
Suggestions for Per


*points and laughs*

you can stop now per, everyone knows you're just joking around.

really, what school do you teach at?

Dec 8, 05 2:14 pm  · 
Per Corell


I can't say I teach ,I know a small group who know that computers shuld be allowed to create the new jobs and the nice houses. Humor simply have to be a part of it, and realy I think that just uncovering just a few corners, shuld make the lecturing required, --- I am not an arkitect I develob the tools . in fact the small description I made is enough lecture ,please let me pick one subject about how houses can be build with 3D-H ;

"When you look in detail at this framework, you would think that the rigid overlap, where two frames meet could be a cause of trouble - now please remember that in huge steel structures like ship hulls, you also have a sort of honeycomb structure, and there a tight weld are obvious, but with a framework structure for a building, there would be several reasons to add standard fittings, allowing the ability for the structure to damp minor vibrations and forces within certain amounts, maybe even make the basic structure more or completely earthquake safe."

I think this shuld be basic knowleage about what new methods can offer, beside the new technikes.

Dec 8, 05 2:58 pm  · 

no cereal for you!

Dec 8, 05 4:31 pm  · 
Louisville Architect

per as a child:

Dec 8, 05 4:40 pm  · 
Silent Disapproval Robot
Dec 8, 05 5:44 pm  · 

Per, can you please say my name? Just say 'Manu'.

Dec 8, 05 8:45 pm  · 

Wow, I really like that Jurgen Mayer stuff above! But you know, he didn't have to come on this forum and tell me to like it.

Dec 8, 05 8:50 pm  · 

Give me my name back !

May 8, 07 9:59 am  · 

You're just not going to let this go, are you?

You know, you are almost up to your old comment count again. Your next two posts should be really special.

May 8, 07 10:18 am  · 
vado retro

per should get his name back. we all know that vindpust is per. hi per!

May 8, 07 10:47 am  · 

Those who know me realise that this is not about my name it newer was , it was solely about the messeage.
How a guy who happily share the good news looses his name shouting to the architecture, that now you can build in a new way that work, that now computers can calculate the building structure ,and see ; now you don't need 3000 different things and bits to build a house , while now the computer cut a sheet material to do the lot.

This is not about loosing your name. This was all about what I find most interesting in architecture , about how to Kill The Brick.

May 8, 07 12:37 pm  · 

at the risk of engaging this topic one more time....

But Per, why on earth would anyone WANT to build what you post? It's ugly.

May 8, 07 12:40 pm  · 

No --- my attemt to show how skilled designers , can have Anything they model with a CAD program cut and prepared , ready to engage a house at a third the cost, is not the issue here. This is a Tool and it bring the structural core for a Space ship or a boat's hull and all Digital.

When you try this tool ofcaurse if you want no third costs houses, then sure --- but architecture is also about providing the right ansver in the right time ,and Sir , this one is Digital -- or is it ?

Ok I know -- what keep you on that, is how I progress 3D-H as Hippie goods aswell as reliable Super Strong housing Well sorry but this one work .

Beside I Want architecture to progress into mechanical framework assembly it's also the only realistic suggested for Space. My advise do a serious try and try draw a few Space ships do it in Solids by subtracting Volumes and press a button ; what's wrong changing the focus acturly creating it ?

May 8, 07 12:50 pm  · 

I can't stop thinking about 3dh. If we're only using slits in the sheets as stabilisation, isn't it impossible to make hollowed out solids without breaking up the sheets in smaller segments? There might be a topological proof to my theory... or a magical counter-proof:

May 8, 07 12:50 pm  · 

per, you are hardly intelligible, and have not addressed the issue at hand: 3D-H is UGLY. No amount of your words can change that.

May 8, 07 12:54 pm  · 

Sure I also focus the issue to the single good Designer not to lazy to even try a serious attemt, before resetting to the useless old newer even ever tried the thing ; Have you tried to model your fancy luxory cotteage your dream houseboat , your buisness in a Tin -- a Wharehouse at a third the cost ,do you even know how cheap this already is ?

And then it must not be Green ???? It can prove it work allright , but even then , you Romans think the real vision must smell ,No this is about a name, my name .

May 8, 07 12:57 pm  · 

I am rasionell when -- you can't blame the brick that what the designer model, is "ugly" in some minds This is hardly an argument. See I have an other aproach as for me, this is about Future prospects and avaibility every word from me, is a messeage for a new Brilliant solution and I only ask the credits , -- is even this an argument against a thing, that can make you anything, four times as strong, by asking the computer Design your house to Hold next bad weather. My messeage is a mountain of Money.

May 8, 07 1:04 pm  · 


it has been said countless times before.

your system is not cheaper. your details are more complex..
(if you actually had details).. it may be cheaper in the future
when cnc'ing is easier and user friendly and there are materials
that are built more specifically towards 'your' system..but until
then your building methodology is far more expensive. you
repeating incessantly that it is cheaper does not make it so.

anyone can model things in the computer..building them is
an entirely different story.

now please reply with your same stock answers blaming the
obvious language barrier..since you've clearly misunderstood
everything everyone's said to you..or you're really just dense.

also. we're not romans..we're not jealous of you..a visionary
does not have to say they're a visionary..people just see it..
maybe that'll happen with your system in the future..but i'm not
buying it.

May 8, 07 1:06 pm  · 

But go invest in oldibuilds works Silli old methods to stay away from what computers are realy here to bring Funny houses --- Here is what 3D-H bring ,compare that with nowaworks and do a genuine test Gee is the "Etics" here already the measures then Ply me if this is what Design is to deal with , but it Is Per Corell allready proved that , before year 1998 , and as seen , what response the silli guy with the happy messeage know , that fact is ; it seem no one want to make money , when they come in Mountains.

May 8, 07 1:12 pm  · 

I add that I am solely glad if just in Future, a system as 3D-H will provide just the heavy duty buildings ,easy to maintain as in any century, you can cut 2D sections in sheet materials . Please there is nothing "evil" about the tools to make you any structural form in real framework assembly in Titanium or Eco invented Super material solving a Hell of Problems -- realise this is just a neew tool you can't blame, unless you even given it a try, this is a Designers tool, and maybe you shuld leave it to the designers to decide , Future work Swell for me as I know, what this wonderfull framework can actm . Bside This was not about 3D-H but about my name meven I wonder what to gain, getting it back. Seem like anyone know it.

May 8, 07 1:23 pm  · 
won and done williams

i want a "Kill the Brick" t-shirt.

May 8, 07 1:24 pm  · 

About building concepts it is also my oppinion that quality of works, the clean checklist and all that , new methods must gladly be apriaciated, Restore a Ruin try that in 3D-H , and you created a wonder LL say it is possible allready but as he know this is not enough , offcaurse not ; this is a specialist's tool , the clever tool that Allway's draw you an engineered structure, to do this or that , in fact the most smooth working true digital one.

But why shuld I be pleased with future gains, when it is Now, the houses are needed ? But you care a fuck don't you ?

May 8, 07 1:30 pm  · 

No I am not Socialy skilled, and you read thru these silli treads, you be Much more wise in life. But you are beating the world, for the perceptions of your own mind I bring only a solution but you offer something else Back to the Caves.

May 8, 07 1:33 pm  · 

Give me my name back .

May 8, 07 1:34 pm  · 

Allow me to Kill The Brick, then I will leave the Tower for Now. Make a Ray of wonders peep into the options, make a competition for this fora, about the best family house in 3D-H. Be the saviour.

May 8, 07 1:36 pm  · 

i swear, you sound exactly like someone who went to my alma mater--- barely able to write cohesive sentences in english, nonetheless about architecture... are you from trinidad?

May 8, 07 1:38 pm  · 

arguing with per is like arguing with a brick wall...
or should i say 3dh wall.

there's absolutetly no point
in trying to have an intelligent discussion with you per.

May 8, 07 1:45 pm  · 

maybe we should all sabbotage him and take a page out of mdler/tumbles... every time he posts something we should post obscure song lyrics

May 8, 07 1:48 pm  · 

then he can argue with our song lyrics. lol

May 8, 07 1:48 pm  · 

I was just reading the original post thinking "wow this is really familiar." Oh the classics...

May 8, 07 1:57 pm  · 

Exactly a description for the nice side effects of frame assemblies ; the one who develob an "inteligent" frame overlap system allready have the option of the first mountain of money. Next could be develobment of cheap Eco reusable framework timberworks in this system, it second any form just modeled in Solids and provide by exact measures manufactorable building parts and it is new beside digital innovative newthinking and what you Romans shouted for ,the relive the most most promising prospects a Magic stick ,frame assembly a method that is not first allowing chaos and then patch that up, a throuout vision, all for free.

May 8, 07 2:19 pm  · 

You get what you pay.

May 8, 07 2:21 pm  · 

i thought you system was cheap?

May 8, 07 2:34 pm  · 

the circular arguments are as inane as the dubious posts by the individual formerly known as Per Corell. tell him the work is ugly and he shifts to "i just provide the tools...blah, blah, blah" ask him how we can purchase these tools, and he shifts again "romans, bleck, bleck, bleck..."

you are a charlatan of the highest order, sir. you should not get your name back until you can provide us with the tools/software/methodology/process et al, to create this wonderously ugly shit you call 3d-h. accept that and perhaps i'd consider backing you on your quest to have your name.

until then, good day to you sir.


my cancer is back.

May 8, 07 2:35 pm  · 

"ask him how we can purchase these tools,"

Today what tools are there , are these the same as allway's when you look close, if so how will that provide , It is allready here it will be the first real achivement of any ability to do math. by a computer the old are simply not good enough forever and the faster a new craft a new way to put things together, now a computer can be asked to do the figures , that's progress more than any , staying with the old. And yes, a competition about the best family house , made for this method , now if that would have Delivered the survival isn't that more important than your perception. I know it is me who are Silli --- a copetition like that, is silli even to think about.

May 8, 07 2:47 pm  · 

-------- If you realy mean it, that you fear a nightmare where you realise Hell ofcaurse was manufactored by the only building material ,that would hold the bolts, if you realy are prepared then I, Promise. Promise to go more easy on it, the issue the delivery, Emagine the Perfect Solit for all these great challances -- pushing at the top to make it deliver the prospect of a new architecture, Hell would be made in 3D-H I am sure of that but this shuld not be your nightmare ------ as you say the method havn't proven an honest -- a suggestion I who develobed it will compare -- but when no compartion is ever made and everything, is about acturly not, earn that mountain of money, by providing wrong critics in stead or the right thing in that case, an alternative that compeed better.
It is not my job to shape nice designs I develob the thing, and as perfect as this tool work let this be the measure ,not silli questions about off-topic issues ---------- who say houses can keep look like they did for centuries basicly performed within the same limited of building technikes, How is it possible to say ,"we want the future fantastic tools, the digital magic stick, that build the new architecture BUT new as it must be it must be as we expect . and innovative as we know, it must be something ofcaurse , that we allready know. As if we don't understand it, it care nothing it both work and hold the options for countless tallented new architects, my messeage are very gotic in that sense, as I progress something that I emagine develob , into further wonderfull means.

May 8, 07 3:03 pm  · 

i emagine a worlld where i can devellob and proove wrong kritics in distinncshun between these fackulties off architecture. the phantasies of the past are no longer visible and instead
AM providing opshuns for different nightmares of reading my posts. AN option for being a
IDIOT is the name i have chosen.

May 8, 07 3:09 pm  · 

All that vindpust is proving is that it doesn't matter whether your idea is good or bad- communication is the #1 tool of an architect. And vindpust is missing that tool in it's entirity.

May 8, 07 3:16 pm  · 

hi rationalist! how are you doing today?

May 8, 07 3:17 pm  · 

what's 3D-H?

May 8, 07 4:47 pm  · 

There are an "hi all you fancy graphics lovers" Tread here it explain the method reasoable well ;

May 8, 07 5:17 pm  · 

what's reasoable?

May 8, 07 5:35 pm  · 
May 8, 07 5:36 pm  · 

If that's not then check Galleri Silver Screen, most projected graphics there are the method ;

May 8, 07 5:54 pm  · 
won and done williams

can i have this image on my "Kill the Brick" t-shirt?

May 8, 07 8:31 pm  · 
brian buchalski

oh shit, that reminds me of one of per's best lines. it went something like "i shot the man...and then i still kill the brick!"...does anybody else remember that? and recall what thread that was on? oh, that made my day...

May 8, 07 9:05 pm  · 

hey per i'll buy what you are selling

but your posts hurt my head as i try and get it around your grammar. Sorry to come down on that, but its apparent you are passionate about what you are saying, but shit don't make no sense.

Nonetheless like sister rationalista has stated 3d-h is ugly...even if you tried using it on a goat or some other animal as you once did its still ugly.

Its the ugly kid that followed you home one evening...sorry you have to keep it so stop trying to pawn it off on us.

May 9, 07 2:26 am  · 

Sorry but sometimes for me, it is also difficult to see if it's a joke or it's serious.

About the ugly thing ,well Im'e not an architect but this uncover a huge misunderstanding --- you all seen the lattrice for various edgy buildings , raw steel structures in chaos that I find ugly . By relive such foundations get paneled by Titanium by steel by whatever, My structures are those before the paneling ; the paneling is not different but the thing that hold the panel in the air are --- but you wouldn't see that structure I suggest, if I paneled it would you ?

May 9, 07 5:14 am  · 

how about a "Brick sucks" t-shirt? or "3DH sucks"?

May 9, 07 6:08 am  · 

I guess that is open for initiative , I know a raw structure is not what most architects realise emagine or whatever, that the "spaces" are an issue you learn about something that leave me totaly stunned as for me, the structure is a whole it is not broken up into things with no matter such as spaces , ------- What I shuld think though, knowing a few projects where the engineering would newer deliver ,projects made from the perception of surface rather than structure, there 3D-H is a relive, as none of the doubt roofs, none of the geometric impossible will pass it thru when generating the raw structure for it, -- except maybe some would maybe 3D-H will just show and by accident make things possible that with today's methods would newer be realistic.

May 9, 07 6:30 am  · 

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