
Women that are into architecture


Why is it so appealing when a female is really into architecture? This is such a turn on to me....why?...discuss

Feb 26, 05 9:09 pm

she's creative, ambitious, and if you're posting here, she's probably into you...

ambitious women are sexy, but when they are doing something for the money or for some mindless post-feminist gesture, it is sort of hollow. architecture normally implies that they're in it for more than just money or status, but personal reward.

plus, they're interested in something more substantial than their dave matthews cds and sex and the city and shoes. maybe they'll actually be interesting to talk to.

Feb 26, 05 9:19 pm  · 
Tim DeCoster

Because she has the same interests as you, and thinks in the same way. It's not rocket science at all that this type of common ground is an important aspect of any relationship. That said, yes, I agree, it's a big turn on if she's into architecture, better yet if she's studying it or in practice herself. In an idealistic world, my wife and I would have a firm. I guess the next step is finding her. Maybe after this project... or maybe there will be time after the next... LOL.

sorry to state this, but there is good cheap humor to be had in Stabmaster's post: "... and if you're posting here, she's probably into you..." Taken out of context, I can see this being used to sell Archinect T-Shirts. They would say "Chicks dig Archinecters". Ok, maybe it's time for me to take my meds now.

Feb 26, 05 9:31 pm  · 
vado retro

its been my experience that creative intelligent and ambitious women don't really appreciate being called chicks.

Feb 26, 05 10:04 pm  · 
juan moment

'...the irony is that I love women. The second irony is that it's not the bodies of women that I ultimately crave, but their minds. The mind of a woman. The delicate chambering and massive unidirectional flow, like a physics experiment. What fun it is to talk to an intelligent woman...The third and related irony is that it's the most complex...women that I am invariably drawn to. I like...complicated women.' -Don DeLillo, White Noise

Feb 26, 05 10:26 pm  · 
juan moment

it makes more sense with the last sentence completed. i had trouble finding it.

"...The third and related irony is that it's the most complex and neurotic and difficult women that I am invariably drawn to. I like simple men and complicated women."

Feb 26, 05 10:37 pm  · 
Tim DeCoster


Touché. It is my experience that most women have no desire for a condescending man. Preferred would be approachability, intelligence, and wit.

For your amusement, check THIS LINK. It seems that someone else has already had the thought.

The unprovoked cheap shots at me may end now; they’re not really worth it anyways. This board is here for enjoyment and enrichment. Not this.

Feb 26, 05 11:24 pm  · 
Tim DeCoster

Sorry for my last post, I should have kept my thoughts to myself.

Feb 26, 05 11:27 pm  · 
vado retro

feminist chicks dig me

Feb 27, 05 12:15 am  · 

Hi all,

As a woman in architecture (well not quite yet, I recently graduated and am looking for an internship), I am enjoying reading your posts on this topic...

In Tim's defense, he seems like a nice guy, so just let the chicks thing slide. I consider myself a "creative, intelligent, and ambitious" woman, and I actually don't really mind being called a chick... it just depends on where it's coming from. Well Tim, this is the second time I've taken your back on these boards... you need to start defending yourself :P


Feb 27, 05 12:42 am  · 

horray for the men that can appreciate a woman with a mind....and to hell with the feminists. does it appear to draw the situation re: equality backwards to anyone else?

Feb 27, 05 12:10 pm  · 


Feb 27, 05 6:55 pm  · 
Tim DeCoster

Thanks again Firelily. You do such a good job defending me; why would I make any changes? hehe :) I actually think I was TOO defensive here, hence the apology. Vado seems like an alright guy, I just didn't like his comment. No harm, he's just being humorous.

When did you graduate? We could have been in the same class, or studio even. Wouldn't that be funny? I graduated last spring, but only attended part time for all of the last year.

Feb 28, 05 1:16 am  · 

I think it would be funny if you two were in the same studio. It would be hillarious, actually.

Feb 28, 05 1:35 am  · 

This is should all come to the School of the Art Institute of Chicago where the girls schoolwide outnumber the guys...a ratio somewhere areound 70% least that's what it feels like. In my Interior ARch. classes we average about 1-2 guys per studio, but really the last place I would want to look for a significant other is in school or my field of study (for the time being) I deal with enough opinions and egos (mine included) and the last thing I want to deal with is another's....just a thought

Feb 28, 05 1:50 am  · 

i'm a feminist.
and being called a chick doesn't really bother me.

i wish i met more guys who thought it was hot that i am in architecture.
they mostly just seem intimidated. but i might just be unattractive.

Feb 28, 05 2:54 am  · 

maybe you just live too far away from anywhere else. :-)

Feb 28, 05 6:55 am  · 
Ms Beary

only guys in architecture like that I am a chick architect, other males get intimidated. some try to talk big to me on whatever they happen to know about construction. yawn.

Feb 28, 05 9:49 am  · 

Perhaps is it evidence of reaching equality. After all don't most women want to marry a doctor, lawyer, or architect? Maybe now it is the same for men.

But buyer beware. Make sure you can handle compromising on your dream home, spending every date discussing how the resturant either makes you want to stay or leave (this conversation is great in McDonalds) and having the worst insult you receive be : "See that strip mall, thats what you would design."

Feb 28, 05 10:55 am  · 

Why would I *ever* want to marry a doctor, lawyer or architect? I'd like to see my spouse occasionally. Marrying anyone from those three professions makes that highly unlikely.

Feb 28, 05 11:49 am  · 

e909, i am resigned to the notion that i live too far away from any sort of heterosexual liberal group of males to make dating anything more serious than a series of laughable events. it makes traveling and aquainting visitors fun though :)

and i really don't mean to get off topic, but...i'm irked.

i don't know why it keeps being assumed women are so fixated on marrying money. EVERYBODY CARES ABOUT MONEY! and it seems like there are quite a few male architects whose spouse is the breadwinner. (for various reasons) i doubt they married these women for that reason though. i could go slinging around assumptions that men just want young beautiful women. but as i learned in debate, assuming makes and ass out of you and me.

so eu80, i dont know if you have had some traumatizing experience, or were just trying to be funny, but what you have described as a relationship with a female architect seems like an asinine generalization for multiple reasons.

and nobody should be "bought" (much less eat at mcdonald's)!

Feb 28, 05 2:59 pm  · 

my wife married me and i don't make a hellavu lot of money. i used to make more than her and now it's the other way around. money never became a reason for either of us to marry. i married her because she a bright, intelligent, witty, compassionate person who just happens to be beautiful on the outside too.

Feb 28, 05 3:27 pm  · 

I'd prefer a woman who isn't into architecture, simply for diversity in my life.

Feb 28, 05 4:36 pm  · 
Dazed and Confused

I find hot chicks who are into architecture - to be a bigtime turn on. On the other hand I don't quite know how married architect couples keep from killing each other.

Feb 28, 05 5:00 pm  · 
vado retro

u mean hot chicks alone aren't a bigtime turnon???

Feb 28, 05 8:29 pm  · 
Dazed and Confused

It all depends - Loud lazy shallow talk through nose - not a turn on. Same chick, no talk, diligently dancing on a pole - I'd be compelled to say yes.

Feb 28, 05 9:31 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

funny some of the women who were in architecture school with me were former models. Average about 2-3 per class of 20. Not bad. But as one explained as they travelled around the world their notions of space became heightened appreciating the particularities of location.

Anyhow that was the for the guys. But I like female architects. I believe they are an asset for the profession. I am beyond impressed, rather intrigued when they take charge on building sites - not because I think they are docile but because the construction workers tend to. Anyhow...50/50 is a great idea

Mar 1, 05 7:06 am  · 

Okay - I have to clarify. No tramatic experiences here and I was generalizing about "After all don't most women want to marry a doctor, lawyer, or architect?" That comment was in reference to the idea that "architect" is a "cool" profession.

Does anyone actually pick their long term mate based on profession. For their sakes I hope not. Date someone from the same profession and that is just one similarity in a vast world of differences (and it provides unique dinner conversation). On the other hand date someone outside the profession and you get an entire realm of differing viewpoints and with your similarities falling in different aspects of life. Neither is a better option.

Mar 1, 05 9:59 am  · 

I don’t know about you guys but I’m pretty much dating ninjas and former KGB assassins these days. Accents are nice and having your enemies efficiently and silently eliminated is priceless.

Mar 1, 05 9:16 pm  · 

i've heard that only ex-KGB assassins could tolerate dating a (stereotypical) lawyer more than once. So, I guess assassins disregard the typical cautions about dating people from work.

Mar 2, 05 8:02 pm  · 
vado retro

ladies...what in your opinion is it that makes a building sexy? do you like your men to be analagous(sp) to your favorite buildings?

Mar 2, 05 10:02 pm  · 

i am a material girl.

for me, sexiness in the built environment has a lot to do with the treatment of materials and the quality of space/spatial interaction created within.

mostly materials though.

Mar 3, 05 2:45 am  · 
David Cuthbert

lol stephanie

Mar 3, 05 7:33 am  · 
for me, sexiness in the built environment has a lot to do with the treatment of materials

silk sheets

and the quality of space/spatial interaction created within.

proprietary secrets, I won't talk about that.

Mar 10, 05 4:30 am  · 

stephanie, I can't tell how you look of course, but you sound great :)

Mar 10, 05 7:31 am  · 

actually you can't tell how she sounds either... maybe she just types great... she could sound like a chainsaw motor

Mar 10, 05 10:57 am  · 

although i am sure she doesn't

Mar 10, 05 10:58 am  · 

ok gorang, she types great lol

Mar 10, 05 12:58 pm  · 

i do sound great!

i'm "good on paper"

or in this case, pixels.

Mar 10, 05 1:53 pm  · 


its called "sophistication" gentlemen. And knowing that to get to that level of sophistication, these archichicks mostly went through grueling all nighters with gritty coffee, sweatpants, and unfinished projects while sometimes sleeping under desks.


here they are- all pro feshnall lookin' - epitomizing sophistication, but not shallow sexiness because they at some point in their pre-career (or during) have gone through the grime and could appreciate hard work. and theyre not afraid of x-actos. so sexy...

And every architect had something for SOME person in their school while coming up that they knew was going to be even hotter when they got some sleep, gained some weight, and could at least buy a round at the bar on fridays after work.

and i still believe stephanie falls into that category (wink)

Mar 10, 05 3:32 pm  · 
vado retro

could this be "" in the making???

Mar 10, 05 6:04 pm  · 

I think so vada.

Mar 10, 05 6:11 pm  · 
vado retro

for all you students/architects in foreign lands who want to come to the u.s.of a. just find yourself a match on archinect. the green card will take care of itself.

Mar 10, 05 6:27 pm  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

Ah, man ... don't get me started on this. All I have to say is that to see a beautiful woman breaks my feeble heart a million times over. To behold a woman who, in DeLillo's words, is "complicated" only leads to a beautiful suffering ....

I need a drink

Mar 12, 05 10:53 pm  · 
the cellardoor whore

this here looks like a pack of leaking men with a 'proxy' (or so they want their beerbuddies to assume) interest in women's play tools (buildings)...curious,jealous, and with a latent desire to be themselves penetrated.

-After all what is pornography but the incessant and obsessive recording of moments of a man's (and only rarely a woman's) ability to penetrate, to extend his corporeal domain of pleasured control into tailored holes, wrinkles and folds. The thematic fold here is not simply the penetration of the woman, but rather a frustrated desire to follow the pleasure from the dick into the becoming the woman the man thrusts his way into the ambiguous end of the pleasure accomplish that he falls into a trap, he starts to feel the need to get shafted first.

This is why it is appealing when a female is into architecture.More bluntly because behind this phrase is the sexually tantalizing reversal "when architecture is really into a female"...and architecture is dogmatically thought of as being a man's thing...precum material. It is like a woman straddling herself on a rocket in front of a rocket scientist and at the same time being that rocket scientist.
The man feels the only way he can shag her (completely own her as a half submisive half resistant hole) is by prostating himself in front of that rocket, by being that hole. Some might say its a power mind game thing...I think thats a bit of a simple surface description.

Mar 14, 05 8:57 am  · 
the cellardoor whore

StabmasterArson: when they are doing something for the money or for some mindless post-feminist gesture,it is sort of hollow.

reads like you are the sort of hollow.

Mar 14, 05 9:27 am  · 

wow, that was a reach back...

anyway, all i meant, for as poorly or well-phrased as it was, is that many of the girls i knew in professional schools would say things like, "i don't really like it, but as a woman engineer, i can really make a lot of money." comments like that are absolutely unsexy. doubt it if you may, but i heard multiple female engineers make that comment as an undergrad.

Mar 14, 05 10:13 pm  · 
Sarah Johnson

I would hope that one does not find me attractive only because of my interest in architecture. An occupation does not give you a predefined personality.

Mar 14, 05 11:44 pm  · 
the cellardoor whore

"comments like that are absolutely unsexy"

firstly, must a woman live up to the responsibility of having to issue out only 'sexy' comments (and therefor live 24/7 in your image of sexiness...can she be anything other than your fantasy)? You won't allocate a little bit of reality for her, maybe?

secondly, why is that relevant to women and not to persons in general? 'as a man engineer I can make a lot of money' is that not the case as well? But of course, from a woman's lips it might be a bit too 'unfantasy'-like for can't masturbate over that, can u?

thirdly, what is so wrong about wanting to make money? Or do you think it is a bit too 'cosmetically' wrong for the female of the species (money being a man's accessory)?

still hollow...

Mar 15, 05 1:28 pm  · 

i agree with cellardoor. i've heard plenty of men discuss not liking their job, but enjoy making the money. actually, i think it's fair to say that most people don't enjoy their jobs whether they make money at it or not. i'd hope that if people don't like their job, at least they make money doing it.

Mar 15, 05 1:36 pm  · 

i'm with the whore as well.
i wish i could be so eloquent.

Mar 15, 05 3:47 pm  · 

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