
BLAME is a waste of your time


New Orleans Blame Itemized:

* People who opted to live in low-lying areas near massive amounts of water
*Osama Bin laden (for taking our focus away from our nation)
*Bush,Jr (for jut being jr)
*Saddam Hussein (for draining tax dollars away from pork-barrel projects like levees)
*Mayor of New Orleans
*Micheal Brown, Dir of FEMA (for being a deer scared in the headlights, for needing a lick in the ass from national
indignation at his/FEMA's inaction for almost a week)
*Emergency Mgt leaders for NO (police chief, etc)

*All Congressional members who voted against funding for levees, etc
*Louisiana politicians who didn't try hard enough to secure such funding, inaction & bad planning, etc etc.
*All who make it super easy to get FEMA backed storm/disaster insurance
*US Army Corps of Engrs
*People who shoot @ rescue/relief people
*NOAA ('cause I don't like weathermen/dames)
*People who sit around & complain about this mess, yet do nothing to help
*US Coast Guard
*US Navy
*Greyhound (for not sending a fleet of buses)
*The French (for picking the site of NO)
*The 'Indians' for not being advanced enough to five Euro-axx
back to Europe
*Thomas Jefferson

Why don't you all add to this list. When you're finished, see if it makes adifference who gets blamed.

Sep 7, 05 11:52 am


Sep 7, 05 11:55 am  · 
liberty bell

Brilliant, Mystery.

Sep 7, 05 11:58 am  · 

We are sending 1000 volunteers from Liverpool to help with the looting...

Sep 7, 05 12:03 pm  · 

I thought I was gonna get put on the list....easy there.

Sep 7, 05 12:07 pm  · 

good one MM...

you forgot:

*Florida for not absorbing more of the storm's energy.

Sep 7, 05 12:17 pm  · 
liberty bell

Also worthy of blame are The Scorpions, who wrote the song "Rock U Like A Hurricane", which I just heard on the radio five minutes ago. A little tasteless to play it so soon, huh?

Sep 7, 05 12:39 pm  · 

very clever........
but completely fucking stupid.

Sep 7, 05 12:51 pm  · 

*Hummer Buyers for adding too much Carbon Dioxyde and creating more powerful hurricanes.

*Archinect posters for spending too much valuable finger energy posting crap.

*Philip Johnson, in his 300year+ career nothing like this happened he dies and all hell breaks lose. Philip, if you can hear this, your bad design kept us safe, please come back....

*and lastly OMAAMO

Sep 7, 05 12:53 pm  · 

*Oh, I almost forgot Gawd, he should be taking care of us not posting on this website, shame on you gawd, shame on you......

Sep 7, 05 12:54 pm  · 

you know what? it won't matter now and it won't make a bit of difference now, but i can tell you this there may be a crack in the stranglehold the Conservative Right has had on the south and it will matter come election time, 2006 is only short time away. blizzards, natural disasters on this level have a way of sheparding out the incumbants - be they dems or reps.

oh and you forgot one;

*NBC reported last night that N.O. HAS a plan in place to evacuate the city, and the plan calls for all buses to be used to get all citizens out of the ciy. So, when NBC flew over the bus yard what did they find, lo and behold over 200 buses submerged in water. What is the Mayor's response to this? No Comment. Dickhead.

Sep 7, 05 1:07 pm  · 

*Oprah for not giving away free cars to all those in New Orleans who didn't have them.

Sep 7, 05 1:13 pm  · 

yeah, as John Stewart pointed out last night, the media are actually handling this situation pretty well.

Sep 7, 05 1:15 pm  · 
el jeffe

* Speculative capitalism (not that there's anythign wrong with that...)

Sep 7, 05 1:23 pm  · 

hey i know i'm ready for the N.O. Freedom Tower Competition!

If these guys and these guys and these guys

succeed then the terrorists win.

Where is my Freedom Creole?!

Sep 7, 05 1:31 pm  · 

*Damn poor people for being poor
*Damn people with no money who survived and have no jobs but children to feed giving this country a goddam headache for having to figure out what to do with them
*Disabled folks for being disabled
*NO for not asking for more money to repair their infrastructure

*Damn people who imagine accountability is not an issue and create an ignorant forum thread like this one

Sep 7, 05 1:32 pm  · 

three students from duke were on cnn this morning. drove down to n.o., used a fake press pass to get into the city, and save a bunch of people - all on their own.

a couple of their more interesting observations:

-it took 15-20 to drive from checkpoint to convention center, all on dry ground. why are so many people being airlifted out from the convention center now?

-they saw 10s-20s of buses leaving the city empty as they drove into town. even videotaped 'em.

Sep 7, 05 1:34 pm  · 

bots:We are sending 1000 volunteers from Liverpool to help with the looting...



Sep 7, 05 2:57 pm  · 

The president and his press secretary have suggested over the last few days that anyone who questions the federal government's response to Hurricane Katrina is engaged in the "blame game," and that "now is not a time for politics." We thought that sounded just a little familiar when we heard it, and now we know why. In the presidency of George W. Bush, it turns out, it's pretty much never a "time for politics."

"Now is not the time for politics," the president declared on Feb. 14, 2001, just two months after the Supreme Court decided Bush v. Gore and put him in the White House. Later that same month, the president said, "There's a time for politics, and that ended a while ago." On March 22, 2001, the president explained: "See, there's a time for politics, and there's a time for policy. And the way I view it is, once you get sworn in, that the politics is over."

In the aftermath of 9/11, the president said, "Now is not the time for politics." When the president was pushing one round of his tax cuts in December 2001, he declared: "Now is not the time for partisan politics." When reporters asked in January 2002 whether Enron might have benefited from the president's energy policies, White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer said that others could "pursue politics" and "play the blame game," but the White House wouldn't. When Bush's treasury secretary discussed the struggling economy in April 2003, he said, "Now is not the time for partisan politics." When a reporter asked Bush about his plans for Iraq in December 2003, the president said: "There's going to be plenty of time for politics. And people can debate all they want. I'm going to do my job." When another reporter asked Bush about charges that he had advanced warning of 9/11, he said: "There's time for politics. There's time for politics, and I -- it's an absurd insinuation."

At a press conference on July 30, 2003, the president said that "there is a time for politics, and that's going to be later on." And in the stump speech he gave well into 2004, Bush said there would be "plenty of time for politics" soon.

Now, perhaps there was a time for politics for a few short months in the fall of 2004, but that time is apparently over once again. As Congress debated CAFTA in July, Bush said it was time to "set aside partisan politics." And when one of the president's aides was asked later in July about the Republican Party's efforts to reach out to African-American voters, he said that there would be "another day to sort out the politics for that."

Sep 7, 05 2:59 pm  · 

Blame is very important. it's a key part of being human. it may be THE defining aspect, in fact. when is the last time you saw one dog blame another? never? dogs can be happy, they can be sad, they can love you, but they can't blame you.

I say, hang 'em high !

Sep 12, 05 10:15 pm  · 

if they just add more water pumps and make a few walls 9" higher then everything will be OK.

Sep 12, 05 10:34 pm  · 

Since I originally posted this, I have decided to eliminate blame from my daily actions as much as possible. IT IS extremely liberating. Today, I went to my accountant's office, told him that his slow response is unacceptable. He started into a defense, but I didn't BLAME him for non-performance, I didn't raise hell w/ him. I just fired him, & got the work done w/out his assistance. That felt a lot better than wasting time debating the issue.

The point is that BLAME steals our energy, creativity & ultimately, passion (notthat I have passion for acct'g). By avoiding blame, we accomplish.

Besides, we know who performed well, & who didn't during KAtrina. We know that people who live in harm's way often don't prepare. We know that politicians often don't plan. But it does no good to blame them now. When there's work to be done & lives to be saved, there is only room to perform.

We all will ultimately take the blame for something. How we treat others who have failed exposes our character, and problem solving abilities.

Sep 12, 05 10:52 pm  · 

dont BLAME
because then U
B lame

Sep 13, 05 12:02 am  · 
Since I originally posted this, I have decided to eliminate blame from my daily actions as much as possible. IT IS extremely liberating. Today, I went to my accountant's office, told him that his slow response is unacceptable. He started into a defense, but I didn't BLAME him for non-performance, I didn't raise hell w/ him. I just fired him, & got the work done w/out his assistance. That felt a lot better than wasting time debating the issue.

The point is that BLAME steals our energy, creativity & ultimately, passion (notthat I have passion for acct'g). By avoiding blame, we accomplish.Actually... None of us wants to blame really... Really we're just taking the most direct route possible towards firing the useless incompitents who don't get the job done, and getting the work done without them in the way. An accountant is easy to fire and has limited impact on anything that matters in the big picture.

Blame alone is useless... Blame and action is something.
Sep 13, 05 1:40 am  · 
liberty bell

Right bRink - blame plus action is good.

My initial thought on Mystery's post was that it was not about whether or not the government officials who screwed up need to be identified/replaced, but about the endless bickering between Archinecters on all the other Hurricane Katrina threads. Blame is useful if it accomplishes identifying the right parties AND fixing the problem.

Sep 13, 05 10:07 am  · 

blame implies holding personally responsible and an authoritative position of right and wrong...

...feelings and egos might be hurt...

...those blamed scarred for life...

i'd be surprised many here are interested in going down that road...

Sep 13, 05 10:33 am  · 

Funny. I would think the opposite. It is the supporters of the Bush administration that seem to have been unwilling to take responsibility for anything that has gone wrong over the last, oh, 5 years. No WMD. 9/11 snafus. That Osama guy that we have pinned in Tora Bora. Increasing poverty. Gas. That's what makes it all the more remarkable that W. fell on his sword today. I still can't believe it.

Sep 13, 05 3:42 pm  · 

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