
archinect crushes

caffeine junkie

...I think you said your a sexual predator...
by the way...war on art fair begins...

Jul 20, 05 3:21 pm  · 

diabase, we will attach wings to the RV to come and get you, and it will heretoforth be known as the Winnebago from Space Balls.

ether, shouldn't be a problem jetting over to Chicago/Detroit at that rate. Should take us about 5 minutes actually.

While we're in the jet stream I suggest we go get BOTS and friends in Britain.

After that we'll go to San Juan, PR and get Javier, because I've never been.

Eventually I think we'll have to end up in LA or else we would be leaving out Paul and that would just be wrong.

Jul 20, 05 5:55 pm  · 

Why, Liberty, you have made my day. And, just between you and me, I was going to name you as my principal crush, but I am wary of the wrath of husbands...;)

And WonderK = WonderFull.

Jul 20, 05 6:10 pm  · 

WonderK, could you please jam me if you fly over Atlanta. I'll have my toast and waffles ready.

Jul 20, 05 6:16 pm  · 

i've always had something for design geek girl- her posts are so hot...

Jul 20, 05 6:22 pm  · 
le bossman

better get my conch shell so i can paint a smiley face on it, and break it into shards and carve a smiley face into trigirls buttocks. after this i will take the blood and write a note to this one guy with it. yeah!

Jul 20, 05 7:36 pm  · 
caffeine junkie have been spending too much time handleing wood...let me know if you want to go drinking tonight...late

Jul 20, 05 7:49 pm  · 

momentum, you said the magic word = toast. waffles are great too but there is something about plain warm toast.....mmmm. In any case we won't have to jam you in because the Space Winnebago has endless amounts of, well, space. Destination, Hotlanta.

I just want you all to know that this intellectual-traveling-orgy really warms my heart. I really appreciate my archinect friends, especially for letting me be utterly ridiculous in this fashion.

One last pick-up.....I don't know where he is, and I don't mean to rain on trigirls parade, but le bossman....yeah, he's kinda my crush. We're going to have to pick him up too. Gonna have to find him first I guess.

Jul 20, 05 10:46 pm  · 
vado retro

and the r.v. shall be called....further

Jul 20, 05 11:27 pm  · 

i <3 rationalist.

Jul 21, 05 12:37 pm  · 

??? I don't quite understand, but I'm going to take that as a declaration of ether's love, because dammit, I'm a bit miffed that nobody else has a crush on me!

Jul 21, 05 1:03 pm  · 

it's a heart!


Jul 21, 05 1:06 pm  · 

in case any curious ladies were wondering, despite what some people say my name implies, I am in fact a male. a male with a beard, none the less!

Jul 21, 05 1:07 pm  · 

awwwww.... *blushes*

Jul 21, 05 1:08 pm  · 

i just realized that i invited myself onto the lovefest/rv trip despite having no crushes declared for me. /sigh/ always the party crasher, never the bride.

Jul 21, 05 1:17 pm  · 

(it does my old heart good to see so much romance alive and well on archinect when there is so much hatred elsewhere in this tired world of ours)

Jul 21, 05 1:38 pm  · 

my crushes?

steven ward, liberty bell, diabase, wonder k, rita novel, per corell, TED, john devlin, abracadabra, vado retro, javier arbona, paul petrunia, pixelwhore, evangelical bunny, conversationkiller, le bossman, sameolddoctor, diabase, smokety mc smoke smoke, e, e909, ether, rationalist, cameron sinclair, aml, agfa8x, aluminate, evilplatypus, steve fuchs, graspin, diabase, alan loomis, israel kandarian, silent disapproval robot.

i am not abracadabra.

Jul 21, 05 1:43 pm  · 

i got a crush! wheee!

Jul 21, 05 1:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hmm, now the challenge is on: who is crushmaster?

Any ideas anyone?

Jul 21, 05 1:49 pm  · 

as long as crushmaster has a crush on me, I could care less whom he/she is!

Jul 21, 05 1:52 pm  · 

crushmaster is like shakespeare: vanished and inscrutable

Jul 21, 05 1:54 pm  · 

crushmaster, if you have a crush on me you must be indeed fantastic. you rule.

[and i really scanned that list until i found myself, golly i hadn't realized i was hungering for attention so much]

my theory of crushmaster's secret identity: jam-arch. because he's been fiddling around with different names lately and he's not on the crush list.

Jul 21, 05 3:34 pm  · 

i'm guessing it's oe.

Jul 21, 05 3:52 pm  · 

or GOD?

Jul 21, 05 3:54 pm  · 

i'm glad that i've been able to raise all of our lives in a loving way!

Jul 21, 05 4:18 pm  · 


Is it evangelical bunny? who is actually somebody else?

Thanks for the crush by the way, and excellent thread. I've got to go plan my Intergalactic Planetary RV Trip now.

Jul 21, 05 4:42 pm  · 

Crushmaster, I notice that my name is mentioned thrice in your list. Does that mean you love me thrice as much? Right back at you.

ps: Rationalist, I have a crush on you because you wish to go to Melbourne, which is the city I love the most. And John, you're not too bad yourself.

Jul 21, 05 5:09 pm  · 

diabase- you're gonna be dissappointed in me. I can't afford Melbourne this year. = ( Because of the visa requirements, I'm going to take a year to try and find scholarships before applying. But hopefully I'll find someone who wants to give me lots of money, and it can happen next year. Also applying for corny game shows (millionaire, wheel of fortune, etc.) to try and raise the funds. I'll let y'all know if I get on one!

Jul 21, 05 6:12 pm  · 

diabase: you're neat, too.
this thread reminds me of when I was in high school

doesn't anyone have a crush on Per??

Jul 21, 05 9:01 pm  · 

Rationalist - its the desire that counts...
Let me know how you go. I still have some contacts in Melbourne Academia, so If I can help...

Jul 21, 05 10:01 pm  · 

Dear Friends,

I would just like to publicly acknowledge the kindliness with which crushmaster has enhanced our threads in such a loving way!

Although I wish I could accept responsibility for this random act of kindness, I have to admit that I have literally been too busy "goin outside to make out" lately and consequently I have not had the time to pose under the alias of crushmaster whom, by the way, i suspect is not a regular archinect poster but an angel from heaven!

And this brings an interesting question to mind? What should we call the opposite of a "terrorists"? Should those who spread love and kindness be known as "loverists"? Or perhaps "kinderists"? Or maybe "affectionateans"? Should those of us who lead otherwise normal lives and then one day decide to gently touch others whether young or old, dark or light, lean or roly-poly with softness, caring, passion, warmth, tenderness, and benevolent affection not be as celebrated as those who act in a manner to terrorize? Let us celebrate these people too, perhaps we should name them "crusherlings" in honor of crushmaster.

With Love!


Jul 21, 05 11:42 pm  · 
vado retro

i think crushmaster is...mark felt

Jul 22, 05 12:55 am  · 

rationalist & driftwood: relating to comments early in this thread made by you both- Study links circumcision to AIDS prevention

Jul 28, 05 6:50 am  · 

what?! I get no love? I guess that I'm back to staring at the mirror on the wall.....*sigh*

Jul 28, 05 7:24 am  · 
Ms Beary

(i am hurt i am not on crushmaster's list.) i'm cute, nice, AND smart. what gives?

Jul 28, 05 8:36 am  · 

you two: this is tragic...something must be done!!!
did you post your photo yesterday on the other thread???

Jul 28, 05 8:39 am  · 
Ms Beary

i'm scared to post a pic after beta's horrible experience and all.

Jul 28, 05 8:53 am  · 

i have crushes on javier and paul - what with all of that intellectual prowess with all of the news-reading and posting - or perhaps because i know what they look like, or maybe it's founder-envy. whatever. mwaah. you're both lovely.

Jul 28, 05 6:01 pm  · 

Paul is a married man; myself on the other hand... ;)

Jul 28, 05 6:25 pm  · 
le bossman

hmmm....crushmaster is probably puddles

Jul 28, 05 8:00 pm  · 

wow founder-envy??? hmm, how comes no one told me about this...


Jul 28, 05 8:06 pm  · 

javier, SHHHH! don't ruin the fantasies i have about both of you!

founder envy: evny of those who have founded things

Jul 29, 05 5:03 am  · 

evny envy same thing

Jul 29, 05 5:03 am  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

i got a mention. (even if it was in the also-ran list)

Jul 29, 05 6:27 am  · 
Carl Douglas (agfa8x)

whoops, i made the small part big and the big part small.

Jul 29, 05 6:27 am  · 

I am the only one who misses Nancy Manguy...?

Jul 29, 05 7:35 am  · 

(I miss Nancy Manguy all the time)

anotherquestion: you're only making Cameron's complex even worse now. very funny, though. And I don't know what kinds of fantasies you have about Paul and me. I'll have you know I don't do that typology of threesomes, but you can go ahead and imagine.

Jul 29, 05 10:41 am  · 
nancy manguy

as a child of light and grace i extend my archinect crush to the celestial plane drifters paul petrunia, evan geisler, clancy pearson, and javier arbona. i also offer alms to the wizard karl chu and the beached mermaid maria carrey who transcend order and reason.

be well.

Jul 29, 05 12:37 pm  · 

holy shit, nancy manguy is back!

hail the child of light

Jul 29, 05 1:01 pm  · 

anotherquestion -- "those who have founded things"

ouch. I weep into my faded AFH coffee cup.

that's it, screw you guys, I'm taking over a small third-world country. *shakes fist*

Jul 29, 05 1:02 pm  · 

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