
Who Uses Archinect?


Hi Archinect-Users:

I'm a student at MIT conducting a study of Archinect for an anthropology class. As part of my investigation, I am trying to figure out who uses Archinect! Can you tell me something about:

- Yourself (without revealing your identity)
- Your Patterns of Archinect-Use
- Why You Visit

Thanks for your help.
You can read more about me in my bio. If you are interested in contributing to this study in a more personal interview, please e-mail me.

Dec 29, 04 4:17 pm

I am a Junior at Texas Tech University in the m. Arch program. I have only been using archinect for about a month, but I check the forum and news everyday to stay up to date.

Dec 29, 04 4:31 pm  · 
design geek-girl

I'm going into my 3rd semester @ F.I.T., matriculating towards my BFA in Interior Design. I browse the discussions all day long whilst "working" at my day job, which is completely unrelated to design. I visit because I'm borderline addicted.

Dec 29, 04 4:38 pm  · 

yalo, you should also check the archinect salary poll.

Dec 29, 04 4:43 pm  · 

entering interior designer position in nyc--recent college grad

mostly use posts/discussions, and to find design/arch related news threads... also j ust to keep dialogue with random design//arch people


Dec 29, 04 4:45 pm  · 

i've just completed five years of sci-arc (b.arch)...known about this site since i started school 5 years ago (when it still said "Pimpin architecture since..." on the browser window lurk once in a while... just randomly browsing the site...but today i had a question so i registered and posted...i really like reading the eisenman interview...

Dec 29, 04 4:53 pm  · 

-see profile
-5+ times a day depending on my mood...whenever I need a mental break...
-see the discussions/post...what's going on in the outside the walls of my office. Post here and there, try to contribute where I can.

Dec 29, 04 5:21 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I am an intern, 3 1/2 years out of school (B arch) in a mid sized architecture firm. I am on archinect several times a day (work and home) since I discovered it last summer.
I like archinect cause it is an active site. I enjoy the discussions because I don't really have another outlet for addressing some of the issues that come up here elsewhere. The set up of the discussions is easy to use and enjoyable to navigate. I dig the opinions, arguments and controversy. I also enjoy the off-architecture topics that come up in the threads and the links within. I like participating in forums where I have plenty in common with the other posters, yet enough differences to keep it real.
I have read a few articles and while they are good, they are not my main reason for being here.

Dec 29, 04 5:32 pm  · 

- intern architect, have M.Arch, been out of school 1.5 years
- depends on work-load/boredom, discovered archinect about 3 years ago...mostly just lurked at that time.
- i tend to be an internet-news junkie, and i like the idea of virtual communities. archinect is a great resource for news not only pertaining to architecture but other noteworthy issues as well. i also find it particularly helpful to hear about other people's experiences in other parts of the world and different spheres of the profession. archinect users provide a great wealth of knowledge (sometimes, with a grain of salt)

Dec 29, 04 5:39 pm  · 

freelancer in South America 31 y/o
BArch + diploma units in Nl & Jp,
single, caucasian, smoker, drink socially, libra, 5.6", 140 lbs, brwn hair, hazl eyes, spends more time in the PC than doing sports type of body.

now that i discovered firefox, archinect is always open in one window with many tabs for the topics, and i reload them too often to see if anyone has posted something

it cheers me up to find people all over the place on the same thing
same worries, same dreams almost

Dec 29, 04 5:57 pm  · 

- Sophmore undergraduate student at Binghamton University.
- Double Major in Art History (Pre-Architecture concentration) and Studio Art (possibly graphic design focused)
- I live in Bronx, NYC
- As of now I go on Archinect several times a day for the discussion board.
- I also read through other parts of the sites (galleries, news, features, etc)
- I visit to gain more knowledge of the field I hope to get into and because the site's content interests me.

Dec 29, 04 5:57 pm  · 

Architectural historian, working as a design assistant in a small firm (just the principal and me). Essentially filling the role of an intern architect.

BA Art History
MA Art & Architectural History
MA History
AAS Design Technology (drafting)

In the fall, will be starting an Architecture PhD program, if all goes well w/the admissions process.

Vital stats, I guess: female, white, 37 years old,

I started reading archinect when I was trying to decide whether I wanted to pursue an M.Arch. or a Ph.D.Arch. (and I *didn't* post asking what school I should attend, which was better, etc.!). So, at first I was reading a lot of the school blogs. Now I usually just read the discussion forum, because I've made my school decisions. I like to read about the days of other "interns" because then I don't feel so alone in my frustrations with work.

Dec 30, 04 9:03 am  · 

I ran across Archinect about 4 years ago when I was just starting to get my feet wet in the profession.

Basically an outlet for me to talk about architecture since at work it seems we only talk about business and design is an afterthought, if the client has $$.

I also go to area high schools to teach students about professions in architecture, all be it with my cynical perspective. On Archinect I enjoy trying to help others with their questions regarding college, etc.

Here I can get into political discussions beyond what my friends deem comfortable. That's always fun.

Dec 30, 04 10:10 am  · 

Oh, and I visit often to pass time on slow days in the office...or should I say slow years.

Dec 30, 04 10:11 am  · 

36yo sole practitioner and part-time instructor, two MArchs (one w/ a focus in urban design), work out of an office at the front of my house in a mid-sized midwestern city, married, munchkin on the way.

varies> sometimes once a week, sometimes refreshing every ten minutes as a drawing renders or doing paperwork.

entertainment, shared experiences, questions about business practices, keeping up with architecture news

love the images gallery. constantly checking 'latest additions' because of its brilliant randomness and because things are seldom fully identified.

Dec 30, 04 6:44 pm  · 

out of school for 1.5 years with M.Arch working at a small studio of 8 people or so.

check it at lunch, and at night on weekdays before i go home. would check it at home to, but no internet there.

visit because you can do so much here: look for competitions, vent about a shitty day, here someone else vent and realize you have it easier than them, news is awesome, and there are some very interesting comments all the time. image gallery is okay, but once in a while it has something special in it. the interviews are also nice.

Dec 30, 04 8:07 pm  · 

I am a foreign student,I counld learn language and arthitecture both.

Dec 31, 04 8:30 am  · 

B of Design in Arch, MArch I
3D, designer, architect, artist

visit mostly for pointless ramblings about architecture, but occasionally I come to offer any knowledge I have or ask some specific questions about the profession.

I am here almost every day (love killing time while computers render :-)

Jan 1, 05 8:04 am  · 

Thanks for all your responses! Keep them coming!

I'd like to hear more personal details (gender, ethnicity, and social affiliations) and more about what Archinect means to you. (For example: What other media sources do you go to on a regular basis? How is Archinect a unique resource?)

Keep in mind that you can also e-mail me directly!

Jan 1, 05 11:55 pm  · 

check this .

Archinect is on my Safari toolbar - I visit way too much. I blame Paul. He is the walrus, goo goo g’joob.

Jan 2, 05 8:28 am  · 

-44yo white male (i'll apologize here)
-BS Arch, MArch, PhD (ABD) in planning
-practicing w/ small firm since 1986, licensed since 1990

-visit archinect once or twice daily
-started because of calendar/events information; returned because of this forum
-freeform discussion of professional, academic, and design issues is sometimes interesting and informed (sometimes not)

Jan 2, 05 12:52 pm  · 

M, 30, GSOH

Celtic communist wallowing in the decadent commercial abys of a free market democracy.

Archinect is a good way to cover many ‘Architectural’ issues, but it is just one information point of many. I would consider some of the time worthy of CPD points. Jounals are better. i like holding the glossy paper.

what's CPD?


Jan 2, 05 2:38 pm  · 

BFA in Interior Design School of Visual Arts 2004
i am an artist, an interior designer,a knitter and a chatter

currently working as a junior designer in a small hospitality firm and teaching an interior design workshop at nyu school of continuing and professional studies...

found architect while i was looking for a job after i graduate. i love the school blog section, since i am looking forward to going back to school for mArch. the news section and the link section is also fun. but lately i've been addicted to this board.... :)

archinect is on my safari tool bar

Jan 2, 05 3:20 pm  · 

- Im a third year student (aged 21) at the University of Sheffield, England.
- Studying for BA Architectural Studies
- White male

New user of Archinect, i tracked it down to use as an airing place for my dissertation problems, i now check it two or three times a week maybe more . . .

Jan 4, 05 8:14 am  · 

M, 30, BArch Penn State, MR+D(MArch) SCI-Arc...
typically check in once or twice a day to see what is going on. it allows me to see what is being discussed and pondered and what is happening globally.
I guess i've been on the site for 5 years or more now... (ouch, am i really getting that old).

Jan 4, 05 8:59 am  · 

31 yr. old married white female.
MArch and BA in Liberal Arts
5 years experience in firm.
active in the leadership of AIA, Young Architects Forum, etc.
Lead design on Library and Church projects.
Blog section does not interest me much -- once out of school those things have less importance.
I find the Week in News to be the most interesting part of newsletter.
have logged on to the salary poll in the past, but no other areas of archinect

Jan 4, 05 9:27 am  · 

I'm an “intern architect” at a firm that does public architecture in the suburbs of Boston, MA.
graduated from Iowa State with a B. Arch. in '99.
31 y.o., fm.
Doing personal research on a new type of school construction.
I visit this site once a week or so, to check up on the news and sometimes to visit the blogs. I also enjoy the image gallery and the event calendar.

Jan 4, 05 9:59 am  · 
Jon K

Currently an architecture student (M.Arch 3rd Year) at Columbia.
Graduated (BA) from Singapore.
Worked in London, UK for a year.

Jan 4, 05 10:34 am  · 

- 28 y/o Latino Male in Miami
- Bachelor of Design, about 2 years out of school
- Work fulltime for a 25+ person firm

I discovered Archinect last summer while researching jobs and began to re-visit more and more. Currently i'm applying to MarchI programs and have been visiting more and more since discovering the school blogs. They came in handy as well as a lot of the other threads. Recently i've been straying from the threads a bit to explore the rest of what the site has to offer.

Jan 4, 05 10:54 am  · 

I'm too am an “intern architect” at a firm. Primarily contemporary design office (small 3+ people) located in Laguna Beach, CA.

M.Arch - The Bartlett, UCL
B. Arch. - Woodbury University

32 y/o. M

I visit this site once a week or so, to check up on the news and discussion forums The image gallery is good from time to time, but primarily the outlet it provides us to discuss issues that otherwise go bump in our own heads, without any rebuttal and/or support.

Jan 4, 05 11:35 am  · 
Stephanie Dean

MFA Photography Columbisa College Chicago.
BFA Photography California College of Arts and Crafts (now CCA)

I visit the site once a week, look at new books, discussion topics, don't post often as I am only a connisseur of architecture and thought.
An architect friend of mine introduced me to the site. It's too important to ignore. I like the news, books and event calendar. Weekly email updates are actually nice to receive from this site.
I guess every Chicagoan has an interest in architecture.

Jan 4, 05 11:49 am  · 

37yo male in seattle. M.Arch. work for myself. vist archinect daily.

Jan 4, 05 11:51 am  · 

34 y.o., male, Charlotte, NC architect, recently licensed.

I work in a 35+ person firm where we plan and design just about everything, accept hospitality projects. However, we design more public than private projects, more commercial than residential projects. Interns, architects, and partners are involved in early design through construction administration.

I think that I stumbled upon Archinect from a coworker's email. I visit intermittantly and, time permitting, seek out the features, news releases, and photos.

Of all the automated emails that come to me from various sources, I actually look forward to this one. It reminds me to take a look at what's new on the site.

Jan 4, 05 1:12 pm  · 

I am a recent grad 5year BARCH. Have been working for the past five years part time. Only been working since June of 2004 after graduation.

I work in a small mid town Manht. firm. Form the Caribbean plan on continuing my Ed. Wants to move to London in five years, but plan on getting my license before I leave.

Jan 4, 05 1:35 pm  · 

Have the following education:
-Architecture Diploma
-B. Tech. in Construction Management
-IT Diploma

Live in Vancouver, BC, Canada
Am self employed

- I check Archinect at least once a week
- I visit because it's a great location to contact other professionals in the industry from all parts of the world

Jan 4, 05 1:43 pm  · 

im a recent grad of penn M.ARCH, now working in a manhattan firm.
i found archinect a while back, and i check it about once a week from work to a) procrastinate (duh) b) stay up on what's going on news-wise and book-wise and i read the forums for fun!

Jan 4, 05 2:46 pm  · 

i am a "she", i moved to US (for good) from graduate school in europe, i will graduate ( BArch) this spring. i alredy have two arch. jobs in cambridge and boston (2 days in each) and i work from home as well.
i like the discussion grup very much and the image gallery.
i joined archinet 2 weeks ago.

Jan 4, 05 3:59 pm  · 

24 y.o. Latino male
Just graduated from IIT last May. Working for Crate & Barrel as an "entry-level" architect. Been pimpin architecture with archinect since 98. Didn't start posting and create a profile till this year. Always was too busy with school but enjoyed browsing news and catching some eye candy. Since I got a corporate job I browse through articles on and off all day long. Looking mostly to find what I don't have here at work. Creative, thought provoking projects. Also, keeping in the loop as far as archi-related subjects. Guess I want to pretend I'm in school still.

Jan 4, 05 6:12 pm  · 

48 year old principal 8 person residential firm in baltimore washington, dc. usually check in because of weekly email receipt. younger associate mentioned existence about 1 year ago. interesting, but the young spin reminds me of the true pain suffered in the attainment of the degree and registration. Architecture can be an engaging, rewarding, contribuatory endeavor at all levels. Break the cycle of criticism, individuality, low self esteem. It's teamwork, leadership, and mutual support. Grow archinect!

Jan 4, 05 9:16 pm  · 
koen froyen

Hello I'm a 1 st year B. Arch student from belgium. I got to know archinect from the designsite "" I come here mostly to search for nice photo's and interesting articles. I'm also really fond of books and bought several of archinect s recommendations.
I hope to start an internship abroad in a couple of years...
now: busy studying and finishing the 3the project this year. Portfoliosite in couple of weeks.

Jan 5, 05 3:57 am  · 

I: Male, 30, MArch, project leader, Amsterdam, using archinect since two years.

I read news and discussion forums, occasionally use the link section for reference.

I visit during coffee breaks in order to keep up-to-date with what's happening on the american architecture scene, to help people out with questions, and contribute a tiny bit to the debate. Not interested in gossip and bs.

Jan 6, 05 8:34 am  · 

Architect, Male, 27,
working in medium size office,
Graduated one year ago

On archinect since 2001
Visit mostly for news feed, and 'Hi all you fancy graphioc lovers'
3-7 times a week

Location: Denmark

Jan 6, 05 6:05 pm  · 
liberty bell

registered architect, female, 37 (38?), white
work in medium size office in downtown Philly
found archinect from, which one of my students pointed me to, about 3 years ago

check the RSS 2-3x/day, follow links to maybe 50% of the stories posted

totally addicted to discussions, check in a dozen times a day at least

I love virtual communites, they are easier than face to face friends in a lot of ways! And I think all architects have some shared attitudes that I love to see reiterated in others' postings. Makes me feel warm and fuzzy and (arch)connected.

Jan 6, 05 11:25 pm  · 

male "intern architect", 24 yrs. old.
B.Arch from Wentworth Institute of Technology this past May, currently looking at grad school programs with an emphasis on guerilla work (MFA at CCA, etc.)
currently stranded in Western Massachusetts, looking to get back into Boston or over to California

turned onto archinect approx. 4 years ago by a professor of mine that got his M.Arch from SCI-Arc - claimed that Paul was at one point supposed to make the webpage for a firm he and a friend started out in Cali.

I check the discussions way too many times a day from work, according to my friends I'm trying to convince myself I'm still in school and Archinect is one of the side effects of that. When "Hi all you fancy graphic lovers" was moving full steam, I check that thread every 30 minutes or so.

Jan 7, 05 6:41 am  · 
Dazed and Confused

- Yourself
Architect in the middle of the god forsaken desert. No heritage. No traditions. Free to be me free for all.
- Your Patterns of Archinect-Use
drunk is the most fun
- Why You Visit
real people in real time get sick of my blabbering on and on and on . . .

Jan 10, 05 12:19 am  · 
David Cuthbert

28m, West Indian (not too sure if race is...wait that's another discussion forum)

M.Arch since 2001 - I think
working on a rock in the middle of the Caribbean, rebuilding "everything" since ravaged by the volcano...quite an extensive portfolio since being here 3 years

you want my waist size too??? Ok no...aight

I try not to use archinect, granted I nearly quit when it was removed as my homepage by the computer department. I keep going back to archinect to see response...I used to think I spoke too much - not allowing others but I see Javier, Pat, Ward and the inpregnable le Bossman have me beat on that one (good attachment Cameron)

Jan 10, 05 10:54 am  · 

24 yr old / mexican(american?) / male
graduated with B_Arch from tulane university_new orleans 2003
work for a small firm doing mostly commercial work in austin, tx

i found archinect randomly sometime in 2000-2001
try to visit at least once a day
while in school, it made me feel more connected to the outside world
now that i'm out, it makes me want to be back in school

Jan 13, 05 10:38 am  · 

21 yr old/female/typical European mutt
5th year B.Arch student from the University of Southern California
work for a construction company, but have worked for three arch firms in the past

I found archinect not too long ago... I check randomly throughout my workdays when the massive stacks of drawings overwhelming my cubicle threaten to overwhelm my mind as well. I just want to keep up with the industry and see what's going on in the world, ask people's advice on stuff.

Jan 13, 05 10:48 am  · 

-27yo caucasian male
-US born, bred, educated.
-6 year professional level architecture degree, University of Cincinnati
-Certificate in Historic Preservation
-5.5 years experience including 2 of co-ops.
-longest stay at one firm, post graduation: 3 yrs.
-not in a huge rush to get registered....i don't feel i'm quite ready.
-current job title is "project designer" in 7 person firm.
-archinect gets checked 10-20 times a day...its perhaps my most valued form of stress relief. I learn something new every time i visit, and its often even about Architecture....Bonus!

Jan 13, 05 10:57 am  · 

-24 yr old American male
-1.5 yrs working at 40 person firm (intern architect)
-workaholic & possible alcoholic
I visit Archinect to stay abreast on news, get specific knowledge from discussions, & as another form of inspiration through images, literature, building technology & travel.
I frequent archinect three times a day on average, more if involved in a discussion, etc.

Jan 13, 05 11:43 am  · 

-24 year old american male currently in my fourth year of my B.Arch
- i use archinect to look for new jobs b/c mine sux-we use R14
- i like to look at the blog projects eveery so often to see the level that other schools are at compared to mine.
- the discussions are my favorite part-ill never forget a specific thread"hi all you fancy graphic lovers" this thread had some serious controversy for a while-the thread that never died!!!
- the discussions keep me involved in the architectural realm of the world
-the first time i used archinect i found a thread that had a 3d drawing of manhattan with 3000 layers
thanx - archinect
-if i ever had a question about model building, cad drawings, pic taking, --- i found my answer here!!!

Jan 13, 05 1:50 pm  · 

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