
Moving to Los Angeles

The commish

Any thoughts on good/affordable areas to live in LA if you are going to SCI-Arc?

Jun 1, 05 11:39 am
FOG Lite

Echo Park, it's close and there's actually green things growing there. You won't see much of that at SCI-Arc.

Jun 1, 05 11:48 am  · 

I'm actually wondering the same thing im moving out there with one friend of mine to attend SCI-Arc in the fall. Some kind of inexpensive loft suitable for 2 people close to SCI-Arc.

Jun 1, 05 12:16 pm  · 
The commish

You know, I was thinking loft as well. I am in the same boat. Moving down with a friend to attend SCI-Arc. There are some really awesome lofts in the area for about what you would pay for a two bedroom. Problem is, there aren't two bedrooms. Not a huge issue since I am sure that we are going to spend most of our lives at school and working, but a little bit of privacy is always nice. I am not sure you would get that in a loft space.

Jun 1, 05 12:23 pm  · 

Does anyone know what percentage of students commute to SCI-Arc? If so, what is an acceptable commute time by LA standards? In a previous post someone recommended living mid-Wilshire to experience more of LA while going to school. This sounds interesting to me but I don't want to regret the commute by mid-semester. How is the public transportation?

Jun 1, 05 1:22 pm  · 

privacy we are intrepid architects! we shall build in the loft creating our own personal spaces...

Jun 1, 05 2:43 pm  · 
The commish

Easy to say that now, but wait until you or your roomate is getting it on with someone with nothing more than a wall of transluscent twin board seperating soemone sleeping from the grunts and groans of dirty sex.

Jun 1, 05 2:56 pm  · 

Where are u movin from commish?

Jun 1, 05 3:06 pm  · 

Public transportation is a bit of a joke... And it's not necessarily that it's bad, it's just Los Angeles is so large... DON'T RELY ON IT. I recommend you guys start to look for housing here...

The main site:

The LA housing site:
if you're looking for an apartment:
if you're looking to rent a room in a flat:

I second THE COMMISH'S comments on dirty sex... Are you guys going into the M.Arch 1 or 2 program?

Jun 1, 05 3:28 pm  · 
The commish

I am moving From Portland Oregon. How bout you JK?

M.Arch II

Jun 1, 05 3:56 pm  · 
The commish

formandpurpose-What about westside rentals? Is it worth paying for, or are you going to get the same stuff you get on craigslist?

Jun 1, 05 3:58 pm  · 

do craigs list first, and if you can't find anything, THEN shell out for westside. Although, as their name indicates, they specialize in properties on the west side, which doesn't seem to be where you're looking to live. So I'd say to definitely try craig's list first. But beware of craig's list - for every great find, there are at least five pieces of crap on it. Make sure to at least get pics of the place before making any sort of agreement.

Jun 1, 05 4:04 pm  · 

I highly suggest using westside rentals for all areas of Los Angeles County. I am getting married shortly and we have had the worst luck with Craigslist. Westside Rentals has way more options. For example, we are looking in the Pasadena/South Pasadena area and there are in the ballpark of what we are looking for. Craigslist has less than 10. Try and share the cost of the $60 membership with someone, that's what we did

Jun 1, 05 4:59 pm  · 
FOG Lite

I found when I tried Westside Rentals (granted this was 4 years ago) that all their listings were WAY out of date. Most the landlords and building managers were pissed that they were still listed. I suspect Westside rentals of actually scaming some of their listings off of Craigslist.

When I lived downtown in a loft I wound up with a case of depression going from the wasteland that SCI-Arc is surrounded by to the wasteland surounding my loft. I also found the lofts weren't really that inexpensive, do yourself a favour and spend the extra $100 a month to get a place outside of downtown LA.

I recomend Echo Park, Silverlake, Mt. Washington, Atwater Village, maybe even Glendale. They are all around a 15 minute commute to SCI-Arc, which is considered excelent in LA. Unless you get something IMMEDIATELY adjacent to the school you are not really going to want to be walking home at night, and for the ladies walking at any time at all, those semi truckers aren't really a highly evolved bunch.

After saying all this, you will actually have a great time at SCI-Arc despite/ because of where the school is located, just don;t live down there.

Jun 1, 05 10:22 pm  · 

I'm moving to LA for SCI-Arc as well, from CT. Not only am I looking for an apartment, but also a roomate (I don't want to live by myself). Any ideas on how I can find both? I submitted my info to the school to put me on their searching-for-housing list, but I don't have access to the list myself....Ideally, I'd like my own room and to share a bathroom. Anyone interested in joining me, or have any advice?

Jun 2, 05 10:42 am  · 
The commish

Thanks for all the comments people.

jenny-You should talk to the admissions coordinator. She has always been extremely helpful with my numerous phone calls to the school.
I bet you she has talked to a number people in the same position as you.

Jun 2, 05 11:41 am  · 

does anyone know about that neighborhood just across the 'la river' - - adjacent to boylston heights?

it looks pretty untouched by gentrification -

Jun 2, 05 12:10 pm  · 

I'll be moving to LA as well for M.Arch opt.2 in August...

Regarding public transportation... I here from several people that the bus service is atrocious, however can anyone describe the subway service? Is it more reliable, or unsafe, worth using from the outskirts and arriving to Union Station and walking from there to SCI-Arc? Any do's and don'ts to keep in mind?

Thanks for any insight...

Jun 2, 05 4:30 pm  · 

It's safe and reliable, but it only connects a few parts of town (albeit at great distances) to downtown. I have no experience walking from Union Station to Sciarc.

Jun 2, 05 4:34 pm  · 
R.A. Rudolph

It's not that far from Union Station to SCI-Arc - during the day it'd probably be fine for anyone, but I wouldn't recommend it at night for women (or men if you're freaked out by walking by the prison - yep, men's central jail...) But it is pretty much a deserted commercial/industrial area - across the river is the same, and what residential stuff there is is probably pretty sketchy still.
Lincoln Heights and Boyle Heights have amongst the highest crime rates in the city - lots of drive by shootings, etc. We've been there a lot during the day and it's fine, it's not a place not to go or anything, but if you're going to be staying at school & coming home late, and possibly having computer equipment or other things worth stealing at home I wouldn't recommend living over there if you can help it.
I've used westside rnetals in the past and found stuff in silverlake - but the best thing in my opinion is to come and have a place to stay for a few weeks, then drive around or look at the paper, bulletin board postings, etc. when you get here. There are always postings at cafes, pizza places etc. in the local neighborhoods - if you drove around echo park or silverlake for example and liked it I would check these types of places as well as a service like westside rentals.
I know there are people who claim they can live in LA without a car, but I would really strongly recommend that you get some form of transportation such as a car, scooter, or motorcycle if you want to enjoy your experience here...

Jun 2, 05 9:37 pm  · 

i had some sci-arc friends who lived in a super fab apartment building near the school - shitty neighborhood though. i think the address was 400 E. 1st. there was a great coffee shop on the first floor. beautiful units with polished concrete floors, slate tiled bathrooms, and solid stainless steel kitchens. if i remember it was resonably priced. that was about 4 years ago. then they reno'd an old warehouse next door to the buddhist temple near school with building materials stripped in the middle of the night from a demo across the street. those sci-arc kids are nutty.

Jun 2, 05 10:31 pm  · 

I'm in los angeles today... it smells like an airport runway. jet fuel stenches in the cabin and lights flickering at random.

I'm in los angeles today... garbage cans comprise the medians of freeways always creaping even when the population's sleeping.

And i can't see why you'd want to live here.

I'm in los angeles today... asked a gas station employee if he ever had trouble breathing and he said "it varies from season to season, kid."

It's where our best are on display... motion picture actors' houses maps are never ever current so save your film and $15.

And i can't see why you'd want to live here.
Billboards reach past the tallest buildings,
"we are not perfect but we sure try."
As UV rays "degradate" our youth with time.

The vessel keeps pumping us through this entropic place in the belly of the beast that is californ-i-a,
I drank from a faucet and i kept my receipts for when the weigh me on my way out (here nothing is free).
The greyhounds keep coming dumping locusts into the street until the gutters overflow and los angeles thinks, "i might explode someday soon."

It's a lovely summer's day and i can almost see a skyline through a thickening shroud of egos.
(is this the city of angeles or demons?)
Here the names are what remain... stars encapsulate the gold lame and they need constant cleaning for when the tourists begin salivating.

You can't swim in a town this shallow - you will most assuredly drown tomorrow.

Jun 2, 05 11:31 pm  · 

heterarchy: Ya, but aside from that stuff, LA is a pretty nice place, right?


Thanks for your post Rudolph... it'll help me alot as I'm figuring out a way to make my move as painless as possible. Ideally I'd like to find a place before I leave for LA, as opposed to in person, a few weeks before class starts... we'll see...

I'd like to hear of any SCI-Arc'ers that do use the subway as a commuting option versus car or scooter...

though a scooter would be my preference... anyone selling?

Jun 2, 05 11:56 pm  · 
R.A. Rudolph

side note about scooters - think there were some posts here a while back, but anyways... I did a bunch of research a while back on used vs. new, vespa vs. other brands... ended up buying an Aprilia Scarabeo 150cc from Pro Italia in Glendale. It's a great bike, really fun and easy to ride, a little heavy (about 300lbs) for an average gal like me but I haven't dropped it since I first got it. Easily rides 2 people and comes with a helmet box on the back - gets about 60 mpg too! We paid $4,000 new, don't know how many you would find used around here but if you're planning on being in LA for 3 or 4 years and could swing some financing or a credit card purchase I'dd say it would be worth it for not having to worry about maintenance. I looked at a lot of used scooters and talked to people and decided that the comfort/safety/reliability of a new bike balanced out the cost. You can't carry models or groceries around with it (or not much, anyway), but strap a drawing tube to your back and you're set to go...
Anyways, good luck with the house hunt. I always think it's better to see things in person though - and I've probably moved 20 times since starting college.

Jun 3, 05 12:32 am  · 

i too recommend echo park. it's not as busy/crowded as other areas in LA, and is much more laid back and quite safe. plus the fact that there's shade from actual trees is a plus. the drive to the river (and for the most part anywhere in LA) isn't too bad either.

Jun 3, 05 1:57 am  · 
too degrading

Try Palms. Close to Versailles and Culver City. Et la plage. Heterarchy or however he spells his name is living in Paris Spleen rather than le realite...IT"S NOT THAT BAD UNLESS YOU ARE A LOSER... so there you are...

Jun 3, 05 5:07 am  · 

chinatown is a great area - very happening and is getting much more active with clubs, galleries, great gold line metro stop to take you to pasadena.

echo park is pretty cool as well, a bit rough in areas but doable. good luck.

Jun 4, 05 1:14 am  · 

la is a hell hole - it's great if you're into that sort of thing

Jun 5, 05 9:43 pm  · 

have you lived there lizok? what utopia do you presently inhabit?

Jun 6, 05 11:12 am  · 

i wouldn't say la is a hell hole. however, unlike the image of superficial hollywood life in sunny days, la is an urban city with huge population and density.perhaps the first one in its class of horizontal spread. it contains many centers (downtowns) and on the freeways almost every hour is a rush hour. it will eat people up and spit it out as a cigarette butt. it can be a sinister s.o.b as well as fake worry free heaven for the tourists. do i like it? big yes. it is good for architects where they can practice on their own, since there are millions of houses to work on. small projects w/ room to try out ideas and people willing to live with it. very expensive place to survive. don't let the garden hose fool you.

Jun 6, 05 12:04 pm  · 

for the west side rentals website you have to be very quick... you probably shouldn't call any properties that have been listed for more than a few days. part of the problem of it being so popular and thus having so many listings is that many people use the service so places go quickly and lots of people fight for them. i found my first place just by driving around calling postings as i drove by. my second place was found on craigslist.

Jun 7, 05 2:50 pm  · 

J E N N Y - I totally need a roommate. I'm thinking about living around Echo Park / Silverlake, and I'm going into March2. I'm coming from Colorado and I have a dog. Interested?

Jun 14, 05 8:19 pm  · 

Wow, hi. I have a roomate possibility that I don't think will work out, so yes, I'm interested. I like dogs, but it may be hard to find a place that will allow one. Why don't you email me with more info about what you're looking for and we'll talk?

Jun 15, 05 11:22 am  · 

doesn't sci-arc help with this at all... let me know if you need another person, i may be looking for roomates

Jun 15, 05 1:20 pm  · 


What kind of space do you have, and how close to SCI-Arc are you?
I'm an incoming M-Arch 1 looking for housing options too.

Jun 15, 05 1:34 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

Hey ... I will be moving to the E. Coast around July 1, so there will be two bedrooms available in my apartment around that time. I live in South Carthay (near intersection of Olympic and LaCienega), which may be a little far for you SciArc folks, but if you have a car and rely on arterials, you can get to SciArc in about 25 minutes. Check my profile and email me if you are interested (btw: my roommate who is staying is an m.arch at UCLA).

Jun 15, 05 2:00 pm  · 

aniowan- i emailed you. let me know if you get it

Jun 15, 05 2:20 pm  · 

where do people live if attending UCLA?

actually, when do most people get apartments if attending in fall?

Jun 15, 05 3:46 pm  · 


What were you up to in Portland? Study/work wise.

I'm a 4 yr arch grad from PSU and moved to NYC 5years ago

I'll also be a M. Arch 2 at SCI-Arc this fall

Jun 15, 05 4:49 pm  · 
A Center for Ants?

for UCLA live in westwood, west LA, or brentwood for the closest locales

Jun 15, 05 4:53 pm  · 
The commish

Right on. I graduated from the PSU arch program last year.

You should see the shape of that place now. The faculty members are at eachother's throats from what I hear. Things were getting bad when I left last year and apparently it all erupted last month, over conflicts with a senior exhibit. Kind of sucks for the kids that will have to endure the next few years there. A bunch of great faculty mkembers left over the issue. Crazy shit.

We'll have to catch up down is LA and swap Shattuck Hall stories.

Jun 15, 05 4:58 pm  · 

Rock on!
can't wait

Jun 15, 05 8:02 pm  · 

I agree with formandpurpose. Los Angeles is very big. Try to search in Internet. Few months ago I was looking for an apartment in Los Angeles (i've got a job there), but I couldn’t even think about difficulties which were waiting for me. I checked ads, went to agencies which offered houses, but nothing was as useful as apartment for rent in Los Angeles site. First of all, I concentrated to my needs (considered the area I would like to live, made a list of my top housing priorities, considered amenities and etc. ), created my own note-taking system and allowed my self time. I could eliminate apartments which didn’t meet my needs. I saved time and money. I found good and affordable apartment and I’m very satisfied with my new home.

Sep 12, 05 9:45 am  · 

there are two bed/two bath apartments in chinatown available for $1100. it's a quick, five to ten minute DASH ride to the sci-arc area. the neighborhood (look around college street) is a bit more family-oriented, but $1100 is a steal. drive around college street to check it out. email me if anyone wants the numbers of renters (i was looking for a place earlier but found a really nice house in the silverlake hills!).

Sep 13, 05 12:02 am  · 

I am a 4th year student from Nebraska, and myself and another student will be moving to Los Angeles to attend SCI-Arc this spring semester. We should be arriving there Wednesday (Jan 4). Unfortunately none of the contacts the admissions coordinator gave us worked out, and I haven't had much luck on craigslist. Anyone in that area know of an available room/apartment that I could share with my peer?

Ideally we're looking to share space with other students, or get a studio apartment or something small, as in cheap. (Assuming we'll be spending most of our time at school)

If not, maybe someone has a living room floor we could sleep on for the first couple nights until we find a place? After going on tour with my friends’ bands I’ve grown to avoid the cost of a $95/night hotel if at all possible. We’d be happy to compensate you for the nights we are on your floor.

We’re 21/22 and both pretty chill/clean guys. I’m into music, and he likes to work out I suppose. Thanks for any help/advice.


Dec 31, 05 9:05 pm  · 

for UCLA , living in westwood is really expensive, try palms/mar vista/culver city= much cheaper and great access via the big blue bus

for SCI Arc, silver lake area is nice, would recomend a car though,
easy/close public transportation is a problem

good luck.

Jan 1, 06 11:30 pm  · 

i do not drive in LA - I use public transit everywhere I go and I have yet to discover a place that I could not get to

some places are easier to get to than others, the subway is beautiful, just beautiful i tell you --- and it seems very clean because it is so new

it all depends on where you are and where you want to go - there are places that are much much faster by bus (as we cruise in the bus lane past the cars that sit bumper to bumper)

check out for infos on public transit

i would say it is best to live as close to school as possible because you may not want to waste time commuting that could be used to study or work on your project and you can always explore and go to different places on your free time....but do what you want

in LA there is no insane commute time....some people drive 15 minutes, some people drive 2 hours each way

it is whatever you are willing to do --- i think people are crazy to communte that time but then they have a nice apartment on the ocean that is rent controled or something, you know?

best of success to you

Jan 2, 06 1:53 am  · 

I'm looking for roommate who can move in as soon as possible.
My place is located in korea town.
Near w7th St and Kingsley Dr.
It has 2bed room and 2 bath roonms.
Rent fee is $500/m(include water).
I'm student of Sci-arc.
If you have any interest,please let me know.

Please ask your friends!!

Feb 9, 06 9:39 pm  · 

i'm a sciarc student... i recommend living in/close to downtown... when i was looking for places this one seemed good:

Alpine Apartments
813 Alpine Street


(trash, laundry, garage parking included)

its in the chinatown area...

Feb 10, 06 1:47 am  · 

the one online search that helped me to find small apartment for rent for me and my sister was 4rent in los angeles . we were looking for a place with furniture and we keep a cat so there were some problems to find an apartment. i would recommend to try online searches such as google cos it is realy more comfortable to use than newspapers. you just go to some website and point which anemities you need. good luck everyone!

Carly&Emma ;)

Apr 3, 06 11:16 am  · 

la is one of the most beautiful cities in the US. Plenty of work, culture, nature..

look at Highland Park, Pasadena, China Town, Elysian Heights, Frog Town

Apr 3, 06 12:29 pm  · 

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