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liberty bell

Aww, hell, sorry to disappoint, tunamelt, there's no Episode 3 yet....Soon, we all hope?

Jan 2, 08 9:25 pm  · 

DAMN! False alarm. Saw the thread had gotten bumped and got all excited. Bummer. I'm crossing my fingers it's soon.

Jan 2, 08 9:27 pm  · 
some person

Hello not-being-on-vacation-anymore!

What a rude slap in the face - my first day back, and I had to be at the site for a 9 am meeting that I only began to prepare for at 7:30 am this morning. (Yeah, 7:30. I was in the office even before the early people.)

And the otherwise picturesque Potomac River reminded me why our roof membrane needed to be fully adhered. It was hella windy even within the screenwall enclosure today.

Coming back from vacation sucks.

Jan 2, 08 9:35 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I think I got 2008 off on a good note this evening by having a nice date at one of my favorite restaurants on the Upper West Side. I think I managed not to say or do anything horribly stupid, and my date looked nice and seemed to be enjoying herself. Hopefully there will be a second date sometime in the near future.

Jan 2, 08 9:44 pm  · 

LB. 5 degrees seems tropical, compared to minisnowda. it's too damn cold, if I wanted to live in canada, I would have moved there for the free health care.

it's supposed to get above freezing on saturday - I can't wait!!!

off the news thread, architecture is an overrated career:

The Reality: Architecture has many pluses. Indeed, it made it (barely) into last year's list of Best Careers. Alas, for 2008, architecture must be moved to the overrated category. Not only is the housing decline souring the job market, but more potential clients are offshoring the work to India, downloading premade blueprints developed by top architects, or having lower-cost interior/exterior designers or building contractors design their structure. Two recent job satisfaction surveys painted a mixed picture: One gave architecture high marks, but the other rated it very low. A major cause of low job satisfaction is that many architects don't get to design buildings but rather must produce detailed drawings of the components of other people's designs, such as the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning system.

but life is greener as a landscape architect!

Jan 2, 08 9:45 pm  · 
Living in Gin

18F here with a much colder wind chill... I'll be piling on the blankets this evening. Good news is, the weekend is supposed to be much nicer.

Jan 2, 08 9:47 pm  · 

TK - I may be emailing you soon on just that topic^^.

I'm beginning to get worried. My cats are of the indoor/outdoor variety and while they've all spent a few minutes outside today, my little grey shit (as I so adoringly call her from time to time), has yet to come back from her escapades a few hours earlier. It's supposed to get down to 10 degrees tonight and I fear the evil black male cat that lurks around my house for her has got her trapped somewhere. Grrrr!!!! I hate this feeling.

Jan 2, 08 9:57 pm  · 

tuna- hope the kitty is ok, i'd go out and get her if you can. my cat stopped wanting to venture out once the mercury fell below freezing.

& us 'scaper's would be happy to have you switch sides (if you learn your plant names)!

Jan 2, 08 10:14 pm  · 

Happiness once again. She finally came home. Now all three "kids" are in for the night. Wonder how much of the bed I'll actually get to use tonight. My guess... not much.

Hope all you TCers up in the Midwest and North Eastern part of the country stay warm tonight.

Jan 2, 08 10:31 pm  · 

It's 12 in Chicago, suckas!

Jan 3, 08 12:46 am  · 


Jan 3, 08 12:46 am  · 

It's 14 degrees here.


Jan 3, 08 1:00 am  · 
vado retro

it's five outside. its winter. it is supposed to be five. you are supposed to be cold. you are supposed to have a dead battery. you are supposed to get stuck. you are supposed to have a heart attack while shovelling the driveway between smokes. you are supposed to experience zero visibility white outs on the interstate. you are supposed to live on soup and grilled cheese. you are supposed to make a tent of blankets on the floor in front of the t.v. you're glasses are supposed to fog up when you enter a building. your tongue is supposed to get stuck on the metal pole. your pipes are supposed to freeze. it's five outside. its winter.

Jan 3, 08 5:48 am  · 

there is a certain charm in it. i'm off to warm up the car. back in a minute...

Jan 3, 08 7:11 am  · 

God it is cold...
Even in Florida less than 20 degrees Fahrenheit...

Wishing everyone else a warm and wonderful Thurs....

Archinect Travels 3!!!!

Jan 3, 08 8:12 am  · 

Nice to see that you are back both Steven and vado. I actually agree with both of you on the whole winter thing. Broke out the silk thermals this morning. Now I'm nice and toasty.

Jan 3, 08 8:18 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Its cold here too, in the 20s. When is this global warming thing going to kick in?

Jan 3, 08 9:12 am  · 

I almost lost it yesterday;

I got a call from my lawyer handling the transaction for the house, telling me that I wouldn't be able to get my alien land license without my passport - despite the fact they know it was stolen in September and hasn't been replaced. The option to replace it involves flying home or waiting 4 I had a bit of a breakdown as I can't leave work for the next 2 weeks because of our exhibition, and after may be cutting too close for the end of sale on the 31st

I was calm (or clam) as a lamb when he called back 30 mins later to tell that I didn't need a license due to some other arrangement which also means there is 10% less I have to worry about finding too. Yippee!!

Jan 3, 08 9:19 am  · 
liberty bell

Great news, architechno.

vado, in your absolute wisdom, you are of course correct. But having just watched Archinect Travels 3, let me offer up a corollary, regarding Phoenix in July: It's hot. It's supposed to be hot. It is supposed to feel like entering an oven every time you open your front door. You are supposed move slowly and languidly, you are supposed to wear as few articles of clothing as possible, you are supposed to forgo underwear because it is too constricting and makes hot spots at the crease of your leg and torso; you are supposed to sweat, and so you are supposed to drink water constantly, you are supposed to keep anything made of plastic out of your car or risk it melting stuck to the dashboard, you are supposed to find a pool if possible and sit in it, just sit and drink, no diving or anything that would require energy, you are supposed to wear sunglasses constantly.

Given my preference, I would choose being too hot over too cold.

Jan 3, 08 9:29 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh, and archtiechno: good news! Glad the situation resolved itself without you having to do anything.

Jan 3, 08 9:31 am  · 
vado retro

maybe we should be in phoenix now!

Jan 3, 08 9:45 am  · 
John Cline

After growing up in the hot humid south, I prefer being too cold over being too hot any day of the week.

Jan 3, 08 9:53 am  · 

I shouldn't add to this weather argument as its perfect today. The only thing bad about it is that I'm not outside, in trunks enjoying it all..I'm sure the SO is

Jan 3, 08 9:58 am  · 

welcome back vado!

neither baking in phoenix or freezing in minneapolis are my ideal climates. give me that california comfort any time (even balmy palm springs or snowy tahoe).

Jan 3, 08 10:01 am  · 

john, i gotta agree with you, but i do have to say the perception of how and dry and hot and humid are totally wacky! i was in Utah in the middle of June and it was beautiful, hot but dry, and in NJ at the same time, hot, humid and miserable....but the relatives in Utah were totally complaining about the heat....crazy!

Jan 3, 08 10:06 am  · 
liberty bell

Goodness, techno, that's racy!

Jan 3, 08 10:09 am  · 


Jan 3, 08 10:49 am  · 
liberty bell

I'm headed out to a site in the cold, brrr. A good friend of mine who now lives in Hawaii sent me a Christmas card with a newspaper cutout of the forecast for the upcoming week in Honolulu: Sunny 86/77 every single day. If there is any architect hiring in Hawaii, call me.

Jan 3, 08 10:55 am  · 

you could answer that posting from eight inc in honolulu that i was considering, lb. i know someone there if it helps.

Jan 3, 08 10:56 am  · 
vado retro

xgf/fw is in puerto rico visiting her abuela and her mom (who is puerto rican but lives in new mexico) and her dad who lives in puerto rico. its 80 there. i have her hundred pound suitcase full of crappy weather clothing and boots and outerwear. she is coming back here to pick it up on her way to nuevo mexico.

Jan 3, 08 11:03 am  · 

it was so cold here down on the farm this morning that the milk froze to the cows' udders before it could reach the bottom of the pail!

Jan 3, 08 11:27 am  · 

Vado, you should of joined her its only 300 miles away (45min flight) from Montserrat...I would of paid for lunch and the drinks!!

Jan 3, 08 11:42 am  · 

farmer, if i had a nickel for every time that happened, i'd be a kazahk millionaire...

Jan 3, 08 11:42 am  · 
vado retro

maybe next time techno!

Jan 3, 08 11:48 am  · 

lb, you brought back memories. Do you remember leaving towels over your steering wheel and stickshift, so that you could actually stand to drive when you got into the car? I still have problems buying winter clothing properly... I walk in wanting sweaters, and walk out with tank tops!

Painting of my bedroom continues today. Yesterday I mistakenly thought that I could shuffle a single dropcloth around the room instead of getting four dropcloths. This did not work because my room is teenytiny, and all my furniture is shoved into the center in a big pile, leaving me only around 30" on each side for painting. So there just wasn't room to do the dropcloth shuffle properly, and I wound up scrubbing blue paint off of my hardwood floors.

Jan 3, 08 11:56 am  · 
Living in Gin

Almost lunchtime here. I'd kill to find a place near the office where I could get decent chili served in a bread bowl, like I used to get at Corner Bakery in Chicago. Quizno's apparently makes chili in a bread bowl, but the closest one is several blocks away... Too cold to walk that far in this weather. Maybe I'll just get some comfort food at the diner around the corner.

Jan 3, 08 12:29 pm  · 

@ Rationalist - you painting endeavor sounds much like mine. My bathroom was an absolute pain to paint b/c of how small it is. Good thing though is I was correct on my paint guess-timate. I used a little over 1/2 quart for two coats on the walls.

Summers in the Ohio River Valley suck. Hot and very humid. The hills trap the air so its not uncommon for it to be hazy. I'll take the cold days over the hot and muggy ones. At least then I can layer up to stay warm. But even when you reach your skivvies you're still hot.

Jan 3, 08 12:31 pm  · 
liberty bell

Just thought I'd post this here: I sent in my request for a subscription to Dwell yesterday. For several reasons:

1. Many of my clients read it, and its embarrassing when they pull out an article I haven't seen yet.

2. Geoff is an editor there now, which can only be good.

3. bldgblog asked to add me as a contact on Flickr, which is flattering. I know that you glamourous Facebookers must think I'm out of touch, but Flickr is still my only other social network site (I'm also on linkedin but don't really use it).

So. more Dwell in '08!

Jan 3, 08 4:39 pm  · 

I love the traveling thing by marlin. It takes me back to my days wandering around Arizona. A good architecture friend of mine who passed away back in September and myself used to tour the Valley of the Sun from time to time and visit projects I was working on and
things I had discovered from living there and where he grew up and moved away from. It was alway a wonderful exciting experience, which will be no more as he has gone to sit with the Architecture Gods!

I also used to poke around Arizona on my own and with other people.
I can say I have been to Bumble Bee Arizona as well as Sunshine Arizona. I have cruised along the Coronado Trail and have been to Bisbee Arizona. I have even been to Laughlin, lost my ass but still had enough for a meal and gas home.

Jan 3, 08 6:23 pm  · 
liberty bell

I've also been to Bisbee and Bumblebee, snook. And Yuma, save the world.

I'm eager to see the chapel in the rocks, which was flashed on in the preview for Archinect Travels' next imstallment.

Also: I've had far too Archinecty a day, hardly gotten any work done. My partner is in Florida, maybe I'm just feeling lonely sitting in his house by myself. Glad you all are here to keep me company, even if it does lower (drastically) my productivity.

Jan 3, 08 8:43 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Well, I just stopped at the Borough of Manhattan Community College and turned in my application for admission. That's where I'll be taking my math and physics classes to count toward my undergrad degree and satisfy prerequisites for grad school. Classes start at the end of the month and run through the middle of May.

Meanwhile, I'm checking the stuff I still have to do with my program at DePaul in order to graduate in June. Lots of deadlines and lots of paperwork to be filled out, but it should be possible. I can graduate any quarter, but the commencement ceremony is only once a year. I'm determined to make it this year.

I took a hiatus from school during the fall while I got settled here in NYC, but now I need to get back at it. It will be tough, but not impossible.

Mark your calendars: June 14th is when I hope to officially become a college graduate, after 14 years of working on this fucking degree. Wish me luck.

Jan 3, 08 9:37 pm  · 

good luck, LiG! I know you'll do it well!

Jan 3, 08 10:07 pm  · 

and do us proud :)

Jan 3, 08 10:07 pm  · 

Gin, you already make us proud!

Jan 3, 08 10:13 pm  · 

lig, been there my man, been there....the best part and the toughest part is finishing the degree. when you do that, the world is your oyster!

trust me.

the ARE's are cake compared to finishing the degree.

Jan 3, 08 10:20 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Thanks.... I'm counting on all of you to kick my ass and keep me motivated.

Jan 3, 08 10:33 pm  · 
vado retro

going green 101, next Oprah!!!

Jan 3, 08 10:36 pm  · 

Whoop! Whoop! To Gin finishing his degree.

Jan 3, 08 10:43 pm  · 

@ tuna

Isn't it Woot, Woot?

Jan 3, 08 11:29 pm  · 
liberty bell

How about "Huzzah!"?

Jan 3, 08 11:37 pm  · 

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