
What matter the most in your Bachelor degree? Your porftolio or your academic grades?


Just curious cause I had a discussion with a colleague who told me that grades don't matter as much as my portfolio and currently I'm having exam with grades 3 (Merit) and/or 4 (Pass) mostly and I'm kinda worried about it.

Which of the two matter, for both making an internship or applying for a master's degree?

Apr 27, 19 1:06 pm

For applying for a master's degree your grades matter, but only in the sense that they need to be above the grad programs' cut-offs - usually that means above 3.0 (a B average) in the US.  Some programs have slightly higher or lower cut-offs, and some have been known to occasionally make exceptions for students who don't quite meet the cut-off.  Portfolio is a much more important selection factor.

For applying to most internships portfolio is usually much more important in most cases.  There are some internships that are awarded through a formal competitive application process - in that situation GPA can be a more important factor.  But for those internships for which the application process is basically the same as any other job interview, you're unlikely to even be asked to provide your GPA.

Apr 27, 19 2:47 pm  · 

For admission into grad school it's typically:

Portfolio > Recommendation Letters > Statement of Purpose > GRE > Transcript

Portfolio and Letters/Statement determine entrance. GRE/Transcript determines scholarship money. 

For work it's going to be your connections, work experience and then finally portfolio. Although a firm may scout you based on your portfolio during reviews.

Apr 29, 19 11:57 pm  · 
atelier nobody

Neither - it's all about the internships.

Apr 30, 19 12:29 am  · 

Grad school in a nutshell:

  1. Portfolio
  2. Statement of Interest / Reference Letter
  3. Grades (Higher grades = potential scholarship)

Jobs at most firms:

  1. Connections
  2. Experience
  3. Portfolio

Jobs at boutique/fancy design firms:

  1. Connections
  2. Portfolio
  3. Experience
Apr 30, 19 12:59 pm  · 
TJ 1995

is anyone getting masters degree in US top universities with non US bachelor and 3.5 GPA?

May 27, 19 12:14 pm  · 

I dont know thats what Im asking

Mar 6, 20 8:15 am  · 

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