
If people used their real names in this forum it would be nicer


'Hiding' behind funny names , could be stupid .

Feb 7, 06 5:49 pm
Rita Novel
Wolfhilda von Schlittenfahrt

...or could be smart, too.

Feb 7, 06 6:13 pm  · 

not gonna happen ... don't think i'm stupid ... couldn't participate at 1% of the level i do now if my identity were known ... there's freedom in anonymity ... "skunst" isn't a "funny name' ?

Feb 7, 06 6:21 pm  · 

watch for Rita Novel she ain't her brothers keeper and sharp as a gilette.
skunst, there are some really innovative pen names around here who hide behind nothing.

Feb 7, 06 6:22 pm  · 

I thought everybody alread did?

~manamana J. Peterson.

Feb 7, 06 6:30 pm  · 

+=first name
q=middle name

Feb 7, 06 6:35 pm  · 

Stefan van der Ende , who seems to be the famous ex-sculptor skunst ,
cannot make the connection between the stone called Rita

Feb 7, 06 6:43 pm  · 

He Stone , I hope you are not serious . because it means not much if you take part in a discussion , and hiding your identity , what are you afraid of then
seems to be so stupid I hardly can believe this ,

Feb 7, 06 6:58 pm  · 

Everybody seems to be so free around here .
Could it be a fear for the career thing ?

Feb 7, 06 7:04 pm  · 

what we're afraid of are all the creeps online, and all the bosses online. My screen name used to indicate my school and first name, and I changed it because someone creeped me out, and I realized that they could find me REALLY easily based on that screen name.

Then there is the fact that some of us like to vent about our jobs when things get stressful. We say things we wouldn't want our bosses to connect with us. We enjoy this freedom because it lets us speak frankly and glean advice without fear of repurcussions.

Feb 7, 06 7:07 pm  · 
vado retro

steven ward. now thats a funny name.

Feb 7, 06 7:15 pm  · 

If you want to try to make good things , you have to communicate , be open , take risks , and be as honest as possible.
And don' be afraid of the 'creeps online ' , freedom anonymo usly is no freedom .
If you are afraid of your boss , it difficult to achieve anything .

Feb 7, 06 7:20 pm  · 

Vado : Whats in a name ? This is the 'google' stevan Ward

Feb 7, 06 7:29 pm  · 

Have you ever been stalked?

I have.

I will do everything within reason to prevent ending up in that situation again. I don't believe that hiding my real name restricts my or your freedom in any way. Conversely, YOU are perfectly free to use your real name if you think it's better to do so for some reason.

Why is this so important to you?

Feb 7, 06 7:30 pm  · 

i think there is a reasonable amount of accountability around here. previously, you didn't even need to log-in with a screen name. ppl would flame one another without even thinking about because there was no accountability. if you consistantly act like a jerk here, you will face the wrath of archinect. i think that's pretty fair.

Feb 7, 06 7:36 pm  · 

I am trying to find out your identity , rationalist ( joke)

Feb 7, 06 7:36 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

this is one of the best behaved forums i've seen around. decently intelligent conversation w/ nearly zero trolling. people actually talk about architectural things that are pertinent to the profession.

the great part is that everyone here is judged purely on the merit of their contributinos, not who they are or what school they went to or what they do at which firm.

Feb 7, 06 7:40 pm  · 

I am a member of the : , "who are the people behind the uggly buildings ? agency " .And for years ,stalked by the people from the " who are the people behihd those ugly sculptures agency "

Feb 7, 06 7:44 pm  · 

many of us have had these screen names since before the redesign. I am familiar with many of the names and their opinions and I respect them as their screen names as much as I would if I knew their real name.

Why would I care about knowing their real name?

I wouldn't comment on many things if I used my real name on here. It's just too risky. Someone gets annoyed with you they could really make life hell with little effort.

This way it's kinda fun, too

Feb 7, 06 7:44 pm  · 

Sounds a bit paranoia to me ,
If you want to show what you do on a architectural level or other creative things , you have to make a statemant and speek open about it .
And you cabn be asked for opionions about all kind of things , would you be carefull then and bot say what you think ?
Its easy to be direct ior to be rude in an anonymous situation .
You are much more confronted whith your own words and have to reflect more deeply on them if you are not anonymous.

Feb 7, 06 7:56 pm  · 

skunst, read my bio. it really is a spaghetti western with plastic bullets.
you wanna be innit?

Feb 7, 06 8:01 pm  · 

It's not paranoia. It's happened. I forget who it was, but they had an arguement with someone on the forum, then that person tracked them down and reported their internet use and I'm not sure what else to their boss, and they got into a SHITEload of trouble because of it.

Feb 7, 06 8:02 pm  · 

So whats your name? Simon Kunst? Stefan van der Ende?

Feb 7, 06 8:09 pm  · 
vado retro

my real name is...

winston smith

Feb 7, 06 8:16 pm  · 
"winston smith will fight for you because he cares"
Feb 7, 06 8:57 pm  · 

who can i sue for associating me with that picture? i might have to change my name.

Feb 7, 06 9:12 pm  · 

the other half of that picture might be brad pitt. i don't blame you.

Feb 7, 06 9:27 pm  · 
Ringo Starr

ok ... i've given up all of my "aliases" and from this point forward will post only under my real name ... who's got a question ?

oh goodness ... i feel soooo much smarter ... and freer ... and nicer !

i never did like yoko

ok ... maybe not nicer ... but, definitely smarter ... and freer

Feb 7, 06 9:32 pm  · 

Feb 7, 06 9:48 pm  · 

skunst - are you implying that if we all were using our real names the forum would be a more civil conversation? I for one think it'd destroy the very effectiveness that is the Archinect forum.

Take for example all the angst over those cartoons in the Danish newspaper. Sure they are offensive to a large portion of the worlds population, but they are protected by something called the freedom of press. Still that doesn't deter some radicals from burning down buildings and calling for executions. Those cartoonists have gone into hiding for fear of their lives.

Often there are deep intellectual and philsophical discussions on archinect. There are many political rants, etc. Public officials take on the risks of the public world. If everyone were outed in a "public" forum I think the discussion would grind to a hault. People do get offended and some people take their anger too far, as exampled above.

Feb 7, 06 11:25 pm  · 
sporadic supernova

Cant afford to .... I'm too famous !! .... Just ran away from the US after winning a child molestation case. Came to middle east to seek sanctuary and some fresh playmates for my magical peter pan kingdom.

I'll probably start a entertainment company here while i'm here and take advantage of the gullible sheikhs to boost my sagging ( well.. dead) singing career !!

oops ... did i give myself away !!

Feb 8, 06 12:16 am  · 
sporadic supernova

and oh yeah .. i'm an architect ...
I'm the creator of the most magical home in the world "neverland range"

Feb 8, 06 12:18 am  · 

Forget my realname , I am moving to a safehouse now , my career is ruined ,
my thrink will laugh his brain out .
I never said the conversations here should be more civilized , crazy idea.
I was just wondering .
I am not so known in the codes and habits of the internet ,
I just wondered why for some people here dom't hide there realname , so its easy to see what they are doing professionaly , what they make etc. and for others not .
I think it would be nice if people gave more possibilitys to see what they create.

Feb 8, 06 3:50 am  · 
sporadic supernova

Hahaha .. it's ok skunst ... btw .. is that your real name ..

I'll give you 1 reason ...

My boss is an archinect lurker !!! enuf said !!

Feb 8, 06 5:36 am  · 

ok sporadic superplastifier.
Its easy to find my real name on this site.
Dont type that name in google or your and your boss harddisk will be completely erased.
( This is an automated response , because you understand that if skunst was taking part in all this discussions personaly , he wouldn't have time left to work , would drink to much and in the end mixed up brain.

Feb 8, 06 5:50 am  · 

skunst pal....why do i feel that you deliberately 'put' on an accent
( the way you type ) or is that my imagination ?

Feb 8, 06 6:03 am  · 

nevermore don't understand what you mean by this.

By the way ,

How many bigg architectural bosses , you think are taking part in the discussions here (under another name) , to get rid of their " I don't no what kind of frustrations , anger or happines " ?

Feb 8, 06 6:09 am  · 
sporadic supernova

errr.... ok ..

Feb 8, 06 6:19 am  · 

skunst..i think your english is perfect ( in reality )

Feb 8, 06 6:21 am  · 

skunst..are you Fredy E Wubben ?

Feb 8, 06 6:30 am  · 


Totaly off-topic , but I read this line taken out of it's context ;

"Take for example all the angst over those cartoons in the Danish newspaper."

And that made me wonder why Per Corell are not allowed in this fora, to reset his password, --- Freedom of speach , strange that Per Corell was blocked just after he finaly got his name and an article in a Chinese architecture magazin ,just when he could prove the minds of all these jokers.--- Oh I got it back on track ; reson to use your own name.

Feb 8, 06 7:04 am  · 

...and I thought 'Hi' sounded familiar. ;)

Feb 8, 06 7:21 am  · 
sporadic supernova

Wow !!! per got his stuff published??? ...
ok, I didn't see that coming !!!

any chinese here care to let us know what the jist of that article is ?

Feb 8, 06 7:22 am  · 
sporadic supernova

is vindpust , per?

Feb 8, 06 7:25 am  · 

Well I can tell you, as how you can see from the link, that the article and graphics display wonderfull in Chinese.

Now I don't know if this attemt any perspective compared freedom of speach or shuld we in architectural terms say "freedom of expression" , guess you know that the written words realy isn't the main issue in architecture.
My words arn't either in this fora but by nature I offend the use of masks while it give some the oppotunity to act in many dirty way's. And in architecture, suppression of freedom of expression, make such an example ; what drive that make this sort of corruption is difficult to describe , but intention work superiour moral is fluid Hate Romans Love Chinese.

Feb 8, 06 7:34 am  · 

sporadic..whoever he is..Im having a hard time trying to understand what he's sayin

Feb 8, 06 7:39 am  · 

He is saying that is is destinct that just when Per Corell had his stuff published in Chinese, he was banned from the fora.

Wierd as if you see it as a creative person striving for a brilliant new idea, in this fora causing a flood of relevant discussion --- then just when an article are published on the chinese marked, 5000 words in english and chinese , he is damned from the fora.

Feb 8, 06 7:46 am  · 

vindpust..i was talking to sporadic about you.

Feb 8, 06 8:02 am  · 


i highly doubt that anyone would ban you because you got chinese and english...yeah! (if i had a nickel
for every time i accidentally read that sentence. it's almost as
ubiquitous as 'hi' at this point.)

now i could see why someone would/could/should get banned
for constantly self-promoting and steering every topic towards
themselves rarely saying anything original...typically repeating
the same things over and over with little interest in dialogue.

as for me...i dont quite get the point of using your real name
in this's easy enough to figure it out..and if you want
to email anyone typically their email and url is listed in their
bio...sometimes even their location...

Feb 8, 06 9:24 am  · 


I never said that Per Corell was banned becaurse he had a brilliant new method displayed on the chinese marked , I said something quite else please confirm ;

"Wierd as if you see it as a creative person striving for a brilliant new idea, in this fora causing a flood of relevant discussion --- then just when an article are published on the chinese marked, 5000 words in english and chinese , he is damned from the fora."

Feb 8, 06 10:23 am  · 
curt clay

I agree. I am Curt Clay.

Feb 8, 06 11:00 am  · 

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