
American Arch. Jobs for Europeans?


So I've been working at this NYC firm for the past 18 months and been noticing that now that the economy has slightly picked up, we've been getting new hires. No problem with that.

However, I am deeply disturbed by the fact that the last five new hires in the last six months have all been Europeans. This is in no way a firm run by Europeans, but whatever happened to hiring people that are actually from the damn country, or at least went to school here? I don't see anything special about the work they produce, and think what if it were me that needed a job. I was unemployed for over a year, and hate the idea of losing a job opportunity to Euro-trash.

My question is...why is there such a fetish for Eurotrash in nyc? From talking to other friends, it seems like this is a trend. Are they being hired for super cheap labor? Are they really contributing to the design culture? I have yet to see it. Is the H1 visa really that easy to obtain? Someone please enlighten me.

-Frustrated American

Apr 5, 11 10:27 pm

Does your company only work on local projects? If so you may have a point.

If your firm also does international projects, then you need to treat yourself to a nice warm cup of shutthefuckup.

Apr 5, 11 11:01 pm  · 

I am neither from US nor Europe so I wont take sides but is it really necessary to call them "Euro-trash"? What about the other side of the coin, Im sure Americans go to europe to get over seas experience, hell they might think americans are taking all their jobs. As far as I know its pretty hard to get a visa for the states. Would you prefer it if everyone stayed and worked in their own countries? works both ways my friend.

Apr 5, 11 11:13 pm  · 

Last I checked Connecticut, Maine, and New York were part of the USA.

If we did projects across the Atlantic I could see hiring them, but it takes serious effort to teach and train them on software, not to mention time out of my management schedule.

Even so, if the projects were overseas, the client could just hire someone from Europe. Just because a firm gets a project overseas, it doesn't owe any form of gratitude to the locals.

Apr 5, 11 11:17 pm  · 
St. George's Fields

New York City
New York
City of York.
City of York, North Yorkshire.
City of York, North Yorkshire, United Kingdom.


Apr 5, 11 11:18 pm  · 
creativity expert

take it easy on the guy rusty, hes got a point, we've all seen it. personally back when the times were ok and we all had jobs I didnt care that only a handful of people were actually from the city of Chicago or its suburbs, and i got along great with most of those europeans, indian, japanese, chinese, and all other people who were not from Chicago. Who knows? I've always thought that anglo americans have an inferiority complex towards europe, but oh well, what'cha gonna do.

Apr 5, 11 11:27 pm  · 
"Just because a firm gets a project overseas, it doesn't owe any form of gratitude to the locals."

Way to miss the point.

Architecture is a truly international endeavor. It's been that way since antiquity. If it weren't for international projects, american companies would have been even worse off during this recession.

Third of my graduating class went off to find international positions.

Perhaps you're one of those Americans who's never had a need for a passport. Fine. One of the biggest perks of finishing architecture (that we seldom mention here) is the relative freedom to go work around the globe.

Perhaps your company is hiring euro-trash because it's cheaper. Or maybe they want a diversified pool of talent. Or want their name to be known beyond Connecticut or Maine.

Anyways, it's rich euros who are probably the only ones left that can afford to live in NYC on an architect's salary.

Apr 5, 11 11:34 pm  · 

they took our jobs! (in the south park voice)

i think the underlying issue is that architects have de-valued themselves (see just about any thread EVER started in the last year or so - i won't belabor the point) so we're all just shifting around, trying to leverage what edge we can find for a job.

it is harmful to our profession (and humanity?) to engage in any of those kinds of prejudices. i understand the frustration, but doesn't this land really belong to the Native Americans anyway? if we want to get technical about it, i am guessing you are european too, but your family has been here a few more generations.

Apr 5, 11 11:48 pm  · 
Apr 5, 11 11:51 pm  · 
St. George's Fields
Apr 6, 11 12:21 am  · 
creativity expert

is that chart painting the picture within architecture? it is so black and white. which jobs is this chart referring to?

Apr 6, 11 2:48 am  · 
St. George's Fields


Apr 6, 11 2:58 am  · 
creativity expert

jobs in general, you're excluding many other races in your racial chart, and what do you mean by robots? what hard data did you use for this illustration?

Apr 6, 11 3:06 am  · 
St. George's Fields

I used data from YouTube comments.

Totes legit.

Apr 6, 11 3:11 am  · 
St. George's Fields

Plus everyone knows the all Germans are secretly cyborgs. I mean.... have you seen their porn?

Plus, Brazilians aren't taking anyone's jobs but the internet claims they are Euro-Mexicans.

Apr 6, 11 3:13 am  · 
creativity expert

I see ok time for coffee. its interesting you say euro Mexican, I know what you mean by that, and i understand this thread has totally jumped ship, but just as a technical note ill inform you of something a well educated person already knows, The Mexicans are actually native indian/spaniard its been so for the past 500 years, thats why there are white Mexicans. Though there are people of european descent living in Mexico. Just as a note because rusty's poster reminded me of this.

Apr 6, 11 3:22 am  · 
St. George's Fields


Apr 6, 11 3:23 am  · 
creativity expert

well im not that old, couldnt say if you were right or wrong, but what makes you say that?

Apr 6, 11 3:29 am  · 
St. George's Fields

Duh... that's the year that Mexico rose from the ocean after Superman dove to the bottom of the ocean and pulled it out thereby solving the United States need for a place to dump garbage and provide cheap labor.

Everyone knows that.

Apr 6, 11 3:35 am  · 
St. George's Fields

But then we rediscovered Nigeria and India after hundreds of years of not realizing they existed.

However, advanced Mexican scientists found a way to genetically engineer tequila plants that grew car parts in their roots.

That discovered vaulted the automotive repair and DUI lawyer industries into infamy!

Apr 6, 11 3:38 am  · 
creativity expert

yikes, didn't know i was talking to a person that hated Mexico,though your comments looked suspicious. ok on to the next thread.

Apr 6, 11 3:43 am  · 
St. George's Fields

I'm actually Neuvo Mexicano.

It's like regular Mexico except that we eat wheat-based products and our cheese is yellow.

Apr 6, 11 3:45 am  · 
creativity expert

last time i checked the border states are where the hotbeds of anti Mexican movements are at, i wonder how they treat Mexican/Americans? did u hear of that lady i cant recollect her name, she was some kind of prostitute turned minute man vigilante, she killed almost an entire family except the mom lived and called the cops, pretty creepy, living out there close to the border i must imagine.

Apr 6, 11 3:52 am  · 
St. George's Fields

New Mexico is surprisingly liberal despite being a state that has enough thermonuclear and nuclear weapons to split the planet in half.

Apr 6, 11 3:58 am  · 
St. George's Fields

Also, someone thought it was a brilliant idea to bury thousands of tons of nuclear waste into the caldera of the second largest super volcano on the planet.

Apr 6, 11 4:00 am  · 

cool ... me Eurothrash (from Old Europe)

Apr 6, 11 7:52 am  · 

Here's what I sense after working for a few international firms over the years:

*Europeans coming to the US on an international visa makes them exclusive to the firm sponsoring them. The firm doesn't have to worry about them "jumping ship" for better wages when things get better.

*Instead of laying them off, firms simply won't renew visas.

*Statisticly, I think they are more apt to work for lower wages than their US counterparts.

Apr 6, 11 8:20 am  · 

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