
Thread Central


aww randar I can't see it. Just a question-mark box. Unless that's what you meant to post?

Jun 3, 06 2:02 am  · 

mana, those comix are cute! reminds me of one of my faves, the Perry Bible Fellowship. (start from the bottom and work your way up)

p.s. btw mana you have the distinction of holding my very favorite archinect name

Jun 3, 06 2:03 am  · 
vado retro

nice try zarflax...

Jun 3, 06 8:38 am  · 

rationalist you are my hero!

manamana you are a genius!

randar82, you must figure out the picture posting as I am now dying to see the tranny banana.

banana rhymes with manamana.

that is all.

Jun 3, 06 11:06 am  · 

awwwww, thx. WonderK. You should join in on the fun.

Jun 3, 06 11:44 am  · 
liberty bell

okeydoke, very good start, randar. SOmetimes the red-X shows up inexplicably, if I right click on it and paste the properties diretly into my browser I go to the image itself, then when I reload the thread page the image shows up. i don't know why that happens sometimes.

But! Your image is too wide to fit, so here's what you do: after the url text, you enter one space, then "width=418", not including the quotation marks, just the word, equal sign, numerals. Then no space, and the second set of brackets.

Jun 3, 06 11:45 am  · 

do what you need to do to feel happy...its good to see you're filling your days with very productive tasks.

check back on Sunday

Jun 3, 06 12:24 pm  · 
Post Nazi


Can I sit at the cool kids table?

Jun 3, 06 12:27 pm  · 

Fogey, I sent it through the email link on your member page...not sure why it didn't go through...

Jun 3, 06 12:28 pm  · 

interesting news...take a deep breath...and stare at the sun...

Jun 3, 06 12:36 pm  · 

Fogey - send me a message the same way - via member page...

Jun 3, 06 12:39 pm  · 

pot, meet kettle.

Post Nazi: only as long as there are no holocausts.

Myriam: Thank you. I read PBF occasionally and it's creative, but i don't like that there really aren't any developed characters.

Jun 3, 06 12:56 pm  · 
Auguste Perret

rationalist - great job on that thread that just will not die. And I agree, this is quite a dangerous cycle we're experiencing.

Jun 3, 06 1:44 pm  · 
rationalist for the win!

poor parallel didn't even realize that was a stolen post from earlier in the thread. I believe we are succeding.

Jun 3, 06 5:39 pm  · 

Maybe a battle, but def. not the war. Thanks for all supporting this, I actually thought you guys might get annoyed with me for helping to keep it on the front page. I must thank manamana for the idea. The key is to select posts carefully...

Jun 3, 06 6:25 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

i for one am in support of DNR for the yale blows thread. (which i will not link to with vigor) i say pull the plug on the stupid thing and let it be in peace. fancy graphics lovers stayed around quite long enough (and NO i will NOT link to it either)

don't let this become a the terry schaivo of archinect.

Jun 3, 06 6:58 pm  · 


You are the epitome of a retard

rationalist mistakenly "re-posted" the pmic post, the post we've been talking about ever since pmic sent it, the post that literally talks about the "mishandled" dean's pick. Please, by all means re-post as much as you can....its great

Jun 3, 06 8:44 pm  · 

With every "re-post", I can "re-post" that I'm a she...not a he...and YB will never end....nice....good job manamana,...I never knew how helpful retarded loners could be ;-)

Jun 3, 06 8:52 pm  · 
vado retro

this image is becoming more and more appropriate for archinect:

Jun 3, 06 9:01 pm  · 

I'll maintain that that was not a mistake. I looked for the most interesting and relevant post I could find from the early bits of the thread. OK, so it was too recognizable to blend well, but whatever. It still got some painties in a twist, evidently.

Jun 3, 06 9:34 pm  · 

oh no, vado! Don't say that. I think that we all know that we're trying our darndest to return the forum to stability. But this virus is a hard one to shake. If only we could use some forum drugs to cure it......

Jun 3, 06 10:00 pm  · 

Yaaaay! I was useful!

*runs headfirst into wall* ow! now I know why they make me wear a helmet.

but actually I was refering to the reposting of drizzler's post...which I directly linked to. I thought that would make it obvious, but I guess not, since parallel missed it twice. Parallel's response was hilarious.

But I will stop posting about Yale Blows missions in thread central, I don't want the nastiness of that thread to spill over to here again (too late, I guess). I intended to find some irreverent fun (in the spirit of this thread) in something nasty and pointless. we've been successful, wasting the downers' time and getting them riled over nothing.

I'm much happier having shit lobbed at me than having the participants actually attempt an argument. *sunny hippie grin*

peace, I outta here.

Jun 3, 06 10:47 pm  · 
sporadic supernova

oh no we're back on the "yale blows " discussions ?? ...

oh well things have been quite slow in the last few days, anyway ...

posts from 3 days back still on the first page !!

Jun 4, 06 1:01 am  · 
Jun 4, 06 1:15 am  · 
Auguste Perret

It has been slow lately. A good time for this:

Jun 4, 06 10:53 am  · 

sunday morning. i woke up a hour ago. i don't know if i want to go to my office yet.
i showed my clients some panelite samples wilson sent me . nice and helpful people at panelite. i'd like to built a reception desk with the material. great translucent plastic if lit from the back which is my intention since clients like the idea of their hi traffic storefront be visible at night. than i talk to friend of mine who makes handmade wall paper about doing white on white wall paper as back ground to this, translucent desk etc... nothing down yet but these are my material ideas to begin with. i know when i start it'll go fast. i don't like to spend too long for projects like this, because it gets cumbersome if you don't go into fabrication fairly soon.
panelite likes to fabricate which i prefer. i have to make it so simple so room for mistakes are narrowed and if there is any could be remedied. next week is going to be busy, there is a last minute request from the chief editor that i cover aia06 for archinect. plus i am waiting for plans to come back from lakewood project with some corrections, minor ones i hope. and after that my jury duty in superior court starts for whole week if i am choosen on the 12 th. i was gonna go to turkey but now i have to wait for another couple of mounths to get things set up and rolling. really hard to juggle the stuff if you are a one person office. on top of all this, fuckin' clutch cylinders on my car are gone i've been driving it halphazardly pulling out the collapsed clutc with the edge of my shoes and pumping it a couple of times to get it work with people beeping and showing finger language. hopfully it is going to be fixed tomorrow at aamco by shorty who ordered the parts was double difficuld with the cars because tina's benz had a broken hose causing all power fluid drain and me driving it back from hair salon meeting with no power steering on rush hour last thursday. plus bunch of beverly hills papparazzi's were cutting me off on rodeo dr to picture some blond woman with large glasses who was trying to get in her huge shiny suv. i don't know who the stars are but maybe madonna? busted power steering and paparazzi. life in los angeles...carry on.

Jun 4, 06 10:58 am  · 


Congratulations, you were wasting a day and bumping Yale Blows repeatly to the top...good deserve a reward.

keep up the good work

Jun 4, 06 11:01 am  · 

rupi broke his fingernail. gotta go to save-on to get some right aid. tina doesn't like what i proposed and she seems to know exact remedy wrap. what can i say, mother knows best.
my proposal was to cut up an old sox and tie it around the paw with semi tight rubber band. but noooouu. good thing is benz is fixed now.

Jun 4, 06 12:46 pm  · 

get well soon rupi. power to the puppies!

got your email, Fogey, and responded.

leaving for Nashville in t-minus 1.5 hours. Now, the question is taxi-cab or airport parking for 2 weeks?

Jun 4, 06 12:53 pm  · 

i just fuckin' hate when people leave their dogs on their side yard and go to 3 days camping trip. they don't deserve the friendship of a dog. fuck my neighbors. fuckin' jimmy... poor thing has been crying all day and caused rupi to break his nail charging to her cry. people do that all the time. go somewhere for few days and leave the dogs behind.our dogs have all points pass inside and out and they are not mr and mrs manners either.
i feel like mixing 1/2 pound of granulated sugar into his truck's gas tank he left behind.

Jun 4, 06 1:01 pm  · 

take the taxi cab a.

Jun 4, 06 1:05 pm  · 

have good trip

Jun 4, 06 1:06 pm  · 

ya, just booked the cab...less hassle, a little less expensive...

Just did the bbc memory test that Auguste Perret spatial memory is good, as is number string memory. had trouble with the grid thing.,,

thanks Orhan, i will. peace out from Jax...

Jun 4, 06 1:35 pm  · 
vado retro

went to pier one clearance store and bought some nesting tables. i got an extra 20 percent cuz im a designer. also bought a frame at target to mount my little dreamtime painting from austrailia and an algerian ivy plant which the cat is eating. time for a beer and a nap or a nap and a beer hmmmm whats the order again???

abra-people are stupid. and even stupider when it comes to animals.

Jun 4, 06 3:00 pm  · 
sporadic supernova


Jun 5, 06 1:48 am  · 
sporadic supernova

oops .. sorry about the caps ... was doing them darn door schedules !!

Jun 5, 06 1:50 am  · 

"I sense a disturbance in the force ..."

Did Yale Blows get nuked? Archinect was down earlier and now all I see is Erasmus' original post.

Poor Erasmus.

Jun 5, 06 1:57 am  · 

I had a good score on the 'digit span' part, and have good 'working memory' and 'spatial memory'. It was sort of fun.

Jun 5, 06 2:12 am  · 
sporadic supernova

765 ... same thing happened to me ... couldnt see any other posts .. including thread central !!

Jun 5, 06 2:34 am  · 


nope ;-)

Jun 5, 06 8:42 am  · 
liberty bell

yes 765 and ss very funny blip last night when I signed on all I could see was the original thread post for all threads and news items! Just as well as I needed to go to bed not stay upto the wee hours archinecting.

Sorry to hear about car troubles abra. And poor Rupi's toe. When Gus hurts a foot we do antibiotic then put a sock on him and wrap tape around it at his mid-shin. Never stays on for more than a couple hours though - he hates stuff on his feet.

Here's my weekend: skip these next paragraphs if you don't like to read about domestic activites: Busy busy weekend as I had my first ever dinner party in the new house! Nothing like having guests over to get you to finish little jobs you've been meaning to do for six months. Unpacked half the ceramics boxes, but just moved the other half plus all the book boxes into the storage room to clear out the dining room. Downside to this box relocation is now the lack of baseboards in the living/dining is painfully obvious! Bought some outdoor furniture at Midland Antique Market for the screen porch - very funky 1950's aluminum with turquise and lavender flower pattern vinyl - so fun. When husband came home from picking up the outdoor furniture somehow a cool low 1960's mahogany sideboard had made it into the back of the truck too....Midland is dangerous that way!

Drank lots of Oomegang and a new one called Hazed and Infused from Boulder, yummy, I love those hoppy beers. Grilled vegetables, bruschetta, tomato mozarella, strawberry shortcake, very simple summer meal and excellent company - my old boss and associate from Philly, god I really miss those people. You spend ten years 8 hours a day with people and share indie jokes/watch then have kids/buy houses/etc. then suddenly don't see them anymore and realize they are not just coworkers but companions and friends too.

Dreamt last night that an archinecter (which one I won't name) was removing a splinter from my foot. Too much beer before bed!

Later all.

Jun 5, 06 9:56 am  · 

My task this morning is to come up with a good job ad and post it everywhere. We are desperate to hire someone but we have a pretty narrow idea of the kind of person we need. This task is turning out much harder than I thought it would be.

Jun 5, 06 10:53 am  · 


Jun 5, 06 10:54 am  · 


Jun 5, 06 10:54 am  · 
Jun 5, 06 10:56 am  · 
liberty bell

Are you really there already AP? Where will you live?

Jun 5, 06 10:58 am  · 

damn, i've forever ruined the bottom of page 24 with my pre-2nd coffee inability to link images!

Jun 5, 06 10:58 am  · 
liberty bell

Well the stunningly excellent CD you made for me, AP, erases the karmic debit you get for f*ing up the bottom of page 24. Don't worry about it.

Jun 5, 06 11:00 am  · 

Seriously how do you make a job ad without sounding like a tool?!??!?!

I really wish I could just be like, "are you tired of staring at a computer 8 hours a day? do you long to make models and work out design problems like you used to in school? do you wonder what 'site' means except as a label on a drawing you get back from the subcontracted landscape firm? well, we need someone like you!"

Jun 5, 06 11:02 am  · 

the Renaissance Hotel on Commerce Street ;)...

Jun 5, 06 11:07 am  · 

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