
Carleton M.Arch VS UWaterloo M.Arch


Simply than asking whats best, as i understand ULoo is the top dog in Architecture in Canada. I just wanna know what you guys think is preferable for an international candidate.

Recently got both offers.

For Carleton 

My funding package:

1. TA'ship for all 4 semesters

Overall makes me only pay 2 year total fees (tuition + residence) = 1 year of ULoo tuition and residence fees.

2. Seems slightly less overall courses around 3 each term (fall+winter terms only per year)

3. Coop is optional well its more like go out and find it yourself. Rather term it as "self found internship."

4. Everything is clustered within the campus. The studio, the residence and restaurants. (I'm international so I'm thinking it might be of issue as we architecture students don't have any time for anything and being at close proximity might help?)

5. Location within ottawa. Maybe potential to land a govt firm? (Idk I'm new please help?) Is carletons m arch name reputable?

For Uwaterloo:

1. Funding says: "0" sent a followup email regarding TA'ship guarantees and opportunities.

2. Workload in terms of courses given is much more than that at Carleton 7 courses in 1st year (fall and winter) followed by 8 courses in 2nd year (fall winter and spring)

2.1. Also mentions a requirement of 70%average throughout the 2 years in all courses.

3. For residence and other living issues, it needs to ve arranged by ourselves as the building is in nowhere, literally away from the main campus.

4. Coop seems like a good opportunity to earn 1 terms tuition fee back, but lately it seems its hard to get a placement. And it says "optional" not sure what that exactly means.

5. Tuition and residence is much higher, way higher. No funding as well so... :(

6. Despite the cost and workloads, the name and knowledge from this school is said to be top notch. Good name for a first job perhaps? 

7. Location is in cambridge heard from Non-sequitur the place is a dead zone and eventually need to relocate after graduation.

All in all I really like both schools, just the cost of uloo puts me down but I feel its necessary to have that name? (Not sure, please advice me) . As I believe it might help get my first job. 

So what's your opinion guys? How'd you go about the decision making. 

Money is definitely a factor. But it's not impossible to secure my funding for uloo, it's just that it will be extremely tight and I need to take everything I got.

At the same time I do not want to sacrifice all of my money into a program if the outcome is similar to that of a cheaper option in CA.

Please advice me. Thank you. Hopefully you guys dont think I'm nonsensical. 

Apr 25, 23 4:40 pm

cannot comment on carleton, but in terms of waterloo:

cambridge is not bad at all, it's definitely not a big city but a great place to be studying, with everything you really need within accessible distance. it's not too much of a commute away from the main city of waterloo/kitchener, and it's definitely possible to visit toronto

the opportunity for co-op is great, the internal job board at waterloo has many opportunities at renowned firms (mostly in canada, with a handful in the us and around the world) and while you still have to apply/interview to these opportunities yourself, the employment rate is nearly 100%

both are good schools, but i personally think waterloo is better for employability in toronto due to its strong alumni and co-op ties

Apr 25, 23 5:16 pm  · 
Non Sequitur

Ahjun... First things first, Waterloo is the best arch school in Canada.  It is also the most difficult to get in and will be the most difficult to get out of (ie. graduate).  Its thesis & research requirements are several magnitudes higher than other Canadian M.arch programs.   The school is very thechnical and very academic and most profs are either PHD scholars or active in real practice (or both).

Carleton is not terrible by any means but the program has gone through several years without proper direction so staff and program has suffered.  The program does have merits tho since Carleton's old and highly reknown undergrad (of which I am a graduate of but sadly, no longer exists) still has influence (focus on hand-drawing, physical model making, creative concept design, etc).  

Cons for Loo is location location location.  Cambridge is a shit hole in the best of days and the school's location is in the armpit of it (Galt).  If it was not for the arch satellite campus, that city would be an even greater pile of used needles and abuse shelters.  I'm not kidding.  The school actually paid for cab-fare for anyone working late (8pm) who felt unsafe to walk home and we had security panic buttons in studio.  No one wants to live in Cambridge unless you work in Toronto and don't mind the 2hr car drive everyday.  It's miserable and I don't understand why people live this way.  This is why in another post I told you that you will not make local contacts for future jobs.  You're best bet is Toronto (closest metro) but really, your portfolio will carry more weight than the name of the school.  Please note that TA ships at Loo are applied for via lottery every semester and are typically reserved for top students.  The thesis is very demanding (60+ hours per week, 3 terms per year, with no summer break) so the teachers typically pick who they want to TA their class.  I TAd' 1st year creative drawing, 1st, 2nd, 3rd year studios.

Cons for Carleton... not many all things considered.  Campus is centrally located and I would suggest you avoid res living.  Plenty of places around the city and getting to school is very easy.  It's also a real city unlike the ashtray that is Galt so you can make meaningful connections that could lead to future jobs.  Having paid-for tuition and summer breaks is certainly worth considering.

I would advise against M.Arch coop.  It's not necessary and will only increase the length of your education.  Just please educate yourself on the path towards architecture license (which only starts after M.arch grad)... because that will tell you the real lenght of the journy.

btw, I have a bachelor of arch studies from carleton and a masters from Loo.

Apr 25, 23 7:46 pm  · 
1  · 

So finances aside then waterloo be best? I'm also considering the friendliness of living alone and convenience. I've been with family all year and this gonna be my first time ever. In these terms it seems carleton is nicer for me. Such a hard decision. I'm not physically and mentally strong as well due to being highly depressed few years. So I'm also cocnerened about my wellbeing. I'll think this through thank you

Apr 26, 23 5:07 am  · 

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