
On Rem Koolhaas: his work, his style, his leaving GSD?


Ok, so Rem Koolhaas had a lecture last week at Cornell University. I understand 40 minutes before the scheduled start of the lecture, he had everyone leave the lecture hall,as Kumar reported on his blog (thanks K!). No one has given me an answer as to why he did so or what was the official request (i.e. please we need to blow you away with an awesome lecture so can you move? or: can you free up the first 2 rows for some of my friends?). If this had hapened in europe I'm sure people would have left the lecture right then and there..........any respect to audience?

Any updates/remarks especially from people who attended the lecture would be greatly appreciated.

Anyways, my sources (i.e. architecture friends) in New York tell me that word on the street is that Rem might leave the GSD for Columbia next fall. I would dismiss this immedeately, but VOLUME is coming out soon and it's a collaboration between AMO, Archit, and Columbia............hmmmmmmm...........the plot thickens........

Architecture soap opera at its best! This is better than football (soccer) summer transfer rumors!

by the way, I love Rem the architect but hate Rem the man. Actually, I only hate him when he thinks he's a god among men.

Apr 30, 05 4:38 am

according to gsd he isnt leaving as his contract is still on for a while.
the fact that volume is a "collaboration" simply means columbia is helping to publish it. he also has had things puiblished by princeton and rice and many others...

Apr 30, 05 10:54 am  · 

well, I didn't notice anything especially special about his lecture set up that would require the audience to actually leave--I was more put off that we might lose our seats!

Apr 30, 05 11:15 am  · 

pehaps .....the top 7 reasons 'Rem evacuated the auditorium.....'

1]he just wanted to do a 'voice check' and 'slide check' and didnt want anyone to see this potential infalable aspect of him or perhaps he uses a klunky working class dell v. a beautiful apple laptop and didnt want us to see him carry it in.

2]there is actually a little person under the podium that is reading the lecture to an earpiece in rems ear....he didnt want anyone to see this guy brought out.

3]he wanted to make certain the lighting on his face was at the correct angle so that when the audience was photographing him all shots were great and we didnt see his big nose.

4]there was a bomb scare; or at least as rem considers himself next to god, the pope, and W, and rightly so, as he has attached the rightous government establishments and the president of the USA, he thinks the dog - sniffing group has to do a wipe down of all places he walks to protect him against the evil-doers in DC.

5]wanted to do an electronic sniff / pat down of the place so that no one would possible video the copyrighted work.

6]someone from his office wrote the lecture, it arrived last minute from his NY office as rem arrived last minute from a remote corner of the world and he didnt have time to see it before he showed up so he wanted to flip through the slides so he knew how to wing it for all the ivies!!

7]knew if he mysteriuosly emptied the auditorium ; he would most likely get a 'dedicated archinect thread' to speculate on the topic and he just LOVES us to chat and think about him as much as possible -- sells more books! it worked!! we love you REM!! [who do you really think previously floated those scandalis photos of the brad/rem liason??]

Apr 30, 05 11:41 am  · 

he had no pants

Apr 30, 05 2:26 pm  · 

What a dweeb he is...

Apr 30, 05 4:24 pm  · 

who the fuck cares

May 1, 05 3:34 am  · 
vado retro

when i lived in chicago i went to a presentation at caf for the iit building that oma did. after a dull presentation many people went out into the lobby to view the model. the music that was playing to this viewing was miles davis's kind of blue. the first song on the disc is entitled "so what". i think i was the only one to catch the irony. there were snacks.

May 1, 05 10:21 am  · 

i find snacks quit often are the highlight of most lectures.

May 1, 05 11:05 am  · 

unfortunately most lectures don't have snacks

May 1, 05 11:12 am  · 

at iit, they pass out huge huge chocolate chip cookies before the lecture[yum yum!!]. not good at a room of sleepy archs with the lights turned off. about 10-15 minutes into a real slow lecture [natelie de vries this year for example which i think lasted 1 hour 40] you can turn your head and see all the folks nodding off. the guy next to me was snorring so bad i had to kick him twice.

the schools should get wise, rank the speaker and prepare accordingly. natelie's: definitely a red bull / mountain dew type of event.

May 1, 05 11:19 am  · 

Hey provincial TED. Seems like you have been drinking too much of that Mountain Dew again. A quick scan of your posted commentary indicates clearly that you have zero to offer so why the big hard on with the constant sniping of others thinking?

You must know that your.. "I find snacks quit often are the highlight of most lectures." ranks up there with the all-time classics! That's a real value add.

That seems to be all that you are capable of doing. Maybe take some of your own advice regarding "getting wise". Take a breather from your reactive fixation on this list an do some original thinking yourself.

May 1, 05 11:59 am  · 

your so right pope. ill take it up with my advisory committe of 20 who write all my post under that the name TED.

but then again look at the thread topic. those pressing quesions that have no right or wrong answers.......

----why oh why did rem empty the auditorium b4 the lecture???????

----can it be true???? is rem ditiching the gsd????

i offered some original speculations on at least one of the questions. sorry if i offended you.

if you know rem, please ring him and get to the bottom of these pressing questions!!!

May 1, 05 12:41 pm  · 

wow some tension developing over here! The snacks comment, TED, unfortunately, is as you say sometimes the most memorable thing of a boring or slow lecture. Maybe you should jump start an unofficial energzing soda lecture supplement!

as to the questions you mentioned I raised, they are for speculation, even though someone at the lecture could answer the first one, and someone inside Rem's head (or at columbia) could answer the second!

May 1, 05 12:56 pm  · 

Hey Pope, tell us again about Benedict XV and the Russian Orthodox Catholics issue. Is the Vatican now after the ruble? I'm sure every kopeck counts.

Happy Orthodox Easter indeed!

May 1, 05 2:00 pm  · 

Where can i pick up a copy of VOLUME on the west coast?

May 9, 05 4:53 am  · 

who is the pope? why do people start new names when they want to rip on someone?

May 9, 05 2:06 pm  · 

because they are spineless cowards.

May 9, 05 2:16 pm  · 

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