
Crazy names


Archinect houses a wonderfull collection of crazy names.
I didn't need to make up one, my parents already gave it to me...Rutger, non-Dutch speakers usually pronounce it like rggtrgrhgrgg.
I wonder about the other crazy names on archinect, where do they come from? Why did you choose the name you chose???

some examples:
Pimp Minister Pete Nice
Devil Dog
Evil Mayan Midget God
Minimal Animal

Nov 9, 04 12:49 pm

after seeing the type of architecture being produced in the areas surrounding metro Detroit a small band of architectural students decided to christen these monstrosities with a name...that overbearing style was called realcrapism. Realcrapism was short lived due to the changing economic state of the us and its impact on the manufacturing community in Detroit. alas realcrapism had died, but only to give birth to a new style...neo-realcrapism. Neo-realcrapism lasted about two months until the architectural students tired of debating it on a daily basis.

Then came the enlightenment of Post-neorealcrasm. A movement for the ages. an idea that related directly to the people that encountered architecture on a daily basis. it spoke to the masses on a sensual level.
what Michael Jordan is to basketball is what post-neorealcrapism is to architecture. the small band of architectural students rejoiced in a small secluded bar as they, for the first time, saw the true strength of what is post-neorealcrapism.

and that is why I call myself a tribute to the small band of architecture students still pondering the idea of architecture over a glass of wine and shots of tequila

Nov 9, 04 1:24 pm  · 

If the glove fits......

Nov 9, 04 1:54 pm  · 

what a gas.

Nov 9, 04 1:58 pm  · 

a cunundrum seldon discussed and even less seldom understood

Nov 9, 04 2:51 pm  · 

its how i cut my hair...

Nov 9, 04 3:59 pm  · 

This is just my actual name. My dad's family are German. Before they immigrated to the US a few hundred years ago it used to be Zerfas but got changed to Surface.

Nov 9, 04 4:29 pm  · 

I guess mine was just what we, and I, enter here in this warm grey box.

Nov 9, 04 4:44 pm  · 
Pimp Minister Pete Nice
Nov 9, 04 5:17 pm  · 

nothing to do with the act of killing...

Nov 9, 04 5:22 pm  · 

this went to wrong post.
'abracadabra' was a mistake. but its okay now.

compiled meaning:
The archetypal voce magica, a magical word. Despite popular myth to the contrary, it is of non-Jewish origin. It has no known semantic meaning. It was used as a charm, written in the shape of a triangle on a piece of parchment worn round the neck, and was believed to have the power to cure toothaches.

magician abracadabra


a horse named abracadabra

a book


please don't forget,

Abracadabra, Your Money Is Gone
Associated Press
Thursday, January 30, 2003
BETHLEHEM, Pa. (AP) -- A woman who says she bought magic wands from a self-described psychic to erase negative thoughts says $5,400 of her money was all that disappeared.

Nov 9, 04 6:59 pm  · 
Sergio Lopez-Pineiro

raton perez is the spanish, from spain, version of the tooth ferry.

Nov 10, 04 1:40 am  · 

Medit its a short name for Mediterranean.. in Archinect v.01 I never posted twice with the same nick until the last couple of months when I adopted that geographical alias...

Nov 10, 04 4:34 am  · 

fcuk you I don't have to explain my name just because everyone else is

Nov 10, 04 4:39 am  · 
Jordan Lloyd

Jay - Its my name. im so boring.

Nov 10, 04 8:56 am  · 

InstrumentOFaction: in typical wordy fashion, here goes. I am a big Forget Cassettes fan and I was stimulated to do a bit of research on the term. I found a lot of good stuff, and the term has been used throughout history in many different ways. Its an organizational theory term on one end of the spectrum and was a 'spiritual' reference to Ghandi. ....While i'm not a spiritual person per se, nor a very well organized one either, i loved that tension and what the song means to, my screen name is an homage as much as a simple personal statement.

“We are all Instruments of Action, I’m not scared to fight fire with fire, I’ll burn all my bridges down”.

Prayer is not an old woman's idle amusement. Properly understood and applied, it is the most potent instrument of action.
*Mahatma Ghandi

Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one's weakness... It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.
*Mahatma Ghandi

Nov 10, 04 9:46 am  · 

its where I live.

Nov 10, 04 11:48 am  · 
Minimal Animal

Because I am one...ha ha

Seriously, I have a strong preference for minimalism and simplicty...

and "animal" clubbed onto "minimal" just seemed an interesting play on words....

I wish I had some deep deconstrcutivist meaning....but nope...its just plain old humour...

Nov 10, 04 12:01 pm  · 

Its a nickname given to me by a "31337" friend of mine because I was always using graphic and CAD programs. He said that I was "whoring out a pixel for all it was worth" and started calling me a pixel-whore. Started using it when I'd post on Macserialjunkie, and its been my forum alias ever since.

On the old archinect I was Jedi413, which was my obsession with Star Wars added to my area code.

Nov 10, 04 12:39 pm  · 
Devil Dog

thanks for calling me out, though my name isn't as creative or elablorate as others, it is deeply personal to me. Devil Dog refers to the name the Germans gave the Marines they battled at Belleau Wood in WWI.

. . . "Belleau Wood is also where the Marines got their German nickname of "Teufelhunde" or "Devil Dogs" for the ferocity with which they attacked the German lines. An official German report classified the Marines as "vigorous, self-confident, and remarkable marksmen..."

Being a Marine has profoundly influenced who I am.

Today, coincidentally, is the Birthday of the Marine Corps. 10 November 1775, Tun tavern, Philadelphia. Tun Tavern

Semper Fi

Nov 10, 04 1:24 pm  · 

meh. so boring -- two scottish clans marry and the first born son gets the mothers maiden name as his first name...

sounds like a bad 'highlander' premise, but true - there can be only one.

/cue Queen soundtrack....

Nov 10, 04 1:35 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

I used to be dc on archinect v. recently. Something with the new version denied me use of that name or my many others (archinechnophilia, mad_architect, etc) so in an attempt to describe myself in more simpler terms for the "_____" I went with what you see below.

Quite simply it is Jamaican + Architect = jam-arch = me

Nov 10, 04 1:48 pm  · 

"A-F" used to be "artsy-fartsy" on archinect 1.0. I took it because of several art-related discussions that I participated in back then, although I never felt comfortable with this stupid name. Even as an acronym it's still annoying me. I might change it soon.

Nov 10, 04 2:04 pm  · 
Pimp Minister Pete Nice

Does that picture show up for you guys? My posting of pictures is giving me an ulcer and bad indigestion.

Nov 10, 04 2:10 pm  · 

very funny!

Nov 10, 04 4:29 pm  · 

I usually went by "created by" or "your name" depending on which browser I was using in Ver. 1.0.

Mum has a double meaning.

I got into a discussion about architects as single parents in 1.0 with someone from the UK who addressed me as "the mum with the kid". Being a closet anglophile (love the british TV shows), I decided to take the name when we had to identify ourselves. And I thought it was appropriate to be "mum" about my true identity.

Nov 10, 04 4:48 pm  · 

TED; a metaphor -- a poor substitute and excuse for a half ass union busting airline built on the excuses and result of a nation that seeks to set out an endless crusade to clear the world of all the terrorist pulling down the economy of once a strong nation that seeks to globalize the greater corporate image growing out of strong initial ties to the the thatcher / reagon marriage of the 80's with lady maggie breaking the coal miners union and king ronnie killing the air traffic controllers; the start of the least thats what i was told.

what was really a surprise to me was once i searched on the urban dictionary for TED and was quit shocked.....

Nov 10, 04 4:49 pm  · 


What a painfully beautiful word. It oscillates and mediates between wounding and healing. What a kind cut-fecund in all its possibilities.

And its better than “FLUX” which is so 2001 passé.

Surely Steven Holl, Rem and countless of poor souls have used the word “suture” as project springboard.

Nov 10, 04 5:17 pm  · 
Evil Mayan Midget God

Typically I post under my real name (I'll never reveal my true identity !) Evil Mayan Midget God is my alter ego. The name actually came from another poster and another thread. I can't remember who or where but it was some warm fuzzy archi-spiritual thing. The poster (fess up if you're reading) was referring to the profession of architecture as having or embodying (??) Duende, which means ‘spirit’ (oh and evil mayan midget gods, look it up). I couldn’t resist.

I created this alter ego with the intent of using it to be a little salty, you know, juvenile and vulgar in a v1 sort of way. But alas, my throbbing intellect can barely be contained and I often find the Midget God expectorating gobs of pure wit and raw intelligence.

Nov 10, 04 7:02 pm  · 

Oh guess what...I'm French for real.

Nov 11, 04 5:08 am  · 

"A" is for a$$hole. That nickname was given to me in my college years for "cock blocking" a drunken dumbass. Somehow it stuck.

Nov 11, 04 11:07 am  · 

'Steven' is derived from the Anglo Saxon word 'stefn', meaning 'Clamor' or 'Outcry'. The 'Steven Ward', then, is the place where the rowdy, noisy mob are institutionalized to keep them away from all the normal polite people.

Oh and, yeah, it's also my name.

Nov 11, 04 11:46 am  · 

BOTS - teenage nickname -acronim

Balls Of The Stallion.

Created in response to some daring / stupid tom-foolery of youth.

No, I don't have horse like testicles!

Nov 11, 04 12:13 pm  · 

I shake 12 times more than the average person

Nov 11, 04 2:31 pm  · 

giglioroninomicon is from Aqua Teen Hunger Force.......... the robotic ghost of christmas past proposed that to be the name of the aqua teen's villain squad.

Nov 12, 04 1:45 pm  · 

because architects are knowledge junkies, in general, they live fast lives and must apply their knowledge in a rapid fashion ......hence.... the birth of scooters

Nov 12, 04 5:12 pm  · 

because becca, becca11, and becca becca were already taken

Nov 12, 04 10:31 pm  · 

my mom told me she considered naming me lars...
and my last name is it amused me that
my mom almost decided to subjugate me to a life of
ridicule or something so i use it...

i plan on naming any son i have spectacu or angu or
ovu or periphe....

and i too hummed 'isn't it ironic' to anti's post...

Nov 12, 04 10:49 pm  · 

ok so periphe doesn't make sense...

Nov 12, 04 10:51 pm  · 

Gustav... Gustav Nilsson, what imagination! Sounds Skansk, but ancestors from Belgium... Waloon.
In a past life was American Indian "He Who Runs Around Camp With No Pants". I would like to punish those past life parents.

Nov 13, 04 8:46 am  · 

hey, it's not my fault, i have to use my real name for the blog thing...

my mother is half english, so she wanted to keep part of the english heritage thing going and gave me not one, but two english names...the second being anthony. yeah, you can call me tony ceccanti, and if that aint a ganster name, i don't know what it.

being italian, the surname is italian, i believe originated from a town on the tuscan riviera.

it would be bigness, as the bigness not considered as an aspect in architecture, as St. Rem said. i want to be his bitch.

Nov 13, 04 11:19 am  · 
Blind Pew

I can't see well and I stink like eggs. I occassionally give out a black spot too.

Nov 13, 04 12:47 pm  · 

i prefer the "barry manilow: lola" over "the kinks: lola"
i prefer the "jacques demy: lola" over the "r.w. fassbinder: lola" or the "tom tykwer: lola"
jacques demy-----v

rw fassbinder-----v

tom tykwer-----v

Nov 13, 04 3:48 pm  · 

jacques demy-----v

rw fassbinder-----v

Nov 13, 04 3:50 pm  · 
le bossman

when i was younger i used to call people bossman. they started calling me bossman, and then i became the bossman. i haven't been able to convince any new people still call me that, probably because it seems egotistical.

Nov 13, 04 6:13 pm  · 

time to dust off this classic? (feel free to crucify me if you disagree)

Oct 10, 05 9:13 pm  · 
Ms Beary

it's actually my cat's name, who was named after my mom's strawberry patch because when he was really little he followed me up there and wasn't much bigger than the strawberries and he had quite a perserverence to follow me around at that age so he stood out and I took him with me to live. The 'a' changing the spelling is because he is a teddy bear cuddly cat. We just call him Bear sometimes. I don't have strawberry blonde hair or love strawberries or anything.

Oct 10, 05 9:25 pm  · 

diabase = the intersection of my obsession with etymology, geology and architecture.

Oct 10, 05 9:31 pm  · 
Ms Beary

the real strawbeary

Oct 10, 05 10:02 pm  · 

mauOne, mauricio in spanish my name (maurice in english) and well……my lack of originality

Oct 10, 05 10:28 pm  · 

Tadpole, because I know nothing and I have a lot of growing up to do. At least there's some hope in the name!

Oct 10, 05 11:18 pm  · 

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