Dion Art

Dion Art

Cleveland, OH

The owner aimed to install the branded art piece at the entrance of the building to capture the attention of those passing by and drivers. The strategic placement was intended to enhance the building’s appeal and draw more eyes to the location.
The owner aimed to install the branded art piece at the entrance of the building to capture the attention of those passing by and drivers. The strategic placement was intended to enhance the building’s appeal and draw more eyes to the location.
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Polygon 55

The "Polygon 55," designed by the innovative DION team, is a striking 7-foot-tall structure crafted from durable stainless steel and painted in the signature colors of the 55 SQUARE brand. This impressive piece captures attention with its bold presence and design. A powerful RGB light embedded within the structure turns it into a vibrant beacon at night, illuminating the surroundings. The lighting not only highlights the sculpture's intricate details but also transforms the area into a dynamic interplay of light and shadow, offering an immersive experience that reflects DION's creative vision.

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Status: Built
Location: Cleveland, OH, US