
Another portfolio critique request.

Heyo, I'm heading into my final year of my Master's and I'm hoping to send this out to some firms to get some part-time work.

Would love some feedback. Many thanks.

Feb 27, 16 7:16 pm

Church of Kayne.  nice project philosophically and a good sense of humor or observation of social ontology.

 good portfolio and the work is good, but what's more interesting are the quotes and writing.

for a job, the philosophy will be a hit or miss with employers.

Feb 27, 16 7:32 pm  · 

Didn't get to peruse all of it but you definitely need to use spell check.

Feb 28, 16 9:02 am  · 

Ninja - thanks for the kind words. As you noted, I have an obscure style, thus, I'm attempting to tailor the firms I apply to to suit.

Pv - Fair call. All sorted.

Feb 28, 16 8:24 pm  · 

Nick, your folio looks okay.  You might want to insert your physical models and the thought sketches you had to make yours stand out from thousands of folios that currently looks like yours.

Feb 29, 16 12:15 am  · 

Portfolio cover ..?? color and font choice??

Table of contents: why so many indents, looks weird, you can organize it through font size, italics, etc. Also is it necessary to put your name on every page

pg 9: I realize your portfolio has way too much text, no one will read it, or more than 10% of it if they are really interested in your stuff.

At this point I can't understand your project by glancing. Many employers will not spend more than a couple seconds on a page unless it is really impressive. You have some nice drawings though. Lack of quality line drawings though (or rare). Seems to be crowded by renders (but they arnt super impressive so you can get hired at mid tier firms for these). your rendered sections are much better than line drawings (but many firms need line drawings in the office)

pg 37, that font...

pg 41... why full spread?

overall rating 7-8/10

really think you should choose another font.

good luck!

Feb 29, 16 3:32 am  · 

Put it bluntly Nick, It's an average folio ( Melbourne Uni and Rmit standard i'm talking about here ) , I'm sure you've seen amazing works from your cohort.

There are lot of things that you could improve though , such as section. just one wonderful detail section that when someone saw it would say wow , that's it , the best section that you could possibly do not repetitive sort of style that you show us here.

Page 25. the tiny interesting diagram that should have been the hero of the spread not the render, be selective is what i'm getting at.

Mar 1, 16 5:15 am  · 

btw does anyone actually look at these? my experience was - PM at Vinolys hiding my view of portfolio with arm as he flipped through, HR person at Eisenmans across from me held portfolio cover towards me so I couldnt see what page she was on, architect in DC who did clubhouses for Trump looked at his HR person and said - did you look at this? indicating he was wasting my time (so thats a 5 second look to know I didnt do traditional)......years later.then i was interviewing - flip flip flip - tell me about yourself - and I made the grave error of allowing the interviewiee to talk about a project - i couldnt flip fast enough -some stupid spiritual reflection place. we hired her, she lasted a week, should of known better. so lately its resume only and show me a set of drawings.......i feel anyone these days can make fancy graphics.........havent participated in a portfolio review i a while, interesting based on those with the eye for it.

Mar 1, 16 6:25 am  · 

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