
You never call (baby) when you say you will...


So, a year ago I interviewed with a firm for an internship who had heatedly pursued me, calling my references and professors before even talking to me. Interview went pretty well, but then they didn't call, and didn't call, and didn't call, and I eventually gave up on them, thinking they were a bunch of rude bastards.

Well, now that I've graduated, they emailed me, wanting me to come in for an interview. Even worse, the email was from THE SAME PERSON I interviewed with last year, and made no adknowledgement of our ever having spoken before. I really wanted to say that I wouldn't ever consider working for a firm who treated me this way, but decided to play it safe and say I had already committed to another firm, but good luck in their search.

But this made me think- what percentage of firms don't call back after the interview? And have any of you guys experienced a similar situation, where at a later point they want to interview you, not seeming to remember that they already had?

May 19, 05 5:13 pm

That's craziness.

Why didn't you call them? The first time, that is?

May 19, 05 5:23 pm  · 

bad form on their part, but probably an innocent case of absent-mindedness and overwork. nothing intentional. i'd give the guys a break.

if there's any kind of architectural community where you are, maybe you'll run into the guy at a building tour and laugh about it. and, if you like the office still, maybe that meeting will be what makes you stick in his mind.

remember it's very seldom the us-against-them that several threads in this site make it seem: 'they' are just others like us, except they've done it longer and they're trying to catch the balls before they hit the ground.

May 19, 05 5:23 pm  · 

WonderK - I did, a couple of times. But then I stopped because I felt like a stalker or something.

I'd say about 30% of the interviews I've gone on, the firm just never calls back. What about you guys? Is this an LA thing, or what?

May 19, 05 5:29 pm  · 

I got a rejection letter in the mail from a firm a few weeks after a job fair and the very next days received a voice mail telling me that things had changed and I should disregard the rejection letter and return their call. None of it really mattered, I had already accepted and offer with another firm.

May 19, 05 5:31 pm  · 

haven't had it happen, but then i've stayed in smaller polite cities and tend to interview at small offices.

May 19, 05 5:32 pm  · 

brian- that doesn't seem so bad, since they at least didn't pretend like the rejection letter didn't exist. If they had, you'd be scratching your head going, "now WTF is up with these morons?"

but yeah, fortunately I'm good with the job situation right now and don't need those guys anymore, glad it's the same for you!

May 19, 05 5:36 pm  · 

so why did you leave it at nothing with the firm? where was the phone call on your part?
not very rational it seems.

May 19, 05 5:59 pm  · 

Don't burn the bridge just say you've got another offer and move on politely. They'll phone again and it might be an offer you can't refuse. I had a developer pursue me for few years, I went for an intereview the first time lost the position to a buddy of mine, then went to the second interview request a year later, but by now I was making good coin and I turned them down and then they asked again about two years after that. Again turned it down but didn't burn any bridges and became fast friends with the President. In a round about way he referred me to a bunch of other friends of his who became clients of mine. Its a small world and both a good designer and someone who gets along with people goes a long way.

May 19, 05 6:24 pm  · 

burning bridges should rarely be done. i have burned one or two, but it is something that i always try to avoid. it is a small world especially amongst the archi/design community. playing nice goes a long way when in the sandbox.

May 19, 05 6:40 pm  · 

That happened to a friend of mine (kind of). She got a rejection email and the next day got a phone call congratulating her and offering her an internship.

May 19, 05 6:44 pm  · 

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