Can Tuncok

Can Tuncok

Izmir, TR


Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Townhall (Option 2)

YEAR 2022
SIZE 6780 m2
KEYWORDS adaptive reuse, national architecture trend, epd verified

Paying homage to the architectural heritage of Izmir, the second project aims to incorporate the distinct attributes of the 1940s harbor warehouses that once graced the area but were later demolished. By channeling the characteristics of Turkey’s 2nd National Architectural movement, this design resonates with historical reverence and cultural significance.

The project pivots on an adaptive reuse approach, seamlessly integrating a two-story municipal assembly hall structure into the remnants of the bygone harbor warehouses. Carefully designed to harmonize with the historical city square ambience, the building’s silhouette refrains from overshadowing the iconic clock tower, maintaining the sanctity of the city’s skyline.

Parallel to this, the architectural competition process is also ongoing, with both designs vying for approval. Once finalized, this endeavor promises to revitalize the heart of Izmir, merging past and present, and serving as a testament to the city’s resilience and architectural prowess.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Izmir, TR