


I think a lot of architecture students are alcoholics. In my first 3 months of grad school, I've experienced more people salivating over and craving beer than in four years of undergrad. I see dudes pounding JB while drafting, chugging 2 beers mid afternoon on a Tuesday, or drinking Jack on a bus ride. It's a little frightening. I mean, yeah school blows, but come on dudes.

Dec 7, 04 7:32 pm
j lotus

I honestly believe that I have the best ideas when

a. i'm in the shower
b. walking home
c. had a few beers

look at how much brain power and hours we put forth on some of our projects, you gotta give it some moments of relaxation or 'alternative stimilus' here and there

Dec 7, 04 7:35 pm  · 
le bossman

i am probably a borderline alcoholic, but i'm not sure if that is as a result of the architecture life as much as the fact that i never get sex. i am also really, really good looking and entertaining, and single.

Dec 7, 04 8:04 pm  · 

I totally agree with the shower comment. I bike though so I'm watching out for fat Philadelhians driving like assies. I also come up with ideas while pooping. I think it has to do with NOT being in studio.

Dec 7, 04 8:07 pm  · 

forget the alcohol, who's got the weed?

Dec 7, 04 8:34 pm  · 
Ms Beary

As soon as i put on my sweatpants at home I start to sketch. I do this maybe once a week. The problems I encountered during the day go away and the design just flows. Sometimes I drink, makes it FUN. If the firm knew, I bet I'd get fired. I take my sketches in the next day and hide them till I get them Cad-ized.

Dec 7, 04 8:39 pm  · 
j lotus

I also come up with the best ideas and usually work out the design while lying face up in bed. not a good thing. I think I have done complete redesigns in my head while trying to catch a few zzzzzz's, and of course you have to get up and go back to the sketchbook...

strawbeary..that is great stuff, put ye ol' cad filter on the sketches to get them 'office worthy' and into the project...

Dec 7, 04 9:22 pm  · 

Weed and Speed
is all you Need

Hey that's a new Starkasuim

Dec 7, 04 9:43 pm  · 
Ms Beary

have you ever noted how in a dream you design and occupy a space simultaneoulsy and instantaneously?

or, in STARK's case, when you got Weed and Speed?

Dec 7, 04 10:44 pm  · 

thats a really cool realization - in fact it is just bad ass! i hadn't thought of that. sweet.

in general-
yea - architecture seems to enhance the use of recreational drugs for the use of relaxation and creativity...

could be the excessive workload or just that to an extent architects like to indulge in extreme highs and lows - there is kind of a rush i get from coming up with ideas and then continuing to work them out into a formulated design - a type of elated satisfaction

kind of like things that are addicting, drugs, sex, music etc. that good elated feeling - i don't get that from writing though


Dec 7, 04 11:43 pm  · 
Carl Burdick

it seems to me that the students at my school who tended to be heavy drinkers, also had the worst projects.....

Dec 8, 04 12:00 am  · 

hmm...actually I just got back from the bar. of course I just printing out my thesis so I guess i can do that a little impaired. I kept at least 2 shiners in my fridge all semester. Just enough to keep the edge off when I needed it.

Dec 8, 04 12:10 am  · 

first couple of years of shool it was jb and weed who was my best friends and than crystal meth saved my ass from alcohol. i menaged to deliver good projects throughout and was totally buzzing presenting my final project to eric moss and the celebrity jury under the influance. i had a body in the back signaling me if i was talking too much. project was praised and i graduated.

Dec 8, 04 12:15 am  · 

yea exactly what xacarix said

the worst students are the drinkers ie: ha ha your thesis bfrels

were you drinking when you misspelled that word on your boards...
just kidding man good job i am proud of you!!
- i need to keep writing - i am impaired by attention deficits

Dec 8, 04 12:17 am  · 

College was a calendar of bar specials. I often remember walking from studio to the local campus watering hole for last call. Sometimes if I got a really bad crit in studio I'd head out for a cold one.

I also design in the strangest places. Once was in a dance club at 3am, all sweaty and boozed up, when the ideas started flowing.

Dec 8, 04 12:36 am  · 

BEER???? You pathetic weak rookies! try doing angel dust, shooting insulin and 10 sudafed pills chased with absinthe all at the same time. Feels so good.

Dec 8, 04 1:41 am  · 

my grades went downhill when i began drinking...hehehehe...but it was well worth it.

Dec 8, 04 8:21 am  · 
Ms Beary

can you still get real absinthe? i picked some up while in Amsterdam, but didn't feel like an impressionist painter when i drank it if you know what i mean. perhaps it was absinthe flavored. or i didn't have enough.

Dec 8, 04 9:07 am  · 

absinthe:you can order it over the internet i think, or make it...

drinking: i'll just echo what le bossman said

Dec 8, 04 9:40 am  · 

not sure if they still make absinthe with wormwood. that's the stuff that makes you crazy - literally.

Dec 8, 04 10:34 am  · 

I think this is the case at every architecture school. My school in general drank a lot, but most people partied, while the architecture students mixed drinking and working. I don't know if this makes them alcoholics, but it does make you not part of the architecture subculture if you chose not too.

Dec 8, 04 11:50 am  · 

Louis Sullivan was found dead in a closet with an empty bottle of Booze.
Even the best are tormented by poverty, stress, and self loathing.
It's a shame a life of architecture isnt always as illustrious as the lifestyles and buildings of our clients.

Dec 8, 04 12:08 pm  · 

loads of stress, loads of work, humans' natural way of reacting is drinking. normal. so bring it on.

mind you, i had 4 pints, quick stop in the uni and now we are going back to the pub. big fucking deal.

hey, i'm drunk!

Dec 8, 04 12:15 pm  · 

hey,if you're not a borderline alcoholic, you are probably not working hard enough.

Dec 8, 04 12:16 pm  · 

i think that drinking (though this by no means is an excuse) is just part of the nature of being an architect. it seems like every day is a "rough day" or to some degree stressful, and sitting around with a stiff drink, and a pack of american spirit lights is how we unwind.

i was talking about this yesterday with some colleagues as we met for happy hour drinks. it isn't that we need to drink (nessecarily) we just enjoy it. and it isn't that we are alcoholics, we just abuse alcohol. i really do think there is a difference. we obviously are all competent in our jobs, and its not like we blow off work to imbibe.

Dec 8, 04 12:20 pm  · 

Alot of architects I know smoke pot like Bob Marley.
They swear by it - helps with the creative process, and easier on the liver.....

Dec 8, 04 12:22 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

I remember pulling all nighters with the doors locked in the studio someone would like up, everyone would get high

But seriously i kept a bottle of Johnnie Walker (blk not red) in my cubby through grad school I just kept an account at my fave bar and stopped there to and from the studio...allowed me to focus when i was at the studio/bar.

End of school though we used to go up on the roof get high with the lecturers - no would i went back to school to teach

Dec 8, 04 12:33 pm  · 

is this turning into a weed vs. alcohol thread?

because i am all for the gange too

Dec 8, 04 12:36 pm  · 

humor aside, please watch your drinking. it can eat away valuable productive years, disillusion you and eventually can cause personality conflicts with yourself and others. i always admire people who can have a couple of drinks and go on with their posture. i can't. so i stopped five years ago without the help of AA or any other group and that was the best decision i've ever made. alcohol was a demon for me. i still inhale pot, cigarettes, i am medicine cab curious and will not say no to any nose candy if it is occasionally offered. but alcohol is a lot of liquid for internal organs to process and causes big demage in time. i've had friends and family who died or suffering from it more so than h & speed.
* note on working while under the influance;
don't get obsessive with the task. you will go around and around and when you sober up, you will not like what you have done or it will not look as the way you were thinking about it. spare the the waste, just write down the thoughts. writing is more telling and usefull next day.
my quarter..

Dec 8, 04 12:50 pm  · 
sam sung

My best ideas come to me when I am on Viagra. Seriously, it really feeds the creative process. It keeps you awake to some degree too, without making you edgy like coke or speed do.

Dec 8, 04 1:26 pm  · 

I think Mr pimp minister nice is high too... Check the chef boyardi thread...

Dec 8, 04 2:11 pm  · 

I've always found music to be more inspirational than alcohol;
I have used alcohol extensively, however, as a therapeutical tool.

Dec 8, 04 2:27 pm  · 

Fuck that. If you have to get hopped up to do good architecture, then I'm out. Physiological damage isn't worth $30000 a year to work 80 hours a week.

Dec 8, 04 2:32 pm  · 

i kindof agree with hasselhoff, i smoked weed in undergrad, i remember coming up with this kick ass idea, putting it on paper, being so proud of it, then waking up the next morning and thinking what the f@ck is this piece of sh@t. it sounds and looks good at the moment, but how many of the designs you guys come up with while drinking/puffing, actually make it?

Dec 8, 04 2:41 pm  · 

right to the point ... psychedelic drugs especially make colors of objects more vibrant and objects around more beautiful than they normally are ... drugged up for relaxation is one thing, drugged up to stimulate inspirations is like sluggers taking steroids and the impotent taking viagra ...

Dec 8, 04 3:42 pm  · 

Stimutacs make colors more vibrant, food tastes better. Well I haven't eaten for 3 days but this AIR! It's like a koala crapped a rainbow in my brain!

Dec 8, 04 4:10 pm  · 

i have one word for you...

Dec 8, 04 4:11 pm  · 

I got some absinthe in Berlin over spring break. Its really not all it's hyped up to be. You can buy it on ebay. Its usually disguised as a "collectable" bottle.

Dec 8, 04 4:21 pm  · 

fuck this architecture business! Im making bathtub absinthe and selling it on Archinect!!!!!!

Who wants some?

and unlike the tshirts, you dont have to worry about your overly inflated big architect head not fitting through the head hole.

Dec 8, 04 4:39 pm  · 

Talking about tshirts, I just did my 200s lame post.

Dec 9, 04 4:52 am  · 

"The intermediate stage between socialism and capitalism is alcoholism. "
Norman Brenner

Dec 9, 04 12:04 pm  · 


the first step to happiness is to lighten the fuck up. "hopped up?" who are you, richard nixon?

Dec 9, 04 2:19 pm  · 

Hopped up is an awesome word. You're a douche.

Dec 9, 04 3:27 pm  · 

here's an even better one for ya dconscience:
"Work is the curse of the drinking classes"
Oscar Wilde

Dec 9, 04 3:32 pm  · 

the best is to design completely sober and work your ass off for a period of time and then get off your head on booze, blow, pills and whatever you can get your hands on after an important presentation or submitting a competition. the feeling of liberation and achievement is so good i always feel like treating myself to some crazy substance abuse after that.

Dec 9, 04 3:48 pm  · 

"hopped up" is in fact two words, angry guy.

Why don’t you just focus on your work instead of bitching about how your classmates unwind? I’m sure they’re not sitting around feigning concern about how uptight and self-righteous you are.

Dec 9, 04 4:45 pm  · 

you can get everything you need and/or desire at the supermarket.


Dec 9, 04 5:57 pm  · 

yeah, about the supermarket, when do you expect the meat and potatoes of the site to be up? so far i can only get to the employees link.

Dec 9, 04 6:20 pm  · 

its in the works... there will be some work up by the beginning of next week.

-n 0010

Dec 9, 04 6:28 pm  · 

supermarket - i usually don't bother returning to a site that is under construction on my first visit. when people promote their site before it's finished, it's usually because it's never going to be finished.

"employee of the month" - can that be found in the cheese section?

Dec 9, 04 6:34 pm  · 

ouch, take it easy.
the site looks promising, but yeah, do take it easy with the promotion until the site is up...
just my opinion

Dec 9, 04 6:39 pm  · 

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