Dion Art

Dion Art

Cleveland, OH

The purpose of this art installation, positioned prominently at the entrance of the restaurant, is to reinforce the establishment’s brand. Designed to make a memorable first impression, it aligns perfectly with the restaurant’s commitment to elegance and creativity, welcoming guests into a world where art and dining converge.
The purpose of this art installation, positioned prominently at the entrance of the restaurant, is to reinforce the establishment’s brand. Designed to make a memorable first impression, it aligns perfectly with the restaurant’s commitment to elegance and creativity, welcoming guests into a world where art and dining converge.
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Restaurant “Veranda”

Introducing a breathtaking art installation that embodies both innovation and visual splendor. Constructed from premium stainless steel and finished with a luxurious automotive paint in a rich golden hue, this piece is further enhanced by a multi-layer varnish that ensures it captivates all who see it. Standing at an impressive 7 feet tall and equally wide, the installation is anchored by a potent RGB light embedded within its core.

This hidden gem springs to life as evening falls, casting a wide, luminous glow that transforms the environment into a magical tableau of light and shadows. This installation not only enhances the space but also serves as a dynamic fusion of light and form, crafted to ignite inspiration and admiration.

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Status: Built
Location: Kiev, UA