Eric Charette

Eric Charette

Berkeley, CA, US


Madera Hollow, Dogpatch, San Francisco

In the Development Studio instructed by Frances Weld (San Francisco Giants) and Kristen Hall in the Spring 2022 semester, students were asked to propose a development project for an underutilized SFMTA site located in the Dogpatch district of San Francisco. Each proposal required to consider the best urban design practices, regulatory constraints, affordable housing requirements, public opinion and financial feasibility.

Each team presented in front of a jury composed of industry experts, including Jonathan Rewers, CFO of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA).

Final grade: 20 / 20 

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Status: School Project
Location: San Francisco, CA, US
My Role: Team Work
Additional Credits: _ Ashiyr Preston
_Joseph Mutter
_ Blaze Syka
_ Andrew Staziuk