Aros Architects

Aros Architects

London, GB


London Road

Our proposed scheme for this large brownfield site in west London would provide a total of 155 much-needed new homes in several blocks with a range of tenures, including private sale, shared equity, social rented and active elderly.

The design challenge of residential developments of this scale is to offer a sense of difference and individuality for the occupiers without losing the coherence and identity of the overall scheme.

With that in mind, we have developed a ‘same but different’ design concept that employs a common architectural language across the range of buildings, but one in which the window size and position varies, distinguishing each flat from its neighbour.

The height and mass of the buildings changes across the site, as does the tone of the brickwork. The end-product is a scheme whose visual variety and stepped frontage ensures that it doesn’t overwhelm the streetscape.

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Status: Under Construction
Location: London, GB
Firm Role: Architect