
define: architect

define: architect

1. master builder
2. idea creator
3. initial weaver

besides the obvious "one liners" typically found in dictionaries, does anyone have a more "empowering" definition of the term architect?

secondly, what do you call yourself if you are schooled in architecture but not licensed (at cocktail parties, friends, family, clients, etc.)?

Oct 13, 05 3:01 am

As for what do you call yourself if you are schooled in architecture but not licensed (at cocktail parties, friends, family, clients, etc.). I have a freind that falls into this c"Architect" is derived from Latin: architectus, and from Greek: arkhitekton (master builder), arkhi (chief) + tekton (builder, carpenter).

That is what it is. Any other "empowering" definition is new age semantics.

Maybe the question should be - what do YOU want it to mean?

As for what do you call yourself if you are schooled in architecture but not licensed (at cocktail parties, friends, family, clients, etc.). I have a friend that falls into this category and he refers to himself by the job he is currently in with no mention of Architect or Architecture.

There is no point in harping on about a vocation that you never saw through to the end.

Oct 13, 05 4:19 am  · 

sorry, my cut and paste is all over the shop - ignor this first part

As for what do you call yourself if you are schooled in architecture but not licensed (at cocktail parties, friends, family, clients, etc.). I have a freind that falls into this c

Oct 13, 05 4:20 am  · 

I stay away from cocktail parties because it's too confusing to figure what I am/do...

Oct 13, 05 6:11 am  · 


hm, i wonder what tom calls himself...better not be architect cuz bots will tell him to fuck off and he might lose his job as laidback but slightly superfamous non-licenced architect.

seriously. who cares?

when i was doing undergrad years and years and years ago 2 friends and i started up a business doing architectural renderings with the newfangled computers that no one but us students were really comfy with. we did a direct mailer to all the offices in the city and one of the buggers actually called up the local version of the AIA to ask us to cease and desist with our company cuz we used ARCHITECTURAL before the word rendering and that was a super no-no. What a fuckin wanker. We were actually threatened with lawyers for being tangentially connected to the profession of architecture without a licence.

That was a formative experience for me. Anyone who is that insecure about their title needs to friggin sit down and rethink his damn life and then find whatever bug is up his ass and remove it. I figger he was really acutely aware that architecture is a profesion with no real claim on it special status and was worried. He musta been hearing the engineers coming. First its architectural renderers then the engineers will be building all the hospitals and school and THEN where will we be. give me a break.

Oct 13, 05 6:49 am  · 

isn't 'Web Architect' supposed to be a no-no, too?

Oct 13, 05 7:32 am  · 

Jump - you are quite right. I am a registered Architect but at cocktail parties I prefer to divulge my employment as dolphin trainer (licenced).

Oct 13, 05 9:19 am  · 

Here's how our state board answers your question ... this'll make you REALLY popular at cocktail parties:

'Architect' means an individual technically and legally qualified to engage in the practice of architecture.

'Practice of architecture' means the rendering of or offer to render the following services in connection with the design, construction, enlargement, or alteration of a building or group of buildings and the space within and surrounding such buildings, which may have human occupancy or habitation: planning, providing preliminary studies, designs, drawings, specifications and other technical submissions, the architectural administering of construction contracts, and coordinating elements of technical submissions prepared by others including, as appropriate and without limitation, consulting engineers, registered interior designers, and landscape architects.

Damn all lawyers !

Oct 13, 05 11:32 am  · 

"and coordinating elements of technical submissions prepared by others including, as appropriate and without limitation, consulting engineers, registered interior designers, and landscape architects."

That bit in itself required extra fees especially on a D&B. There is now a specific roll for this element - Design co-ordinator.

Oct 13, 05 11:41 am  · 

<-- my website

that about explains it... hehe.. seriously, it is important for unlicensed 'designers/architects' to have a better namesake than student or intern.

Oct 13, 05 11:50 am  · 

Steve - I like that.

Oct 13, 05 11:52 am  · 

someone who orchastrates and cooridinates a war.

Oct 13, 05 11:54 am  · 

Someone who is a legend in his/her own mind. Others think he/she is a dork.

Oct 13, 05 4:10 pm  · 

someone who is both o.c. and enjoys drawing / making models.

Oct 13, 05 4:22 pm  · 

I thought is was someone who worked with computers.

Oct 13, 05 6:01 pm  · 

Or someone who passed some Microsoft training and wants a fancy term for working with computers.

Oct 13, 05 6:02 pm  · 

An Architect, according to my father, is someone who draws blueprints.

At cocktail parties, when someone asks what I do, I say that I do architecture. not licenced, is this appropriate?

Oct 13, 05 6:48 pm  · 

Are you in the US, 3dGraffiti? Just say "I am an intern architect." Then get all defensive about what "intern" means so they don't think you are unpaid and 20 years old. That is what I do.

Oct 13, 05 6:58 pm  · 

we can always say "i design great buildings" ... then we get to talk about what "great" really means and we don't have to get sucked into lawyer-speak ... the issue goes away

Oct 13, 05 7:18 pm  · 

hey, i like that.

Oct 13, 05 7:20 pm  · 


the individual responsible orchestrating the manifestation of dreams

lol - i almost bought that one

fuck it, i'm an image poet, with sculpts with mortar and light

Oct 13, 05 11:05 pm  · 

Finally, I can tell people at cocktail parties that I am an architect, and have the support of the legal system.

Way to go Jack, I always new that there was a difference between what I say at a party under the influence...and what I tell clients/potential clients.


Nov 3, 06 11:33 am  · 

On another thread (the extreme makeover one, I think) someone said they prefered the title "babysitter".

Nov 3, 06 11:37 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh my god, Jack Johnson not only influences law and public policy regarding vocabulary, he also recorded the Curious George soundtrack, right? What a guy!

Seriously, that is an interesting read, and I totally agree with the commercial/non-commercial distinction. Thanks for posting this, crowbert.

And, young interns out there: for heaven's sake, at cocktail parties, just call yourself an architect. Don't bother with the "intern" distinction. If the conversation develops to the point where it makes sense to clarify, then do it.

Nov 3, 06 11:49 am  · 
santa monica

I'm with ya, Fogey. To further the point: there are numerous threads about the poor pay we receive. But the more of our profession that we allow to slip away, the less respect we'll receive (and, in turn, less money). If we let every 20-yr-old computer programmer call themself and architect, we take one more step toward our own demise.

(Maybe that was too dramatic, but it's been a bad morning.)

Nov 3, 06 11:59 am  · 
Rim Joist


Can you send over some of that Architectural Chinese food?

Thank you,

Rim Joist
Licensed Cosmetologist

Nov 3, 06 12:09 pm  · 

j re: #1

When people say "I would've become an architect, if only I'd been good at math." in my head I'm thinking that what they really should've said was "I would've become an architect, if only I'd been good at bullsh!t."

Nov 3, 06 1:47 pm  · 

but crow, i always those those people exhibited a great skill at bullshit.

Nov 3, 06 2:13 pm  · 

The perfect man.

Nov 3, 06 2:15 pm  · 
Ms Beary

data entry

Nov 3, 06 2:33 pm  · 

Steven, had they known they could have stuck with it and have joined us on archinect!

Nov 3, 06 2:39 pm  · 

fuck architecture

Nov 3, 06 3:07 pm  · 
Nov 4, 06 3:09 am  · 

Oh god this is OLD.

Nov 4, 06 3:11 am  · 

Where is BOTS???

Nov 4, 06 3:24 am  · 
Nov 4, 06 3:37 am  · 

advit kicks butt...

Nov 4, 06 3:38 am  · 

advil that is...kan;t type HA!

Nov 4, 06 3:39 am  · 

yes Advil... Katze!!! Katze where is you?

Nov 4, 06 3:42 am  · 

You mean where am I located? PDX (sometimes BOS) Where are you?

Nov 4, 06 3:45 am  · 


Nov 4, 06 3:48 am  · 

I am super jealous. I have never been to Portland. i WANT to go.

Nov 4, 06 3:49 am  · 

It's a short hop-skip-jump. Make the trip!

Nov 4, 06 3:50 am  · 


Nov 4, 06 3:50 am  · 

Seriously? So when you coming?

Nov 4, 06 3:52 am  · 

Um no. Not tonight. But soon.

Nov 4, 06 3:54 am  · 

You go to Doug Fir?

Nov 4, 06 3:55 am  · 

are you gonna drive, garpike?

Nov 4, 06 3:55 am  · 

Doug Fir..sweet.

Nov 4, 06 4:00 am  · 

No, I'll bike there.

Nov 4, 06 4:04 am  · 

Um but not tonight. You see I am a bit in capacitated. Is that a word now?

Nov 4, 06 4:05 am  · 

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