


has anyone seen 'the moussakkan moustache'??

Jan 25, 06 12:52 pm  · 
Rim Joist

First, I don't make Abra's list of fav's.
Then, movies from my youth are described as those "old movies" from way back in 1982.
What's next? No Santa Claus?

Jan 25, 06 12:56 pm  · 

While I don't have time to post on archinect these days (shouldn't really even be checking it), this thread is by far the most informative and hilarious one I've come across this week.

Gold star to lb for the walker comment.

Also, I was 4 when BladeRunner came out, I've heard of it, all of these movies, in fact, and carry opinions on most of them, which we'll have to save for another time.

Carry on then.


Jan 25, 06 12:56 pm  · 

no santa?

Jan 25, 06 1:16 pm  · 

Who are you people that haven't seen this movie yet? The film came out the year before I was born, and I've seen it probably at least 10 times. People shouldn't be able to get their GED with out seeing a selection of films, BladeRunner being one of them.

True, my generation has often done aweful remakes of classic films (when I say classic I mean timeless and not old). BladeRunner certainly fits this list. Remake, in the film studies sense of the word, ofcourse isn't a direct retelling of the same movie, but often a movie that is made that is based off of a cinematic styling or a similar plot type. For example, Terentino's Pulp Fiction is a remake of Godard's Breathless (not surprising since Godard was Terentino's idle). In more recent years, the Fifth Element was a remake of BladeRunner. One of few remakes that my generation avoided at totally ruining.

Jan 25, 06 1:21 pm  · 
el jeffe

so you were born in 1983, and you claim a movie made in 1997 (you were 14 years old) was made by your generation?
you kids are getting mighty precocious!

american idle?

Jan 25, 06 1:28 pm  · 

nevermore... the movie i am sad i saw it was Blast from the Past

at first i thought you were talking about a great animated movie written by raymond Briggs where the when blows (also music by roger waters and sting...) do you think blade runner and 5th element are related?? i just saw it once... i guess it is like minority report being like 1984?!? i guess i just need to think in broader terms.

Jan 25, 06 1:36 pm  · 

+q...the new dvd for thx1138 has an added feature documentary on the film...apparently, he made a short version of the film for his thesis, and then the actual THX1138, backed by Coppola...the really interesting thing with the DVD, is that everything is again crisp, so new, that it really makes it hard to believe it was done in 71...

whatever you do, don't watch the takes away so much from the depth of the film when you hear lucas speak of it...i still find it hard to believe he wrote it!

although it has a very interesting interview about the sunset/sunrise end scene...

Jan 25, 06 1:38 pm  · 
simples can rent the criterion collection dvd of Gilliam's Brazil (another great movie...i love the DeNiro Character) and you can watch both endings (the happy Love Conquers All version shows all the changes gilliam refused to make...)...also has documentaries, storyboards...lot's of interesting info...

also, beatledud, Luc Bessons' 5th element is in no way, shape or form, a remake of Blade Runner;

Jan 25, 06 1:47 pm  · 

Reenactment, in the philosophy of history sense of the word, is certainly an excellent mnemonic device.

"Say again. Replicants are a mnemonic device?"

Jan 25, 06 1:53 pm  · 

evil suburbia movie- American Beauty

Jan 25, 06 2:32 pm  · 

thanks raj.

on other topics

anyone know the name of the house by FLW in which ricky martin shot his video ( vuelve )?{ its a ballad type song with the last scene of raindrops falling on ricky martin's face ? ( name of song----> vuelve ).}

and one of my all time favourite movies is KUNDUN (by Martin Scorcese )....the cinematography hits you in the balls with rose painted iron jackboots..fucking spectacular...

anyone share my views ?

Jan 25, 06 3:39 pm  · 

...was still in first year of architecture school when this movie came out. Imagine that, simultaneously viewing from Station to Station.

"OK kids, you go home and watch Minority Report and Vanilla Sky at the same time, while Mom and I do some other stuff."

Jan 25, 06 4:03 pm  · 

Yes the 5th Element is a remake, it's just a more Hollywood version. Again, they don't have to be the same movie. Anyone here seen both Breathless and Pulp Fiction? Those are remakes, that was the example I was trying to make....I guess not many are French Film Revolution fans.

Here is a quote from a review from the University of Maryland, "We review THE FIFTH ELEMENT. We called it Giant Flaming Space Five and were really afraid to go see it. But on the whole, it worked for us, primarily because it is one long integrated science fiction movie reference. Costumes by Gaulthier and aliens designed by French comics artist Moebius (Jean Giraud) insured a stunning visual atmosphere in the tradition of 2001 and Blade Runner. The stewardesses of 2001 are (possibly) one-upped by those of the Space Five. To be sure, we are given a somersaulting Daryl Hannah replicant, complete with the eye makeup and played by Milla Jovovich, for the Supreme Being, while another replicant (Leon, who wanted you to know about his mother) shows up as a sympathetic general. [Spoiler: he's not frozen so it's ok.] I couldn't place Ian Holm, the fabulous Shakespearean brit, who plays Milla's priest, until I recently saw a rerun of Alien--he was the android. Bruce, of course, we remember from the artsy remake, Twelve Monkeys."

Daryl Hannah was the female android in Blade Runner and Milla Jovovich is the artificial being played in 5th Element. Both take a similar approach to the style of the future (ones more dark and ones more bright), the essential difference is that Blade Runner operates as a faux Film Noir (since it is not evident that the female lead ultimatley brings down our protagonist) where the Fifth Element is hardly one.

Jan 25, 06 7:12 pm  · 

but 'in the tradition of' and 'similar approach to the style' are not remakes. am i missing something here?

Jan 25, 06 7:24 pm  · 

Have you heard of the internet? I just came across it. Its pretty amazing, tons of information at your fingertips.

Highly recommended.

Jan 25, 06 7:26 pm  · 


Probably not, I'm no good at explaining it, sorry. If you had taken my film class with me you'd know exactly what I mean.

Let's forget this arguement. The only sci-fi movie one needs to see is Labyrinth.

I mean you get to see Bowie's bulge! Fantastic!

Jan 25, 06 7:34 pm  · 

simples.. yeah, actually I bought the criterion collection Brazil. I'm more than a little obsessed with dystopia's and seem to be amassing a collection with a range of artistic merit (alphaville to demolition man and much in between). You should also watch "the hamster factor" on the 12 monkeys dvd. pretty big fan of gilliams anyway but seeing that he's pretty legit as far as the eccentric/artistic genius thing earned him a lot more respect. a chapter on the featurette is called 'creative spite'. hell yeah.

quondam, don't know how tongue in cheek you were being but I think we (at least I) could do without the agism (wow, i just said that). Congratulations, you were born before me. I don't doubt that you have amassed much knowledge in your extra years, but to think that a movie can't be worthy of classic status or can even can be dismissed because it was produced within the last decade is silly.

Jan 25, 06 8:04 pm  · 
Dazed and Confused

Great music too - - -

Jan 25, 06 8:19 pm  · 

silverlake, what is this new-fangled "internet" that you speak of?!

I also hear that there are these things called "forums" where you can write stuff to other people that you've never met, and then go away, and they can respond. It's insanity. What will they think of next? Portable, wireless phones? Perhaps they will call them "mobile phones".....

Jan 25, 06 8:38 pm  · 


1. it is OK if you have not seen a movie that is common knowledge. happens...
2. but please dont go on to prove that you are even more ignorant and even more arrogant with your stupid rant.

Jan 25, 06 9:38 pm  · 


3. grow up

Jan 25, 06 9:38 pm  · 

I dont think the music in Blade Runner is bad at all. In fact, I have the Vangelis soundtrack. Its quite good.

But I even list to a little opera metal every now and then, so take that with a grain of salt.

I hate to admit this, but I have never seen THX1138. Thats probably akin to nevermore never seeing Blade Runner.

Have you all read Vurt? Now thats a nice little dystopia there, me thinks.

Jan 25, 06 10:34 pm  · 

"You have no power over me"

Jan 25, 06 11:05 pm  · 
vado retro

wonderk they are right around the corner and will be the size of a box of cereal

Jan 26, 06 12:17 am  · 


Kindly refresh my memory....
1)When did I ever ask you for your "perception" of me ?

secondly You "think" I am arrogant or ignorant..Do yourself a favour don't "think"....

Jan 26, 06 5:25 am  · 

3)..If i want your useless advice..I'll ask you for it, thanks.

Jan 26, 06 5:27 am  · 

Ladies, come now, let's not fight. Hugs for everyone!!

Jan 26, 06 7:43 am  · 

i had a huge crush on the chick in labyrinth when it came out. didn't really notice bowie's bulge...

blade runner is indeed a good flick. too bad minority report didn't come out as well; both being based on the super cool work of phillip k dick.

of course phillp was also the writer of Paycheck, and Total Recall, which might have been better if not for everyone in it (though i will happily watch it again as my tolerance for bad SF is morbidly high). dystopic SF film ever is hands down " A Clockwork Orange". Kubrick is brilliant, and malcom mcdowell never did better, poor lad.

Jan 26, 06 8:46 am  · 

Jan 26, 06 8:53 am  · 

Paycheck was awful. I accidentally caught part of it again the other day at the gym and I was like, hurry, where are my headphones. Although I didn't realize that Paul Giametti was in it, pre-Sideways. The only reason I saw it in the first place was because it was a Dick flick.

Jan 26, 06 9:01 am  · 

SuperHeavy, you're right, you don't know how tongue in cheek I was being because, in reality, only I know that. The best you can do is assume. Unfortunately, you've already shown that you are no good at making assumptions about me because there are here no grounds for you to assume that I "think that a movie can't be worthy of classic status or can even can be dismissed because it was produced within the last decade."

More than anything, my last post was spurred on by my thinking about watching Minority Report and Vanilla Sky simultaneously because almost a year ago I confused the one movie for the other, probably mostly because Cruise stars in both films, but also because both films blur the real and the virtual. I actually would like to now see both films simultaneously, and thinking of that yesterday (because of the various content of this thread) then reminded me of The Man Who Fell To Earth, which led to a google image search, which led to my the composition of my last post.

That my last post also harbored innuendo and even ambiguity is, at this point, expected. because it happens to be something I'm good at.


Jan 26, 06 10:51 am  · 

no way to know, true, but grounds to assume, yes. the kiddies comment came off a bit condescending to me. maybe you were actually aligning yourself with one of the kiddies, whatever.

i prefaced with the tongue in cheek because if it was meant to be so haughty, than my comment applies, if it was not meant that way, my comment does not.

character assualts via internet assumptions are pointless, back to delicious dystopias.

Jan 26, 06 11:30 am  · 


I too had a huge crush on that girl. Ofcourse a few years back I saw Labyrinth on SuperBit DVD and freaked out. Ah, good ol' nastalgia. After buying it I was like "Holy Crap Bowie!"

Anyone ever see Ralph Burton's The World, the Flesh and the Devil. It stars Harry Belafonte and is about a miner who gets trapped only to escape and find everyone eradicated by a nuclear bio chemical. Aweful ending, but a cool movie overall. Good ol' 50's sci-fi. No match for When The Earth Stood Still but very Twilight Zone still.

Jan 26, 06 12:55 pm  · 

I forgot to mention that this fascinating new concept of "forums" allows people to trade anonymous, baseless, and often profanity-laden insults with no apparent societal benefits whatsoever. Technology rules.

Jan 26, 06 1:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

LOL WonderK!

Jan 26, 06 1:24 pm  · 

beatledud, jump:
labyrinth girl=jennifer connelly

not to change subject, but i think everyone around my age had a crush on alyssa milano in Commando, starring the Governor of California...

Jan 26, 06 4:25 pm  · 
vado retro

okay vy dont vee turn ov ze tellys und open a book now...

Jan 26, 06 7:42 pm  · 

When I was 8, I went to a double feature: Labyrinth and the Caravan of Courage. Very enjoyable, and very, very interesting. You should definitely check these out. Classics. Both up there with the Dark Crystal.

Jan 26, 06 8:08 pm  · 

Jan 26, 06 8:12 pm  · 

Holy furry batman! There is an ewok movie?!!!!

Jan 26, 06 9:52 pm  · 

they have computers on the internet now?

i had a crush on jennifer connoley's eyebrows, but then i also had a crush on one of the puppets from dark crystal.

Jan 26, 06 11:51 pm  · 

saw it last nite, another beautiful flick...the climax of the movie is mindblowing

of course try to get one with subtitles...

Jan 27, 06 12:36 am  · 

So since we're talking about that really old movie, "Blade Runner", I just had a totally weird experience. I work in a live-work loft in NYC, which is currently for sale. While we're going about our biz here this morning, potential buyers are breezing through to check it out. Well, the director of that "old movie" Ridley Scott, just popped in to take a peek, Unreal. He's just checking out the kitchen, the bedroom,etc. totally weird. Well, that's my name dropping for the year, we'll see who else pops in for a looksy.

Feb 17, 06 9:46 am  · 
FOG Lite

Wow, can you post pics of your loft? Must be something if Ridley Scott just wants to check it out.

Feb 17, 06 11:49 am  · 

Actually, it's just an "old school" artist's loft, kinda rustic, but sizable. It's not some super high-end location, but maybe Mr. Scott is looking for something more low-key, we'll see.

Feb 17, 06 12:54 pm  · 

i had a professor that would play bladerunner on loop without sound in his apartment. i guess that talks about its importance to architects, or its cult following, who knows.

also see: metropolis

Feb 17, 06 3:58 pm  · 

heh, my girlfriend took a class in neon bending; her teacher did bladerunner..

*bragging slightly*

Feb 20, 06 7:50 am  · 

I have the Blade Runner directors cut on DVD. Can someone tell me what the difference between the original theatric version and this directors cut. About all I can think of is the final scene showing the mountain fly-over outtakes from The Shining.

Feb 20, 06 1:07 pm  · 

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