
Patriots...the architects of a dynasty


Two more wins and they are up there with the 49ners, the Cowboys, the Packers...D Y N A S T Y

Jan 16, 05 10:16 pm

give me a break and put down the pipe....4 superbowls in six years, top that and maybe, just maybe you can lick terry bradshaws 4 rings....

Jan 16, 05 10:27 pm  · 

the steelers will guard their dynasty next week.

the weak patsies will be exposed for the overachievers that they are.

Jan 17, 05 1:04 am  · 

you mean the steelers who got very lucky to
beat the jets? both teams have had great years...
the pats creamed the league's best offense...and the
same jets that the steelers just barely the first
steelers v pats game the pats had 4 yards running...
think that'll change...i can see the steelers winning, but
at this point i wouldn't bet against the pats.

Jan 17, 05 3:12 am  · 

ps: to be fair..bradshaw's steelers won their four
super bowls in an entirely different era...and with
totally different salary cap and free

Jan 17, 05 3:15 am  · 

Same goes for the 49ers winning in a different time. Even if the Patriots win another one it isn't any dynasty. It's just luck that they've gotten a good group of players - not a cohesive team unit that has played together for year after year.

Jan 17, 05 8:56 am  · 

A...simply not true...bruschi 9 years, andruzzi 5, brady 5, brown 12,
chatham 5, faulk 6, harris 4, izzo 4, klemm 5, johnson 10, mcginest 11,
law 10, pass 5, paxton 5, vinatieri 9...and a whole bunch of other players
that have been there for three or four years...they are the epitome
of a cohesive team that's core has been there for year after year...
many of those players have restructured their deals so they could
stay there...

Jan 17, 05 9:34 am  · 

"t's just luck that they've gotten a good group of players - not a cohesive team unit that has played together for year after year"

Just luck? you are totally wrong. Their superior management has done an amazing job at getting the right people in there and keeping them - a good portion of the team has been there for awhile (see larlarson above)

Your 49ner managament, on the other hand, has done a terrible job in this new era. They won't be able to contend for years now b/c of salary cap

Jan 17, 05 10:47 am  · 

betadinesutures - don't be a hata'

Jan 17, 05 9:14 pm  · 

beta - you also forget that the steelers made their run in an era before the salary cap forced teams to re-shuffle a lot from season to season. anyone that can pull of a run like they have (and i'm rooting for the falcons this year) is pretty impressive in my book. it's damn near impossible - look at where the buccaneers, raiders, panthers, etc. are this year, just a few years removed from being in or winning the whole thing...

Jan 17, 05 9:51 pm  · 

will someone please tell me how many big dollar free agents the steelers have on their roster? they have let more than three times whatever number you can come up with...

Jan 17, 05 10:14 pm  · 
larslarson're missing the point...the steelers won all
their superbowls when free agency and salary caps
weren't an issue...that's what makes what the pats have
done so impressive...they've won and been able to
replace players or restructure deals so that people stay
for five to ten years...

steelers are exactly a case and point team of why teams
don't usually dominate for a long period of time in this

Jan 17, 05 10:35 pm  · 

my point was your point my team has no use for free agents, look at my team since cowher has been there, i think 9 playoffs in the first twelve years of his tenure is something most teams, coaches and fans look forward too......perhaps a ring will cap this thing off, to me that is dominate, the pats have won two rings....big woop-de-do....

Jan 17, 05 11:07 pm  · 

pats have been in the playoffs six of the last nine years...
the superbowl three of those years...and won two..

i won't make lite of your team not winning since 80
and only going to one super bowl in cowher's same tenure
if you don't make lite of the fact that the pats have actually
won two...the steelers themselves have won four?...75, 76, 79, 80..
and been in five i believe?

i look forward to sunday to see how this game goes down...

and although the steelers don't necessarily have high priced
free agents..they do have, and have had, high priced players..
that team has not been the sister of the poor...

Jan 17, 05 11:30 pm  · 

name a few players that have demanded a kings ransom and the steelers paid? there aren't any. they are not poor they just don't pay for talent on the downside.

Jan 17, 05 11:37 pm  · 

the falcons!

its not in the playbook but it will be!

just as long as none of their players does their player thing with a hooker the night before like eugene did a few years back.

Jan 18, 05 1:23 am  · 


wait. if you were to live in atlanta (like i do) and your team were to win it's division in a sport (say, like baseball) for 13 straight years (like the braves have), and you only win the whole enchilada once, are you considered a dynasty? i don't think so. this is the difference between the braves and the yankees for the run at the end of the 90's. that yankee team could, legitimately, be considered a dynasty for it's time. the braves, alas, are not.

last time i checked, bill cowher has been in the playoffs 9 times, gotten to the conference finals 4 times, to the big show once, and he lost to jimmy johnson's rag tag bunch of drug addicts and now fox sports announcers. the steelers are not a dynasty. a very good team, but they can't close the deal.

and they won't this weekend either. big ben throws up 3 bricks and cory dillion runs wild. pats by 10.

Jan 18, 05 8:17 am  · 

oh beta - look at the last post. 3 picks. dillion makes the difference, and the patriots cover the spread.

whose dynasty were you talking about again????

(it's all in fun.... we got wiped up on the other side of the state, so...)

Jan 24, 05 8:10 am  · 

dillion did squat. we got our asses handed to us, but it wasn't the pats that did it, you can't make mistakes - 3 picks - and hope to win. the kid is young and with this experience i don't doubt he will be better next year.

Jan 24, 05 8:16 am  · 

beta - i agree with you about the kid. give ben a couple of years more experience and the steelers could be in as consistent a place as the patriots.

but, that aint this year. and i do think the patriot defense really made those turnovers happen. the steelers couldn't get anywhere downfield the first half. the second half (as shown in the box score) was much more evenly played.

Jan 24, 05 10:33 am  · 

it's all steelers next year... bettis will stick around for another season and big ben will have an another year under his belt. we''ll see you pricks back at heinz field for the AFC championship game. go eageles!!!!

Jan 24, 05 10:33 am  · 

"dillion did squat. we got our asses handed to us, but it wasn't the pats that did it, you can't make mistakes - 3 picks - and hope to win"

if you truely believe this then you know nothing about football. Dillion did pretty good against a great run d. I mean, he did score a td!
And the Pats tough, aggressive D forced the turnovers. There should have been 2 more picks on top of the 3 they got. It's not like the balls just fell into the Pats DBs.

The Pats are the epitemy of TEAM, and those who are disrespecting them and questioning their ability truely do not know enough about football to comment on it.

They just added another brick in the wall. One more to go!

Jan 24, 05 10:42 am  · 

this is exactly why football is the epitemy of communism. everyone does their job to the best of their ability and the body politic is successful. I have always seen Vince Lombari as an image of Karl Marx....

Jan 24, 05 10:46 am  · 

Go Philadelphia!

Just my $0.02

Jan 24, 05 11:06 am  · 

C.Dillon 24 73 3.0 25 1 that is his stat line, and without that 25 yd td run he was a non factor...

believe me i know about the game.

the bettis fumble, if he got the 1st down would have been reviewed and overturned, he was down by contact, and his knee was down. the one pick early was overthrown and tipped around, the second pick the defender made a good play and my receiver failed to break it up or make the tackle, the last pick was interesting because it decided nothing and was the same as the the reception that NE had and then had reversed - the same call should have been made that he did not have control. they forced nothing. having said all that, i stand by my comment earlier, you can't make mistakes and hope to win, the defensive holding against my def end in the third quarter was the difference maker, and could have been the really ahd NE on the ropes, but hey we had our asses handed to us....

like the cubs fans....wait til next year!

Jan 24, 05 1:33 pm  · 

"the bettis fumble, if he got the 1st down would have been reviewed and overturned, he was down by contact, and his knee was down. the one pick early was overthrown and tipped around, the second pick the defender made a good play and my receiver failed to break it up or make the tackle, the last pick was interesting because it decided nothing and was the same as the the reception that NE had and then had reversed - the same call should have been made that he did not have control. they forced nothing. having said all that, i stand by my comment earlier, you can't make mistakes and hope to win, the defensive holding against my def end in the third quarter was the difference maker, and could have been the really ahd NE on the ropes, but hey we had our asses handed to us...."

The Bettis fumble didn't matter, since he DIDN'T make the first down. The Pats D stood him up and set the tone right there and then. It's prob. why Coward didn't go for it on the goalline later in the game.
You are right, when you play a team like the Pats, you cannot hurt yourself with mistakes, but it's ignorant to think that Pitt. choked the game away. The aggressiveness and pure talent forced the overmatched Steelers into bad plays.
Ps. Pitt never had NE on the ropes. They had gained some momentum, but remember, they were still down two scores. That's hardly "on the ropes" my friend.

Wait till next decade....

Jan 24, 05 5:42 pm  · 

I just wanted to bring this thread back to the top.


Feb 7, 05 8:56 am  · 

i hate the patriots.

Feb 7, 05 9:46 am  · 
FOG Lite

I think it's time to bump this back to the front page. Bring on the vitriol!

Oct 15, 07 8:34 am  · 
brian buchalski

i [i]love[i/] the patriots! go team go!!

Oct 15, 07 8:39 am  · 

dynasty - until the rutine playoff collapse

Oct 15, 07 9:40 am  · 

i hate the patriots.

Oct 15, 07 9:40 am  · 

I will be truthful, I loved the Pats, and I still like them. Yet, I get the feeling that "Evil Empire" is becoming more and more applicable to them. Belicheck is starting to resemble this guy:

Oct 15, 07 1:18 pm  · 
brian buchalski

considering that the pats colors are red, white & blue and that insprired by the early american patriots, "evil empire" might be the perfect evolution. if only they come out with new black uniforms like so many of the other teams have done in recent years.

Oct 15, 07 1:43 pm  · 

well apurimac...the major difference is that the nfl has a
salary cap so they're spending the exact same amount
as every other they don't have a monetary
advantage like the actual 'evil empire' that spends 70
million more than it's closest competitor.

that's what makes them fun to watch for me...(that and
i grew up in boston when players like tony eason were
playing and the pats only bright spot was getting killed
by the bears in 86....and then again by the packers
in 96.) bellichek is starting to become the 2000s version of
the great's not a stretch to start comparing him
to lombardi, landry, etc.

Oct 15, 07 2:53 pm  · 

and i pretty much completely agree its just their so damn dominant! I mean alot of the guys that helped win them the Super Bowl a couple years back (Ty Law, Dillon, etc.) left and they still kick ass on Sundays and are a regular playoff team. Personally i chalk it up to team dynamic. Which is something the evil empire of the MLB (ahem:YANKEES) could learn imo.

Oct 15, 07 2:58 pm  · 

what is a bit insane is that they get players like randy moss for
virtually nothing. and he's showing what he can do with a quality
qb. if brady didn't overthrow him twice yesterday and he doesn't
get called for a minor interference call he has at least two more

this is the best team the pats have ever had imo. definitely the
best offense. their d is a bit slow at times...but they're playing
without their best d lineman right now. seymour is supposed to
come back next week against the dolphins.

what i like about the team is that you expect them to's
like watching the 86 celtics when they didn't lose two games in
a row...i remember those years and being surprised when the
team started just realize how rare it is to have a
team dominate their sport.

i mean they were one play away from going to the superbowl
last year..and they're far better this year.

Oct 15, 07 3:37 pm  · 
brian buchalski

as good as they dolphin often gives them problems...

Oct 15, 07 3:42 pm  · 

i set aside my afternoon yesterday to watch what i hoped would be a competitive, high quality game between the pats and cowboys. although romo and co hung in there for most of the first 3 quarters, they were clearly outclassed from the start. nevertheless, it was a pretty fun game to watch.

Oct 15, 07 3:45 pm  · 

it's possible puddles...but the 'phins are 0-6 and don't have
a starting qb..unless trent green comes back. both sides of
the ball are usually much better than they are this year. if
the pats keep up the trend of scoring 30+ there's no way the
dolphins offense will keep up.

ap- would've been nice to see moss catch one of those bombs..
that one in the corner of the endzone was close enough..but
his speed is still pretty amazing.

Oct 15, 07 4:22 pm  · 

it's kinda nice that moss isn't as cocky as he was a few years ago. i don't see anyone coming close to roughing up the pats. as a bonus, i'm loving all these teams icing the kicker.

Oct 16, 07 12:25 am  · 

apurimac, cut the emperor's cloak into short sleeves and you'll have belichick's sweet grey hoodie!

Oct 18, 07 1:40 pm  · 
FOG Lite

Forget cameras, think how unstoppable Belichick would be if he could shoot bolts of lighting out of his fingers?!?!?! I have a feeling that he'd use it too much on his own players during the week, though.

Oct 18, 07 2:09 pm  · 

Exactly, and I think Brady should have a Vader helmet.

Oct 18, 07 2:54 pm  · 
FOG Lite

Is Randy Moss Boba Fet then?

(cause he can fly? Rocket pack?)

Oct 18, 07 3:01 pm  · 

my man wilfork can be jabba the hut!

Oct 18, 07 3:18 pm  · 

woiuld that make T.O. princess leia?

Oct 18, 07 3:21 pm  · 

and I guess Matt Light would be chewy, since he is always talking about his moustache and has grown a pseudo-mullet

Oct 18, 07 4:56 pm  · 
bronson, architect/assassin

I'm so psyched about the Patriots this year that I might be able to hold back the tears if the Red Sox drop the f'ing ball in tonite's ALCS game.
I might be able to.

And the Celts? Oh snap. Ray Allen, Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce? It might be a good winter for New Englanders; especially those of us that've moved south of the Mason-Dixon. Ha.

Oct 18, 07 5:25 pm  · 

don't worry about tonight bronson...those boys know what they're doing! with beckett on the mound and j.d. drew on the bench, we're good to go!

Oct 18, 07 6:17 pm  · 

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