
The great cause of our Age: Stop Brad Pitt (and Frank Gehry) from trivializing the Profession.


Read and weep. Pitt and his collaborator / idol Gehry are apparently completely shameless about denigrating the profession to the level of idle 'artistic' pastime of the filthy rich.

Oct 4, 05 6:59 pm

it's a gig mon.. i am not offended.
question is,
what are you gonna do with your work?
save yourself some grief and anger, architecture is a big boy who can stand up for herself and move on.
looks like they are having a great time doing it.
i played bass once with a great musician, that drummer made me sound like charlie hayden for 15 minutes..
is FOG a great architect? sure he is. i grew up watching his buildings go up from the 70's onward as an architecture student in santa monica and i am critical of some, but enjoyed many.
if you might think brad pitt is taking your job, you are mistaken. the job was created for him and it goes way beyond the design 'fiesta' to condo 'sales'.
let them eat cake.. most condo developers like cake.
concentrate on your own bread.
dear abra

Oct 4, 05 7:58 pm  · 

at least Pitt is acknoledging others, particularly famous, architects.

check this out:

but hell, if I was that rich, I'd want to do anything that interested me too, from art to music. am I qualified? hell no, but if I had the money I am sure I could do cool shit.

good luck to Pitt, he's at least bringing some celebrity attention to avant garde architecture and not claiming he's a genius.

Oct 4, 05 8:12 pm  · 

I have no arguments with claims of Frank's greatness. That's not what this is about.

Pitt is not taking my job, no fear there. But he is diminishing the bigger picture of which my job is part. He's blindly adding to the myth that any old dickhead who's interested in design and architecture (the practice of which is really only about 5% design anyway) can actually do it - which doesn't do any of us who have spent years actually learning this profession, any good at all. His superficial "involvement" with this profession simply further reduces the value of architecture - already undervalued by this cheapskate, instant-gratification society - which clearly CANNOT stand up for itself when it lets crap like this tramp all over it.

“Pitt made his public debut as a designer in March last year when he appeared with Gehry at a Los Angeles architectural forum. He was introduced as part of Gehry's "dream team", a consortium that was preparing an £800m plan to transform part of downtown LA. Pitt is believed to be advising Gehry (WHAT??!?) on cinema, sports hall and restaurant designs.”



What the F*@K?

Oct 4, 05 8:15 pm  · 

Don't forget Hayden Christensen

Oct 4, 05 8:19 pm  · 

if you were part of an £800m plan, people would listen to you too.

I see no problem, to be honest. Architecture should be about the design, foremost, at least in my opinion. ANYONE that designs something can find someone to build it, that's not hard.
To design well, though, is the hard part and not enough architects acknowledge they ain't so good at it either.

There are plenty of 'designers' out there that are doing architecture, and doing it fairly well (much better than most architects).

Personally, I think it'll bring attention to good architects, via interviews, promotion, etc. This will surely hellp the stararchitects, at least, and then those that don't get them will hopefully seek out other progressive designers.

Think of it as an endorsement: "I am Brad Pitt, I am God, and I like Frank Gehry and Rem Koolhaas". Think of how many will simply be aware of avant garde architecture because of that.

How does that hurt anyone or degrade the profession? The profession is doing a great job of killing itself by promoting all architects as equals. It just ain't that way.

Oct 4, 05 8:22 pm  · 

"He's blindly adding to the myth that any old dickhead who's interested in design and architecture (the practice of which is really only about 5% design anyway) can actually do it"

but they can do it. anyone can do it. they may not be good at it, but they can do it. especially the 5% part that he's doing. it takes a team of ppl to create a piece of architecture not just one individual. i don't see the problem. he'll either succeed or fail or get bored with it and move on. so what.

Oct 4, 05 8:34 pm  · 

Oh you box-draftin' pipe smokers, quit worrying about Frank Goldberg. He & his entourage aren't hurtin' nuttin. Now go 'design' a pediment or quion onto an elevation for a Quik-E-Mart.

Oct 4, 05 9:05 pm  · 

"but they can do it. anyone can do it. they may not be good at it, but they can do it."

Of course. Point is, they shouldn't be allowed to - and that applies most especially to prominent an utterly unqualified figures like Pitt. And if they try, and then go so far as to actually claim status as "designers", they should be prosecuted. Imagine what the medical community would do to a plumber with a weekend interest in cardiovascular surgery who attempted a heart transplant. More realistically, we certainly get all up in arms about a FEMA director with no emergency management experience. Or a President who failed as a baseball team owner. And there's sure a hue and cry about a possible Supreme Court justice who has never actually served as a judge. But an actor who wants to be an architect is OK? It's the same principle, and it's NOT OK.

Jesus Christ, I actually can't believe what I'm reading here. What a bunch of spineless, apologist drivel! With attitudes like this, no wonder architects are among the poorest paid and least respected professionals out there.

So what indeed.

Oct 4, 05 9:24 pm  · 

well at least hayden realizes that acting is not for him. I mean that guy has as much presence as a walnut!

Lenny Kravitz... scary!

Brad Pitt... only a little less so.

I am not sure that it is these specific happenings that are putting architecture in danger. This is, I believe, the result of public perception of architecture and architects. Architecture continues to be eroded by several factors, which includes our own inabililty to stand up for our profession and take the time to give the general public, clients, our family members and others, a better idea of what we do and why we are important. I know I try and it is extremely difficult but I go back to the first day of my first design class and then I dont feel so frustrated. We are all too easily enveloped by the mysterious shroud of the artist and turn our back to any criticism with the attitude that our audience is ignorant. Fact is... They are! But the more insular we are, the more ignorant they become.

Could it be that there may be a better understanding of architects and design if courses in design history or history courses included art and design at the middle and high-school level? Or for that matter, that teaching was handled more as a trial by error in making and experimentation like design is "taught".

A counter point:
Maybe, just maybe, ppl will of their own accord (or because Brad Pit is doing it) become more interested in design in general, try it themselves, inevitably fail and gain a new respect for designers? or just through a little research figure out how much precedent and depth architecture has to it and realize that it is not the whim of the individual (though in Ghery's case it might be) or simply having "good taste" that makes one an architect.
- doubt it! but we will see what happens.

That's my buck-and-quarter. What's yours?

What else would educate the public about us, what we do and why it is important?

Oct 4, 05 10:03 pm  · 

jckii, why dont you go and try acting without going to a acting or drama school? im sure no one will bitch about you in forums meant for actors.

The reason why architects are amongst the poorest paid professionals is this type of self-criticism, and not people like Brad Pitt 'invading' our playing field.

Oct 4, 05 10:26 pm  · 

i am so moved with your argument, i am gonna do a citizen arrest on brad pitt and kick him bad, when he comes to yum yum donuts across the street to pick up frank's favorite plain glaze.. no mo mercy. i've seen the light.
i am ready for armed response.. this illegal activity must be stopped right now.
and, as for frank, "from now on you are either with us or against us". WATCH your step because you'll be hunted..
revolution won't be broadcasted..

Oct 4, 05 10:30 pm  · 

Some love Krispy-Kreme. Even as a Southerner, I still go to Dunkin Donuts. If you want a good show, go to KK. Otherwise, because all ofthe good Vietnamese donut shops seem to have closed, you have to go to Dunkin. I'm a sucker for the Double Chocolate & the Buttermilk.

Oct 4, 05 11:05 pm  · 

please. gehry's expiration date was the late 90's. anyway, brad pitt's switch hitting towards architecture brings nothing but positive exposure, which is obviously something a lot of arrchitects need. The only people decidedly against it seem to be architects who feel he'd

a) outclass them
b) get classier clientele
c) have it easier since he's skipping school, IDP, etc.

You don't need a license to do the things he wants to do. So stop whining-it's quite pathetic

Oct 5, 05 12:41 am  · 
liberty bell

Also, jckii, there's just not a lot of outrage because Brad's architectural aspirations have been much-discussed already - see here for one.

Now if you want to discuss FOG's design for those towers, that's a new topic - personally I don't think Gehry's sculptural tendencies are translating to a tower form very well. They look to me like flaccid peni.

Oct 5, 05 1:15 am  · 

If anyone is trivializing the profession it is the Monacelli Press.

Oct 5, 05 2:09 am  · 

Think outside of your teensy-tiny, square, CAD-copied boxes.

Architecture does not have to be studied inside of a school. It is a trade that can be taught in other arenas. Look at Tadao Ando. How about Palladio? Self directed study (including travel and mentorship) can be an equal substitute to both an undergrad and a graduate degree. The truth is: most architects learn the technical meat of the profession after graduation. Most of the skills that are highlighted in grad schools can not be taught. Talent, intuition, a brilliant mind, an artistic soul and perseverance are not teachable. You either have it or you don't.

These postings decrying Brad Pitt's involvement in architecture reek of jealousy.

Oct 5, 05 2:42 am  · 

..i just wish the Pitt would be a patron to some younger upstart firms, and help get them jobs...does gehry really needs more star power or fame?...stupid question, sorry...

Oct 5, 05 2:48 am  · 

If you were famous, rich (and hot) and you wanted to learn about architecture would you involve yourself with a) an upstart firm or b) the biggest and baddest (and muther@$#%architects around?
He's not doing charity work here.

Oct 5, 05 2:55 am  · 

'If you know where it's going, it's not worth doing.'
thus, crumple paper and voila!

what the hell, surplus talent all around the world. Mr Pitt can build ANYTHING! plus, I really liked his acting in the movie True Romance.

Oct 5, 05 2:59 am  · 
men at work
Oct 5, 05 9:22 am  · 

response to original question of the thread...
1). how do you trivialize a profession that has already marganilized itself? we are a part of the real estate industry. but we are such bit players that should the profession dissappear tomorrow we would not be missed. worry about how the developer down the street has trivialized architecture - not brad pitt.
2). i was also successful in another career before becoming an architect. and i went to ucla where gehry taught some workshops or soemthing - i didn't take them because i'm not interested in what he does but that's beside the point. should brad pitt be denied just because you've seen him in the movies?

Oct 5, 05 10:22 am  · 

I agree Gehry didn't seem to have too much to offer for teaching at UCLA, at least from what I heard (I didn't take him either). But I did take Randy Jefferson's class on materials and methods. Superb class, far better than anything I had previously. Learning how they make Gehry's design's work is remarkable and surely something that 99% of the architects out there could not do.

I am guessing Mr. Pitt will have more exposure to unique and effective solutions in a few months than most of us will have in a lifetime.

Oct 5, 05 10:54 am  · 

there's a serious bug up someone's bum here.

it's great that he's giving more exposure... although it is an architect that is over-exposed as it is. and anyone can call themselves a 'designer', he will never legally be a licensed architect, and if he were to be one he'll go through all the same schooling as everyone else.

but on that note... aren't like half the threads on this site about how architecture is really for the rich because only they can afford it? well guess what, brad pitt is rich so he can afford to dabble in the field and probably BUY or finance something he's designed. if he's propogating good architecture, then yay!

Oct 5, 05 11:37 am  · 

Pitt said: "I'm really into architecture, structure and design. Give me anything and I'll design it. I'm a bit nutty with it."

i think that quotes really funny

give me anything, and i'll design it

Oct 5, 05 2:03 pm  · 

wasn't this topic discussed to death 2 years ago? it seems only people in our profession know about BP and his interest in architecture, and only a few at that... it's nice to know that glam people like an A-list actor wishes he were doing something else and even nicer that what he wants to do is what i do.

now why can't someone like Christian Bale be into architecture? he's such a hottie.

Oct 5, 05 2:27 pm  · 

Did someone say, "Hotsies?!"

Oct 5, 05 3:22 pm  · 
brian buchalski

so how much longer before we get the brad pitt monograph from monacelli press?

i rather dig the idea that brad pitt wants to be an architect and, moreover, that he is pursuing it rather dilligently by getting involved in the process rather than just signing his name to a bunch of buildings that are trying to cash in on his celebraty status. besides, as an artist, it only makes sense that he would begin in a medium like film that can take advantage of his talent as a young man before he progresses towards a more serious undertaking like architecture which will allow him to capitalize on the wisdom and financial capital that he has acquired as he reaches old age. if anything, we should consider ourselves lucky to be able to watch the maturation of an artist in such a public manner.

Oct 5, 05 3:23 pm  · 

abracadabra, faia

Episode 15


I am feeding the dogs, telephone rings, zirrrrn, it is brad pitt..
- hi mr. cadavra.
- I am not dead yet. Is your last name spelled with 2 t’s? you can call me ‘a-bra.’ Are you muslim?
- nossir, but ‘bismillah’ anyway. Mr. e-bra, I am calling to see if you have any job openings.
I am liking this guy already..
- maybe. We have to interview you first and see your ugly face..hehhe.
- hehhe. When?
- right now. We are on speed..
- me too. I’ll be there in half an hour. Across from aamco transmissions right?
- right. but don’t park on their side they’ll tow.

He is wearing archinect t-shirt. Female robot. He checks out the office.
- nice space. How many people work here?
- Just me and roman right now but we need couple of useful people.
- Great this is the kind of place I was looking for. what kind a use?
- One beginner architect and one retired.
- I guess I would be the beginner applicant. How would you use me?
- Roman will tell you that. Don’t worry we won’t fuck you..
- Oh. That’s good to know. Few other starchitects offices weren’t so kind..
I hope Roman doesn’t use him to do his weed deliveries. But that’s their business.

- do you want to talk about you and architecture in few words?
- sure. i see buildings going up all the time and I want to design a few.
- good enough. We can pay you 12$ per hour. most places will charge ‘you.’
- thank you, at last I don’t feel like sucker. I plan to work full time no more Hollywood for me.
- well in this town architecture is very similar to Hollywood. it is all hype and La Times Sunday Magazine.. We have a book coming out by Benjamin Buchloch called, ‘Abracadabra, A New Refutation of Time’. Only the art and archigeeks will read it. People think Benjamin is a genius art critic, he used to sing in german bars. You see everything is possible.
- thanks abra, I have a real hard time people trying to dny me what they appropriate for themselves.
- don’t worry, fuck um. first roman will make you a monkey and you’ll go on your own to become a whore. Hahahaha.
- well do you want to see some of my work?
- not right now. I rather see 'how' you work than what you’ve worked on. But most important you show up on time and keep it secret from the public that you work here.
- thank you, thank you and thank to the dogs.
He leaves happy to land on a job.
Telephone rings, rita novel calling to see if there is anything new with the curating job with LACMA.

Oct 5, 05 4:33 pm  · 
keep 'em comin'

Oct 5, 05 4:53 pm  · 
badass japanese cookie

lol. i like janosh's commment about the monacelli press.

monacelli to architecture is like
taschen to art

Oct 5, 05 5:07 pm  · 

If he really cared he would buy the A+D museum a space in LA. It is currently on the skids because it can't ever raise enough interest amoung LA architects to fund a permenent space.

Unlike New York, LA Celebs and blue bloods are pretty stingy when it comes to funding the arts and architecture (thought the LA Conservancy seems to be doing ok).

I welcome all these guys getting into the fray, but I doubt they have staying power. One slip of the xacto knife an d Brad will loose interest.

Oct 5, 05 5:09 pm  · 
badass japanese cookie

gahh! but can't brad stay out of brighton at least! some of us would like to retire there.

Oct 5, 05 5:09 pm  · 

Let's talk about the development itself.
I have always thought that Frank is the most overrated banal architect in existence. He dresses up his LA, ex-urb, sprawling crap in ugly shapes thats all. Brad should look at Pugh&Scarpa, Thom Maine, people he can atually learn from. His decision to match up with Ghery symbolizes that he aint really serious, or thoughtful for that matter.

Ghery's Brooklyn proposal and this Brittish version of it have made it even clearer. Frank is no good architect, these two proposals are hardly achitecture, thus I feel bad for Brad. He says he likes Rem too, I hope he picks up one or two of his books and gets into something a little more serious. I am no fan of Rem's either, but the depth of his thought has to be recognized, Im not a fan of his final products.

Anyway, Im pulling for Brad, I hope he repents, an sees the light.

Oct 6, 05 9:05 am  · 

to say that Gehry is overrated and banal? Banal?? He's got to be anything but that!

Seems like an apt fit to me, two glitzy playboys at the tops of their professions...I haven't like any of Gehry's newer projects, but they aren't built yet, so I'll reserve judgment for later. After all, I thought Bilbao was ugly as a model (and I am sure I am not alone).

Oct 6, 05 9:26 am  · 

Just 'casue he does crazy shapes, dont mean he is innovative or anything. I agree with melquiades, he is banal, he just dresses it up.

Oct 6, 05 10:45 am  · 

if you have any other questions Ill efer you to his Barcelona Building. That is what he thinks of space, it loks even worse than your usual American StripMall.

Oct 6, 05 10:46 am  · 
Banal: repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse; "bromidic sermons"; "his remarks were trite and commonplace"; "hackneyed phrases"; "a stock answer"; "repeating threadbare jokes"; "parroting some timeworn axiom"; "the trite metaphor `hard as nails'"

I'm only puttin' that out there for clarity. Not sure that I would call his work banal, but the definition is interesting in that context.

and +q, buddy, his crazy shapes happen to be full of innovation. I've been known to do my fare share of Gehry-bashing, but let's be more articulate if we're gonna hate. Having never occupied a Gehry bldg, I can't comment on the space.

Oct 6, 05 12:00 pm  · 

the funniest part of that article is the fact that there's a herpes ad on the page

As for the Pitt thing. Guys, seriously, dont get all worked up. He HAS to go to at least a 5 year program and still take the exams before he can call himself an architect. If he does call himself an architect, the AIA will jump down his throat.

Oct 6, 05 12:59 pm  · 
Per Corell

----- That case it would able a splendid piano song. A non sober text and a great attitude.

You Romans are crazy --- you think great design are designed when it is worked, you think it is all about the surface the core structure don't count in any perspective ; then you think architecture is something you act.
Architecture today 2005 is about innovation and digital , not about forming and shaping as lookalike, no lookalike hightech are the issue, architecture is about providing cheap and strong houses , not about Icons beside if "compromise" are something that get vorse by age, then it proberly could work fine, --- Realy you Romans surprise me again and again, but you still don't want the right solution even it make the computer work, even it is fact new.
If B.P. make the decision that architecture are about quality and innovation it's allright by me ; as long as there are an honest aproach if the drive is about providing nice family houses it is allright for me, if it is just Icon building it is none of my interest.

Oct 6, 05 1:40 pm  · 

bidding negociations for brad..

Oct 6, 05 1:43 pm  · 

but for the rest, here is the key.

Oct 6, 05 2:19 pm  · 

Jean would win no doubt, unless Rem slit his throat first...

Oct 6, 05 2:20 pm  · 

ah. just when I was starting to miss per's mind-numbing little rants.

thanks per.

Oct 6, 05 3:42 pm  · 

now, if it came down to a footrace, my money's on Rem...

Oct 6, 05 5:47 pm  · 

lol. per, priceless as usual. comic relief for an especially exhausting day at school.

Oct 6, 05 6:44 pm  · 

per - architecture is about space and experience, imho, regardless of the structural means. Gehry's buildings are wonderful, at least the ones I've been in (his Barcelona Fish doesn't count).

Take a visit to his Vitra buildings and then complain. It's about space and experience. The structure is just a means to an end, and that's fine with me, at least he's getting it built.

Oct 6, 05 7:12 pm  · 

oh, yeah, and I hope Mr. Pitt does call himself an architect after putting up a few hundred million dollar buildings and the AIA jumps down his throat! Who do you think would win? Maybe, just maybe, it would nullify the absurdity in the 'have to be licensed to call yourself an architect'.

not that I want pitt calling himself an architect, mind you, but if he does put up buildings and is involved (that remains to be seen, but so far, he has more enthusiasm than most architects), then let him call himself an architect.

think it would be legal, if not licensed, to call oneself 'an architect of buildings'? Probably not, but if someone can call themselves 'an architect of computer science' or whatever, why not?

Oct 6, 05 7:15 pm  · 
Per Corell

Trace I think you are right on spot --- but you see for me a frase like "space" don't make sense what a modern building express is it's core and whole attitude;
When I builded boats it was the materials the shaping of the forms the joy , when I made furniture it was the quality the tools and the design the joy. I think "architecture" mean different things depending what side of the drawing table you are on, beside a lot say architecture are money.

Oct 7, 05 4:02 am  · 
Per Corell

I also think the result will be different. --- I think very much in how a form display in what I think of as a restricted tradisional surface compared the effect you add when the structure are the expression. Also I do not think about giving an expression, I try think the program and the material and the form together ,it's maby not the right expression but I am inside where most critics seem to judge a building from the outside. For me it allway's , nomatter if it have been boatsbuilding, programming ,furniture or design in general ,been the process not the attitude allway's the quality and expression the new leads ,the uncovered nomanland , --- guess this given me so much that I don't care for critics that most often are far from what the thing is about, allway's is either without deeper knowleage or about something I find exploided, like the surface like the forms, where I think that just the structure the actural building, is an exiting adventure.

Oct 7, 05 6:56 am  · 
Per Corell

---------- and _that is no silli "space" ; allway's wondered that expression.

Oct 7, 05 6:59 am  · 

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