Alec Pomnichowski

Alec Pomnichowski

New York, NY, US


competition entry - 2012 glow boston

Nature is confined to idyllic micro-sectors of urbanity. Manicured and manipulated;
the natural sphere mimics society’s innate expectations of a collective utopian -
urban vision. A nature only in spirit - Wheat-stalks articulates a time and place where
the energy of natural life is articulated through artificial light. A field of light speaks to
the technological and plastic world of our urban environment, a demarcation of
nature without nature. While it retains a markedly subversive undertone, describing
our clash with the natural world, the form and brilliance of illumination becomes
almost spiritual, allowing the passerby a moments reflection on the plant-life (wheat)
that isn’t, never was, and may never be.

The experience from inside looking-out, is a world enveloped by lights. A cocoon of
delicate illumination that conceals the built environment of our everyday.
Such a moment allows us to consider a world where nature is nothing more than
metal, plastic, wires, and lights

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Boston, MA, US