
Suggestions for Per



A few comments.

1) for the stunt you pulled with your two posts you should be banned from archinect. If you want to post a 5000 word text, you can post it on your own website, and link to it. This isnt your personal forum.

2) if you are so interested in this 3dhoneycomb you keep pushing, why havent you spent anytime making it better. all ive seen for years is a silly 3d solid that you booleaned out some chunks and you claim its the best.. youre silly computer models arent even very precise and hve surfaces intersecting, missing connections, and being completely unscaled piles of garbage.. i think youve hd enough play time and if you want to be taken seriously why not show us how this really intends to be implemented.. and that doesnt mean a 3d model. or a computer animation. or you telling us how this is so cheap and wouldve saved the WTC towers from falling down.

please. have some respect for yourself and what you claim to be interested in and dedicate your own website to your texts, and give some effort to the planning and refinement of this idea.


Dec 7, 05 2:54 pm
Living in Gin

In every other forum I participate in, Per would be considered a troll and banned with prejudice.

Dec 7, 05 3:11 pm  · 

has this Per character ever built a goddam thing ? I really really doubt it. spinning 3D models don't mean anything mate.

Dec 7, 05 3:13 pm  · 

He has built boats. Small woodden boats. At least one. Kinda nice, old fashioned you know...

Dec 7, 05 3:14 pm  · 

sweet. but how 'bout buildings ? how 'bout bolleaned concrete buildings ?

Dec 7, 05 3:24 pm  · 
Per Corell


Yes I was a boatsbuilder one that even could use his computer for that -- now please tell me Frensh, are there some professions that you think is "finer" than others ?

Dec 7, 05 3:45 pm  · 

I'd sure rather be an architect than someone who collects garbage (don' know how they call it) for instance...

Dec 7, 05 3:59 pm  · 
Per Corell

And you are Sure you even know the pleasure , you are sure that creating something are only forming it, and forming it the way your hands want ?

Sorry -- today the claims are more ; it have to work in 3D and work with computers. It have to be new and a new architecture beside new tools and perception. It is simply not enough that the thing is nice, it also have to offer a new way to put things together --- it can not just be the old methods rewritten into computer code ,that is not enough. No I know that I will survive just anything been there tried that, but that also mean that my words have that much more weight.

When the only argument left are social harasment and you don't even want to read the words, then what do that say.

Frensh there are no crafts that is "finer" than others.

Dec 7, 05 4:32 pm  · 

architecture is not finer than boat building, but it's different.

Dec 7, 05 4:40 pm  · 

Per, whats your "new" way to put things together.. it doesnt even seem like you try to deal with anything beyong a poor computer rendering of diagonal grids booleaned out of a volume.. serious.. what the fuck is your honeycoming? .. in 20 words, (not 5000) .. is it carved out of a fucking huge tree so its all one piece of wood? is it bolted together? hows what youre doing anything at all?

Dec 7, 05 4:44 pm  · 
FOG Lite

Is Per trying to slight "Frensh" with the mispelling? What's up, Slavic to English slurs?

Dec 7, 05 4:50 pm  · 

my suggestion for per:
per hi, i think it's about time you take your work to a different level, that is, time has come for you to build full size small structures with your technic using all the ideas you have. wheather they are thick corrugated boards, laminated for desired dimensions, or any other panel material etc.. and show it to the world how it is done and what it does. for example; why can't you build a small boat house or at least make that your goal? if you are a builder/idea man, than build and show.
otherwise you will be going around and around and never see it done the way you spent years on it..
it is time for fabrication.

Dec 7, 05 4:58 pm  · 
Per Corell

hotsies why not 5000 when it deal with so many aspects --- is anything in 20 words enough to explain why architecture went into a dead end, how this can change and even with the manufactoring avaible ?
Can you in 20 words even explain how much easier it now is to put pipes and plumbing into a building structure, do you think you can learn to build a house , draw and project a boat down smallest detail in 20 words ?
Less is more --- but you guy's never even understood how ; I tell you how ,by replacing 20 different expensive special profiles and special fittings with just one plain material replaceing it all, at a third the cost and with a fact new perception of the build works.

Dec 7, 05 5:03 pm  · 
Per Corell

abracadabra it shuld not be so difficult to figure out why I don't do just that --- social harasment work ; where you guy's can just apply for the money, I got to think about my family and be sure that in denmark I been the enfant terroisme for decades, being able to acturly use the computer and having all the "right" questions" at the wrong time.
I had several projects at the danish workshops for arts and crafts allready I develobed _many_ nice boat designs and acturly build them just to prove the programs worked --- but autodidact are a tread, and social harasment work evennmore tight in a small contry than on a web site.
I would simply never be granted the money or even the workshop.
------- Emagine it worked.

Dec 7, 05 5:09 pm  · 
Per Corell

Well those of you who know 3D know that it could not be in 3D, unless it do.

Dec 7, 05 5:10 pm  · 

HA HA HA, good one Per

Dec 7, 05 5:15 pm  · 
Per Corell

theneworld ;

"has this Per character ever built a goddam thing ? I really really doubt it. spinning 3D models don't mean anything mate."

What you say only show how little you know ; I show a brand new way something never seen before ,and I do it in a way that solve so many of the problems in modern architecture --- I acturly show a direct link to producing the building element, without more nonsense.

Also --- If back then when I wanted to be able to build a boat, someone had told me ;"just read these 5000 words" ,don't you think that I would gladly have done that. If reading 5000 words could have brought me the ability to with my own hands create beautifull forms and naval wonders all povered by sail ?
Offcaurse I would , if you had any drive you would to --- but you don't have any drive it seem and think you can replace real beauty and good skills with social skills , well that will never give you the same pleasure as I had, even it took 20 years with honest hard work where nothing was given, to reach the point to say ; Look he is wearing no clotches see.

Dec 7, 05 5:21 pm  · 

I am not so sure none of us have seen this before. This egg crate idea is not new or entirely original.

Dec 7, 05 5:24 pm  · 

actually, I think Per pioneered it, the guy's a genius!

**i'm not serious**

Dec 7, 05 5:26 pm  · 

If only there was a sarcasm font just for the web. The options would include italics, bold, underlined, and sarcasm. Not sure how, though.

test: sarcasm

Dec 7, 05 5:31 pm  · 

How much energy do you all plan to spend on entertaining this character who is obviously out of touch with reality?

I'll give an idea a fair shake, but this is not an idea, this is delusion.

Dec 7, 05 5:36 pm  · 

no one has noticed that per could stand for 'paul's evil renderer'

just saying.

/tin foil hat.

Dec 7, 05 5:37 pm  · 

per.. the reason for 20 and not 5000 is because this is a webforum, not a publication of MIT PRESS. if you want to publish such a long text. do it in the appropriate medium..if you want to have a discussion on a discussion board, then dont orate for 5000 words.

Also, excuses dont cut it. if you want to be taken seriously, its time to evolve your idea into a more advanced formation.. either built, or through better , more detailed, resolved drawings.

I look forward to seeing your improved work.

Dec 7, 05 5:47 pm  · 
Per Corell

Do that mean ecape the trenches ???

Dec 7, 05 6:01 pm  · 

per did not take his medication today (or yesterday, or the day before...)

Dec 7, 05 6:03 pm  · 

I've said it before and I'll say it again: per is just messing with you guys. he isn't at all serious. ignore him and he'll go away.

Dec 7, 05 6:05 pm  · 

Trenches? I am so lost. What day is it? I am so glad the office holiday party is tonight.

Dec 7, 05 6:05 pm  · 
Dec 7, 05 6:08 pm  · 

Is that an e-cape or a trench?

Dec 7, 05 6:10 pm  · 
Queen of England

I do consider a multitude doth make rather discord and confusion than good counsel.

Dec 7, 05 6:16 pm  · 

i don't know what's funnier, per, the honeycomb or you guys getting so worked up about the whol thing.

per! you should get yourself published in AD or something. icon, could do i guess!

Dec 7, 05 6:24 pm  · 
Per Corell

Thanks --- I think all it take is someone who read the description .

Dec 7, 05 6:30 pm  · 

My brain hurts, yet I can't stop reading this garbage.

Dec 7, 05 6:44 pm  · 

Here at Penn, I've seen Per's construction method about 981249834 times. Everytime someone designs some kind of blob, they use that same method to build models. It's nothing new. I like the cathedral animation. What material is used to create a slice that is over 100 feet tall? I too would like to see some physical evidence. What about a small shed of some sort?

Dec 7, 05 7:12 pm  · 

I <B Per

Dec 7, 05 7:13 pm  · 

Heck even a scale model might help! Oh wait. That is old tech. This thing must be tested in full scale, and right away!

Dec 7, 05 7:14 pm  · 

french, i think the word you were looking for was Garbologist.

Dec 7, 05 8:51 pm  · 

The only thing I actually read from your desperately long post (that no-one will have read, so waste of time there then) and while I realise its pretty low to criticise spelling, I did notice that you described your own work as -

A new EXITING building method...

I couldn't have put it better myself.

Dec 7, 05 10:17 pm  · 

I'm gone for one day - ONE DAY - and I come back and all hell has broken loose. Pictures as thread topics? WTF? And yes, in many other forums there are ways of tagging users who cause trouble. I would consider Per's picture threads trouble. Well, and just plain ugly.

Dec 7, 05 10:31 pm  · 

And here's the "Real" story of Per Corell:

He's a professor. in architecture. at a major design school. he speaks and understands english perfectly.

One day, he decides he's seen one too many lattice form model from his idiot laser-happy students, and goes nuts.

he creates a new, alternate login on archinect. it's purpose: to anoy us (mostly students) into building by hand, and to bitterly mock all that he lacks the balls to mock under his real name.

since then, he uses the outlet of his "per" character to vent his frustrations. he realizes he only makes a shitty lecturer's salary. per makes a new thread about fancy graphics. he gets an especially thick-headed batch of students on dismal fall morning. per posts a diatribe on romans. his students stop listening to him as they head into the last days before a final review. Per posts anoying animations in topic titles and gets his passive-agressive ass banned.

and so, the story of per correl ends, to be taken up anew by some new, even more idiotic alter persona.

and if you don't believe me, per corell is an anagram of creep roll. If that doesn't prove it I don't know what does.

Dec 7, 05 10:34 pm  · 

you may be onto something there...

Dec 8, 05 1:04 am  · 

Nothing but haters.
Per you've got to sign my Fancy graphic lovers' Tshirt.

Dec 8, 05 1:28 am  · 

A Tribute to Per Corell

An afternoon in some distant August, you sat beside your tearful child removing the stingers carefully, one by one. Curiosity had led him to the overgrown brambles along the fence where he had disturbed a hive. You thought of the injustice and cruelty of nature, to inflict this upon one who had already suffered through so much. That evening, in a rage, you smashed the ghastly hive with a rotting plank, determined to bear its swarming wrath with defiance and dignity. It would not be the last time. With hands already swelling red from venom, you reached into the eye of that furious storm, ripping the hive to shreds. A scrap you kept as a lucky talisman and warning against that which might bring harm to those you love.
A boat builder by trade, you had dedicated your life to the beauty of utility. You perfected your craft with hard work, skill and dedication, providing for your family through this most noble of pursuits. Had it not been for a chance encounter, you might never have veered from this steady course. That fateful day you walked to the Academy as usual, talisman in hand. The fragment of hive had become crisp and gray, yet its paper-thin structure would not yield under your powerful grip. Lost in this observation, you happened to step into the roadway. You were stuck down by a heedless vehicle. For a moment, you could not breathe. It occurred to you then that you had never seen the city like this, looking up while lying in the street. You felt as though you were clinging to the bottom of a great vessel, held fast to it by an invisible force. The buildings on either side seemed to race toward some infinite vanishing point. You lost your bearings and looked to the side, just to regain a hold on the familiar. Beside you, your talisman lay intact. At that moment you received a revelation, a revelation to which you would dedicate your life. There was a new way to build. A way of building which was so elegant in its simplicity, so beautiful in its structure, that you could scarcely believe it had not been thought of before. It was the beginning of 3-d Honeycomb.
And so began the long work of realizing your vision. Conscientious as you were, you decided to give your gift to the world only after it had been fully realized in both methods and means. Years were spent in a fervent, single-minded focus. You suffered. There were innumerable obstacles. Yet you persevered until, at last, you were ready to offer the world a new vision, one that would change everything that had come before.
How were you to imagine, then, that they were not yet ready to hear your message? Your simple offering of beauty was met with scorn, distrust, viciousness. They resisted you, these Romans. They mocked you, they spat at you with the venom of their educations, they called you ignorant, an outsider. All the while, they were surreptitiously hording you words like treasure, waiting for the first chance to fashion your precious insights after their own image. Once again, you endured the stinging swarm with integrity and courage. As yet, you retain the hope that you may yet appeal to their better nature, and that your gift will be received with humble gratitude.
Many have come before you who have labored under the weight of originality. Is not their story almost always been one of tragedy? Take heart then, dear Mr. Corell, that while the great ones might suffer and toil in their lifetime, History bears witness to their genius.

Dec 8, 05 2:02 am  · 

Well he's not the only one who's into honeycomb, the German architect Jurgen Mayer (who did design and built good buildings) is according to the pictures from his website also into honeycomb:

Dec 8, 05 11:36 am  · 
Per Corell

An interesting issue about this is, that 3D-Honeycomb was published way before that project ; beside being inventer of the thing , the option, the way to make computers make sense , well the 3D-H are a result of atleast 13 years hard work , a solution that requier skills and actural abilities ,experinze and curage --- this guy maby even don't know that there are people , plain people, who try make their living, offering new tools. Bet he didn't spend 12 years on that, I I made the suggestion I could say that, ------- Anyway I find these old designs restricted, much more beauty can come if this designer just realised a few of 3D-H's offering side effects, he didn't make it to offer the world a new tool, one to make cheap houses ---it is a "thing", a still alianited first attemt , realy this is nothing compared what even I can make it to.

Dec 8, 05 12:27 pm  · 
Per Corell

Beside I think mr.Mayer know the exact condisions german versus danish it shuld -- no one can say I wouldn't apriciate this wirtschafswunder ,esp if it can bring a bunch of new jobs, particulat I have a few claims , persons in my family suffered bad during ww2 , ---- lies and academic arogance simply shuldn't be given a chance if you want to progress some real answers , -- now germans are in fact nice people I knew a few also danish speaking germans , you see I allway's thought that germans was quite nice people , I like Berlin very much ,the whole atmosphere just everything , still I know there are places you don't go as turist in any major town. So even mr. Meyer's space volumes account , then I know that putting a bit more efford into it, could produce wonders, though that ask a cirtain ability.

Dec 8, 05 12:43 pm  · 

this crap is beginning to sicken me.


Dec 8, 05 1:11 pm  · 

i want a pocket sized per correl fashioned from a honeycomb that i can take with me everywhere.

Dec 8, 05 1:17 pm  · 

You invented the Honeycomb per?
Tell me you invented trees and grass too.

Yeah, and silly mr. Mayer for doing things the 'easy' way. You know, building a practice, creating thoughtful, well articulated drawings to clearly display his idea and having a lucid argument (in whatever language) to back it all up. What a phony!

Dec 8, 05 1:24 pm  · 
Per Corell

Yes as I said , I think it could be made better than this first attemt, producing 3D-Honeycomb structure. And I also said that mr. Meyer proberly don't realise, that there are people who try earn their bread ,offering these new digital tools.
I also said that I can document that I develobed the method long before mr. Meyer took advanteage of the concept. Realy I think younger and maby more skilled artists _also_ shuld have a chance , beside as you know I wouldn't be sad about such wirtshafswunder , still this guy did not display it as a solution concerning the important issue I put into even develobing it and way before mr. Meyer even cared about structure .

Dec 8, 05 2:00 pm  · 
Per Corell

Listen I know those academics --- they been around me most of my productive life, and they are as bad as ever. ; Danish Dutch english or german, the only thing in common and ready for an "academic" discussion, are theves and robbery.

Dec 8, 05 2:05 pm  · 

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