
Thump the Trump


Unamuno - Because of the growing number of paper-skinned SJWs obsessed with building a PC environment, that's why. Not sure if it's a millennial issue or otherwise tho.

Nov 7, 16 11:39 am  · 

Not even close. All these PC BS comes from the remnants of the "School of Frankfurt" and it's brought to you courtesy of the master puppeteers, the same ones who pour millions of dollars financing social unrest of any kind (BLM, extreme feminism, etc you name it) and just “pure coincidence”, it's also the same people who are flooding the west with millions of immigrants to exacerbate (accelerate??) whatever their purpose is.


As far as this "babs" he’s just a paid moron shill for Hillary and belongs to a criminal organization called CTR (the aforementioned also donated several millions for this cause) for the sole purpose to sway the political opinion throughout the social media. Disgruntled CTR ex-employees have leaked MO memos along with all personal data on all these clowns.

Fortunately after the election paycheck dries up and we will never hear from his kind again.  

Nov 7, 16 5:09 pm  · 


Nov 7, 16 5:23 pm  · 

cadomestique: "As far as this "babs" he’s just a paid ....."

He ?   Wow, you're WAY more out of touch than I earlier thought.

As for being a "paid shill" ... well, while I could use the extra income, the fact of the matter is that I'm just a long time architect, and Archinector, who thinks the Trumpster would destroy our Republic.

Just for the record, I've been a member here -- and regular contributor -- since 2005. Looks to me like cadomestique has just been hanging around Archinect for the past 9-months.  

It seems the delusions of the far right know no bounds.

Nov 7, 16 5:53 pm  · 

Too bad we'll never know whether the Republic will crumble under Trump.

I mean, it's not like HilLIARy has the entire nation's machinery behind her back. Oh wait...

Nov 7, 16 6:06 pm  · 

I didn't expect myself to be as excited as I am for this all to be over but I cannot wait for this gross puss bubble filled with Pepe cartoons and pro-Hillary memes to burst.

Nov 7, 16 6:12 pm  · 

You went rummaging trough my posts??? 

jeez babs you are a bigger creep than I though. 

Nov 7, 16 6:47 pm  · 

^ no, I have a life.

If you were experienced on Architect you would know that your "join date" is visible when you poke "history" beside your screen name.

Paranoia is common among right wing nut jobs.

Nov 7, 16 7:21 pm  · 

even more in libtards tho

how's life at the command center? 

Nov 7, 16 7:26 pm  · 

^ No bimbs, pretty damn sure he meant exactly that, "poking" through his profile's history. The fact that you had to do that though speaks volumes.

I was hoping to avoid a direct confrontation with leftist fuckwits but congrats anyway, you brought me down to your level of idiocy.

Nov 7, 16 7:29 pm  · 

^ cado's not interesting enough to make me want to read anything he might have written on any other thread.

Nov 7, 16 7:33 pm  · 

^ Yet you admitted earlier to checking his history.

You having another one of those mental episodes again? Better dial back on them paid media

Nov 7, 16 7:37 pm  · 

looks like you've been here since october archi

you're so opposed to learning something about someone that you can't even click a button that's already right next to your mouse?  maybe that's why you think trump could possibly be a more viable candidate than hillary.  fear of truth isn't a good thing, even if you are a scared conspiracy nut that thinks the Illuminati is out to get you.

Nov 7, 16 7:43 pm  · 

And what bearing does one being on board the forum have on the topic at hand? Before you jump the gun, babs was the one who brought it up.

"fear of truth isn't a good thing..."

Oh my...this goes beyond delusional now. You do see the irony don't you? That HilLiary's supporters continue to support her despite her laundry list of character defects and scandals is indeed telling.

Illuminati maybe not but I sure as hell am afraid of the person pulling even the FBI's strings so yeah, I'd say my worries are grounded.

Nov 7, 16 7:54 pm  · 

FBI Director James Comey (Republican) announced Sunday that the agency hasn’t changed its opinion that Hillary Clinton should not face criminal charges over her email use.Donald Trump still says she's guilty and should be put in jail.

This is what "due process" would look like in a Trump administration.

Nov 7, 16 7:59 pm  · 

^ By then, the election would be over. During which, opinion over said candidate is skewed.

Maybe it's just me but seems rather convenient. With evidenced stack against her pile after pile, remind me what's so wrong about throwing her into jail again?

[EDIT]: 50 bucks on Comey stepping down quietly (no doubt generously offered) sometime soon after Hillary takes the iron throne.

Nov 7, 16 8:04 pm  · 

there is this really funny line in Hunter S Thompsons book "better than sex" about the first Clinton election running for president. he and the rolling stone journalist squad or something went down to meet Bubba (aka Bill Clinton) in Litte Rock in a diner ".....he had all the signs of clinical schizophrenia." Now take the line from the recent Clinton documentary on MSNBC or CNN (one of those) where Hillary tells her loved ones she is moving Arkansas to be with Bill who she said will be president someday.....not sure what I am getting at yet!

Nov 7, 16 8:22 pm  · 

I think we all know how Director Comey's computer analysis of the new Clinton emails worked:

"Siri, is there anything in this new email archive which might force me to reconsider not wanting to put my life in danger by recommending prosecution of the Clintons?"

Nov 7, 16 8:23 pm  · 

didn't Comey have to investigate the Clintons like 3 times now? i imagine he is sick of it

Nov 7, 16 8:26 pm  · 

It's got to be really annoying to him to keep finding copies of his own suicide note in those files.

Nov 7, 16 8:28 pm  · 

gwharton , you're embarrassing yourself by buying into these outlandish conspiracy theories. You're almost as bad as cadomestique and archietechie 

archietechie -- if Comey's in Hillary's pocket, why would he need to step down after she takes office?

Nov 7, 16 8:44 pm  · 

Yes bimbs, I get you. Whatever that doesn't disagree with you is outlandish. #logic

Ohhh maybe it's because he is caught in an awkward position to either do his job (as you kindly quoted) or face the queen bitch's wrath but it's just a theory. Care to wager?

Nov 7, 16 8:51 pm  · 

^ I don't wager with the incoherent ... it would be unfair.

Nov 7, 16 8:54 pm  · 

why would this group of emails be any different than all the others?  they've been at this for years.  nothing's come of it.  we know that.  it's not going to be different this time just because you're paranoid and have no grip on reality.

here's an idea.  quit pouring over all communications hillary's ever had trying to find something newsworthy.  invest the time, money, and lawyers into screening mitch mcconnell to the same degree.  of course if there's a phone call he doesn't have recorded, send him to jail right?

comey is probably going to lose his job when hillary gets elected.  the position is appointed by the president.  aside from that, he's obviously no longer qualified if he's using his position to influence the election.

Nov 7, 16 9:00 pm  · 

^ Surely you jest? If those emails weren't "any different than all the others", then why didn't HRC open the case for investigation instead of withholding the documents until this specific timeframe of the polling period?

"if there's a phone call he doesn't have recorded, send him to jail right?"

Aaaaaand hyperbole to the libtards' rescue again! How you managed to equate the severity of half a million classified emails to that of an unrecorded phone call is truly beyond me.

Glad we're on the same page on the final point try to enlighten babs tho, I hear truths help soothe the mind.

Nov 7, 16 9:11 pm  · 

not a jest archie.  there hasn't been even a little bit of evidence suggesting this is any different than what's been happening over and over again for a really long time.  doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity.

who else has faced this kind of scrutiny?  it's unprecedented isn't it?  even the nixon tapes weren't investigated as vigorously as hillary's email account.  the corruption is on the side of the people that keep dredging up the same shit over and over. 

bigger picture:

Nov 7, 16 9:35 pm  · 

Seriously. If Hillary Clinton had done anything significantly wrong the decades of right wing investigations and attacks would have turned something credible up by now.  They haven't. So it's either a. nothing prosecutable or b. illuminati.

Vapor trails as dissipation of mass mind control drugs, anyone?

I'm voting straight Dem tomorrow. Mitch McConnell *alone* is reason enough to despise the Rs, even without the thousands of other reasons they give us every day.



Nov 7, 16 9:45 pm  · 

You do realize that the argument for Trump to enter office is just to prevent shit like this from happening over and over again right?

Here's a perfectly logical explanation to the constant focus on the emails. The entire debacle and the handling of it is a joke and given the gravity of the situation, there is cause to be concerned (also why results from search algorithms aren't good indicators).

But ok, I'll meet you in the middle.

We could always talk about how HRC performed without a shred of integrity in her previous appointments, the clinton trust foundation scandal; or her having been proven to be funding ISIS. But nahhhh, I bet the general public would ignore who's actually responsible for all this and simply shed a tear or two, change their facebook #prayfor profile pics every time a bomb goes off in a city center.

Wash; rinse; repeat.

Can we please stop the cancer at its bud already?

@Donna - Going by that logic, james comey is innocent as he hasn't been  investigated/prosecuted even after the huge reveal days ago.

Nov 7, 16 9:52 pm  · 

Well ... in just a few more hours we'll know who has the largest popular vote and the largest number of Electoral College votes.

I'm sure all this senseless bickering will end then !!!!

Nov 7, 16 9:59 pm  · 

ah yes - the left-wing media will never report on the true architect of Obamacare - Killary Klinton.  And those e-mails that the FBI refuses to release will prove that not only was she in collusion with ISIS in creating this policy, but that their real goal is to infect our white american babies with autism and turn them into homosexual Mexicans.

Nov 7, 16 10:04 pm  · 

you're just making shit up to fuck with us now, kind of like situationist, aren't you archie?

Nov 7, 16 10:17 pm  · 

This thread is living proof that it's possible for some people to be educated beyond their intelligence.

Nov 7, 16 10:21 pm  · 

You do realize that the argument for Trump to enter office is just to prevent shit like this from happening over and over again right?'


I highly recommend getting off the internet and turning off the TV.  Spend some time out in nature, in your community, with your family, maybe doing something productive.  I think you'll be a lot happier.  The answer is not to blow the whole thing up - the answer is to give yourself a break from the information noise because you're getting really mixed up.

Nov 7, 16 10:35 pm  · 

that's where they get you with the microwaves situationist.  if you do go outside, be sure to wear your tinfoil hat so the brain waves don't mess with you.

Nov 7, 16 10:48 pm  · 

This election has revealed that there are still many who lack the tools to productively navigate "the information age."  What we are seeing are a lot of people continuing to have their world views shattered and they are looking for guidance to help them achieve some kind of resolution.  Unfortunately, they will look to anyone who offers the easiest path (i.e. xenophobia) - and they will create convoluted justifications for their path in order to avoid having to experience "cognitive dissonance" again.


I'm just pointing out when someone has veered into convoluted justification territory.

Nov 7, 16 11:39 pm  · 

what's the deal with glenn beck?  is he going to be a liberal now, or is this just a temporary thing where he just doesn't like trump much?  seems like he's going back on everything he's said over the last 8 years and he likes obama now?

Nov 8, 16 7:13 am  · 

prognostication; Trump by 5 points. 

Let the debate over the electoral college begin.

Nov 8, 16 7:28 am  · 

Voted for Hillary. I hope Trump cries on camera tonight.

Nov 8, 16 11:49 am  · 
won and done williams

I've got Clinton winning the popular vote by 2-3 points, but the electoral college being very, very close. If Trump somehow wins Florida, I see Michigan or Pennsylvania pushing him over the top for the win. Enjoy the returns!

Nov 8, 16 12:04 pm  · 

if hillary doesn't win by 10%, i will feel bad.  not the same as making a bet or laying odds, but there you have it.

Nov 8, 16 12:12 pm  · 

Trump Awakens a Sleeping Giant: Record Turnout for Latino Voters in Florida
The biggest irony of this election could be that Donald Trump, whose campaign was initially anchored in white anger over illegal immigration from Mexico, has mobilized Hispanic voters and driven record Latino turnout that could deny him the presidency.

In crucial Florida, 565,000 Hispanics had voted early as of Saturday, according to the Tampa Bay Times. Citing analysis by University of Florida political scientist Dan Smith, the paper said that number represents a 100 percent increase over 2012.

Nov 8, 16 12:29 pm  · 
won and done williams

babs, you are correct - the whole election hinges on Florida. I think the counterpoint to your quote is:

Slightly more registered Democrats than Republicans have voted in Florida thus far, but Democrats’ advantage is lower than it was at this point in 2012 ― and historically, more Republicans vote on Election Day in Florida.

Will be interesting...

Nov 8, 16 12:36 pm  · 

I love how the media all promote the assumption that 100% of those latino voters are voting for Hillary. Polls suggest they are pretty evenly split. Trump is set to win Florida, where he is dramatically out-performing Romney's 2012 results. There are LOTS of latino Trump supporters out there, especially in Florida. Just FYI.

Nov 8, 16 2:14 pm  · 

^Which polls suggest a pretty even split? 

Nov 8, 16 2:36 pm  · 

florida is 55% for clinton as of this post.  i'm sure trump has generated more favorable polls for gwharton to link.

Nov 8, 16 2:38 pm  · 

Thanks curtkram, I wasn't talking about Florida overall. I'm specifically asking about which polls suggest a pretty evenly split latino vote. What I've seen isn't showing anything closely resembling an even split for the latino vote.

Nov 8, 16 3:51 pm  · 
won and done williams

According to 538, she has a 55% chance of winning Florida. That is not a poll nor is it the percentage of the vote for Clinton. 

Nov 8, 16 3:53 pm  · 

For example:

Overall, the poll is showing an even split, but if you look at the ethnic breakdown it shows Clinton with a 40 point lead over Trump with the Hispanic vote (78 point lead with Black voters). It's the White vote that keeps it close for Trump.

Edit: I'll be the first to admit that is an old poll though. So, if gwharton has anything newer or more up to date that shows the latino vote split, I'd like to see it.

Nov 8, 16 3:54 pm  · 

This one is a little more up to date, but still shows a nearly 30 point lead among hispanic voters for Clinton.

Nov 8, 16 3:59 pm  · 

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