SDG Architecture LLC

SDG Architecture LLC

Tucson, AZ


Sabino Road baptist Church

Many churches, with properties located within the more urban portion of their city, find themselves landlocked, without many options for growth.  Sabino Road Baptist Church found this out, and asked SDG to help figure out possible solutions.  Through the processes that the city of Tucson require, the congregation has been able to develop a master plan and future new sanctuary for the existing campus.  This new facility will allow for more seating, in an amphitheater format, and allow the worship ministries expand and utilize better equipment.  A careful blend of flexibility without creating a black box effect is used

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Status: Built
Location: Tucson, AZ, US
Firm Role: Architect, construction administration
Additional Credits: Roshelle Stahl, Luke Robins, PH Mechanical, Balda Electric Consulting, G&J Development, AV Innovations