Dion Art

Dion Art

Cleveland, OH

Seeking innovative approaches to enhance halls and lounge areas, the specialists at DION crafted the stunning «Magnolia» This piece was developed as an artistic solution to bring a unique and visually appealing element to any indoor space.
Seeking innovative approaches to enhance halls and lounge areas, the specialists at DION crafted the stunning «Magnolia» This piece was developed as an artistic solution to bring a unique and visually appealing element to any indoor space.
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The "Magnolia" installation, a masterpiece by DION, features a majestic 12-foot Magnolia tree, intricately sculpted from metal. This artistic creation is skillfully painted and protected with a multi-layer varnish, preserving its timeless elegance.

Adorned with 160 handcrafted glass flowers, each bloom reflects the exceptional craftsmanship of our artisans. These enduring glass blossoms embody the essence of spring, ensuring the Magnolia remains in perpetual bloom, bringing a touch of nature’s beauty to any space.

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Status: Built
Location: Cleveland, OH, US