etc. The building basically becomes the draw because the art experience isn't gonna be mind-blowing. And yes I think this has a lot to do with needing to appear cutting-edge while actually being so institutionalized that risk-taking is impossible.

On the other hand, private galleries have amazing art: the whole alt scene in Philly was amazing, consistently fresh and low-budget art, and the ICA (which is an institution but exists solely to present new work) was an amazing venue.

In Louisville the private collection at 21C is a bold selection of young artists, stuff that isn't really seen anywhere else in the Midwest. But it's a private collection, so the owners can take whatever risks they like.

A crap-tastically ugly building in which to see mediocre quality works by over-institutionalized artists is not going to elevate culture in any long-term way, I'm guessing.

...and that's my rant of the day.

Oct 11, 06 4:20 pm  · 

oh, cooking an architect, I know the answer to that one. half-baked. and be sure to puncture the ego with a fork several times before placing in the oven, otherwise explosions may occcur.

Oct 11, 06 4:20 pm  · 
liberty bell

Don't eat architects: we're all gristle and fat.

Oct 11, 06 4:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

LOL half-baked, nitpicker, that's excellent!

Oct 11, 06 4:22 pm  · 

are 'tects too tough even after a day in a crock-pot?

Oct 11, 06 4:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh my god Queen of England is back with the funniest thing I've read in a long while: Arch stamp or butt plug. And SuperImpose even made an appearance, a miracle!!!

I've missed you, your majesty, so glad you're back.

Oct 11, 06 7:50 pm  · 
vado retro
Oct 11, 06 8:08 pm  · 

Hey guys, time for another WWTCD?

I'm meeting the 'rents this weekend in Louisiana. Both sets of 'rents. What should I bring with me as a gift? It would be easy if we were just driving over casually, but we are flying in. Would it be lame if I baked some cookies or shortbread and brought them? I love to bake, so it wouldn't be personality-inappropriate.

I can't bring anything liquid, like a bottle of wine or some local maple syrup, as I can't check my bag.

What do you guys think?

Oct 12, 06 12:20 pm  · 
Chili Davis

The rents? A gift? I would hope the rents would be figuring on what to bringme!!!

Oct 12, 06 12:30 pm  · 

Chili, myriam's not in school anymore...the tide turns once you have income. the rents may not expect it, but for once your actually able to. This was the first year in a while that my mom got more than a card for her birthday...

myriam, you can't go wrong with treats...maybe baked by you, maybe something special from some local bakery or whathaveyou...

Oct 12, 06 1:05 pm  · 

a tie for the male parental unit, and an apron for the missus?

hmmm, thats a little to cleaveresque- how about an apron for the dadio and new golf clubs for the missus?

bring some non-liquid regional specialty - bring a hunka cheese (grafton chedder is nice) or bring a lobsta!

Oct 12, 06 1:11 pm  · 

Yeah I was just thinking, I should probably drop by Burdick's (local famed chocolate shop) and pick up a nice little selection. Then I can get them maple fudge or candies, and pair with some homemade scottish shortbread. I'm not sure if they have sweet teeth, though, because my boyfriend certainly does not. I'll have to check on this.

Good to hear about the baked treats... for some reason I was afraid that might seem too shabby? But that's probably just due to the echo of the stuck-up puritan bostonian society I've been living in. Probably any other society would find that a thoughtful, personal gesture. Ack. I'm just nervous.

What have y'all done in this situation?

Oct 12, 06 1:15 pm  · 

hahaha the thought totally crossed my mind to bring them a lobster on a leash in a cat carrier...

or some dunkin' donuts coffee paired with boston baked beans and a Yankee Candle! I can proudly proffer them as "regional specialties"

Oct 12, 06 1:17 pm  · 
Chili Davis

I never wanna go to hike skool.

Oct 12, 06 1:20 pm  · 

clams... heh heh

yeah--chilli--just you wait, my friend! They all think I'm some kind of fancypants designer. "Oh wow, she's an architect! Wow..." It's pretty cute but still I'm afraid I'm going to be asked to whip out some napkin sketches when I walk through the door.

Oct 12, 06 1:24 pm  · 
Chili Davis

I hear ya myriam, a couple of landscape studios and my family suddenly sees me as the go-to-guy for planting trees/trimming hedges/ fertilizing etc... Do I look like the damn lawn guy?

Oct 12, 06 1:31 pm  · 
brian buchalski
WonderK I want to hear about your flowers.

have they opened yet? how about an updated photo?


anybody else ever get that feeling that maybe you're forgeting something...and maybe it's something really important, but then you finally stop to go to the bathroom and suddenly feel better and then realize...oh, that was it

Oct 12, 06 2:21 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I just wrote an email to the mechanical engineer with the words "pretty please".

Oct 12, 06 2:43 pm  · 

chili, if it's not the crab grass, then its the cutting down a tree. if only 'scape school would have a chainsaw class.

m- a can of boston baked beans!!!!!!

Oct 12, 06 2:47 pm  · 
Chili Davis

I usually conclude all of my emails with "buh bye" for a sign off.

Oct 12, 06 2:47 pm  · 

Foreground: beautiful lilies opening

Background: our own version of cubicle hell

I cannot stop staring at these things. I think I'm giving myself a headache because I keep smelling them. They are so amazing. Look at that color.....I keep watching the buds, thinking that if I stare at them long enough I will surely see some movement. It messes with my head, and I fall into a trance thinking about the 4th dimension of plants, etc.

Look at the one on the left, with the white-edged petals....this morning, their little pollen thingys (stamen? fingers? tiny hot dogs? surely there is a technical word for this) were completely upright, and smooth. Then they each erupted, one at a time, the little folds imploding on themselves. Just between you and me, I find the whole thing very sexual.

My coworkers think I'm nuts. Then again, this is not new.

Oct 12, 06 3:40 pm  · 

damn! puddles was right. beautiful.

Oct 12, 06 3:43 pm  · 
Oct 12, 06 3:46 pm  · 

hmm, apparently Archinect now thinks I'm abra. I just got about 10 emails in my junk mail box telling me that someone responded to my post: Thread Central!

Oct 12, 06 3:55 pm  · 

we are all one and the same.

Oct 12, 06 3:57 pm  · 

myriam....i might suggest a paul revere pewter knock off...but think your traveling to the wrong part of the country......go with the baked beans!

Oct 12, 06 4:11 pm  · 

"anybody else ever get that feeling that maybe you're forgeting something...and maybe it's something really important, but then you finally stop to go to the bathroom and suddenly feel better and then realize...oh, that was it"

Is this why you're called 'puddles'?

Oct 12, 06 4:24 pm  · 
liberty bell

Strawbeary, I love your "pretty please" confession above.

myriam, I think in our culture of online purchasing there is nothing - nothing - more personal than baking a gift for someone. It is so rare, and homemade cookies are always appreciated, both for the gesture (gift of time, hand-work, etc) and for the yummy taste.

Of course DubK up above makes those flowers sound like a pretty gosh-darned personal gift. I agree DubK, flowers are extraordinarily sexual if you look closely - as Georgia O'Keefe made abundantly and shockingly clear about 80 years ago.

I am embarassed to admit it, but the butt plug thread has had me giggling all day.

Oct 12, 06 6:16 pm  · 

phew, that makes me feel better. cookies it is. any votes on the type?


Oct 12, 06 6:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

Lately I do the recipe from the Quaker oatmeal box, but I throw in crazy raisins and white chocolate chips, no nuts. They are always a hit, both with gourmets and carpenters.

I have about three minutes before I have to get dinner ready, wlak the dog, get the mail, etc. I've decided to wait until after Angus goes to sleep befoer I check out the "can designers write" thread: I know it is going to be like a sweet gift I will want to open slowly and savor, since I saw earlier today that both Steven (who writes beautifully) and per (who writes....interestingly) have posted.

Also, I met an awesome woman contractor today and I need to carry on about her a bit. So, until later, dudes and dudettes....

Oct 12, 06 6:25 pm  · 

myriam- butterscotch. Make just like tollhouse, only substitute butterscotch chips for chocolate. Mmmmmmmmmm

Oct 12, 06 6:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yum rationalist, that sounds delish. PS crazy raisins are dried cranberries.

Oct 12, 06 6:31 pm  · 

oh, both of those sound good... The manf hates raisins though (gasp!) so I'll have to save the oatmeal idea for another time.

I could make a batch of regular tollhouse and a batch of butterscotch tollhouse, since I'm stuck with 2 sets of parents to meet... hmm! That would be pretty easy since it's the same recipe anyway.

In fact, that's what I'm gonna do. Thanks, ladies! Now I'm off for my first trip to New Orleans!

Oct 12, 06 6:33 pm  · 

ohhhh... hmm. Ok I'll go to the store and pick whatever looks easiest to make. Got like 3 hours to pack and do all this. Thanks again!

Oct 12, 06 6:34 pm  · 

cookies go well with hurricanes (the drink) or pimm's cups (also a drink). you should have both while you're there.

napoleon house for pimm's cup. almost anywhere for a hurricane, though pat o'brien's is a classic, of course. i was always partial to the guys who set up a stand in the space between buildings.

Oct 12, 06 6:36 pm  · 

I can't wait. I have Pimm's here at home so I'll have to be touristy and try the Hurricane. Any other tips on what to see/do?

Oct 12, 06 6:38 pm  · 

not sure what the status is of various things, but, if possible:

-muffaletta at central grocery (across catty-corner from cafe du monde).
-beignets and cafe au lait at cafe du monde (sit a spell).
-galatoire's for dinner (warning: $$$$$ but worth the experience).
-po-boy from a corner grocer with a hand-painted sign.
-see a show at tipitina's (if open).
-ride the st charles streetcar all the way to the end when they flip the seats and go back.
-tulane arch school is in session. see if there's a review goin' on.
-no, really, the napoleon house for a pimm's cup. seriously.
-wander to the back of the french quarter and walk along esplanade and, across esplanade, into the neighborhood called faubourg-marigny.
-wander through the french market on saturday.

Oct 12, 06 6:45 pm  · 

meant to put it in bold
-no, really, the napoleon house for a pimm's cup. seriously.

Oct 12, 06 6:46 pm  · 

I will print these out, but oh man, looks like I'm gonna have to go back for some of them... :D With any luck I'll have lots of visits ahead. I am SO excited, woohoo!

Oct 12, 06 7:11 pm  · 
vado retro

im tryin to lose some weight, so please go ez on the cookie chat. speaking of food, went over to a grand opening for a new chef's academy that was designed by our firm(not me though) and enjoyed a host of tasty at home enjoyin a glass of vin and thread central...

Oct 12, 06 7:18 pm  · 

i've resorted to making really stupid comments since i noticed that i'm quickly approaching 3000. is this normal?

off to see gomez. have a good evening.

Oct 12, 06 8:36 pm  · 
vado retro

have fun steven...

Oct 12, 06 8:41 pm  · 
brian buchalski

no, i don't think that's why i'm called puddles...not really sure why i'm called had something to do with a week in roma, but i can't really remember any of the details and i've been told sooooo many different things

Oct 12, 06 8:41 pm  · 

myriam, have brunch at the Courtyard of the Two Sisters!!! Best brunch I ever had!

You didn't think I'd let this all pass without a brunch suggestion, did you? :o)

Oct 12, 06 9:56 pm  · 

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