Dion Art

Dion Art

Cleveland, OH

The “Aqua Arboretum” installation was conceived for a major park and entertainment complex, intended to grace the entrance with a welcoming display of trees and flowers. This innovative design seamlessly integrates the organic forms of plants with natural materials, lighting, and water, creating an inviting and mesmerizing entrance feature. This arrangement is designed to captivate visitors from the moment they enter, offering a unique and striking interpretation of natural beauty combined...
The “Aqua Arboretum” installation was conceived for a major park and entertainment complex, intended to grace the entrance with a welcoming display of trees and flowers. This innovative design seamlessly integrates the organic forms of plants with natural materials, lighting, and water, creating an inviting and mesmerizing entrance feature. This arrangement is designed to captivate visitors from the moment they enter, offering a unique and striking interpretation of natural beauty combined with modern artistic expression.
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Aqua Arboretum

Lit from below by four powerful LED lights, each tree is bathed in a radiant glow that highlights the rich copper tones and creates an enchanting play of light and shadow. This visual display is both aesthetically pleasing and functional, with each fountain equipped with an advanced water filtration and disinfection system.

Measuring 4 by 4 meters and standing 2.5 meters tall, the "Aqua Arboretum" installation exudes serenity and artistic innovation, demonstrating DION’s expertise in blending the timeless beauty of nature with modern design.

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Status: Built
Location: Uman, UA